Art listings

Glasgow museums continued


lllll Slitl‘c‘t'tt“ Rth‘ld. .5 10am 5pm. £4.501£.‘~. children free.

Five Thousand Days at Sea An e\hihition on hoard the otin ('lydehtiilt sailing ship \[lll afloat iii the 1K. docuttienting her tlthk‘llllll'tN on the high seas between 1897 and 191‘).

The Story of Glenlee This 110“ permanent e\hihition proy‘itle\ an insight into what life was what. like for sea trayellers in 18% through a eotnhinatton of graphic panels. audio tt';t1l\ and reconstructed areas.

Story in the Stones tPtimphouxe Main Gallery). An e\hihition looking at the impact of the industrial ages on Glasgow harhour.

Morse and More tl’umphotixe Lou-er Gallery 1 A hands-on e\hihition. aimed at children. looking at the \yorld of commtmication.


littl\ct’\lt\ of Dundee. l5 l’ct‘llt Road. (11332 315W).

The Fleming Collection t'ntil Sat 7 Sep tl‘oy er tk l.amh (ialleriex: .\lon l'i‘i 9.30am 3.30pm; Sat 9.50am 4.50pmi. A major e\1iihition of paintings on loati from the l-leming ('ollectioii.

Dundee Print Open Exhibition 2002 l'tittl Hi 35 Aug t(‘ooper (iallery: .\lon l‘ri 9.50am J..‘~0pmi. A \ariety of printmaking including photographic. digital. hook form\ and lllt'L‘L‘-Lll111L‘11Slttlltll prints.

5‘) 0051. liaily 35 i; accompanied

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS l5: NL‘IltL‘l'gttlt‘. (ll 533 909900. lth \VL‘tl. Sat ck Stiti 10.30am 5.30pm; 'l‘hti & l’i'i 10.50am .S’pm.

Q Miroslaw Balka: tiedtothetoe Sun 35 Aug Stiti 30 ()ct. 'l'he l)(‘A hosts the llt'St matttt' \olo l'K c\ltthtlloti 101‘ the t'ctioyyiied l’olixh artist. .\liro\la\\ lialka. Working \yith content and material from the itiiittediate eiiyironment of l1l\ \llltlltt at ()tyyock. near \thl’xil“. Balka e\p|ore\ notions of memory and to“ Ill a Selection ofxctilpttirex. 111\l;lll:tltttt1\.tll‘;l\\l11g\;111tl \ideo \\Ul'k\. See pre\ ieyy. \? ?€'-“CI‘.'.. Gallery Talk: Katrina Brown Sat 31 .Atig. 3pm. IVA curator Katrina llrmyn (llSL‘ll\\L'\ the “ink of .\lit'o\la\\ Balka. 0.17 a Guide for the Perplexed: Little Poetry Magazines Hi 33 Atig Stiii 30(1ct t('entre for \l'llxl Bookxi. Aii e\|iihitioii looking at poetry atid art lt1;l_‘_‘.‘t/111C\ of the 30th century. Loss 8. Longing: Poetry Prints Sun 35 Aug Sun 30 ()et. A selection of poetry prints hy l)on l’aterxon in t‘e\poii\e to .\lit'o\la\y Balka‘x e\hihition Polnische Grafik Sun ‘5 Atig Sat 1-1 Sep. liint \t"‘11(ltlt’!lt;_‘ the l-‘dinhurgh liestiyal. graphic ittiagex e\ploritig

youn o alent@edinburghcollegeofart

Saturday morning

portfolio preparation 16 years & up art in the studio 10-14 years

4 day course@easter young talents

10-14 years


for more info call: 0131 221 6029

traditional attd iiinoyatiye printmaking technique hy eigltt l’oli\1i artists. NE.‘.'.’ SHO‘N.

Dundee Print Open Exhibition 2002 l'ntil Stiii 35 Aug tl’rint Sttidiot. A \ariety of printitiaking including hook forms and three-dimenxional prints.


Athert Square. 01383 433084. Mon Sat 10 10am 5pm; Stiii 13.30 --lpm: ’l‘hu 10.30am -7pm.

BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition l'ntil Sitti 33 Sep. .\'o\y iii llx eighth year. the popular \tildlife photography e\hihition featuring the \\ inning and commended entries.

To Look on Nature l'ntil Sun 15 Sep. Drau n from the permanent collection. an L‘\llll‘l11(‘ll e\amining the theme of \\ ildlife arid \\ ild em ironmentx including oils. \\:itereolotti\. (ll‘;l\\’lltf_'\ and photography. fezttttring Keith Brockie. Derek Rohei‘txoii. (‘olin (iihxott. lloratio .\lc('ulloch atid l’atil Sandhy.

Nature Photography for Business and Pleasure 'l‘hu 32 Aug. 5.50 (Lilltiltt. \Vorld tray eller Adatii Ritchie tll\\‘ll\\t‘\ the cutting tlpptil'llllllllt‘S for \yildlifc \ie\\iiig.

The McIntosh Patrick Award Wed 38 Atig Stiit 15 Sep. Annual competition iii painting. drayying and printmaking open to So Art tk Design \tudentx. \E


\VL‘SI llL‘lttlL‘l'Sttlt\Vy11tl.l)l533 3.35.333. .\loti Sat 10am —1pm; Stiii 11am 4pm. Wonderful Mechanical Genius l’ntil Stiii .‘t Not. £3. l’optilar e\liihition liUL'USlll‘L' 011 [he tL‘\lllL‘ ltct‘llttgt‘ 0i .IVQIASltlL‘.

Outside the Cities

lsle of Bute


.\louttt Stuart. 01‘00 5033.". .\lott. \Ved & liri Stiii 10am 5pm.

Sea Shore - Along Brendan’s Path l'ntil Mon .10 Sep. l)t‘a\yitig on the great Aitterican tradition of landscape photography. llittltith .lttSltlltt ('oopet' Pl't‘\L‘11l\ tieyy photographic \yoi'kx from the coaxtlitie of little.



15 Kelly Street. 01475 71503-1. .‘yloii Sat 10am 5pm.

The Mackellar Bequest l‘ntil Sat t) .\'o\. ()y er J0 \\t11'l\\ paitited hy late Victorian atid lidyyai'diati artixt\ hedtiexted to the .\lu\eum hy l’eter \lackellar. Nightmares & Utopias

l'ntil Sat 14 Sep. Ati exhihition of \york hy mainly Scottixh artixtx e\pi'e\\itig their \ ixiotix of the ttiodern \yorld.

St Andrews


()3 .\'ortli Street. 01334 474010. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Interface l‘ntil Stiti 35 Atig. A group \ll(\\\ of \mi'k hy nine contemporary artixts who all share a strong interext in science atid are currently undertaking collahorationx iii \cientilic research. Artists include ('lara l'rxitti. Michele l.a/enhy'. l.oui\e K Wilson. llideo litirtita and Alixtair Mack.

Scottish Craft for the Summer l’ntil Stiii 35 Atig. .\li\ed craft e\hihition \yith a distinctly Scottish theme including jeyyellery hy Melanie Allen. te\tile\ hy Andreyy lilliot tiietalyyork hy ('hrix Mann and glaxx hy liige l’atiiieeh.

That Gemmill Goal lit 30 .\tig Sun 3(1()cl. l)t‘\ l\L'tl by Alec l'lliltty and pockethookx. Hit/I (femur/ll (imi/ presents two participatiy e pt'oiectx in which young people from llayy ick hay e taken part iii and an iiiteractiye llt\l;tll;llltt|1L‘Clt‘l‘rl'ullltg park toothall atid the \\'or1d (tip.

Earthed: Vessels of Containment l'il'l 30 Aug Stiti 30 ( )ct.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities Arid Fun

Horse Drawn Tours Thu 22 Atig. Tue 37 'l'hu 3‘) Aug. 3pm. £4.50 (£3.50). l’eople\ Palace tk \Viiiter (iardeti. (ilaxgoyy Green. 554 0335. lake a trip tlc‘l‘ttSS (iltlxgoyy (ireen and learn more ahotit the hi\tory of (iltthtHL

The Glasgow Show Sat 24 Sun 35 Aug. Sat 9.30am (ipm; Stiii 10am 5pm. £71£3t; faintly £15. Victoria Park. Victoria Park l)ri\e. \Vhiteiiich. 0V0 1610133. floral e\hihit\. t‘tilllpclllltilh. art. children's entertainitietit. including family fayoui'itcs Bill and Ben. craft\ and more at thix family \litm.

Holmhills Big Bat Day Sat 24 Aug. 1 5.30pm «k ".30pm. ('atlikiii lliin School. \Vliitlayyhtit'n. (Hittihtixlaiig. (t-ll 1‘3 1. ll;111tl\—tttt actiy itiex Stlt'l1;t\ making hat ho\e\ attd hat kitex as \\ ell ax a ‘hat \yalk' at night.

Scottish Power Space Theatre Children’s Show Sat 31 Aug. 10.30am. (ilaxgoyy Scietice (‘eiiti'c. 50 Pacific ()tiay. ~130 5010. See photo caption.

Back to School for Summer! Sun I Sep. 3 3pm. l'ree. Scotland Street School \ltISL‘tllll. \ltl\t‘11111 ()1 lidttcatioii. Sc‘ttllttlltl Street. 3S"0500..1oin teacher .\li\\ lia\ter for a li\ iiig history claxx \et iti\'ictoriaii lllt1c\.;\l'1‘l\c l5 111l11t|lCS early to drth tip iii period CUSIIHIK‘ hcfore Seeing pt'op\. a genuine gax 111;1\l\ and the dreaded hell.


Minority Report 1 131 Sat .il Aug. Iptii. £3.35 tfaitiily ticket £‘1i,(ila\go\y l‘llttt 'l‘ltctlll‘c. l3 RUSC Street. 55.3 hl3h. Sec l‘iltii liidc\.

Human Body it’( i i'. Everest tt't: Dolphins it'i: Into The Deep if». time\ \ary. check l'ilm listingx tor \l1tt\\l11;_'ll111c‘\.LSlLASUI.lAlAX ‘l'llt‘dll'c‘. (il;t\f_'ti\\ Science (.L‘ltll't‘. 5i) l’acilic ()tiay. -l30 501 )0.

Outside The Cities

Activities And Fun

Go Wild! Kids Activity Day Sat 24 Aug. 10am 4pm. £1.50 for kids actiyity card. RSl’li Nature RL‘SL‘I‘VL‘. l.ttl‘g\ Road. l.och\\ innoeh, 01505 843663. A day of ftiii kids-oriented actiy itiex \et iii the great outdoors atid promising to he just as much ftiii for the young at heart. “and hack your actiy ity card for a surprise gilt.

Photo Portrait Workshop and Demonstration Sun 35 Aug. 1 4pm. liree. l.o\y Parks .‘ylttxetim. 13‘) .\ltiir Street. Hamilton. 01698 338333. Top 01% on taking that perfect photograph. Drop-in actiyity for all the family.

Little Boghead Family Fun Day Sat 31 Aug. 1 4pm. Free. little Boghead Nature Park. hy \\'hite\ide Industrial lixtate. Bathgate. 01501 833015. Wildlife ftiii day including \yoodland crafts. storytelling. nature traih and games. MSD Club Mon 3 Sep. 5 (ipm. £33 per term. liaxt Kilhi'ide Artx ('entre. ()ld ('oacli Road. l':;i\1 Kilhride. (H555 3(il(1(1(1.:\ \ei'y popular courxe for younger children t1\lllf_' 11111\lc. mug and dance to e\plot‘e a\pecl\ tiliScttlltt11tli\ culture.


Honk! Nut 33 Sat 31 Aug. Spin; Sat 3.30pm k Spin. £0 50 £15.50

t£".50 £S.501. Byte 'l'lieatre. Ahhey Street. St .'\11tll’L‘\\ \. “Iii-l 4H5ll(1(l_ Augu‘rl- yyiiintng musical comedy haxed on llanx (‘hi‘ixtian Anderxen'x ttiucli lo\ ed clawic liltr ('eli [hick/rite.

The International Purves Puppets lliggar l’uppet 'l‘lieati‘e. lit'tttlgltlttlt Road. 0189‘) 330051. £5 1£~lll family tickets £35 ck £50. Book l11;ltl\;111ck‘ ax timcx arc \uhiect to change. Reductions for pai‘tiex of the or more. Shoyy \ on offer o\cl'1l1c lic‘\l t\\o \y CL‘kx are;

Nessie Meets Morag Sat 2-1 Aug. 3pm. .'\j_‘c\ 0\ ct' 5'. XL‘\\lC the loch XL‘\\ 111011SlL'1‘ l1L‘;11'\ rumours of a strange intruder \y itlt a red heard atid \etx off oii an adyenture to man er the truth.

Pips and Panda in Circusland Sat 5| Aug. 3pm. Agex tip to ". Aii t111tl\ll‘.tl haxket \etx off a 111}\lL'1'1ttl1\ cliaiti of c\cltl\ lot the lttlltttlIS tltltt ;1\ [hey encounter .lifty atid .lafly the funny geexe and Sugar the dancing horse \yheii they \peitd a day at the circus.

Scottish Power Space Theatre Children’s Show Sat 3‘. A..._; 0.39am


tiara; .i wish -, :'~ l’.t."'.t' than. (Ethan's.

or email:

\eyy ceramic \york hy Kyi'a (‘legg. ~r"'. ~11 lt.l.:'. Ligw .1l‘l.t""i.l".i.'" :L'x .. I'lti n :Ii't‘t‘i'. I"‘S ‘1.

112 THE LIST x.’ X- .;