Rough cuts

Lights, camera, action . . .

HOLLYWOOD lN ITS HEYDAY "ad Warner Brothers. 20th Contary l ox and Paramount studios. out ll‘. {no 403; and {>08 H'liéilf‘ l‘ad l al'igi laik about l)a\.-rl ‘.<;-':;u:; Goliath: just as t"af [3;i>=i<:al tai-z: sav.’ tho .ii‘:l(:-'<i<;;; n tl‘t: day. so too tild iittlo l alind Studios. ‘.'.'h:(;h took on l>io(:kl)us:tind l-lollvwood

f!‘1(}()l‘.53‘.'.’ltll tho nonmgrown :Z()"l(1-(i‘€l'f3 tnaf inado tho company's name synoilyinous ‘.'."T"l 'augihtor. O". at ‘oast Faling; hora" itf; own. ‘.'.r’ill(lil :2; saying soniot'iiird when you're l)attl:ng for £iLl(lI(}l‘(I()E3 _::;<>d to watching " sstoncal (}()l(28. ologiac .'.<;-:;torn:; and stylish filrn noirs; r:a:;t th :vitornational stars.

ia, nd't; fin‘é; not only found the Hi". :3" oa'n'o flocking to their l:;::al i: ::‘.t.r<2 palaces. but found ‘3..f;(2(}53f;(it)?'(;(1(i. too. Back tnon

A treat for cinema lovers 1"‘97 ESTafl' () (Iiitiil'i‘ffd OH: 3'“? tlIISS‘. "'t.'.a<:a§.':; [Satan ()l‘l‘,

.vuL. (2.2mm as or ail, scores a oulismo

TALK TO\HER ("ABLE CON ELLA) and silent, staring at the women he knew all too briefly. Out

(15) 112mm ..... of these tragic circumstances a friendship forms between ' t the two men, which begins With Benigno telling Marco he i a f1, :;.i::r:<:-s;:; .5; ironic. .J 1st Pedro Almodévar Caballero is much admired for making must talk to Lydia. And this is ironic: Benigno's relationship as. int;- (:offagio wdustry took on films about women which have real insight into the fairer with Alicia was never reciprocal; he only watched her from t"-::~ "USE; {3"Z)(itlilf‘()l‘ "night o‘ sex. But the new film from the man who gave us the afar when she was awake and dancing. All of which begs l l:; ,‘.'.'<‘::d. so too dd its films altogether brilliant All About my Mother deals primarily with the question: which man‘s love for his woman is more real? ’t'ii"‘{i’. i§€> t'fa'. story: n \r“./"is;k\. men, specifically the extraordinary love they are capable of The melodrama is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. (3:‘:=::r<25 Oato' ll-;:- radcs; lavishing upon women (something Almodévar clearly Talk to Her is mature Almodévar; Spain’s most famous fl. £il‘(t(}'t; confound Customs; knows plenty about). filmmaker is on top form, describing complex characters Li'lLE l x<: st:- am l»". Pass; or? to Benigno (Javier Cémara) and Marco (Dario Grandinetti) and complicated emotional states in expert storytelling N”: no l :rr‘rdohmss rc-hcl against are in love with two women . . . both of who are fashion. Hum?" and country; Of course. hospitalised in comatose states. Benigno became a nurse From the gorgeous photography, design and music to the rust tillil'tlliil‘i‘. *uelltzzl such so that he could care full time for his beloved once—aspiring script and remarkable performances (particularly from i: ask, Eiti."l’.(;(l 13(}ll‘.!(I stores. ballerina Alicia (Leonor Watling). In the hospital room next camara, who succeeds in being both creepy and adorable N<:‘.'.a(la‘,i;, gluon H: min groyo‘g; door Marco visits Lydia (Rosario Flores), a female - no mean feat), Talk to Her is a flawless film and a treat for 1;; (mng :1 stagoiggmf; (my bullfighter who was butchered in the ring. cinema lovers. (Miles Fielder) (3m; 1 gy‘,‘ my“; am“: we

a / oar ‘. i/tsdolinys.

But where Benigno has lovingly, happily cared for Alicia I13" '. .- .' : .. ,. v. . , x .' " ~ 4 . A , [5.5" {iiil“:"f3’.l£it()l‘.7 and mt; night and day for the past four years, Marco sits depressed at? g .' 1 i ' ;;,,i:ia<: l.,§;f :ghgtkrfg; .15; (mm am

":>r‘t'rx.~:>:; t1: (:o'lsu'no.

C'.)"if§t..'“(l'. (I()l‘.i§\l.'“»(}. (“OWE-ES "(T

;: ': ' t: ." "gm-u ;' "‘{i'w’ii'f ‘13" l a'i":i stvlo r! "‘ '- 2 ' -' l ' \ILL'YHEUOES{tlt\,‘l“()t‘(}.Al“10"‘(27ii " l '-:.-a:;<:n to E;(}(3 {'10 soai‘kad

l i = ' 3 i' 17 " 5> L” .’l'.;‘; of filX of' l al:";;'s host

" 1 .z' ' 1 "vi it»? i adult/Mo's. Km: Noah's am: ' J (,‘o'onofs. I'ho / (wonder flu/f 3' 'P ' ' " 1701:. li‘o tho l‘./l‘..r'.‘o ' i 8.x. {7..ti'."(31‘.'.’(‘, montionod

151? ' " '- =' 37*" '9‘? giltoxt} izla‘. "g; at tho (Yang/roux

H H " l ln‘ li‘oatio from, l-".da\' .30 ' “7‘ /\.i;;..t:t. ‘i\/1.Il(?i; l ioldoi - ' ' . l’ l‘ 2"

Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast’s wet dream ; " i" : . .x : “a”

lANlASY _ ‘(‘V/_'M / .‘ l‘ . z-ytl~- '-l - ixqw RV REIGN OF FIRE » w i . -v .. -. . . .1 .. .i t. (1 Hi1: . i 2":L-I. ‘1' :' 1.. :' .. ,.\ 1 ,. ,A: :

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l'ioinoinlxrr that old adage: 'omr ‘.'..:l‘ t'w’: l,~'f:f}'. grist-9' :1 i 32:. " .' r r: "1‘ '\ : any: Jl‘dfl‘i' ('1 “(Wk li‘,’ if; (1031,47 \.".":'l. .'.'Itl‘. N4!“ 57/ Il‘. ain't" (it: : l .' " --: -'. :l .1 .if :--'.i'<x;:‘.: all Ill(: (:aroful thought that {)()(:f; into am: a ll at 1-.“ ‘, ' ,2 i " .;' : 2' "1.:‘..:'-_-'.'i.~;-

tht; ‘.'.'a\,' that book con/ms; look today. diagin'vu (affirm; “in” /; fir." t l2 " ' ~."', 1 ' " t't .::: thotruthrstl‘atoulilis;l‘<;ié;aivltnm tl‘vrnlnr‘x:i'i.#.."i, ‘r-“ll‘. 7‘». l. 1 x 2.3 t"-,-' iiiar'kt;tino tuann. actuali, do '.'./an'. :if; tl’illfH-M l’a' .ai‘~-':'_, :' i. " -. ' "' "T 1' ' 'iiwf‘ 21:42.2. to Juddt; hooks if, thm motors. Y<:f the l"'.’ ’il,:i'.'i'<t.i’il . If". a i " y : '.' -- 'r ~ :‘. : -.-w.:..~:va~° fir;

(:ffort that if; lll‘.”ll‘.’t:(t l.'l l}()l'ltill(_] i'lt: )rjigiu' u 1:3?" :'-- l", :' : 1 v 'c .' 'w " ;' l_ll.i l

public towards our; ()éiltl<;tl|;1t (Junk '77 fig“ 1' .> ~ .-. ' ; -- " ~: ~'.~ "-i .1 l lung; ', palos; Ill (:<;iii:;a'.5;oi‘. .‘xith siltat t; (lor‘t; ,‘ 'i’L: :~ 'i; ;.i l ‘4' : _ :- ' f" ' " t‘i-A. .'.;l "~" to ()l'()lll()1(:ii tilt; hacks l)lfi’;l'\t)ll‘;i‘:', :' l i 2'. "' ' ' :1 . : .: T" '.' nerve-r; .' as an EtIi(:l‘:i|’)li (iialiliiiid lllléttlf; .1. r . ' ' 1' -- : -.: :* "' l. 3.1" : mi. 1 l7

created that -:,-n(,aiit.ulatt,-f. tli<;filr"'31 (il' ' -~' '9.: u '.--.', i " ~ ' Post—war plucky spirit in appeal. \.'./:'l:(;tl .'.’il. (in? tlwf: targut 5:"..i »- ' L ,' l '. :~ w '.: "' w I 1 -v " " . ‘- Passport to Pimlico

14 THE LIST.'. '