Film index

Scooby-Doo il’(ii O. (Raja (iosnell. l'S. 2003i lireddie Priu/e Jr. Sarah Michelle (iellar. Mattheu I.illard. 87min. Scan/iv the movie starts \\ ell. pitching itsell somexs'hei‘e between tribute and send-up of the llanna-Barbera cartoon. The casting is astute. best ol’ all. .\latthe\s l,i|lard as stoned slacker Shaggy. liven the computer- generated Seoob)’ himsell isn't lacking in charm. But .S'mnlir-lhm sadl} tails to live tip to the promise of its opening reel. Admittedly. the film's bold pla}pen colours are fun and there are some cles’er gags that \\ ill score \\ ith the slit)“ '.s pothead following. But the jokes soon wear thin. (ieucral release.

Sex and Lucia t lb’l 00. tltilio .\ledem. Spain. 2002i Tristan l'lloa. l’a/ \‘ega. l28min. After the death of Loren/o il'lloai. his long-term girlfriend. Lucia Wit—'1!) retreats to her cs-Partner's favourite island to come to terms with her loss and unlock the secrets of a problematic past. The film then llils effortlessly if somewhat confusingly. through time to reveal their first meeting six )ears pres iously and their subsequent steam)‘ sexual encounters. 'l‘he eroticism ol .\lcdeiu's lilth leature will undoubtedly make it his most controversial release. but the stor} telling. although nchi‘ completer unengaging. is much weaker than in his outstanding cinematic debut. liicus. Ster Century. lidinburgh.

Show Me Love i iii 00. tl.ukus .\lood_\'s.son. S“ eden. 30””) Rebecca I.il_ieberg. :‘slesandra Dahlstroin. 89min. A slight tale of two teenage girls falling in love in the small Suedish toun ol' Amal. .\lood_\ sson's lilm combines a cinema \erite eye with some stock situations and characters. ('reating tension and turmoil out of the rite of passage mo\ ie gets harder and harder. but Mood) ssou manages a modicum of freshness. and there are enough variables at \Hii‘k' to keep the film going for an engaging hour and a hall. (il'vl. (ilasgim.


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Shrek tl'i .0... i.-\ndre\s :\d;ttii.s(in. Vicky lettstin. l'S. :(llll l Voices Ul' .‘slike .\l_\ei‘s. ('ameron Dia/. liddie Murph}. Ullmllt. Slii‘ek \\ ill have \Valt Disne} turning it] his cryogenic t'ree/e tank. This trul}

subs ersite animated lilm takes pot shots at l'aii'ytale lti}lli(iltig}', \shile singling out l'nele \Vall.s belt“ ed .S'Iimi‘ lk/tlil'. ('iiii/ei‘el/u. l’i'imu'liiu. et al. l'iider the guise of a quest to rescue a princess l'rom a dragon undertaken b) the epon) motis green ogre (which kids “ill low). S/ire/t also ruthlessl} pillagcs corporate Disne). satirising its theme parks and esecutis es. And \sho‘s behind all this‘.’ l’rodtleei' Jelli'e} Kat/enberg ol Disne} ri\'al studio I)reain\\'orks. also lorinei'l} head oi". _\ep, l)isiic‘}. Selected release.

Snow Dogs Hi .0 iBi-ian l.c\ant. l'S. Ztltlli ('uba (iooding Jr. James ('oburn. Nichelle Nichols. 99min. 'l'his unremarkable l)lslie_\ coined} t‘ollous a .\liami-based dentist as he discos ers his pi'e\‘ious|_\ tlllls'liti\\li lisk‘iino roots. 'I‘hough conipeteiitl} made and leaturing a reliable lead and cast. it still struggles to raise a decent laugh. .\'ot unu'atchable. but nothing special. Selected release.

La Spagnola t ISi 0.0 tSleVe Jacobs. .-\ustralia. 2002) Lola \lai'celi. Alice .-\iisara. Lourdes Bardoloiue. 00min. A black coined} drama about [me and

t'e\ etige. despair and sun ixal. 1.11 .S/iueiiii/ii is set in the :‘xtlsll‘ullit ol'l‘loti. The films pre\ai|ing spirit. lio\s‘e\ er. is einphaticall} Mediterranean. and Lola. the Spanish woman of the title. is a walking compendium of Latin cliches: \oluptuous. tier) and operatic. When her l‘elloss immigrant husband Ricardo deserts her l.ola plots resenge. but it is her neglected daughter Alice \\ ho seems like!) to become the main \ ictiiu of her obsession. Some u ill liud l.u .S/iiigiiu/u's humour and its cultural stereot}pes a little crude to their taste. For others. its blend ol coined) and melodrama \\ ill prme dcliciotisl} pitiuant.

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l'(i(' Renl'reu Street. (ilasgou. Spider-Man 1 lli O... iSain Raimi. l‘S. 2002i lobe} .‘slaguirc. Kirsten Dunst. I: l min. A big budget blockbuster based on a best-selling superhero comic book )oti‘d be right [0 e\pect spectacular ell'ects and bland stor}telling in a flash} but ultimatel} dtlll liltii. (io see .lllui’k (If ilii' (‘lmim [Or that particular esercise in bringing in the bo\ ol'lice bucks. S/ii'ilei'-.lluii. b} contrast. is a dclightl'ull) unespected ini\ ol' spectacle and engrossing human drama. lt's surprising that Raimi. \sho made his name “ith the liighl} st_\ lised genre pastiche i'l'lic l-[i'i/ Hem/i should locus so much on character. The cast acquit themseh es \\ ell. although Daloc hams up the \ illain}. Btit Raimi's lead. lobe} \laguire. brings iust the right amount ol' knouing humour to l’arker/Spide}. \shich is emblematic ol' Raimi's \\ hole. \\ inning approach to the tilm. Selected release.

Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron it‘i .0. «Kells :\sbur_\ and Iowa ('ook. l'S. 3002) Matt Damon. James ('i'onm ell. Daniel Studi. S-lmin. Spirit is an animal table in \shich none ot. the non-human characters speak. “e do. lit)“ e\ et'. get inside the heart and head til. the mm ie's epon} mous equine hero thanks to narration b_\ Matt Damon icon\e_\ing Spirit's thoughts: and songs by Bi‘}au :\tl;tllls ihis leellllgsi. :\ho\ c all. Spirit. a \\ ild iiiiistang li\ ing in the UM \Vcst. _\earns to run tree until a lasso lands him in the hands ol the l'S cmalry While some \ ie\s ers \\ ill be roused b} Spirit‘s questioning ol' the [S unth ot' \lanitcst Destin}. others \\ ill be stirred b) the qualit) ol' the animation. \shich seamlessl} integrates traditional hand-drassn animation \\ ith computer— generated images. (‘ircuit (’inema. l.i\iiigston.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams it'i 0.0 tRoherto Rodriguel. l‘S. 3002i .-\le\a \ega. l)ar'}l Sahara. Roberto Rodi'igiiel. ('arla (iugino. .\lin tbc. 'l‘aller and considei'abl) more tenacious. (’armcii and Juni (‘orte/ are l'ecliiig pi'ett} damn eonlideut alter sa\ ing their super sp_\ parents lrom peril ill the lirst instalment ol \\ hat \sill undoubtedl} become a laiiiil} adxenturc series. .\'o\\ scr\ ing in an all he“ Sp} Kids sub‘dn isioii ol' the ()SS organisation. the pluck} [il'eptllk‘seetils are till sel litti‘ their lll'sl stilti mission to disct“ er the lost island ol' l.iki l.iki “here the} must locate and destt'o) a 'l‘i'ansiiiooker de\ ice capable ol' shutting do“ n all electricit} on earth. Although this sequel does not. could not match the originalit} ol S/n Kit/x. it's still great Inn to watch. (ienci'al release.

Stuart 2 llil .. (Rtili \liiikol'l'. l‘S. ltltlli Michael .I. l~'o\. (ieeiia Daxis. Hugh Laurie. 771nm. 'lhe ine\itab|c mone} spinning sequel to the unlikely yarn iii a small. \shite mouse adopted b) a middle-class New York lamil}. .\ neu

The Sweetest Thing turns out to be closing crdits

playmate lor Stuart arri\es in the shape ol’ a small cauar). \s ho talls into the passenger seat ol his to} car as Stuart races through the cit} streets. Stuart im ites his nets l'riend back to his house. but an e\ il lalcon is on his tail. it doesn't get an} more Nee than this. The \oiccs \sork \\ ell enough and the (‘(}l animation is good. it not ad\entttrous. The problem is that it's distinctl) lacking in humour. l'or both kids and adults. (ieneral release.

The Sum of All Fears t lli O.

il’hil Alden Robinson. l'S. lellli Ben .-\tl’leck. Morgan l‘reemau. Alan Bates. min. In I‘M-1‘s (‘lmr and Present Danger. Tom (lane) ‘s heroic spook Jack R)an \sas l‘t'oiiioted to Del‘ut} Director ol the (‘l:\. liight )ears on. he has inesplicabl} been demoted to junior anal) st. possibl} because he's lost [\so decades till. his age and is no“ embodied b_\ hunk} .-\l‘lleck instead ol haggard Harrison l‘ord. But it R}an has gone backuai'ds. the \sorld has most delllillel} lllD\ ed on. The setting is the present and a nuclear \sarhead has lallen into the hands ol' a group ol terrorists l'unded b} Batcs' iic‘o-Na/i industrialist. The Sum U/ .l// l'i‘iii'x' makers \sould like _\ou to belie\e the} lit“ e their lingers tilt lttdtt} is geo-political pulse. but the lilm's e\asions ithe book‘s terrorists are :\rabsi and \arious plotting iiiiplausibilities are latal l'laus. (iettet'ttl release.

Sunshine State l tSi COO. tlohn Sa} les. l.l\.. 3003) lidie l‘alco. Angela Bassett. ’l‘iinoth) llutton. min. 'l he Sunshine State is l'lot'ida. 'l‘hc lictional setting ol John Sasles‘ ne\\ lilm is Dclrona Beach. 'I cominunit} upon “lilelt change is being lorced. l’ropert} dex elopers are busing up land no\\ seen as a prime location l'or building condominiums and goll' courses tor the incoming rich. Sa) les takes a complicated subject liti\\ little control

e\ er}da_\ people ha\e o\ er change in their li\es and treats ll intelligently opting not litti' lilttsli} speelttele tit‘ checs} sentiment. littl “ell cral'ted stor}telling and solid drama \shich he iiil'uses \\ ith a great deal ot' \\ i'_\ humour. (‘ameo. lidinburgh.

The Sweetest Thing l Hi 0

iRoger ls'iiinble. l‘S. Itltlji ('aiiieroii Dia/. ('hristina .-\pplegate. Selma Blair. S-lmin. So. oka_\. like. the plot. ahead}: Dial and Applegate are girls that just \saniia haxc tun. l.ots oi ll. \sith man} men. 'l'heii‘ llalmate iBlaii‘i. litt\\e\el'. likes to ha\e her lun \\ ith just one man. but “hell she and her lella split. the distraught girl takes lessons in part) mg ti'oin her roommates. The tables are turned “hen Dia/ meets Mr Right and has to figure out hoxs to replace tucking \\llll losing. \Vhat lolloxss is a coined} ol errors ior erroiieoiis coined} i. \\ herein Dia/ and Jane puss} loot around one another \\ ith l'i‘iends and laiiiil} and a \sedding getting in the \\a} tit true loxe. l/It' Sum/ml I‘liiiie turns ottt to be the closing \‘l'edlls. Sec

re\ iets. (ienei'al release