This picture: Anthony Neilson’s-disturbing Stitching; top right: Happy with Half your Life;

bottom right: Silent Engine

Fringe bene

Our theatre editor rounds up the best of the

Susan Sa'a";r;"‘ rt' grant i:'.<,-' a 'ea/r'x; A" The Guys .0. Frrnge. Words: Steve Cramer Hiya i. .::-:,~.."‘. -:'-~:r'-.,-:: . N173. "T as:

alkrng through the Meado'.'.'s last '.'.eel\'. passed a r~ is 2-3' 1 ,' . T' 'r 'a‘. "

group who were tossrng around a ~.-::-|§o‘.'. ‘rrshee. sta's: .'.<i-':: a ’f‘tr’ILl ::‘ .r:,r:~ I \ ‘z '\ 2 ' '

sgueairng therr (arir()‘;.rr‘<3rrt o‘ the sunsl‘rne ar‘d genera _. T" ::-:,~r%..s. ‘.'.-:.-s'. E ":1 .t..::,‘. '.'=-:2. 'r x r 'r‘rshe'nax'rng. Garhed rn T-shrrts adx'er'trsrrg a r‘.o~<r‘orr'nt—7=Itle ‘;\r'\f1 r ' r * :t ' ' r . a . r " ' "(E‘.l(3‘.'.’(}(if3i1()‘.'.'_ the; seerneo‘. to." all that. as happf. as txrttens ‘.'.‘tit file" en. :f'r. r\ ~..-. e . r a runner 'natl. As the org s'ro'xxs soak up the atte'rt'on and T"~r:- saw-r:- 91"", r:-:,- sa : '3'. r' r w ' r . acetarrr‘. these urrrx'eC-rsrt;~aged kids seen‘ed to .'“(Z- to erreapsalate Tliitlgirmt .r-.::: a" -.*-‘.v.,-" ".2 t' " ' "' W

'.‘.'hat the l rr'rge rs a'nout. You can on“, nor; 1' ii‘.(?ll‘ ron‘a'r<:e '.'.'r‘.'r wvf ‘0' :;.' ’.': .-.' " Requiem for Ground

the t'estr‘.'a| rsn't suffocated tl‘rougtr '.'.'ant of atterr‘..o'r. Zero 0 ,»\:::;-.-"'ru, F-T. . "2:. . .. . .v. wr' And some ol the sr ‘aller~s<:aie shouzs have a<:l‘re\.ed great 7'» i~t (3' w: ' ' "‘ '\' r 2

thrngsthrs‘,ear. Notzr1ieanrongtirerr‘:sliarlBette"Pr'odrret'ori's :"‘-.":;".a w:,~. . . . ‘.'ersron of Sarah Kane's Crave O... 'Underhell‘,, os/(j- ','.'.;\, :" :r t Victory at the

.. 5 \I..tni't . .

r. Dirt Palace 00 ' 3083. untrl 2:") Aug. i'.():'>pnrr: a drarnond of a snou‘: on small scale ,. t'. Asa. ‘r‘ r .:-.v : ":1 and lrrr‘rted nudgef. sho'xxrng real r'rsrght rr‘to the spar‘tarr poetry o‘ 'rtw :" " sf. \J-'\' "

Kane's text. So too. rn a one .'.=or'.‘an shou‘x. Happy with Half your f.‘:"‘:.-:;::. L I've r" 9'»; "

Life 0... rGrlued Balloon Tex'rot. 22621133. urrtii 78 Aug.

- ".Xi'. \tlr/k; :Zti"'_7"\tlrti erUprr‘r. Australian actress Vanessa ()Nerll gru'es a r'err‘ar‘l<ai;l<:- f1_'.it’ :.‘:::; "'71.-

perrorrrranre alternately '.()tlii‘.itlir‘, ‘.'.'rns >rr‘e and agerrl‘. austere as a .29.: ::..r::;-.=tr:.r:rr\t .r‘iifil. r " :'i.r : mat" a ',.oung art student experrt;-n<:rng Hr'rtarn for the first trrr‘e. and t'“ "

:;ar'rng for people at the end of therr' Irres. Srrr‘rlarly. \Julrarr (Earner's Hr... ,,‘\¢;:;1rr;~:r, Hgg-u: irrqur _ .1

Silent Engine 0... '(ili(i(}(i Balloon. 72%} 91:51. u'rtri I)va Aug.

' .'.:'.‘ 7:1.1 1’ l’/,‘.l:">prr‘r. a r)f;g.'r:lr(>logrr:al drarrra on the Stli)J(3(Ii of loss and grief. Eat-g- " '" U i‘ti"\ " '."<' t ' ":lr' :1 ,’I\"'.".‘.". :l_"‘.:’~ has attracted near unrx'ersai a(:(;larn' front an unkrroxzr'r start. Stitching .0... lane's-.- l"-.>a'.'-.=.

The group for'n‘erlr.‘ knou'rn as Arr‘er'r<:ana Ahsurdurr‘. noz'.’ i‘-'- Aug. Irwes .A .3» t apparently narnel >ss. has attracted plenty of a<:(:2arn‘ for Horse

dwarf. t‘r.t arr-9;". it‘r‘ ("Uta-"1H 0.1 .i'~~.‘: ' Country 0... rAssen‘hlr, Hoorns. 9%} 7-178. untrl Pt} Aug. . .r It t' r: :-" \rtr r st'r. .' ~ " r' - ' : noon. t'(3‘.'l(:'.‘.’(3(i ir‘,’ Mer‘errd \ft/rllrarrrsr. an exrstentral corned; ‘.'.'rth a a Mr, int-rm or tr». at'r ..' ’.' -.v r '.r :' " ' center's;;orarj,' eye. and the savage satire Goner O... ali.r::'r'ra to rww‘egrart'r‘. a'rrr‘ ‘. .t-.>".‘t=, l“.i'\:".‘1 ". "‘us'. it” ° Afrf;(:ll‘.i)i‘,’ Hoorr‘s. 990 2-178. untrl 26 Aug. I-l.l:'>pn‘r. rnwolxrng the trrs'. datr- Hap. rat :1 ."..t:; t.".tlt='rrar‘»t> r \“i.‘:":1 '.'.,'."~:

zssassrnatron of a US President. It's the krnd oi l(?i(}ltii(}f;f‘ no x '

». .ritf \l. '1 .:.l.‘.r:~ zilf» ..r rt .u «\f‘r” ':t . :'\{ N'r'. .1). .

'nolds harred polrtr(:al drsr;ourse the Brrtrsh are so reluctant to r; ;

.i"rt'r 'r‘arfrr at ‘rt 't'at \r :u' t r' 1 r . produce these days. Indeed. rt we add Slaves of Starbucks mar-.1 i'lr'tw haul in st 'n s. Q... It lrll Street theatre. 92f} (3:321). untrl Qt} Aug. r'pnr. Sn [lanai {Erma}: Outlying Islands 0... I'.:.-s'::-.- revreu'er-d t)“. ()atlrerrne Hrornleyr. '.'.'e (:ar'. conclude that (3 mge \.‘-.' l'rr'atr-z .r'rtr Rag. T'W-s c: .r s..: r 'r : Bush rs not an isolated example of holrtrea! satire rn the States. fireatre, am: .1 .ritwwt .1 :2. -q-\r\ '."-a a“ lhere unlere a prolrfrr: nun‘her of plays on the S) ll exents. the let:- t»,..-r :xr Arm: [likrpr'g .0... ,\;;:;-."Y‘t‘r‘. E3 t: T ‘r . .‘.‘v.< prek of these was Project 9/11 0... rAssen‘hlg' Hoorr‘s. 99‘.) .rr‘trl .‘t1,»\'...;. temp. in.» my.» 91,: f'rry'... _-,.:g;

1/5198, urrtrl 70 Aug. tlan‘r. a x'rgorous prertr: ot dexrseu theatre "‘er‘trorr rs t'l'.’ Aussie .v'r‘ta'. .it‘t‘..t 'rg'”. :zta'xts. Ri

‘rorn '1 young company. usrnU l)h‘,'sr<:alrt\, Inv.’entr‘.el§, to desrtrrhe 0.... -;\:lr;-~"‘t“. ll fife :\r.\_:. r: 3% rndr'xrdual. f3lli)](3(;i|‘.’(3 responses to the event. lrn‘ ltolrlrrns and ,urr'rm :w-arrz. rw.’ .rett r‘t: " i ' ".rr’ .'.-.‘~.-r\-.‘-".:,