Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About a Boy l Ill .00. t(‘hi-ix and Paul \Vcitl. l‘K/l'S. lellli llugh (irattt. \lc‘ltttlax lioult. 'l‘oni (‘ollctlct llilntin. (irattt brcakx l'i'cc ol' ltix poxh l'op xcrccn pcrxona lo pla} la}aboul Will l‘rcctnan in thix \\ iiiiiig adaptation of Nick llornb} ‘x nowl. Supporting a loalcrx' lilc oi tcll). boo/c arid birdx \\ itli \\ calth ll'Ulll hix latc lathcr. l‘rcctitan‘x notitanixing britigx iiittt itito contact with .\lat'cux illoulti. thc )ttlltlg xoti ol' xtlic‘idall} Llcpl‘c'\\c‘tl l'iiolta ((‘ollcttcl. \\lltt procccdx to cltattgc thc \\ttxll'c‘l’x lllic. ‘l‘lic‘ \Vc‘ll/ l‘l'tflllk‘lN kL‘L‘p tliiiigx bright and bt'ccl). bttt top honourx go to (irant aitd lloult \xho xpctid tltc lilm xxiappittg placcx ax thc titular charactcr. llatitillott: SBC. Hamilton.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash tl’(ii 0 (Ron l'ttdcruood. ['S. 3002) liddic .\lurph_\. Roxario Dauxoti. Rand} ()uaid. ‘Hniin. l'ndcthood docx a \ a") nicc job of maxxagitig .\lurph_\ 'x cgo b} caxtitig liitii ax a xupci' xtnoolh xmugglcr turncd nightclth imprcxat'io turncd king-ol-thc-liill on a ltitia xpacc cit} callcd l.iltlc :\ltlL‘l'lL‘;t. Saxing hix matc trout gaiigxtct‘x. l’luto tittixt thctt th\\art morc daxtat'dl) gatigxtcrx iii a \ct'icx oi xpacc agc xlioolottlx. Salil'c. xtlcli ax it. in\o|\cx commcnt oit clotiitig attd l'S batik notcx bcarittg lhc ltcad ol' llilai'} ('linton. and plot. xuch ax it. cati bc likcttcd to Total Rccall l-ot‘ idiolx. \Vlial'x tiioxt upxcttittg abottt I’luto Mix/i.

ho“ c\cr. ix thc numbcr ol‘ talcntcd actorx xubiugatcd to .\lurph) ‘x la\\ iii thc lilm. ()uaid. l’am (iricr. .v\lcc llaldnin. l.uix (iu/maii atid .lohti (‘lccxc all bo\\ do\\n attd bcnd o\ cr. arid lltat trul) ix a xad and xorr} xight to xcc. Scc rc\ tcxx. (icttcral l'L‘lL‘axc‘.

Alexandria . . . Why? 1 ill liollxxcl' (‘hahittcx lig)pt. l‘)7t\’t .\loxhcn .\lohcidditi. 137mm. \chittg li\c plotx ittto onc. ('hahitic tcllx tlic xtor} ol' lig}pt ol’ thc carl} l‘Hllx undcr llritixh occupation. .'\lllt‘l‘lL‘tlll culturalixation atid (icrman militar} thrcat. l-iltiihouxc. liditiburgh.

Amadeus - Directors Cut ll’(i) O... t.\lilox l'ot'tiiati. l'S. IVS-ll .\lurra} .»\brahani. 'l‘om llulcc. lili/abctli llcrridgc. 172mm. \ththcr \\ c nccd a ltL‘\\ \crxion ol’ l-orttian‘x ()xcar \\ inning lilc ol' .\lo/art ix a tiioot point.

Sct'ccttu ritcr l’ctcr ~Shallcr‘x xtor_\ ol \icntta court cotitpoxct‘ .'\lllttllltt Salicri attd hix plot to cttgiticcr lltc doutil'all ol' \Voll‘gang .\iiiadcux .\lo/art. a ‘giggling. dirt) ~mtndcd crcalurc‘ \\ ith a (iod-gixcn niuxical talctit. lllatlklllll} rctiiainx intact. But “hat ix tiioxt clcar limit a rcpcal \ic\\ittg ix lltc undiminixhcd qttalil} oi .th'aliatn‘x pcrl‘ormancc. gi\ ing dcpth to a glittcrball ol a mo\ ic uhoxc colourl'ul \llt'laL‘L‘ ctillltl (illicl'\\ ixc‘ bc loo illu‘l'littg. 'l'hc l'iluihouxc & l‘(}(‘. lidinburgh. Arena: Punk and the Pistols illicl tl’aul ’I'ickcll. l‘K. 1095i .lordait. John l.}\lttll. \lalcolm .\lcl.arcn. 93min. .\laior rclt'oxpccli\ c ol lltc hixtor} oi thc punk phcnomctton. lilmcd l'or thc BBC. 'l'ltix \ct'xiott pt‘otiiixcx to includc prcx ioux|_\ ccnxorcd matcrial. l‘iltttltottxc. lidinburgh. Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner l 15» 0.... t/achat'iax Ktmuk. ('attada. lllill l .\'atar l'ngalaq. liugctic lpkartiak. l’ctcr llcm‘} :\l'll;tl\lth. 172mm. 'l'hix rcmarkablc xitigular bcauttlul liltii ix thc lit'xt to bc cnttrc|_\ in thc lnuit languagc. lt ix tluitc ximpl} ax purc aitd pcrl'cct a piccc ol itarraln c ctttcma ax )ou arc c\ ct' ltkcl} to xcc today \thn ati unknoun xltamatt putx an M ii xpcll on a group oi nomadic ltiuitx In tug oll tltc (‘anatliati :\rclic it takcx tut-tit) )cat‘x bclorc l\\o brotlict'x cmct'gc lo cliallcttgc thc c\ il ordcr. l)ircctor Ktttiuk nc\cr lctx lhc xlumtmg xccticr) o\crpo\\cr thc man) mittutc dratiiax licmg .ictcd otit b} a moxll} noti

pl'ttlt‘\\ittliatl. thouglt imprcxxi\ c caxt. l‘iltiiliouxc. lidinburgh.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember (Ill 0. (la) Roach. [8. 3002) \llkc‘ .\l_\cr\. Michacl ('ainc. chtttc‘c Ktiou lcx. 90min l-'or thc xccotid xcqucl to thc cnormouxl} popular xpy xpool’. M)crx hax \xrittcn himxcll a third \ illaittoux part xo that hix xi\ticx xupcr xp} no“ hax to dcal \xith ttot old} Mr lixil and l‘at llaxlard. but alxo a lclla \\ith a goldcn . . . 'l'hc thrcc \ illainx tthrcc and a hall il' )ou count .\lini-.\lcl ottcc again turn to timc ti'a\ cl to rid lhctttxcl\cx of thc ittlcrlcring l’o\\ct'x. opting to go back into thc paxt to kidtiap .'\uxtin'x dad. \igcl t('aincl. llcalhcr (iraliattt. Michacl York attd Robcrt \Vagncr rctut'ti ax. rcxpcctiwl}. :\ltlc‘t’lc‘ttlt agcnt l‘clicit} Shag“ cll. :\ttxlitl'x boxx Baxil lixpoxiliott and Di'

li\ il'x \umbcr 'i'xxo. (icncral rclcaxc. A Beautiful Mind l Ill 0.. llo\\at‘tl. [.5. 3002) Rttxxcll (tout. Jcnnil'cr Council}. l’aui llcttati}. l35min. .‘l lit‘tlllIl/ll/ .ll/‘ml oncc morc prcxcntx (‘roix c \\ itlt thc opportunit} to altcritatc hix tough git} rolcx (Gladiator-l \\ itli ‘xcrioux actittg' txcc ‘I'Iu' him/w"). llcrc ('rouc pla}x .lohn .\'axh. thc mathctiiaticx gcttiux durittg ltix collcgc da) x itt x\lllL'l'lL‘it iii thc l‘l-lUx. but alxo a paranoid- xchi/ophrcnic. \\ ho \\ ax ncwrthclcxx ;t\\at‘tlctl lllc \oltc‘l l’l‘i/L‘ lalc ill hix lil'c. ()n lhc ncgath c xidc of thc cqttatioti. llouard‘x dircction xtinkx. llix cll'ortx to makc titatii iiitcrcxtitig tail dixmall}. .\ l'or ()xcarx cl'l'ort. but (‘ l'or contribution to tltc licld ol' biopic cincnia. (‘at'ncgic ilall. Dunlcrmlino

Beijing Bicycle ll’( ii 0.00 (Xiaoxhuai Wang. liitta/lainan. Illlll l l.itt (‘tti. .\utt /,hon. Ytt;tli_\llalt (iao. llltititi. in thix modcrti ('hittcxc updatc oi Vittoria DC SlCil.\ L‘lttxxlc’ 'llllt’ litrtc/c V/illlit't‘tw. it poor. uncducatcd _\oung inait l'rom lhc countr}. xccurcx a job in llciiing ax a

bic} clc couricr. llc'x gi\cn a brand 11C“ tnotititaiii bikc. \xhich hc ix to pa} oll' graduall). lloucwr. \xltcn it gctx xtolcn. ltc lindx himxcll xcotiring lltc cit} lookitig for it iti ordct' to rctain thc iob. _-\x \\ cll ax xupcrb pcrl'tirtiianccx. thc lilm alxo l'caturcx goi‘gcoux photograph} atid tcrrilic locatiott \\t)l'l\. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou. Bend it Like Beckham l 13»

C... t(iurittdcr (‘hadha. l'lx'. letllt l’artitindcr K \agra. lx'cira Knightlc}. .lottalltatl l<li_\x Mouth. l 12min. ‘l‘lic parcntx ol~ lloutixlou tccnagcr .lcxx (\agrai \ianl hcr to cottccttlratc on Itcr xtudicx. to lcarn ho“ to cook traditiottal liidiati food. and to marr} a rcxpcctablc )oung man. chx. lio\\c\cr. ix l'ar morc paxxionatc about pla}ing l'ootball. atid ix axkcd b} lclloxx xchoolgirl Julcx leghllc} ) to join lhc local uomctix' tcam. .'\x \\ ith lllm/i on [lip Ht'llt'll attd ll‘ltul'x ('oolxlngf’. \\ritcrdircctor (‘hadha coitlidcntl} tixcx cotttcd} to c\plot'c xocial. racial attd latitilial ixxucx. \\illt lootball a dc\ icc to im cxtigatc what it mcanx to bc )titttig. l'cttialc atid xcll? cottlidcnt iii coltlclttpttl'al‘} llritaiti. ('iticuorld. l‘alkit'k.

Bhopal Express 1 IS) «Saiiioxli Snan. India. 1900) .\'axxcrudin Shah. /.ccttal :\lll;lll. ‘)l)min. 'l‘cllx thc lruc xlot'} ol' a tragic gax c\ploxioti at a ('arbidc plant iti l‘).\'.l. \\lllL'll claimcd l(i.ll(l(l ll\c'x. Narrach lltt'tttlglt thc c) c‘\ Ul' tic“ l_\ \\ L'(l\ \crnia atid 'l'ara. atid thcir bcxt l'ricnd llahir thix lilm c\plorcx thc dc\axlaliott that xttc’lt a tlixaxlct' |ca\cx ltc'llllttl. l);t\ Itl l._\tich \xax xuitabl} itttprcxxcd. l'iltithouxc, lidittburgh.

Big Fat Liar tl’( it C (Slum n l.c\}. l'S. 2002i l'rankic .\lutti/. l’aul (iiamatti. Amanda Byicx. 88min. l-l- )t‘al' tiltl Michigan \c‘lltttillitt} .laxttll Shcphcrd hax hix o\crdttc lcrm papcr xlolcn b} c\il Itto\ic mogul Mart} \\'oll. “ho intcttdx to turn it into a blockbuxtct'. .laxtttl and bcxl l't'ic'tttl K41} lL‘L‘ \L'l Ul'l'. l,.l\ bound. on a tttixxioit to pttl thc xiluation to riglilx. l't'r/‘tx Ilm‘l/t'r quuc momcttlx rctttintxccnt ol .loltn llugltcx‘ Xllx \\ot‘k. Sclcclcd t'clcaxc.

Black Knightll’(il. l(iil

.luttgcr. ('8. 2002) .\lartin l.a\\t'cttcc.


index Film

Bill Paxton gets behind the camera for Frailty

.\larxha 'lhomaxon. lom \Vilkitixon. 05min. lltc l'unnicxt tiiitig abottt tltix xo- callcd conic-d} ix that an ititplauxiblc pitch about a grccd) black .«\mcrican janitor ll.a\\t'cllL‘L‘l \\ho gocx back in limc to bccottic a ktiiglil iti tlic )cai‘ lilo and uho hclpx o\ct'lltt'o\\ ati c\ il king. got grccnrlightcd b_\ lltill}\\otitl in lhc lirxl placc. .'\ttcmptx at ltumour rc\ol\c around .lamal tt'}itig to bring xotttc modcrn da} gltcllo xa\ \_\ into llic lllL‘tllL‘\;tl xctting: hc traiitx lltc troopx \\ itli xkillx hoitcd oii thc xporlx licld atid gncx xomc ‘xoul‘ to thc Kittg‘x ttiuxicianx. ll~ it docxti‘t xound ltlllll} lltat\ bccauxc it ixit‘t. (icncral l'c‘lL‘axc'.

The Bourne Identity l l:.'\l 0.. (Doug link”). [5. 2002) .\latl Damon. l‘ranka l’olctitc. (in c ()u cit. (’hrix ('oopcr. llein. l)amon pla}x a ['3' tratncd maxtcr axxaxxin \xho, during ihc liliii'x opcnmg. ix lixhcd out of thc .\icditcrrancan riddch \\llll bullct lioch and xull'crtttg lrom amncxia. .-\x hc attcmptx to piccc logclltct' thc iigxaxx pul/lc ol' iitx paxt m ith thc liclp ol' l’otcntc'x (icrman lra\cl|cr .\lat‘tcl. ltix Slalcxltlc lioxxcx acli\atc lltt'cc ltlttl'L' klllt‘t'x [H xllt‘ttc‘c lltltl. litttxc‘l} atlaplctl l'rom Robcrt l.ttd|um‘x .\’()x xp} no\c|. tltix cxpiottagc lhrillcr uorkx to utidct'tiiittc tltc cltchcx ol' lhc gcttrc. btit ultmiatcl} pla)x likc a xoupcd doun llond lilm. llo\\c\ct. l.miati kccpx thc actioti Incl} and bcclcd up Damon acquilx liimxcll' \xcll. Scc

IL‘\ It“. (it‘ltc'l'al l'c'lc‘du‘.

The Business of Strangers 1 IS. 0.. tl’atrtck Stclltict. [8. 31th:) Stockard (harming. .lulia St) lcx. l’t'cd \\'c||ci‘. N imm. (‘hatmmg‘x .lulic Boron Ix

a uot‘kaltolic buxiiicxxxxoman who lindx hct'xcll xtrandcd iii an airport motcl whcn hct' plaltc ix cattccllctl. .'\lxo xlt'atttlcd ix hcr axxixlalll l’aula (Si) lc‘x). \\lto rccogiiixcx a man i\\‘c|lcrt u ho xlic .x;t}‘x t'apcd hcr l‘ricnd at collcgc. 'l‘lic rapixt turnx out to bc a corpot'atc hcad-huntct‘ oi' .lulic'x acquaitttattcc. and. outi‘agcd. thc uolttcn dccidc lo L‘\ilL‘l xomc t'L‘\L‘tlgL‘. So lat" xo l‘axcinating. 'l‘hc build up to thc lirxt of a numbcr ol- t‘c\c‘lalion\ ix \\ cll-handicd b} Stcttncr. ilut thc lilm lailx to dcliwr itx initial proniixc. Still. thc caxt p|a_\ thix dark thrillcr pcrlcctl}. (‘anico. lidinbui'gh.


Thurs 5m Sept Kissing Jessica Stein (15) 7:30pm Tum 70m Sept Crush (15) 7.30pm 1/1/th i I t/i Sop: Y Tu Mama Tambien (18) 7 30pm Tues 24m Sept Amen (PG) 7.30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

':" Sot‘ THE LIST 27