Film index

Cabaret ( lh’i 0.... (lioh l’ossc. t'S. 1972i l.i/a .\tinctli. Joel (ire). Michael York. 124mm. ln disincl} decadent earl} l‘)3t)s Berlin. singer Sally Bow'les wows them at the notorious Kit Kat Kluh. encounters the heginnings of .\'a/isiii and shares her prett} tingliin ho} friend with a ga} haron. St}lish and imigorating Broadwa) musical turned ()scar-winning cinematic landmark. (il’l‘. (ilasgow. Cairo Station (Bab el-Hadid) ( 12) (Youssef (‘hahiiic. Iigypt. 1958) Youssef (‘hahinc. llind Rustum. l‘arid Shawqi. 80 mins. ('hahine's acknow lcdgcd masterpiece which champions the underdog takes a look at life as it resolves around the hLis station of the title. l’ilmhouse. lidinhurgh.

The Choice (the) (Youssef (‘hahine. Iigypt. 1970) Suad Husni. 106mm. ('omparing the lives of two twins (one a playw right. the other a sailor). ('hahine present an indictment of ligs‘pt's pseudo- intelleetuals in the aftermath of the Sixt} l)a} \Var. l‘ilmhouse. lidinhurgh. Comment j’ai tu mon pere ( lSi .0. (Anne l-"ontaine. France/Spain. 200] i (‘harles Berling. Natasha chnier. Amira Kasai: 08min. The life of Jcaii-l.uc (Berting). a successful Versailles gerontologist with a beautiful )oung w ifc lsa (Regnier) and a lo}al mistress (Kasari. is disrupted hy the sudden reappearance of his sexenty-somethiiig father .\lauricc (Micth Bouquet i. who decades earlier had walked otlt on his faittil} to become a doctor in Africa. A\oidiiig simplistic

ps} etiological ‘e\planations‘ for its characters‘ actions. the tilm serutini/cs the father-son conflict with ic_\ assurance. and cliiiia\es in an emotional confrontation of \enomous intensit}. (‘aineo. lidinhurgh.

The Crocodile Hunter ( t’( it

0.. (John Stainton. Australia/t’S. 2002i Stexc Irwin. Bro/Iic Drew ett. Sam l"l_\nn. .\tin the. John Staiiiton‘s coined)

adxeiiture prescr\es the straight tovcaincra technique from the Australian's highl} successful small screen doctiiiieiitar} set'ies. 'l-ltts etialtles tlie larrikin stal‘ to dcli\ er his tisual ‘c‘i'ikc‘)' strewn lectures on the likes of the hird-cating spiders and the lieree snakes Isle]. while dealing plausihl} with a sketch} di'aiiiatic plot ltt\ol\lttf_‘ a ('l.-\ mission to rcemcr a

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28 THE LIST ‘HfSni .7

crashed American satellite in .\'orth Queensland and lrw iii's attempt. along with wife lent. to relocate a cattle- de\ouring crocodile. \Vorth thc mone}

just to see Irwin do his thing. l'air

tllltlstllll. (‘ircuit (’ineiiia. l,i\iiigston. Crush t l5i O. (.lohn .\lct\'a}. t'ls'. 3t)()t)i Andie .\tcl)ow ell. linelda Statinton. Anne ('hanccllor. 1 12min. l)rear} pre- incnopaiisal drama ahout three female friends who heha\c hadl) in a \er} iiice middle class w a}. the} take _\ouiig lo\ ers and e\periment with jaded Set (lllt/ I/It’ (in scenarios. A };t\\li from start to finish. Staunton how cxer lends a hit of class to her hookish cliche of a character. l’l‘ll ('inema. l‘alkirk.

D.O.A. t IS) 0.. (Rock) .\torton & Aniiahcl Jaiikcl. t'S. 1088i Dennis Quaid. .\tcg Ryin. (’harlotte Raiiipling. Rota ls'ncpper. ‘Vmin. the people who

rec) clcd the \ ideo image of Jim Hun/mum gi\e the NS” iioit' classic the same treatment. re\ crcntiall) restagiiig the famous. enigmatic opening in hlack and white. But despite ()uaid‘s hard worls as the how} academic with a gutful of slow - acting poison and tw ent} -four hours to sol\c his own murder. the plot is hashed up and drowns under a w eltei' of (net‘- cmhellisliiiicnts. l'iliiihouse. lidinhurgh. A Day at the Races (l’(ii 0.0 (Saiii \Vood. t'S. l‘)37i the Marx Brothers. Allan Jones. Maureen ()‘Sullhan. Margaret l)umont. lllmin. .\'ot the hcst of the Marx Brothers' films the musical numbers and romantic suhplots are a hit too plentiful hut it does haxe a fair quota of classic comedy set pieces and dialogue sequences. As for the plot. it has the Brothers' trying to help out a girl who owns a sanatorium and a racehorse. (it-'1’. (ilasgow'; Cameo, lidiiihurgh.

Death on a Full Moon Day t 15) (l’i'asanna \'ithange. Sri Lanka. 1997) 72min. Initial!) harmed hy the Sri Lankan gmernnient. \‘ithange‘s film deals with the hrutal sixteen _\ear war hctween the state and the 'l‘amils li\ ing in the north of the island. (it-“ll. (ilasgow; t‘iliiihouse. lidinhurgh.

Devdas il’(ii .\lin the. Asian cinema presentation. t’(‘l. liast Kilhride. Dolphins it’i (Various. t’S. 2()tlt)i .\lin the. the producers ol‘ the most successful l.\lA.\ llto\ ic e\cr. laii'rcxl. take tis undersea into the aquatic home of dolphins. \Vitli narration h} l’iei‘ce lirosiiaii and music h} Sting. l.\tA.\. (ilil\:,_'ti\\.

Franka Potente, utterly wasted in The Borne Identity

Earth t I5) 0... (Deepa .\tehta. ('anada. 1903) Aadmir Khan. \andita l)as. Raliul Khanna. 105mm. It's taken a long time for the second part of Indo- ('anadian .\lehta's tt‘tlog} ahout liidia to reach our screens. The pre\ ioiIs film fire. which deals with a lcshian relationship. is just out on \ ideo. while tt'uIi-r is causing an uproar in liidia where it‘s currentl} filming. Dealing with just as \olatile suhjects as the other films. [furl/i looks at the catacl_\smie Partitioning of liidia in 1047. Powerful material which engages with its stor_\ of childhood friendships desti‘o} ed h} national e\ents. l‘iliiihousc. lidinhurgh. Eight Legged Freaks t 12) .00 tlillor} lillsa}eni. t'S 3002i I)a\'id Arquctte. Karu Wuhrer. Scott 'l‘erra. ‘Nmin. Although it nc\ er quite li\es up to its hrilliant. tongue-in-chcck trailer (l)o )ou hate spidcrs’.’ . . . Well. the} don't like _\ott either? ). this throwback to the tack) radiation/mutation sci—ti

ttto\ les ol' the 1050s does eVols'e l‘UltLl memories of hargain hasemcnt B- pictures such as 'l'lii'm.’ and 'Iimmlulu. the modern twist is that an old fashioned giant-spiders plot has heen souped-up with state-of-the-art eomputer-gcncratcd effects. This is all \cr) w ell. hut the m_\riad (‘01 effects end up over-revving the film's plot engine and shaking apart its ancient. rusting chassis. (ieneral release. Everest (t'i (Various. t'S. 2002) Min the. l.\lA.\' big screen presentation. IMAX. (ilasgow'.

The Experiment (Das Experiment) ( 18) 00. (Oliver ttirsclihiegel. Germany. 2002) Moritz Bleihtreu. Justus \‘on Dohnanyi. Andrea Sawatzki. 1 15min. Although Hirschhiegel‘s film is adapted from Maria (‘iiordano‘s novel Black Bar. its basis lies in true fact - the infamous 1971 Stanford t'niversity psychology department experiment in which a group of men hecamc guinea pigs in a prison simulation scenario. With shocking speed the} lose their sense of identit} and assume the role of guards and prisoners. the former ahusing the latter and the latter esccptiiig their lot. llirschhiegel's film finds a disturhing parallel in the rise to pow er of .\'a/ism. and the director effecti\cl} maintains an oppressixe atmosphere and huilding sense of dread. although earl} scenes are inert) concerned with st_\le. Vikiiigar (‘iiiema. l.args.