
Fri. Sat 8; Thu: 1.00. 4.30. 0.3(). Sun Wed: 2.30. 0.00.

Human Body it'1

Daily: noon.

Fri. Sat 8; Thu: 5.30. IntotheDeepitf1

Fri. Sat 8; Thu: 2.30. 8.00.

Sun Wed: 1.30. 5.00.


Dolphins 101

Daily: 3.30.

Everest (111

Fri. Sat & Thu: 1.00. 4.30. 0.30. Sun -Wed: 2.3(). 0.00. Human Body 1t'1

Daily: noon.

Fri. Sat & Thu: 5.30.

Into the Deep 0')

Fri. Sat 8: Thu: 2.30. 8.00. Sun Wed: 1.3(1. 5.00.

Ddeon at the Quay: Glasgow

00' Paisley Road opposite llarry' Ramsden's. 0141 4180111. into and (‘(' hooking: (1870 50 50 007. [D]. Ilil. Adult £4.50. ['1340/senior eiti/en: £3.50. Students: £2.50 Mon-'I‘hu: £3.501-‘ri-Sun. (‘hild under 12: £3.50 .\lon-'I'hu. Wheel ehair users and carers: £3.50. Family tieket: £14. Perl's prior to 12 noon £3.


TheAdventures of Pluto flash 113(1) 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember1121 4.30. 0.45. 9.011.

Black Knightii’m 1.15. 0.30.

The Bourne Identity112A1 0.45. 9.15. The Guru1151 12.311. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15.


Insomnia1151 1.45. 4.15. 0.45. 9.15. Lantana 1151 0.311. 9.15.

Menin BIackll1P(;1 1.15. 3.15. 5.15.

7.15. 9.15.

Minority Report1121 3.30. 8.45. Reign of Eire1l21 12.31). 2.45. 5.01). 7.15. 9.30.

Scooby-Doo1P(i1 12.30. 2.311. 4.31). Spy Kids2-thelsland of Lost Dreams 1t'1 2.00. 4.15.

Stuart Uttle211f1 1.011. 2.45.

The Sum of All Fears 1 121 1.00. 3.45. 0.30. 9.15.

The SweetestThingil51 1.30. 3.30. 5.30. 7.30. 9.30. Windtallter51151 12.45. 9.00.

3.30. (1.15.


The Adventures of Pluto flash 113(1) Daily: 12.30.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 Fri Wed: 7.15. 9.30.

Also late Fri 0'; Sat: midnight.

The Bourne Identity 1 1241

Daily: 1.15. 1.45. 3.45. 4.15. 0.15. 0.45. 8.45. 9.15. Also late Fri 62; Sat: Frailtyi 151

Daily: 12.30. 2.45. Also late Fri & Sat: The Guru 1151 11.111): 12.311. 2.45. 5.1111. 7.15. 9.30. Also late Fri 8; Sat: midnight.

The Importance ot Being Earnest 1t'1 01111). 2.15. 4.311. 0.45. 9.1111.

Also late Fri 8; Sat: midnight. Insomnia 1151

11.111}: 1.45. 4.15. 0.45. 9.15.

Also late Fri 8; Sat: midnight.

The Lord of the Rings 11’(;1

Wed: 1.30. 5.00. 8.30.

Men in Black II 11’(;1


5.00. 7.15. 0.30. midnight.

Daily: 1.15. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. 9.15. Also late Fri (Q Sat: midnight.

Reign of Fire 1 121

Daily: 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Also late Fri & Sat: midnight. Scooby-Doo ll’(i)

Matinee Sat & Sun: 1.30. 3.30.

Signsil2A1 Thu: 12.30. 2.00. 2.45. 4.15. 5.00. 0.30. 7.15. 8.45. 9.30.

Spider-Man 1 12A)

Fri Wed: 1.15. 0.30.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 1t'1

Fri Wed: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00.

Stuart Little 2 (t7)

Matinee Sat & Sun: 1.00. 2.45. 4.30, TheSum otAlI Fears 1121

Fri Tue. Thu: 0.30. 9.15.

Also matinee Fri. Mon. Tue & Thu: 1.00. 3.45.

Also late Fri & Sat: midnight. The Sweetest Thing 1151 Daily: 5.30. 7.30. 9.30.

Also matinee weekdays: 1.30. Also late Fri & Sat: midnight. Windtalkers t 151

Fri Wed: 3.45. 9.00.

Also late Fri & Sat: midnight.



Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 0870 5050 007 for details and times. New films due to open on Fri 13:

0 1 18 the)

Signs 1 12A)

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

50 Renlield Street. 0141 332 3413. Info and ('(' hooking: 0870 5050007. |D| sereens 5. 0. 7 and 8. Adult: £4.50. Student/l'li40: £3.501Fri-Sun). £3 (Mon-Thu). (’hild under 15: £2.95: Senior eiti/en: £3.50 (Fri-Sun). £2.50 (Mon-Thu 1. Wheelchair Users and carers: £3.50. liattiily tieket £12. l’ert' prior to 12 noon: £3.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash 1t’(;1 12.30. 2.45. 5.01). 7.15. 9.30.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember1121 2.1111. 4.15. 0.45. 9.011.

The Boumeldentity112.»\1 0.311. 9.011. The Guru1151 2.15. 4.30. 0.45. 9.01). lnsomnia1151 12.311. 3.15. 0.1111. 8.45. Men in Black ll1i’(11 2.011. 4.15. Reign of Fire1121 2.15. 4.30. 0.45. 9.00.

The Sum otAiIFearS1121 12.30. 3.15. (1.00. 8.45. TheSweetestThingil51 1.15. 5.15. 7.15. 9.15.

Talkto lier1151 1.15. 3.45. 0.15. 8.45. Windtalkers1151 2.30. 5.311. 8.30.



The Boumeldentity112A1

Fri & Sat: 1.00. 3.45. 0.30. 9.15. Sun Thu: 12.30. 3.15. 0.00. 8.45. The Guru1151

Fri& Sat: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Sun Thu: 2.15. 4.30. 0.45. 9.00. The Importance of Being Eamest1t'1 Daily: 2.00. 4.15. 0.30. 8.45. Insomnia1151

Fri 8; Sat: 1.00. 3.45. 0.30. 9.15. Sun Thu: 12.30. 3.15. 0.00. 8.45. Men in Black ll11’(;1

Fri Wed: 12.30. 2.30. 4.30. 0.30. Once DponaTime In the Midland51t51 Daily: 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00.

Reign oi Fire1121

Fri «'1’; Sat: l2.30(not Sat). 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Sun Thu: 2.15 tiiot Sun). 4.30. 0.45 (not Tue). 9.00. Signs112A1

Thu: 110011. 1.30. 2.15. (1.00. (1.45. 8.15. 0.00. Spider-Man 1 12A)

Fri & Sat: 1.30. (1.45. Sun Wed: 1.00. 0.15. Spy Kidsz-the island of Lost Dreams 1t'1

.‘ylatinee Sat & Sun: Stuart LittleZit') Matinee Sat & Sun: Sat). TheSumotAIlFears1I21 Fri & Sat: 4.00. 9.15. Sun Wed: 3.30. 8.45.

3.45. 4.30.

12.45. 3.00.

1.00. 2.4511101

TheSweetest Thin91151 Daily: 5.15. 7.15. 9.15. Also matinee weekdays: 1.15. Windtalkers1151

Fri Wed: 8.30.


ERIDAY. .137TfiQRSQAY 1 .9

Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 0870 5050 007 for details and times. New films due to open on Fri 13:

0118 the)

Signs 1 12A1

Showcase: Glasgow East

Showcase Leisure Park. Langmuir Road. ('oatbridge. lnl'o line: 01230 434434. (‘(' hooking: 01230 438000. ID]. Ilil. £5.00 (£3.50 before 0pm Mon Fri: lirst show Sat/Sun 8; holidays). (‘hi1d/()AP/Student: £3.50.


The Adventures of Pluto Rash 113(1) 11.55am. 2.30. 4.55. 7.45. 10.15. Austin Powers 3: Goldmember1121 11.50am. 2.05. 4.50. 7.20. 7.50. 9.40. 10.11).

Black Knight (PG) 11.35am. 2.00. 4.25. 7.10. 9.35.

Eight Legged Freaks1121 11.40am. 2.111. 4.411. 7.25. 9.50.

The Guni1151 12.35. 3.10. 5.25. 7.411. 111.011. insomnia1151 7.15. 9.50. Men in Black II 0’01 1 1.45am. 4.311. 7.00. 7.311. 9.15. 9.45. MlnorltyReport1l21 7.15. 10.15. Reign of Fire1121 12.115. 2.40. 5.111. 7.35. 9.55.

Scoohy-Doou’m 11.15am. 1.15. 5.15.

Spy Kidsz-thelsiand of Lost Dreams 11') 110011. 2.20. 4.50. Stuart Little 2 (1'1 11.00am. 3.00. 5.00.

The Sum otAll Fears 1121 11.00am. 1.40. 4.35. 7.25. 10.10.

The SweetestThing1l51 12.30. 2.35. 5.15. 7.55. 10.00. Windtalkersil51 10.05.

11.30am. 2.05. 4.40.




1.05. 4.05. 7.05.


Austin Powers 3: Goidmember 1 121 Daily: 11.50am. 2.05. 4.50. 7.25. 9.40.

Also late Fri 8; Sat: midnight.

The Bourne Identity 1 12.-\1

Daily: 11.15am. 1.15. 2.00. 4.15. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. 9.45. 10.15. Also late Fri 0’; Sat: 12.35am. Eight Legged Freaks 1 121

Daily: 9.50.

Also late Fri & Sat: Frailty1151

Daily: 12.15. 2.45. 5.20. 7.45. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.30am. The Guru 1151

Daily: 12.35. 3.10. 5.25. 7.40. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.25am. The Importance of Being Earnest 11'1 Daily: noon. 2.30. 5.00. 7.20. 9.40. Also late l'it'i & Sat: 1 1.55.

Insomnia 1151

Daily: 11.30am. 2.05. 4.40. 7.15. 9.50.

Also late Fri & Sat: Men in Black II (PG) Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 4.30. 7.00. 9.15.

Also late Fri & Sat: Minority Report 1 121 Daily: 7.15. 10.15. Reign otFirei 121 Daily: 12.05. 2.40. 5.10. 7.35. 9.55. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.20am. Scoohy-Doo 11’111 Daily: 11.15am. 1.15. Spider-Man 1 12A) Daily: 11.10am. 1.50. 4.25. 7.10. Spy Kids 2 - the Island at Lost Dreams 11')

Daily: noon. 2.20. 4.50.






3.15. 5.15.

listings Film

. Talk to Her Top notch tear- jerking drama and cinema lovers' dream about two women in comas and their less than communicative boyfriends from Spanish genius Pedro Almoddvar. GFI'. Glasgow; Cameo. Edinburgh.

Once upon A Time in the Midlands (pictured) The third part of Shane Meadows' Nottingham trilogy (see also TwentyFourSeven and A Room for Romeo Brass) is an enjoyable comic romp about love. hate and failure in the suburbs. See feature and review. General release.

Frailty Actor Bill Paxton trades in his action man roles (Al/ens. U- 577) to direct himself as a serial killer in this intelligent addition to the genre. See preview and review. General release.

0 Shelved in the wake of the Columbine killings. this wholly successful modern version of Othello transposes Shakespeare's tale of murderous jealousy to a high school in America's Deep South. See review. General release.

Insomnia Christopher (Memento) Nolan's smart remake of the Norwegian thriller of the same name. now starring Al Pacino and Robin Williams as cop and killer involved in a deadly cat~ and-mouse game in a remote Alaskan town. General release.

Lantana Part murder mystery. part psychological drama. part love story. this small cinematic gem from Australia deals with the ways in which we deal. or rather don't deal with emotional pain. Selected release.

Imagine ASIA A season of all things Bollwvood and beyond. GFT Glasgow; Film/muse. Edinburgh.

Stuart Uttle21t'1

Daily: 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. TheSumotAllFears1|21 Daily: 7.25. 10.20.

The Sweetest Thing 1 151

Daily: 5.15. 7.55. 111.011. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.05am. WindtallterS1|51

Daily: 1.05. 4.05. 7.05. 111.115.


Programme likely to he similar to the preyious week. Phone 01230 434434 for details and times.

:3 ~10 Sep 2002 THE LIST 37