Film listings

Glasgow cinemas

UCI Clydebank: Glasgow

(‘I_\'de Regional ('enire. ('Iydehank. 08700 102030. 11)]. £5.101£4.101)eloi'e 5pm). ('hild: £3.25 tAduIt with child before 5pm: £3.25). ()Al’: £3.00. Students: £3.95.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash1i’ti1 4.111). 0.40. 11.411.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 0.35. 11.00.

The Boumeldentity112.r\1 0.45. 11.20. The Guru1151 4.35. 7.00. 11.20. lnsomnia1151 12.55. 3.40. 0.25. 11.10. Men in Black "1110) 3.511. 0.10. 8.30. Reign of Fire1121 11.20. Scooby-Doon’U) 4.20.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11') 4.30.

Stuart Little21t'1 3.00. 5.1111. 7.111. The Sum olAllFears112) 3.10. 0.10. 11.10.

The SweetestThing 1 151 3.111). 5.111. 7.20. 11.30.

Windtalkeis1151 2.45. 5.45. 8.45.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash 11’( 11 Matinee Sat & Sun: 11.30001. Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 Hi .\1on. Wed & 1101: 7.00.

The Boume Identity 1 12.41

Dail)‘: 12.20. 3.10. (1.00. 8.50. The Guru 1 151

Daily: 4.45. 7.10. 9.30. Also matinee Sat & Sun: Insomnia 1 151

110113: 3.45. 0.30. 11.10. Also matinee Sat 1k S011: Men in Black II 11’( 11 Dail): 3.50. 0.10. 8.30. Also matinee Sat & S1111: 1.30.

Minority Report 1 121 Daily: 9.00.

Muihse Dosti Karoge 11‘) Hi Wed: 8.15. Alxo matinee Sun: Reign of Fire 1 121 Dail}: 0.10. 8.45. Scooby-Doo (1’( 11 1)aiI_\: 4.40.

A1\o matinee S01 1k Sun: 110011. 2.20. Signs 1 12A)

1110: 3.40. 0.20. 9.00.

Spider-Man 1 12.-\1

Matinee Sat & Sun: 11.150111. 2.15. Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11')

151‘) Wed: 5.45.

Also matinee Sat & S1111: (001 S011).

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 11’(11

Matinee Sat. S011 & 1110: Stuart Little 2 11') Dail)‘: 4.11). .-\1xomaii11ee Sat & Sun: 011110. 2.15. The Sum otAII Fears 1 121

Daily: 3.10. 0.00. 9.10.

The Sweetest Thing 1 151

Daily: 7.20. 9.30.

:\1\11Sal 1% Sun: 3.00. 5.10. Windtalkers 1 151





11.30. 3.15


11.111}: 5.15. 8.15.

Y 1111 Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too)1181

Tue: 7.00.

FRIDAY 18 THURSDAY 10 Programme Iikel} 111 he 80111101‘ 111 the previoux \t'eek. Phone 08700 102030 101' detailx and time\. New tilmx due 111 open on 1’11 13:

0118 the)

Signs 1 12A)

38 THE LIST {1 11181.11. 1’11111’

UGC Parkhead: Glasgow

The Forge. Parkhead. 0141 550 4282. 1010 and ('(' hooking: 08701 555 130. 11)]. |1£|. Adult £4.50. (111111: £3.50 t.\ion 1110: £2.50). Student: £3.50 1.\lon 1110: £2.50). (‘oneesxionz £3.50. 15011111) lit‘kei £12.00. .-\11 llL‘kL‘lS 11L‘1't11'c noon: £3.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash 11’( 11 11.050111. 1.15. 3.30. 0.10. 8.50. The Boumeldentity112.-\1 0.00. 8.35. The Guru1151 11.150111. 1.311. 3.50. (1.15. 8.35.

Men in Black II mm 3.411. 0.011. 8.30. Reign of Fire1121 11.050111. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. (1.00.

Scoohy-Doo111ti1 11.50010. 1.55. 4.1111. Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11') 10.350111. 12.55. 3.15.

The Sum of All Fears 1 121 5.35. 8.20. The Sweetest Thing 1 151 1 1.10010.

1.20. 3.40. 0.00. 8.40.

11.15am. 1.30.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121

1511 Wed: 0.30. 8.50.

Big Fat Liar 1t’(11

Matinee S01: 10.200111.

The Boume Identity 1 12A)

Dail}: 11.400111. 2.30. 5.20. 8.40.

The Guru 1 151

11011}: 3.50. 0.15. 8.35.

:\1\t) matinee \\L‘L‘l\t111_\\2 11.15001. 1.30. Men in Black R 0’01 D011}: 11.1500110111 S011. 0.00. 8.30.

Reign of Fire 1 121 Dail}: 11.05001. 1.30.

1.30. 3.40.

4.00. (1.30.


Scooby-Doo 1 1’( 1 1

Hi Wed: 11.500111. 1.55. 4.00. SignS112..\1

'I‘hu: 12.55. 3.25. 0.10. 8.45.

Spider-Man 1 12.:\1

.\1atinee Sat 1k Sun: 10.20001. 1.00. Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11')

Dail}: 10.35001. 12.55. 31'. 5.35. Stuart Little2 11')

Matinee Sat & S00: 1 1.200111. The Sum olAlI Fears 1 121 Dail}: 8.20.

The Sweetest Thing 1 151 D011}: 3.40. 0.00. 8.40. Alxo matinee \\L‘t‘l\tltl_\\2 11.10001. 1.20.



Programme like1_\ 111 he 80111101" to the pre\ 111th \\CL'1\. 1’11t111t‘ 08701 55.5 13(1 1111' detailx and time\. .\'e\\ 111111\dtie to open 111) 1‘ri 13:

01 10' 11W)

Signs 1 12..\1

IIGC Rentrew Street: Glasgow

7 Renlreu Street. into and (‘(‘ hooking: 0870007078‘)..r\t1tlll £4.50. ('11iId/Stndentx £2.501.\lon 1110): £3.50 tI-"ri Sun). ('oneexxionx: £3.50. 1500111} iieket £12. liarl) Bird admixxionx helore 120111: £3. Kid'x ('1011: £1.50.1'011mited ('01‘11: £0.91) per 1111111111.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash 111(1) 11.000111. 1.15. 3.30. (1.10. 8.50. Austin Powers 3: Coldmember 1 12) 11.10010. 1.411. 4.011. 0.50. 11.30. Black Knight 11’(i) 11.100111. 1.30. 4,00. 0.30. 11.00.

The Boumeldentity112A1 0.111). 8.40. Eight Legged Freaks 1 121 1 1.001011. 1.411. 4.10. 0.411. (1.20.

The Curu115) 11.500111. 2.30. 5.20. 8.10. Insomnia1151 11.200111. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.

Kind Hearts and Coronets 111(1) 11.300111. 8.00.

Lantana1151 11.150111. 2.111. 5.1111. 7.50.

Lovely and Amazing 1 151 1.10. 3.40. 0.20. 830.

Men in Black II1P(11 11.00001. 1.10. 3.40. 0.20. 8.50.

Minority Reporl1121 1.20. 5.10. 8.20. Passport to Pimlico1t'1 2.00. 5.111). Reign of Fire1121 11.500111. 2.20. 5.21). 8.00.

Scooby-Doo1i’(11 11.400111. 2.00. 4.31. 0.411. 11.10.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island oi Lost Dreams 11’) 11.300111. 2.00.

The Sum otAlIFearsH21 2.20. 5.30. 8.40.

The Sweetest Thing 1 151 11.100111. 1.20. 3.40. 0.00. 8.20.

Talkto Iler1151 11.400111. 2.10. 5.1111. 8.00. Windtalkers1151 8.50.


11.000111. 2.30. 5.40.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 D011}: 11.10001. 1.40. 4.00. 0.50. 0.30.

Big Fat Liar 11’( 11

Matinee Sat: 10.300111.

Black Knight 11’(11

Matinee Sat & S00: 12.20.

The Boume Identity 1 12.1\1

Dail}: 11.000111. 2.00. 5.10. 8.20. :\1\t) late 1'31‘1 1k Sat: 1 1.31).

Eight Legged Freaks 1 121

l'ti‘i \Ved: (1.40. (1.20.

Frailty 1 i5)

Dail}: 11.10001. 1.35. 4.00. 0.30. 0.20.

Alxo late 1’1‘1 & Sat: The Guru 1 15) D011}: 1 1.500111. 2.30. 5.20. 8.10. :\1\t11;ilL' 15ri 1k Sat: 10.50.

The Importance of Being Earnest 1t'1 D011): 11.550111. 2.40. 5.30. 7.50. :\1\t) late 1’1'1 1k Sat: 10.20.

Insomnia 1 151

Dail}: 1 1.200111. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. Alxo late 1511 tk Sat: 1 1.30.

Lantana 1151

Dad}: 1 1.150111. 2.20. Lost in La Mancha 1 151 D011): 0.41). 0.10, Men in Black II 11’( 11 D011}: 11.000111. 1.10. 4.00. 0.20. 11.00 (not .\1011 x 11111).

Minority Report 1 121

1-‘ri Wed: 1.2011101 Sat & Sun). 5.10. 8.40.

Once Upon a Time in the Midlands 1 151 D011}: 11.500111. 3.00. 0.00. 8.50. .~\1\olate 1"1'1 & Sat: 11.50.

Reign of Fire 1 121

Dail): 2.20. 5.20. 8.00.

Alxo matinee \\eek110_\\: 11.50am. :\1\t11;ilt‘ 15ri tk Sat: 10.40.

Scooby-Doo 11’( 11


5.00. 7.51

.\latineel-'ri Wed: 11.100111. 1.30. 3.40. Sign5112.v\1

’I‘hu: 11.000111. 11.30001. 12.30. 1.40. 2.10. 3.10. 4.30. 5.00. 0.00. 7.20.

8.00. 8.50. 111.110.

Spider-Man 1 12A)

1:11 Wed: 11.500111. 3.00. 5.50. 830. Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11')

Dail}: 11.300111. 2.00. 4.20.

Stuart Little 211')

D011): 11.000111. 1.00. 3.00.

The Sum oiAll Fears 1 121

D011}: 11.200111. 2.20. 5.30. 8.40. The Sweetest Thing 1 151

Dail}: I1.1001111001'1‘0e). 1.20. 3.40. (1.00. 8.20.

.'\1\(I 1010 1'11 t\ S1112 Talk to Iler1151 Dail}: 11.40am. 2.11). 5.00. 8.20. Windtalkers 1 I51

Dail}: 2.40. 5.40. 8.50.

:\1\11 matinee weekday: 11.00010.



I’rogramme IikeI} to he \imilar 111 the pre\ it)tl\ \\ eek. Phone 0871) 007 078‘) 1‘0.- detailx 0011 time\. \eu 1i1|il\ due to open on 1511 13:

0118 the)

Signs 1 12.v\1

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Cameo: Edinburgh

33 1101110 SII‘L‘L‘I. 11131 2215 4141. ((3 hooking: 0131 228 4141.130): 211 11010' 10101111011110 1.111e: 0131 228 280011)]. £5.21) (£3.50 L‘t1lit'\ 1111 tlti) 11100111}- '1"110r\da_\ and 1’i'itl;1'\-Sunda_\ 11e111re 0pm): £3.50 all 110} 311111110) 01111 'I'uexda} -'1'11111\1Ia_\ 11e1'ore 3pm. Wed: £1 eonex Ior Iirxt \11o\\ in eaeh \ereen. 1.ate 111g111\1111\\\1 late night 0100) £4 (£2.50); midnight 1110\ie £4.50. Double 111118 (Sun matinee/late night 1: £4.501£3.50eonex).

'11 IURSDAY 1')

Comment i’ai tue mon pere 1 151 4.111). Lovely and Amazing 1 151 0.41). 11.05. Sunshine State1151 2.411. 5.40. 8.40. Talk to Iler1151 3.411. 0.211. 8.55.


Frailty 1 151

D011}: (1.25. 9.00.

Alxo matinee 111 Sun: 3.50. Once Upon a Time in the Midlands 1 151 D011}: 4.00111111 Sun). 0.35. 0.10. Alxo matinee I’ri tk Sat: 1.30. Roberto Succo 1 151

.\10110ee l‘ri Sun: 1.20.

Matinee Mon 1110: 3.55.

Talk to Her 1 151

D011): 3.40. 0.15. 8.50. .'\1\t)111111111t‘t‘ 1511 Sun: 1.10.

In the Company of Men 1 18) + The Business of Strangers 1 151 .\iaiinee Sun: 1.20.


(’0110131 2284141/0131228 2801) or pick tip a \\eek1} timeiahle from the einema tor peri'orntanee time»

Sun matinee on 15 Sep:

A Night at the Opera 11’( 11 + A Day at the Races 11’(11

Matinee S1111: 1.30.

Dominion: Edinburgh

18 Xt‘\\11;1111e 'Ierraee. 0131 447 4771. 1111.11: 0131 447 2000 01111 447 84511.0(. hooking: 0131 447 4771. Rextaurant. 001'. ID]. Adult. Standard: £5.10: Superior: £5.00: 1’11110100: £0.20111e1111'e 0pm 3111051110. Standard: £3.80; Superior: £4.40: 1’t1110100: £5.40). HAP/11340. Standard: £3.80: Superior: £4.00: 1’0110100: £5.20: (‘inema 3 tk 4: £4.00111e1'ore 0pm: £3.80: ('ine1110\ 3 1k 4: £4.40). ('11iIdren. Standard: £4: Superior. ('inemax 3 1k 4: £4.00111e1'ore 0pm. Standard: £3.80: Superior: £4.40; 1’0110100: £5.20). 100111} tieketx \tart at £14 11e1111‘e011011101}.


TheCuru11512.15. 5.21). 8.15 Lantana1151 1.45. 4.45. 7.45. Minority Report1121 1.25. 4.25. 7.35. The Sum oiAllFears1121 2.25. 5.25


111111AY1’1 1111111811AY 1:? The Boume Identity 1 12..\1

D011): 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.

The Guru1151

Dail}: 1.50. 4.50. 7.50.

The Importance of Being Earnest 11') Dail}: 1.45. 4.45. 7.45.


D011}: 8.20.

:\1\11\\L‘t‘1\t111_\\2 2.211. 5.211.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams 11')

Sat & S1111:


12.20. 2.55.