rock & pop listings Music

riregularmusic presents

Queens Hall, Edinburgh 3rd October 2002 Box Office 0131 668 2019

w +BROADCAST 4th October Glasgow Cottier Theatre 0870 903 3444

t, 3 r‘: N I; I,


Kenny Young and the Eggplants play La Belle Angele, Sun 8 Sep

GlenrOtheS I Independence Samuel Don's,

I Rockin’ on Heaven’s Door 67 ()1 NllllStltllL‘ Road. 423 mm. OCtOber. 1Sth’ Glasg

Rothes Halls. Rothex Square. 01502 8.30pm. 1‘rce. tickets from: 0870 90 611101. 8pm. £13.50(£11.50 £12.50). I Live Music Grand Ole ()pry.

Tribute to lilyis Presley. Roy ()t’lii\()ll. l’aixle} Road 'l'oll. 42‘) 5306. 7.30pm.

Buddy Holly and Iiddie Cochran. £3 (£2 meniherx). (‘ountry


I MacSabbath The Venue. 17 21

GlaSgOW ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £5.

I Josephine, Beef Music and B ’l'rihute to the true iltti()\’ttl()i'\ of heavy

Movie Sidekicks King Tut‘s \Vah metal Black Sabbath. SUPPORT:

Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 I Brian Kennedy l-‘extiyal Theatre. The 527‘). 8.301)”). £4.51)Plll\ booking fee. l3 2‘) Nicolxon Street. 52‘) 6001). Lube“-

Josephine promote their line new l"all- 7.30pm. £l6.5() £17.50. The popular ' Ines like album. \liot'tly to he released by lt‘isli crooner \li()\\'ca\e.\ some ()1. his & Rocket

Aherdeenk Lithium Records. number one hitx. Science Creait card: 0870 90 33 444 I Serafin 'I‘he ('aitioiise. IS tutor) I Sad Society, Scum and Give

Street. 2-18 6606. 7.30pm. £5. ()yer-l-lx Way The Mercat. 28 West Maitland

show. See preyieu. Street. 225 3861. 7.30pm. £4. The

I The Butterflies of Love, the headlinerx are an Iidinhurgh punk scene ,1 _. Chemistry Experiment and legends and are \upported hy the next M T ' Home Science 11yndland ('hurch generation. @ h 3)

Hall. 7.30pm. £4. A quality line up ()1 Mil) m 444

serious lo-li yank indie—rock action in Stirling

the hthm ed ground where Belle and I Radio Sweethearts 'l'olhooth

Sebastian rehearxe. Home Science are 'l‘heatrc. Jail \Vynd. 01786 27-1000.

from the [K but rock in a sedate 7.30pm. £6 (£4). (irani l’;tt'.\()ti\-ittspit'ed B I d 1 t D b l-‘laining Lipx/ Beach linyx kinda any. country rock. s s

I Viva Stereo Barfly (formerly the . 13th Note (‘luh). 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 Falklrk

907 0999. 8.30an I One Night of Queen 1-‘alkirk

I Open Stage Blues Jam 't‘tmn Hall. \Vext Bridge Street. 01324 .\'ice'n'S1ea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 506850. 7.30pm. £1 1 (£0). Stun in their 333 9637. 2pm. liyr'y u'inner (iary Mullen heads the

I The Breeze Nice'n‘Slealy. 421 trihute to l-‘reddie Mercury et al.

Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637. 0pm.

I Menace and Mugshot the 13111

Note (’al‘e, 50 60 King Street. 55.3 Glasgow 1' 1638. 9pm. £3. Punk rock. I No Comply, Bert Is Evil and . I Big Vern and the Shootahs Rodents King 'l‘ui‘x Watt \k'uh llul. . v Edinburgh COl’t‘l Exchange 16 December é Bourbon Street. 108 (ieoi'L'c Street. 552 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). -' L -' i 0141. 7pm. £5 (£16.50 uith dinner). 8.30pm. £5 plux hooking tee. v ,1 Glasgow Barrowlands December Blues Broiherx-style rock and soul I My Own Religion The ('atliouse. 5713 Credit card 0870 90 33 444 In association with SJM l reyue. l5 l'nion Street. 2-18 6606. 7.30pm. M,” i I Open stage The Halt Bar, (on List). ()yer- l-lx an)“; "' " “WTWWW " t Woodlandx Road. 56-1 1527. 4 8pm. I FIN, the Others, Freeview and i Edmburc ll The venue l l-‘ree. \Veekly \cxximi 1'()t' local Mercury Tilt Switch Barfly l Edinburc h The Venue

ttlllxle‘litth. (formerly the 13th .\'ote (‘luh). 260

I Cutler The Halt Bar. 160 ('Iyde Street. 0870 007 090‘). 8.30pm. Glasgow BGI‘H)’ sq, Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 0 )in. l‘ree. £6.50. Indie rock from the ()thers. 1‘1.\' l ' - .

I The Tremors .\1c('hui11\l.-10 High and Mercury 'I'ilt Snitch. \ylioxe dehut Edmbmc h The venue

Street. 5.52 2135. 10pm. l‘ree. alhuni lirum/le Kit/ “111 he releaxed. EClHlbUrC '3 La Belle Anc ele

IJarnle ‘Barnes and.CochIse Sometime. Edinburc h The Venue 25d),

. lacSoiley \. 42 Jamaica Street. 2-18 I Crysoul and Yellow Cab _

8531. 6pm. Free. Residency tor the \ice'n'Slea/y. 421 Sauchichall Street. .4 Edinburgh La Belle Angele .

l{&li \L‘lL‘l‘illl. 333 ()()37_ 1.)“)111. ~ - . ,.

I Magic ‘Blues surfers I Falter lhe 1311] Note (kite. 50 (ill A" tickets (“enable from credit card 0870 90 33 444, I) Milt’S‘WlCN \ 43 11mm“?! 51W“. 343 Kl”? Sll‘t‘t'l- 55" “‘33- ‘)l"”- “- llk‘ r on-line at www.licl<< and from Virgin & Ripping and all usual outlets.

3531. 0.30pm. Free. ttt‘li\l\ l'ornierly kntmn ax llllSIlL‘l‘. I

'2‘) Sec .‘x‘f.’ THE LIST 51