Art listings


(111111‘11 1\' Shop. H" 1)undas 811111.556 115111 \11111 111 11111111 (1pm: Sal

111;:111 511111.

Figuratively Speaking 1-11 (1 Scp 1-11 1(111. 1-11'111'1111\1'paitilingsh) 11 sclcclion 111 11111s1s 111 conjunction with 11 rangc ol 111111111-11111'1s including wood sculpturc. 1111111/1' and glass.


1.2 Shantlwick 1’1111‘1‘. 259151. Mon \Vcd 1‘1 111 1111111 5.311111111'1'111‘ 11.31111111 5.3011111: 111111111111 "11111581117 (1pm; Sun

1111111111 5.31111111181111 1131111111 5311an Michael Craik: New Paintings

1 11111 11111 17(11'1. .\'cw paintings 11}

\111 11:11-1 ("raik s11111'c1‘d 1111111 his ahstract .11111111-1'1111'111 pliolographs.


2L1 1111111111s 511‘1‘1‘1. 55(12131. .\l1111 1'11 1111111 (111111;S111 11111111111 511111.

Fiona Stevenson and Kate Phin S111 " Scp $111 12011. chular gallcr} 1‘\l1il111111s 1‘1111111 Slcxcnson and Katc l’hilp 1111'\1‘111 1111 111111 walci'coloui' landscapcs 111‘ \1'-1‘_1.1111l. \11‘\1‘11s1111 locuscs 1111 gardcns .1111: 1.11.11s111pcs 111 1111~\\1~s1(‘1111s11111111- 1’1111111‘11111111‘1‘s 1:11s1 1.11111111111111111111‘ 1111111111211: 111 \11111‘1'1‘11111111'. N1\."/811()V1/.


2‘1\\.111'1l1111l’lacc. 55(157(1(1. l)ail\

11111111 23111111111 (1 11111111. 5 Revolution Diner [11111 Sun 2‘) Scp. \1“.‘. 111111 1111s1‘11 Scollisli 111'lisl R111) 1)1111;1l11s1111 picscnls 1111 installation 111' work 11.111111 111111scs 1111‘ 111111-11 walls 111111

11 111111111 1111 1111- spacc. comprising lin1‘ 11111\.\111_‘.'\1111111‘111111111'\ 1‘111111'111111‘1'} works.


('.:s:11‘11111. |<11111l \1111'.-1Hi 2111111. l)ail\

‘1 ‘1111111 11111111. '

Betty Freeman Music People

and Other Photographs 111111 81111

90 THE LIST 1: .' ,L’

15 Scp. Photographs by lictt)‘ 1‘11‘1‘1111111 of sonic 111~ thc greatest musicians 111111 artists 111‘ 1111‘ 211111 111111 21st ccntury including l’icrrc Bulllc‘l. John ('agc 111111 Allrcd Brcndcl.


(1(1 (‘11111111‘1‘1111111 Strcct. 558 11872. Mon 1-11 11111111 (11111128111 1(111111 4pm.

William Scott 1913-1989 1'11111 Sat 21 Scp. Prints 111111 lithographs h) 1111‘ (irccnock horn artist William Scott

1915 198‘) in 11 cclchration (11 his work. lnllucnccd by Abstract lixprcssionisni. Scoll produccd compositions ol‘ silliplc lorms 111111 arcas 11111111 colours producing it sc‘nsc‘ 111' spacc.


(1 (111111111 lcrracc. 55(1 4-141. \Vcd S111 11111111 5pm.

Abstraction 1'11111 8111 7 Scp. A cclchration 111 1111‘ 11111 and 1111‘ ncw 111 this cxliihition 111'1'1‘111‘s dating 1111111 11s 1111‘ back 11s .1(1(1l)B(' juxtaposcd with paintings by sotnc 111‘ 1111‘ scrninal ahslract artists 111' thc 211111 and 21st ccntur}; Howard Hodgkin. ('allun1 lnncs. Ian l)a\'1‘nport. lillsworth Kclly 111111 Scan Scully arc among 1111‘ sclcction. U181 Cl 1ANCL 10 SH 1

ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE 82 Nicolson Strcct. (1(18 2232. Mon 1‘11 11111111 5pm.

lntorno al Parsifal: Gianni Dessl l'ntil 1'11 (1 Scp. Sci 111‘sig111‘r111'\Vagncr's l’arsil‘al. (iianni 1)css|. prcscnts 1111 cshihition 111‘ oxcr 311 drawings 1111' 1111‘ sct 111111 two wall paintings 11111111‘ spc‘c‘lllc‘flll}

1111' 1111‘ show. [A81 (Ill/\NCF 10 81—71]


(15 1111‘ Shorc. 1.1‘1111. 553 5255. 1111‘ Hi 1111111 51111118111 1111111 4pm.

James Somerville S111 7 $111 31 81-11. Paintings 11) Janics Sotncri illc. Ni'W

81 1()\N.

Fleshy Edges by Erica Stanga is on show at Forest Arts

Sol Y Sombra Sat 7 Sat 21 Scp. 1.1111dscapc‘ paintings 111‘ Scotland and Spain 11} Jaincs Sonicrsillc 111111 Alistair \V 'l'honison.


l'nixcrsit) 111'1i1linhurgh. 211 ('hanihcrs Strch (151) 2342. hail-11131111111 5pm. Eric Parry Architects: an Eye for the Whole 1‘11111 1-1-1 18 ()1-1. A photographic 1‘\l1ihilion 111' pi'ojccls 1w 1.1111111111-hasc11 practicc liric l’arr) Arcliitccts \\ 1111s1‘ work includcs [111‘ 111‘lisls' sllltlios 1111' :\ltl1111) (it)1‘liilc‘_\' 111111111111 Phillips. 1111‘ .\linistr_\ 111811111111 hars 111111 1111‘ Mandarin ()1‘icntal 111111‘ Park 1111th Spa.


87 Broughton Slrcct. 558 X778. \Vcd Sat 11111111 (1pm.

Mixed Exhibition 1'11111 N111. .\ changing sclcction 111~ work 11} 211111 ccntury artists including works 11} Pat l)outh\\'ailc. I)11\'111 Hosic. 511‘11‘11 11111111. 1'11‘11 l)cakin. Junc Rcdlcrn. Marcos .\larlinc/. Kcith Vaughan. llcnr} K1111111‘111‘ki 111111 (11‘1111 Rtipc‘l‘.


111‘11111‘11 Road. (124 (12111) (rccordcd 1111111‘11111111111 332 22(1(11. [)1111}

1011111 511111111111 11111111 71111112111: New: Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary British Art 111111 $1111 17 N1“. 1:1‘1‘1'. 1111‘ gallcr} \ll(1\\\ 111111\ rcccnt acquisitions 111‘ contcinporar} British art which includcs Douglas (iordon's I111 11/.\'u/111-s. pltis works h} ('111111111 lnncs. 1)11n1ic11 Illl'sl. l)11\id Shriglc}. ('hristinc 131111111111. ('111111 .\lc('1111. Victoria Morton. Julian ()pic 111111 1111111} 111111'1‘.

Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection l'niil 1‘111'1} 211113. :\11

1‘\l1il1ition 111‘ works 1111 long-tcrtn loan including Andy Warhol. lid Ruscha. Jcll' Koons. 11111 Viola and (iilhcrt 1% (11‘11t'g1‘. SL‘L‘ 1'1’\11‘\\'.

Howard Hodgkin in Context M11111) Scp. 12.45pm. .'\1't historian 111‘11111111 'l'hotnson g11'1‘s 11 talk 1111 1111‘ work 111' Howard Hodgkin.


1111‘ 31111111111. (12-1 (1201) (1'1‘1‘111‘111‘11 1111111'11111111111 332 22(1(11. D1111} 11111111 5pm: 11111 11111111 7pm.

Rubens: Drawing on Italy l'ntil Sun 8 Scp. £3 (£21.'1'111s major cxliihition 1‘\plorcs thc \\'1l}’s in which Ruhcns studicd. copic‘d 111111 adaptcd 1111‘ work 111 1111‘ Italian artists and brings togcthcr 11 rangc 111‘1111111‘1‘1111 that thc artist produccd tlic‘i‘c. [ASl CHANCF 10 SEE.

Horses for Courses: George Stubbs in Focus [1111! Sun 311 Scp. .-\ small display 111' paintings h) 1111‘ linglish sporting artist (icorgc Stuhhs 1 1724 1811(11 including thcgallc1'1's 111st acquisition. 'l‘lic .lIun/ucn 11/ Rocking/111111 '1 .‘ll'tl/iltlll Stu/lion I.1'1//1\'11 (iron/1111! (‘1'1‘111'1'l/ (111111.

Before the Crucifixion 1:11 1‘1 Sep. 12.45pm. Julia 1.111111 \Villiains 1lis1'11ss1‘s Bcrnard \1111 ()1‘11‘1's painting.


(ic‘til'gc‘ I\' 111111;:1‘. 22(1 4551. .\11111 $111 1(111111 511111151111 2 5pm.

This Book Belongs to Me 111111 Thu 31 (111. 1{\p|or1‘ tl11‘1‘\citing 111111 colourful world 111'1'1111111'1‘11's hooks 1111111 1111‘ original 171111‘1‘111111'} 1.111111111111111“) 111111} l’ottcr liltic'klillslc‘l'.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY ()uccn 5'11ch (124 (121111. D1111}

11111111 5pm. 11111 11111111 7pm.
