We welcome submissions for this section. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh life listings compiled by Anna Millar.

Book events

Steven Pinker Royil .\lu\eum Lecture 'I‘heatre. 3 ('haniherx Street. 3-17 43l‘). (rpm. £3 redeemable againxt purchaxe. .-\ pro\ocati\ e lecture on the Blank Slate theor). challenging man's most haxic ;l\\lllllpllttll\. You may ne\ er \ee things the xame \\a} again?

Saturday 21

Other events

Antiques Fair Ro}al llighland (‘L‘llII'LX lllglifloll. 555 (illlll. llltlltl. Free. Browse or hit) limit a \\ ide \election ot' antique\ and collectahlex at lllix popular lair.

Introduction to Mosaic Rand Botanic (iarden. lm erleith Rim, 5.53 7171. 0.30am 5.30pm. £70. Weekend \\t)l‘k\l10p introducing )ou to the \imple techniques of inoxaic-making tor )(llll‘ home and garden.

Celtic Trees l{o_\al Botanic Garden. lm'et'leilh Ron. 553 7l7l. 3.30pm. £3. Learn more about the lll)lll and t'olk‘lore ot' Scotlanth natixe trees on a guided tour \\ ith Stephanie Ledger.


Capital City Challenge 2002 10K Race llol_\rood l’at‘k. 55b l7hl. .'\ lllk race \larting in llol}t'ood Park and tinixhing at Meadouhank Sportx (‘entre. \\ ith exentx tor all le\el\ ol runner.

Other events

Antiques Fair Ro}al Highland ('enlre. lttglixton. 555 (i300. Sec Sat 3L Introduction to Mosaic Rand Botanic (iarden. lmerleitli Ron. 553 717l.‘).5(latn 5.30pm. £70. See Sat 3L Grandparents Day Deep-Sea World. North Qllccllxlcl'l'}. (ll 53.5 —ll ltStSll.

lllani (rpm. £6.50 (£4.35 95). ('elehrale _\our Io\ ed ones \\ ith lhix great da} out l'or all the rum”). l‘ree tltlllli\\i(m l'or gramlparentx “hen accompanied h} a lull [)tl}lllf_' child.

Book events

RICK Stein \ValerxloneK. IZX l’rincex Street. 33o 3(ioo. 13.50pm. The popular TV chcl \igm copicx ol ltix hook. Rick .Slr'l'H‘x I'imr/ Ht'l‘m’x. ill \\lliL‘ll he ll‘;l\cl\ the length and breadth ol' Britain to dixcm er the highext qualit} produce a\ailahle and unearlhx a treasure-[rm e ot'


Howard Hodgkin Exhibition Tour Dean (ialler). Bell‘ord Road. (i3-l (i3()(l. 13.45pm. l’ree. Richard ('alxocorexxi lead\ a tour of the inipresxne Hodgkin e\liihition. \\lllL'll continue\ its l'exti\al \htm \xith heautilul interpretationx ot' \itualionx and memories.

Other events

Design Your Own Garden Royil Botanic Garden. lmerleith Ron. 553 717]. Want noon. Wt). ll—\\eek course teaching _\ott all the \kill\ ya: need t'roin \oil sampling to plant dexign to create the garden )ou'\e alna} \ uanted. Continuing Botanical Art Rina! Botanic (iarden. lmerleith Ron. 553 7l7l. (3.5“ 8.30pm. £70. .'\d\anced courxe tor thoxe \\ ho ha\e completed 'lnti'mluction to Botanical :\rt‘ and uollld like to further iinpro\e their painting and L‘tilllptixilltilt \klllx.

Tuesday 24 Talks

Roots, Unexpected Origins of Ordinary Things Ro)al Muxeutn. 3 ('haniheix Street. 347 43“). 7pm. £3. l'lrike al Khainix gi\e\ a talk inxpired h} the (rails (ialler) e\hihition.

Other events

Continuing Botanical Art Royd Botanic (iarden. lmerleitli Ron. 553 7l7l. 9.30am 13.30pm. Wt). See .\lon 3%

Introduction to Botanical Art Ro}al Botanic (iarden. 1m erleitlt Ron. 553 7l7l. LSllpni & 4.30pm. UM). Beginnerx courxe e\ploi'ing conteinporai') \\a_\ \ ol~ \eeing and interpreting plantx.

Design Your Own Garden Royll Botanic (iarden. lmerleilli Ron. 553 717]. 7 0pm. UH). See Mon 35.

Wednesday 25

Book events

Issues National Lihrar} ol Scotland. (ieorge l\‘ Bridge. 33o 45%|. .'\ltlltot\ Aidan ('liamherx and ’l‘herexa Brexlin tli\cll\\ lttm \ttcicl} i\ i'cl'lectcd ill children\ hookx. Marc Lanihert ol' the lidinhurgli International Book l"c‘\ti\;1l chair\ the di\cll\\ion.

The Makars’ Literary Tour \Vriterx' .\lu\eutn. Lad} Stair‘x llouxc. Lad} Stair\(‘|o\e. 530-100]. 5pm & 7pm. l‘t'ec. Special pre\ ic\\ ot' the .\lakar\‘ Literar} lour ulticli ha\ been de\eloped tor teacherx. ltlllllllc\ and )oung people.

Thursday 26 '

Book events The Makars’ Literary Tour

lAl KS


Bearded botanist takes centre stage


o 0

Edinburgh life


The bushy beard, the flailing hands, the rosy cheeks, the infectious

enthusiasm - and who can forget the distinctly bear like voice? For many, David Bellamy is a cultural institution. As botanist, writer and broadcaster he’s undoubtedly one of the best loved and respected personalities in Britain. And now the man himself is set to dish the dirt with his autobiography, Jolly Green Giant. This month, as part of Edinburgh Airport’s Look Who’s Talking season, Bellamy shares his experiences of growing up in Carshalton during WW2 and discovering his love of the countryside, his travels around the world and his new, enlightened view of preservation. All in his own inimitable style. And ever the conservationist, Bellamy intends to take all his good intentions to the grave. ‘l’m planning to be buried in one of the Church of England woodland sites, where I hope to grow into a tree and where one day someone will chop me down and make me into a beautiful piece of

furniture.’ (Anna Millar) I / est/tar l/reat/‘e. .595) ($000. Thu (3 Oct. 1pm. 1‘4 (£72).

culinar} germ that lltxpll'c one of lll\ lll()\l sensational collectiom of recipes \L‘l.

\Vrilerx‘ .\lu\euin. Lad} Stair\ llouxc. Lad} Stan's (low. 53‘) -l‘)lll. 5pm & 7pm. l’t'cc. See \Vcd 3.5.

Tf‘ti- Marin; (Egret, (in. "a; if; ,..n ‘.l;'l‘_ t, <:a'fl‘(t..a»x-:2:; a'iu aria Its ()‘.'.’.'t exhibition, lots of Hopetoun House hands on exee' Ute-(:5; at 3‘?.;-3f, ’Z'l :l'-:,-v‘ S‘f5>;>. runes a? -;:-‘ turn. the lllll'lill\ si|\.'erware and. Shore Road. South the art of V'sua T! ::k-::v l<,' ;. n ' mt ’:f *‘ stor, :>t the earth has of course. The Stone of ()ueensferry, 331 24:31. City of the Dead’s " s;1:;'j.. tzwa a :n ‘.'-..- <:..". ':-:.-\.r.-r he. 'll()l-:? Destiny used to crown Daily t()am»—:’>.3()pm. Haunted Graveyard '3; t“ r; 'a'ittdtazklt: I i 'ittvest in}. Scottash kings sntee ttvne S‘2.i’()—S‘:’5. This stately Tours Casi-1:. .'.":.< ' gilT’trxafll Edinburgh Castle began. home. part of whiCh is l\/1<;-<;t':;\,'8t(‘zti<.~5; 'r, or 'r as; t": l ‘I a, ll::‘,gul\/1l-:=. ji’f: :lé-‘ylt‘; Edinburgh 200 still lived in by the Camera Obscura (lathedrzt. Royal M .e. l il:"l).l'.l" (2mm < l l)az\. El.(-§(T;ur térvh. 3‘1”. (Zorstorpluiie Road. 1313:: Marquesses of Castle“ 3!. Hoya. Mm. ~1‘ii' 221%). [)ariy ("LifUth‘ m n .ttri Wlfliir' lira: 3‘1) Sin. /\‘t".>t.g;t‘ mug" Ell f i. Daily 9am (Spin. Linlithgow. was built tn 2%: 15/0). l\/l().'l l 'i X. liit).’ll. ’2‘5; tSVZt. l)" ‘."-:: :.f,-::"-T: ’;‘ 'l‘..‘ii" :," '.."-:.- «as: -;,-':; 'Y‘tfil’r’EX’tl S‘/' ‘53? 5‘51; faintly ll(Il<(?l the 18th century by SIB/lair (liar. Sat IX. 81;" the; spooky tom 1" ,(;.i :. “,th'Y; (loam; f'n; Hui" "luluict-gv “st 3‘90 5741.130. \Ntdely {ll'(Ill|l(}(IlS Sir \Nilltattt ‘fiaw iii,rit_E‘-1.€)r'; rla'e. £ll1fl‘/,'(:.i'l1l)t: r,‘ Mm .. Omen" ::‘ f; :t in. . . as -:-".t:<l uf: accepted as one of the Bruce and \’V.'lll(tlll (“2:33 i‘IfIlt'w: faint; guarantee-(i ga‘i 'l‘;:""€:' Dynamic Earth : .l"{:'.:i\fi " the t:)tl‘ tiies’. /(>():; Hi Britain. Adam. lt houses Ticket l)l(;v< til) :1 ;;;:'art<;rrita frtri'tu, ll',g.'<:';t: l-lizafl. 25:3; Cori? ".iflltl there's plenty here to furnishings and artwork eeriesfmu‘ Z'l your "éllltl ’l‘<;lll(llll(l the 'l“(l'7"/;l:, .r”--;',ti_ [Jar "ia'i‘ itt'lfi -.a>< ::'\~: g: to \.'.’l‘.|l(3 {hf/(h, an afternoon, collected by the family at Tl‘tf) £l’.l."£l(;fi(>'t. ‘.'/"l|(j" McKen/tr: [when/text. S '. "a . W T" wan-m; t“ r;. ()t’w or even a whole day if over the past «100 years. 'l:'.'€:f; ‘.’lf;l<;."; a mat fire. You have l)(‘:(:.’l .'.';i"‘r.-'i. ’i(:"(,-.’:f; -,—"..:/'.t':<_; .tff'a. tn"); 'tti'..(l(: \,':);. take your latte. the Museum of EU, degree army,- rfl' tl‘e Craigmillar Castle t, -" .at' ,_ .u I Jli‘ IVY 'Ll'llt).lf; ".ex'xl‘, bunt "African Childhood may. l'1r: 'ixrmt recev‘t (Zunriun tar (lustre lit/{if}. '.' tuba it'll'i‘;'t(:"l‘ M rt; Met}, t'w: bla‘iis' £lll()l(l a fantastic 4'2 High Street. 529 $1.32. artrr‘uwr‘ 1<,t"‘(:‘.'r,-rr.tr: :; ht? 3.4.15). Ha“. can w; ;:i ()w- ( )‘t : r- ‘k ( i..'l '\.'.'-tt‘ ‘.'l(}\.'.’ of the (:tty. Mon—Sat lOaIii—iipm.

'9' Set:- ;5 04:: 2001) THE LIST 99