. - j::;v:;.,l.'.E \Ukhv milking “@"st-GO-Uk . JOOLS FLESH AND BLOOD

- HOLLAND’S BBC2, Wed 25 Sep, 9pm on I:::;:.,‘.'5 PIANO THE ART SHOW -1‘r~1‘<'="‘i"1j'~ 8802, Fri 27 Sep, Channel 4, Fri 27 Sep, 1‘51TT1?"‘ l’ii "- -‘% 12.10am 0000 7.30pm 0.. ‘;: a" : '-;,-. f“ f"-’:-

it: .i, , ,. I ,. T! ' w 1 /\I I I \ My“ I ,I I I I l I ‘I ~ I ‘,I 'I V I x) I \I\ /\ y I ( I K I I { 1 \ I I u Y") I‘ ,~ , .' . . , . ,., , . , , . ,.' .,,,.‘, ,... . -,. ,. “pi. ,. ,J ,H, HM. SN, w b t t d (l,,'.,' 11.: . .I. CHINA. .: l <..’.,’ I ... .41.:0 , ./ ./.,iI..t'.,’. \ .I O y u u

:::‘;:-:‘°_:; :;-:;- :2: :i,.::'. ‘9" mt: " ’25:".“é; "trues. :; g: 1"."Ll 'v‘f;;:~‘;:t no It doesn’t sound like a bundle of fun. Flesh and Blood is a collaboration :; x ‘;;,.'-:,- :;,.~*::_ Ania. ;: i"-:- 91-? -':><-:i-:i5‘:. i: {ELT-i' ::" " ::,:::' ::;a' between the BBC’s Drama, Factual 8: Learning and Disability Programming " .‘:'.°.-::-"‘:‘t '37 ::";:’:,.’»»"::. g:":i "'.i)':1'.{l;‘:fii". ‘:>:x.s;:~;";; in which Joe Broughton (Christopher Eccleston), a joiner who was was il;‘:'.-;: t ‘-:,-: i l‘ 3:: :~ '3: ::~ .,:.:: s; adopted at birth, goes in search of his real parents. He discovers that he 9:. i "‘ (3..'::I«.'33 g:-i. ::s:,::-:;~‘:\ -:,-:: 3:-2-:- H“; :i" :2: i can; :t"~:,. was conceived during a one-night stand at an institution for people with li'i‘:f3i3"°.-’E" 33v" . ::.'. :1 6:" 5i"; f"-:- ': a" pix-2:: '. "'x «:3; g‘: .::' learning disabilities. "°-;;-":;-::. :,"-::::1" :,~::;. "it g: '*::-.» g;"-’;-;‘:'. 3:": ~:.,-:: :: : But while this feature-length drama is worthy, it’s far from dull. Joe’s “3...”: Sufism. '1":"3:'." O" ;::2, New» "1:. 5; Ti: '1"? i;'."-.--':'. sense of self is badly shaken by the revelation: thinking you’re comfortable ‘f‘.;..'_ .zi‘i .::,"-:> 5:,» r:':..-,- .. “5;: f".-fi:’. ’.‘ with disability and discovering that it is a part of you are very different .:.:::<::<:'f:;. " ," i .f:: T: "" T"-T: .,I‘:."\fé”" li'if" -’:l""‘. z things. He meets his mother and father, both played convincingly by gar-.2 :,.:-t . i .'.;‘::1£‘:.}i:"..fli 5': "".-’:':::1'.".; actors with learning disabilities, neither of whom have any idea who he is. "-::'.-:;s‘: 635:. "g: y. . T" "'35:: v: '3; l‘.,'_ "-r: ’2 ::~* ~:::-:;:: The camera is fixated with Eccleston, but he shoulders the burden with f":: "‘:.'-’,-:1:11t" '91:: ‘."-'1- 14:,- . Art-'4‘ '32:,» -':"'. ’~ .:5::: sensitivity. Ultimately, it is the subtle touches that set deep-rooted .'.f“'\:1.‘11..’. 2:»: i H I. ~ " -;-,~ "1:1 concerns against the social contexts that seek to contain them that make : r521, 8:41-wa" fH‘E'SHIELD ::s:. "g; Saw?“ Flesh and Blood a success. A scene in which Joe shows his father his ’2'J:"'5’:', ::-:,~"-»'-: g': 1* ‘. ~" toolshed provides a neat inversion of the usual father/son relationship, Channel 5, Sun 29 Sep, , H . _ , _ . . _ 10pm ... " _- " .. ' while Joe reveals the truth to his workmates in a pub as qwz questions - "-2- : 3*."il \-’:.'. about Chesney Hawkes intrude on the uncomfortable silences.

' ' :' " ’;' mi“? : ';:;;'. In the end, Flesh and Blood feels a little short, like there is a little more it i ,_ >3. -- t; _:..:::1'. could say or that a big story has been squashed into a small space. But

' . ' '2 i 1‘, ~ "" 3:: this courageous, well-observed drama ends up doing enough to entertain, "l; ...... H ' and saying plenty to leave a powerful impression. (James Smart)

:' '1»: 1: "L; ::-',-:: ’i-::ii I. ‘Igit "z‘:.'"':‘:’. :7." :)‘ 8 land of the appeal. but - ' '. ;‘:"’: g‘: fl-ZE":’}§; :3" 70.348 1' the sor‘ipliiig :s roD‘, In

"""" '1 : i . ' x : K ~ ' ' : " :ABv'isv i- ii places. although there are ' '1 ' ' a """ " J : w .05; <>‘t":>s<:- soiiieriice surreal

fl‘Cl“€lllS and the odd

' "" " .' "" " . ;' . . i :: stab at ‘.'.:'eri‘dli seif- ' ' ' ' ' ‘° i>i \iio'uast 'i(l (it " 0 BBC parodi rig llLl'T‘OLIY'. Boom ' I ' : "\ i1 ' “i " git' /: °'::~;ii‘.. boo!“ noeed. ' H, ' ,../ :-,- u .: v] I“ \l' . it ‘i: ITV. 'DOng Johnstonei ' ,,. x, , Tl: 1:": " " 'i Sc. "-:;g‘:" "1;!" {Suite ' '. ': :::,',<;;:i, -:; :, fir;-':',’ : 32:: ,-,-5; SHOWBIZ (348:.E:3;ii::;::i‘;i1"<} ALSO ON

1.":3. If: 5:" «5:6 "-2 T";‘:" '_' -': ~24: '3»; l Channel 4 Tue 24 Sep illHL. t:;:.:; i‘\."f""\"1}\lf$(: q)" i:..s".i:-ss these days. It's Live with Chris Moyles t 1 l l ' - ' 1; fr 9 "" "1 9pm 0000 . "c: t3"‘:". 817121;" :3 east. to loox (XICK and C";:""el 3. won 23 Sep,

-':"r;',;v’:~, .-,-', il"(3.'.l"§l :20. PM that tell; x2135; great Nev. n‘agazine FACE OF ,:"’;‘_"-’:' {v-v'v' :’g‘:":: B, '12" rm:- '*‘<>s;: " tiie Clans; of snov. to ‘iii the TF/ Friday

MICHAEL 5:”: i i . g;.. “4; tat: ::<>"::<:-i"is spaceiioi>i)ers Li‘zi xoil. apparently. JACKSON 7-2-2 ‘5 ' (3' 17-4)". Hgii‘iiiiig. il‘(‘: i‘&=.'. Cl’i?!“()€i Foam. but it Daddy's Girl :Scofr/sh.

Channel 5, Sun 29 Sep, ’2' f7 3 .1'”

. (:i'a'é; Jemit'ui" Ross. l)’()l)£ll7i‘:. wasn't real». igloo 23 See. 90/77,: Martin 9pm 0... :, ."‘:?.‘5"w’;

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' i w :ev :iz :s<:"-:,--:::i. l-l;i":i'i"g anus zi "(3l"(?'l‘l)i}" [388 Bi..:;" o'e'oiit ‘.'.'|ill a family ' V i>"‘.;it<3 ><>rson '.'.'T() itiiteu ‘orXii; zii‘il i‘::;>",; unit“ the l?S§C"OO"all‘a. "" w ; : ,' " v : f"<> 'i‘eii .iii‘ ‘.'.'.".I(?l‘. ii‘ailo :;tii“<><i «or; (I Ev“.i. The Real Linda )1, . i ' ' ' ' l‘f; "am: out (Ill also 0". ed} 5:"..i Soc“ "(3 ".225; Lovelace :Cnarwe/ 4.

', l/«i: :,-',-.>:°.. Nil-1' 2" ‘,::i."‘:- :>ii-:,- :>‘ <3‘.i3"t..;i‘. Kr'leii "rfi‘. His; :"(ii‘l ..i: t"a‘:"i‘: ill the 10:) 7/5.; 26 Sep, ’OO/i‘w 1 a" _. r::: .’l-i: 1'”;:';-,; i.<::>i: -:: m5; 1‘. lane to Face "‘l(}l'\_l(?‘.'. is; of To <:..<i’ii\, itgistgii‘ii Reflecting on the Deep ':-': i"'.'[. ::i::>:.". :;..::'* llié‘: l3(}"17"!‘,‘{‘.'l\ of (i ‘ziii‘e mono Fara: star who died this '7:' «a: " '* ;. Dew" \':>":i‘-::-ii ifé:(}lf"i'.‘, ()8'ii} 2'. iiei‘oi'e This; 'i‘oclerii yea". "w ', .: i ;:-,~,’ I,- - .m " i " t; i a £il)(7..i 5:" <2".";ii>t (ill(li()ll(i(‘:. "e:;'.;i'r‘e::lioii 8003 We Celebrity Fit Club '.' -': ' -’:-’:‘: 3" ikC' . ii .’. 1'»,- " lurk: llm'x‘ {bl-.7 :J‘ K B'liil‘ l)()-"zl;l:§()": aim; to, so “calm: rSCOff.’S". F’? 27 See.

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