IllL'lLL'fo} iffiit [tittilkiii uncanny.

Gilles Peterson still talks about an amazing Sub Club night ten years ago

M ,,_ I. my. .wmw. :- . vxr m1. Na. IL. .iqud-Unw- I”. "Inh- ~ my way ~ A}. “phi. {Li'ihbe‘i"figwx;'.'v.§$‘%l {xefiWflSL-jfi-ifif'reeffi .‘,f."I"~': lgéu'fif:‘77{'n_}yk.":G-,fi"Ig.‘ I‘m yin: "w, 1&71.‘ m, .f mj ’-'»»"‘"~» “Ir. 1'

i 35%. get. i 272W?" SUNDAY 323RD JANUARY m 7""; Ersz mini mi DEAUV amino nowr NME ALBUM OF YHE MONYH JAN 2W} ODE? 30TH JAN. Bin taéiai! S we" was t M-or i’LANET PEACH Seaman- not the easiest night for most people to go out. I always ask people: ‘What i

do you actually do on a Monday‘.” I feel this paternal worry that l have

destroyed their course or they’ll lose their job. It‘s become a very hedonistic I W _V club, more drunken that druggy. it‘s absolute chaos. We don't really fit in " anywhere we just play whatever takes our fancy from garage-rock to

reggae. its all up tempo but it could be anything and we chuck in a lot of

technology to fuck things around a bit.

Then three years ago. disaster struck.

Paul Crawford 14 November 1999 is a date carved into my memory.

There was a fire in the post office next door to the Subbie. So we went - A v down to the club and at that point it looked like a minor fire. We went for a

pint not too fussed about it all but within an hour there was an explosion. the fire got out of control and the whole building went up. Everyone kept ;.,,;,-.n...,. .. i. 773‘" “1*”; 3 iiiii’if telling us: ‘You’ll be back in about a week. it’s not disastrous." " Mike Grieve Subsequent investigations uncovered that the building had become structurally unsound. It has been a very difficult time. but we like to look at the positives and it has allowed us to do a few other things that we might not have done like boat parties. T in the Park and Gig on the Green. On a personal level for myself. Paul and owner Tony MacCrimmon it has been a very. very difficult period to work our way through. One of the most significant things during that period was that sadly Kenny MacCrimmon. Tony‘s father. the original owner. died six months after the club closed. There‘s been some big personal ups and downs.

A new chapter in the legend begins as the waiting) is final/v almost over: S U l i C k Diesel 1 can't wait. I’m coming up. if not to play. then just for a dance. ' d

Domenic Cappello For the last two and a half years. whenever there's I n S U n e r O U r been a special record out. immediately I've been thinking that‘d be wicked

when we go back to the club.

Paul Crawford We want to make sure the philosophy of before continues ' l l

the notion of clubbing with a sense of community. Obviously the U I Saturdays [Subculture] and Sundays [Optimo] are the mainstays of the club . d v h '

and they will continue and I’m positive that the Fridays will be stronger I n S O I I I I n 9 than ever. We are starting with a brand new refurbished club and a top d

sound-system. I don't want to give too much away but we’re confident that g 0 O S a y it will be. if not the best. one of the best in Scotland and probably the UK. Mike Grieve You should expect bigger and better than ever before.


The Sub Club, Jamaica Street, Glasgow, re-opens on 2 Nov.

18 THE LIST 19 Sep—3 Oct 2002