does it

Shades of popularity: ‘We finish a song and then think: “Who would sound best singing this?”’

They’re a product of an obsession with the seamier side of life but DEATH IN VEGAS have what it takes to get the biggest names salivating. I»; Mark Robertson

expiIe Ihe name. Dead] in Vegax are nnI e\il. l)ixpcl irnagex nI' hair-IneIal handx drinking \'iinIn/hlnnd nnI nlxlleep xknllx. ()n Ihe cnnIrar). Richard l-carlcxx. hall

nl' Ihe dun aI Ihe hearI nl Ihix incendiar} elecIrnrnck nnIliI. pnliIel} apnlngixex lnr Ihe inIerraninnx In nnr cnn\erxaIinn and ix xInnned inIn inndexI xilence “hen l cnniplenienI hix \\‘I)l’l\. 'l‘haI ix nnI In xa_\ iI‘x all \\lIIilL‘xUIIlc‘ linid l$l§lnn ad\enInrex. ()ne cnananI In Ihe hand‘x xnnnd xince Iheir genexix in l‘)‘)4 ix a xearn nl xlea/e

adding an nnhealIh} edge In Iheir innxic. W '

'\\'c“\'e al\\a'\x had a laxcinaIinn \I'iIh e Ihe nnderhell} nl xncieI_\.~ xa_\x l‘earlexx \xhnxe ne\\ alhnin Iakex iIx naine lrnni .S'cnr/u'n Riki/IQ. a lilni h} .v\leixIer ('rnuleyl'nllnxxer KenneIh .'\nger. 'l’enple \xhn nperale nn IhaI xide are laxcinaling: .liin (lnldherg. 'l‘err} Richardxnn. lair} (‘larkf

.\'nI heing §nnr‘ axerage hand. Ihe} ha\ e nn perinanenI xinger. BnI \x‘haI l)l\' dn ha\ e ix innxic IhaI xingerx \xanI In xng nn. llence Ihe appearance nl Bnhh) (iillexpie and lgg} l’np nn l‘)‘)‘)‘x Hie ('n/Ilinn Sen/um and llnpc ‘.\la//_\ SIar' Sandmal. l)nI :\lllx()ll. .r\dnlI. Paul Weller and I.iani (iallagher all prnx iding nen \ncal l'nilx Ihix time.

Such naniex are nnI Ihe rexnlI nl‘ hnnrx nl‘ .\leI l’rar xlnnnn/ing. hIII xnnieIhing alIngeIher ninre :alrnirahle. ‘\\’e'\ e ne\er \xrillen a xnng lnr ainnne xpecilicall}. lI‘x al\\a_\x linixhed and I/n'n \xe Ihink: “\th unnld xnnnd hexI xinging Ihix?" l‘nr 'Scnrpin Rixing‘ |Ihe Irackl neian IhnnghI iI \xnnld he greaI In hear l.iarn‘x \nice nn n. \\'e jan Ir} and gel in cnnIacI \inh penple \inhnnI gning Ihrnngh inanagcrnenI nr recnrd cninpaniex. 'l‘hal \xa} _\nn gel penplc cnining l'rnin a


always had a fascination with the underbelly of society'

cnnipleIel} dil‘l‘erenI perxpeclne. lI‘x ahnnI nIn‘ genuine inIerexI in \\ haI Ihe} dn ax nppnxed In Ir} ing In xhilI innre nniIx.‘

.SI'nr/i/n NIX/"nu ix like a hlnnd nrange hacked inIn Ien ragged) xeginenIx. xnrne hiIIer. xnine xickl_\ x\\eeI. all dripping \\ ill] xlick). laxl) _lllic‘c‘x. l.ike ilx pl'c‘decexxnrx ll lIax ll pilll} rind Uli HlIl xknril c‘lc‘c‘ll‘HlIlc‘\ LIIlIl ()(lx Nil/Que“ I'Uc‘lx. l'iUI‘ c‘\c‘l'} clinical Ihrnh nl' lether gln\ e per\crxinn nn 'l landx .v\rnnnd lll_\ 'l‘hrnaI‘ Iheir cnllalmralinn \inh l)eIrniI eleeIrnper\x .v\dnlI Ihere‘x a inninenI nlieIhercal hlixx xnch ax llnpe Sandmal‘x cnnnIr} innxe) ‘Killing Smile. nr l)nI .-\llixnn‘x enIrancing 'l)i\ing llnrxex’.

’l'he cnllalmraIinn \inh (iallagher nn Ihe alhInn’x IiIle Irack ix nne nl‘ Ihe linexI Ihingx he'x cnnnniIIed In Iape in a lnng \xhile. a xhnll‘ling. l'n//_\. garage rncker Irnxxed up in hack\\ai'dx gIIiIar linex. del‘Il} illanraIing lll)\\ xingIIlar Ihe HIV and (iallagher x1} lex reall_\ are.

l)expiIe Ihix and Iheir cn\ er nl‘ (iene ('lark‘x ‘Sn _\nn 8a} _\nn _\nnr Bah}~ \\ iIlI l’aIIl \Veller. l‘eal'lexx xa_\x Ilie arrangenienI ix innInall) henelicial. 'Snnie pc‘nple are a hiI innre lied dnnn In a parlicnlar xnnnd \\ iIh Iheir nu n hanle and l knnn ill \\;Ix a xinger and xninenne apprnached inc and xaid: "We‘re gnnna dn xnineIhing dil'l‘erenl." Ihen lid he np lnr iI. lI’x a challenge.’

'l'hc nl‘iginal cnnccpl \\ax In creaIe a ‘cnllecIinn nl‘ l‘einale ln\e xnngx‘ nnlil Ihe} \eered nll cnnrxe. "l'he xlea/} parI ix xnineIhing IhaI'xjan crept in l‘rnin hehind.‘ l'carlexx x;I}x.

HUI he knn\\x IhaI'x hn\\ \\e like it.

Death in Vegas play QMU, Glasgow, Sat 12 Oct; the album, Scorpio Rising, is out now on Concrete.


I 23 November Badly Drawn Boy Barn)x'xlanci. Glasgow. lira? snappy ‘.'.’()()ll‘l, hat ll()l(lt-§Hii31(l(3 some of the most affect: 1g} pop over. Alhnn‘ if} z'v‘n‘zniznt.

I 24 November Ryan Adams Usher Hall. Eflllllhll'gl‘. Breathtalong N012" York E'S()llg*.‘.’."7i(}l'.

Richard Ashcroft l3arrn~.vland. Glasgnx': No second album plans as t K} ox—Vonge-r unleashes; Human Comi'fln'is.

I 25 November Richard Ashcroft Corn Exchange. ffzizr‘pargrh. Soc- 2€~3 Nr».~:2mi><>r.

Foo Fighters (Si-CC). Glasgnx'x. Dam (Ernhl's; grunge bnhorrnti‘. 2:; back from the edge ‘.".’lll‘. One by One.

I 26-27 November Dolly Parton (jiyne Audrtnrznn‘. Géaszgrrcx. Buxnn‘ country (amen pays a '.'|f3l7..

I 30 November Moby SECS. Glasgow. The ad n‘an's; nr'nar‘.‘ or an (‘7l(}(3l"().'llfl ‘.'.':./ar:l'? Good fan (EllliUl'

I 1 December

The Streets

Barron/land. (Elasgnxac The nne-7. lam-nah:- nI pirate f'éifillfi) (inns ms; m) garage- thing

David Gray Sl—(X). Glasgn\.v'.'. Elle-(:Iaig nocalsst amino has been unjustly (ICHCliEll‘l ed to cm’feo table Ern‘lx .

I 3 December David Gray SECC. (Blasgnz'; Sec: l)ncxrii‘th

I 4 December Manic Street Preachers and Ian Brown SIIZC. Glasgow. l'lie him: win (taco "'£‘.!.'"I?Il aw. were gnnna splat after one nailinn selling album are on titer greatest hits tour.

I 5 December Blondie and INXS Braonead Arena. Glasgox'x. EccenIrre parzrig of NY':; nnx'.’ waw gods; and Inn Anssen I)!‘v.'i(‘.(?8 nf pomp
