Film index

Hearts in Atlantis i ll) .00 iScoii llic‘lx'x. [-5. 3003! :\lllllotl) lloplxitlx. Anton Yclchiii. llopc l)a\ix. llllmin. llickx and xcrccnu ritcr William (ioldman llflllt‘ll ('uiii'ilr uml l/lt' .S'uni/uni'i' Kid. .-lll Illt’ I’I'i'inli'n! '\ .llwii lta\ c adaplcd Stcphcn lx'iiig'x Silx/(illx/7llx-xct llthL‘l. homing in on a \cr} King conccrn: cliildhood‘x cnd. ’l‘lic lilm dcxcrihcx thc l'ricndxhip ol thrcc clc\cn-_\'car- oldx and a lil’c-changing momcnt in thcir )iiiitli thc appcaraiicc ol' 'l‘cd Braiitigan (llopkinxi. a xcci'ctn c though kind!) man on thc run l'rom goxci‘nmcnt agcntx. Nicc performances all round. although adapting ~iuxt lltc lirxt lliil‘tl ol King‘x hook ix too llltlth\l a goal. l'('l. (‘l'ulchank

High Society it) 0000 i(‘h;irlcx Waltci'x. [3. 1956) Bing (‘roxhy (iracc Kcll}. l’rank Sinatra. ('clcxtc llolm. lll7min. ('laxxic muxical ciitcrtainmcnt l'i'om thc .\l(i.\l xtudiox. in which a rich hitch pla_\x hard to gct “ith a xtring ol‘ xuitorx. 'l'hc plot ol' l’hiluilcl/iliiu .S'Iuri- gocx out thc \\llltltl\\. hut \\ ith xtarx likc thcxc. xt)|c ix c\ cr_\thing. l’l‘ll ('incma. l‘alkirk.

Human Body it'i i. t'S. Zuni l. Min ihc. Simulation ridc bringing )ou lhc l'iill-hloun \i‘ondcr of all thoxc rcall). i'call) xmall placcx inxidc iix. l.\l.-\.\. (ilaxgoxx.

I Am Sam 1 Ill 0.. tlcxxic \clxon. ['8. Mill Scan l’cnn. .\lichcllc l’lcil'l'ci'. Dakota Fanning. l32min. l’cnn plti)x Sam l)2i\\'xon. a clcancr at Siarhuckx \\ ith thc mcntal agc iii a child. \x ho ix lclt to raixc hix daughtcr. l.uc} il‘anningi h} himxcll \\llL‘ll thc mothcr dcxcrtx thcm hoth al'tcr thc hirth.

llou chr. \xhcn l.uc} xtai'tx to xurpaxx Sam in hcr mcntal ahiliticx. thc autlioriticx xtcp in and Sam tiirnx to hi'ittlc lit\\)L‘l' Rita llarrixon il’l‘cil‘lcri in a hid to gain ctixtod}. l’cnn'x pcrlorniancc ix undcniahl} xhoix}. hut noncthclcxx imprcxxixc ihc rccci\'cd hix third ()xcar nomination l'or it i. ’l‘hcrc'x good xupport loo. hut thc lilm‘x tlL‘llllllCl) manipulatn c. lt'x alxo c.\trciiic|_\ l'unn) in placcx and t'caturcx a xupcrhl} intcgratcd xouiidtrack ol' ltcatlcx c‘m'ct‘x. l'(‘l. liaxl Kllltt‘itlc.

Ignorant Fairies (Ie fate ignoranti) tltx'i il‘cr/an ()xpctck. ltal}/l-'rancc. Illill l Marghcrita Bu). Stclano .-\ccorxi. 105mm. .-\ man dicx in a car accidcnt. ‘l‘hc \\ idoix rcalixcx xhc ix not alotic in hcr gricl'; thcrc ix a grim iiig man xx ho had hccii conducting a long-tcrm al‘l'air \\ ith hcr huxhand. 'l‘hc txxo arc draxx n togcthcr h} curioxit} and attraction. (il’l‘. (ilaxgtm. .-\tl;illl Smith. Kil'lxc‘ultl}.

The Importance of Being Earnest il'i .0. i()li\cr l’ai'kcr. l'K/I'SA. 2002i Rupcrt lixcrctt. ('olin l‘ii'th. Judi l)ciich. ()7min. l"anx ol' ( )xcar \Vildc‘x ‘tri\ ial conicd} lor .xcrioux j‘citltlc' \\ ill hc morc than l'aniiliar \xith thc plot. Rural gcnt Jack \Voi'ihing il-‘irthi lll\'L‘lll.\ an crrant hi'othcr callcd liariicxt ax a mcanx ol' cxcapiiig thc mundaniiicx ol' a Inc in thc countr). Jack. or i'athcr liarncxt‘x pai‘tncr- iii-criiiic. thc \xil} Mg} Molic‘l‘icll ipla} cd to pcrl‘cction to li\crctti alxo hax a madc-up l'riciid \\ ho hc \‘ixitx in thc coiiiitr) to outrun thc dcht collcctorx \\ ho purxuc him in thc cit}. 'l'hix doiihlc dualin comcx a ci'oppcr. though. \xhcn hotli mcn go courting \\i\cx i\\'ithcrxpoon and ()‘('onnorl. 'l’hc cnxuing larcc. condiictcd \ ia \Vildc‘x hrilliantl} \x itt) cpigraiiimatic xt} lc i'.-\uxti'alia‘.’ l'd xooncr tlicl' l. i.x a dcltghl to hatch although

committcd \Vildcanx \\ ill lind that thc} lorcxcc

thc punchlincx lk‘lol’c thc) happcn. (icncral rclcaxc.

In and Out i l2) 0.. tl‘ranlx 0/. ts. l‘)‘)7i Kc\in Klinc. Matt Dillon. 'l‘om Scllcck. 91min. \thn an c\-xttidcnl xccmiiigl} ‘oiitx' him during an ()xcar xpccch. Miilxxcxtcrn tcaclicr lltl\\;ll'tl Brackctt iKliiici hax to rcaxxcxx hix lilc and xcxualit} juxt tlil)x hcl‘orc hix \x cddiiig. A limit}. l'cclgood mox ic that ix aimcd xijuarcl} at a mainxtrcam audicncc. In and ()u/ containx nothing to xtartlc \liddlc :\lllL‘l'lL‘;l. lx'linc turiix in a dclightlul comic pcrl'ormancc. ()dcon. l)uiilcriiilinc.

(.7 Insomnia i 15; O... i(‘hnxiophcr \olatt. l'SA. Zililli Al Pacino. Rohin Williamx. Martin l)ono\an. 1 13min. .\'o|an rc‘ dircctx thc Norucgian thrillci' ol' thc xamc

first served.

time, he just can't let go.

The List has teamed up with Cameo Cinema to offer you the chance to see the brilliant Sweet Sixteen (18). We have 100 tickets to give away to an exclusive preview on the 2 Oct that will be attended by the cast & film

makers who will also hold a Q&A session afterwards.


The first 50 people who present their copy of The List at the Cameo's box office from 23 Sep will receive two tickets... but remember it's first come,

Sweet Sixteen is the tale of Liam (Martin Compston) and his mother who is about to be released from prison. Liam, is approaching his 16th birthday and is determined that things will be different once his mother is released from jail. For the better life he wants for his family he needs to raise the cash-no mean feat for a skint teenager. It's not long before Liam and his pals' crazy schemes lead them into all sorts of trouble. Finding himself dangerously out of his depth, Liam knows he should walk away. Only this

Also see the next issue of The List for our Autumn Film preview that will feature an interview with Ken Loach and Martin Compston.


TERMS & CONDITIONS: You must be 18 years of age. The offer is subject to availability. There is no cash alternative. This voucher is not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Offer is not available when booking in advance by telephone or by intemet. Maximum two tickets per reader.

34 THE LIST "i Sui; f1()i;t 70f)?

Charlotte Gainsbourg plays herself in Ma Femme Est Une Actrice

namc ax a xmartl} -plottcd ih} llillar} Scit/i

.'\lllL‘l'lc‘;lll crimc drama \xhich halaiiccx linc charactci'ixaiion and thcmatic conccrnx \\ ith xtiinning xcl picccx. 'l‘hc lilm ccntrcx on a hatilc ol \\lll\ hct\\ccn l’aciiio‘x \cicraii cop and \Villiamx' dixturhmgl) normal killcr. Said hattlc occurx in thc noi'thcrn .'\lil\lxtlll toxx nxhip ol Nightmutc. a placc ot’ pcrpctual da} light \\llL‘l'c‘ l’acino'x \Vill l)oriiicr can't gct no \ttlhlilc‘llttll. nc\cr mind xlccp. You‘rc iinlikcl} to xcc xuch conlidcnl gcni'c liliiimaking colilc out ot llolltuooil again thix _\car. (icncral rclcaxc.

Into the Deep il'i i\'ai'ioux. l'S. Illlll l. .\lin thc. .il) l.\l:\.\ prcxcntation. l.\l:\.\. (ilaxgou.

It should have been Nice After That il5i (Karin .lui'xcliick. (ici'nian). Illlllli

73H "min. 'l'\\cnt} thrcc Manx attci' hci' motlicr‘x xiiicidc .lurxchiclx ix rcunitcd \x ith hcr lathcr \xliom xlic lilmx \\lllt a digital camcra in an attcmpt to undcrxtaiid thc m} xtcr} ol' llc‘l‘ iiiothcr'x dcath. l’art ol thc (icrman l)ocumcntaricx xcaxon. (il’l'. (ilaxgou. Jubilee i 1M .0. il)ci'ck Jarman. l'lx'. I‘VM Jcnn) Riinacrc. l.ittlc Ncll. 'l‘oxah \Vilcox. Ill-1min. ()uccn lzli/ahcth l ix tranxportcd through mm to \ ixit ihc dcca) ing nation ol hcr namcxakc xiicccxxor ax cxcmplilicd h} punk London. Datcd-looking no“ ol coui'xc. hilt amide thc dctcrmination to xliock that-K a good dcal ol' tart black humour and a l'cu t_\pical|} lo\cl} Jarman imagcx. l‘ilmlioiixc. lidinhiirgli.

Land and Freedom l l5; coco. ilx'cn l.oach. l‘lx'xSpam. 1005i lan llai't. Roxana l’axtor. lciar liollain. lll‘hiiin. .-\ iiiagnilicciit. mo\ ing. politicixcd cpic on tlic Spaniin (‘i\ ll \Vai‘ h} Bi'itaiii'x moxt committcd dii'cctor on thc't. .-\ii uncmplo} cd man illarti |ca\cx .iilx l,i\crpool to light \xith thc l’()l'.\l .\li|itia. and xccx lirxt hand thc hctra_xal ot hix catixc h} tlic Staliiiixtx. llix xtoi'} ix told lll llaxliltaclx. ax hix granddauglitcr rcadx hix hiddcii lcttcrx homc a link to thc prcxcnt da} that pi'ox cx tlicxc c\cntx ha\ c a xliong i'clc\ancc to toda}. (il'l‘. (ilaxgoxx.

(.3 Lantana l l5i Q... Ma} l.a\\rcncc. :\iixtr.i|ia.'(ici'iiian}. Illllli Million}’aglia, (icollrc) Ruxli. liai'hara llt‘l'xllt‘). Illiniii. 'l‘hix xmall cincmatic gcm cxplorcx thc gi'cat tlicmcx ol lo\ c and Ionclincxx lll a \cr} t|lllL‘l and conxidcrcd lll;lllllt‘l'. hour marriagcx iii total arc brought into pla). cach ol thcm \xroiiglit \\llll guilt. pain and loiicliiicxx. and hccauxc thc lilm opcnx \\ ith a cloxc tip ol a dcad \xomaii'x hod} conccalcd lll a dcnxc lliickct. \\ c know that in thc courxc ol thc action. onc ot lhc iiiairiagcx \\ ill rcach thc tiltimatc ciid. l’ait iiiiii'ilci' iii}xtt-i'}. part px_\cliologica| drama. part M c xtoi’). liinmnu kccpx _\ou on )our tocx \\llllL‘ ll alxo makcx xoii think about tlic \xa_\x lll \xhicli \xc dcal. oi rathcr don't dcal \\llll cmotional pain. Sclcctcd l't'lt'tlxt‘.

The Lord of the Rings Wt}. .000. tl’clci' lackxoit. \c\\ /, l‘S. Illlll I Ian .\lclx’cllcn. l'.ll|.lll \\ilt\tl. l.l\ '|‘_\|ci'. (‘atc lilanchctl. \‘iggo _\loitciixcn_ I".\‘mm. .v\t long

laxt. a xixord and xiil‘c‘c‘l‘) ad\cnturc that rcall} tlt‘liH‘l‘x lllt‘ giiiiilx. .l.l{.l{. .lillllxlk'll'\ grcat acliicxciiicnt \\ ax to crcatc an linglixh iii}tliiiliig_\. locach lll a lantaxtical )c‘t hcliciahlc \xorld. Jackxoii'x grcat achicx ciiiciit ix to bring tlic atttlioi”x llllii) pagc tonic to lilc. not iiicrcl} rcalixing thc l'aiitaxtic clcmcntx

xx ith xpccial cl'lcctx xpcctaclc itliough tlic_\ arc lt'l'\ xpcctaculari. but through xtor)tclling llarc and iiiai'xclloux pci't'ormanccx l'rom hix caxt. Vixccral and hi’cathtakiiigl) dramatic. 'l'lii’ I‘i'l/mi \In/i HI [/It' RIN'J ix an inxpircd laltotir ol lo\ c and a monumcntal achicxcmciit. Vikingar (‘incma l.argx.

Lovely and Amazing l lfii COO. i.\'icolc llolol'ccncr. l‘S. llltlli (’athci'inc KL‘L‘llc‘l'. Brciida Blcthm. limil) .\lortimcr. ‘llmin. lt'x rai‘c l'or an :\mcrican lilm to oll'cr xuch a xtudicd glimpxc ol' thc l'cmalc px}chc. hut llolol'ccncr hax crcatcd a lamil} ol‘

d} xl'iinctioiial \xomcn that tricx to co\ ci‘ c\ cr} anglc ol' ncuroxix. 'l‘hc lamil} \lai‘kx coiiipi'ixcx motlicr .lanc iltlctli} n i. \iho lx about to go into hoxpital tor a iiiixgiiidcd lipoxuction opcration. oldcxt xixtci' .\lichcllc ilx'ccncri. ti‘}ing to um I\ c ax an artixt \xhilxt langiiixhing in a |o\clcxx marriagc. lili/ahcth i.\loi'timci'i. xtruggling to makc ll ax an actrcxx. and adoptcd black xixtcr .~\iinic iRaxcn .\lai‘kxi. l’ackcd lull til \\i'} ill‘\L‘l'\;llltlll\ that arc cr_\ xtallixcd h} a xtcllar pcrl'oriiiancc li'om ('athcrinc lx'ccnci‘. .\'c\\ l’icturc llouxc, St :\ndrc\x x.

Ma Femme Est Une Actrice l 1M

.0 i\’\an :\ll;tl. l-‘rancc. 2002i (’harlottc (iainxhourg. \'\an .'\ttal. 'lcrcncc Stamp. 051nm. ln thix .-\nglo/l5rciich laiiguagc romantic comcd). .-\ttal caxix himxcll' ax a xpoi'tx ioiirnalixt and thc icaloiix liiixhand ol hix i'cal lil'c \xilc. (iainxhourg pla) iiig. oddl} cnough, a laiiioux l-‘rcnch actrcxx callcd ('liarlottc. \Vlicii (’liarlottc ix xcnt to l.oiidoii to xhoot xomc xtcam} xccncx \\ ith Stamp. Yxan'x |L‘;tliltl\} llltl\L‘\ into h_\pcr-di'i\ c and lllc‘ ltlt'c‘lc‘ul \c‘c‘llt'\ lllttl L'll\llL‘ lt‘uil ltl lllc‘ \\ lll thc} '.’/\\on't thc_\ 2’ xta_\ iogcthci' dcnoiicmcnt. lt'x a papcr-thin idca and. ultimatcl). an indulgciit cxcrcixc. Scc rc\ ic\\. l'( i(’ chl'rc“ Sti'cct. (ilaxgou; l'(i(‘. lzdinhiii‘gh.

The Man who wasn’t There l 15» CC... LlUCl (.llL‘ll. l'S. lelll l lllll} lliilt ‘l'horiiton. l'i'aiiccx .\lcl)ormand. Jamcx (iandolliiii. llomm. Sci Ill tlic ('aliloi‘nian hackuatci' timn ol Santa Roxa circa thc l‘i-lllx. I/A/Ii’ .l/iili ii In! Htl\ll '1 Hit I‘i' lttlxc‘x llx cuc ti'om thc c)nical \xoi'ld ol pulp crimc \xi‘itci'x lilxc Jamcx .\l. ('ain. 'lilic talc [mm on a i'cgular lclla. ‘l'horiiton'x mildiiianncrcd hai'hcr lid ('i'anc. \xho ix llll\\ ittingl} tlic cata|.\xI loi' a xpiralling xci‘icx ol c\ciitx hcgmning \\llll iiilidclit} and cxtortion and cndmg u ith. \icll. iii.i_\hc )oii can gucxx, 'l'hc ('ocn hi'othci'x' latcxt i'ciiixcntion iii a claxxic lloll_\\xood liliii gciiic ix tlicii' moxt audacioiix to datc. mixing hard-hoilcd. xmall to\\n liliii noir \\llll cxixtciitialixiii and iiict;ipli_\xicx. lt'x a \u'} hiiiiioiiicd. l't'll'tt xl_\lcd. \xiclxcdl} plottcd. mood_\ gcm. ('amco. lidiiihiii'gh.