DANNY MOSS .la// Mainstroant ts tho organisation which ovontuallt, roso train tlto asl‘os of tho old Soctot, of Musicians in Glasgow. dedicatod to promoting ntatnstroat‘t tan in tho (Ill‘,. ’lhog. havo sottlod on tho Piping Contro as thotr cttoson ‘.'t3."~it(:. and oportod thotr autumn soason ‘.‘.’llll tho groat John Bunch oarltor titts .".‘r(>.'ttl‘..

lonor saxophonist Dating Moss is noxt tip.

.mtit Rick; Stock: on bass and Kort

t\«4athroson on drums. 'lho Surrey-born saxophonist is hasoo‘ art Aastralta thoso

days. but passoo this ~.

nat, ill August. whon ho was part. of’ tho drt. nntor's o‘~.'.'n

sopto‘. projoct during tho Edinburgh ja/x fosttval. and dc't‘onstratt’xi that ho ltas lost rtovto of his craft and l.’t‘~.()ltll()tt sinco sottltng (lo‘.'.'.'t undor'. Kenn, Matl‘toson»

I {)anr‘t' tss ,')/(l‘.’S a! {ho Piping Cont/o. Gr'asgo‘.'.;

st} Ie of Sittatra. featuring songs frottt his ne\\ allttlttt. lotr'rt' (in/mu Ht‘tn' I‘l'oni .llt'. I The Usual Suspects ()'.\‘eill\. 3| Bell Street. S..‘~l)pm. l‘ree. lioeusing on tlte hottest )oung ja// pla_\ers itt Seotland. all led h} Bill K} le on drums as the) rttn through a \L‘flL‘s of standards. I Lynne O’Neill Trio OM). (is lttgrattt Street. 572 I500. Sfillpm. l‘ree. Bra/ilian tunes \\ itlt tlte odd jax/ standard.

I Stephen Duffy Quartet 't‘lte Supper (‘luh. Merehant Square. ('andleriggs. 34] ()S44. ‘)pnt. £20 ine dinner. .\Iusie front tlte 4lls/5lls era ttl;t)t‘tl h) this up attd eontittg qttartet. I Engine ('amas. 62 Albion Street. 552 2l()l. lltpnt. £5. .\ funk) mi\ of origittal musie attd emers from these regular performers.


I The BackBeat Band the Bridge .la// Bar. S2 Sotttlt Bridge. 47S 25”). ‘)pm. l‘ree. l’ottr-pieee eleetrie ja/l night featuring l’attl 'l‘ottndrott on sa\. Ross llatttiltott on bass. Stttart (iot'lttatt on guitar attd Bill K}le on drums.

I Trouble at the Blue Note the Beat Ja// Basement. I ('ltantlters Street. 4(17 255‘). lllpnt. L5 [.5 tl‘ree hefore lllpmt. 'frotthle present loeal teeh house prodtteer Kmae for a seeond (lttsL‘ of his eleetronie ja/I funk tire. l‘eaturing .lolttt Burgess on elarinel. hass elarinet attd lillllt‘.


I Paul Towndrow Quartet Brel. 3‘) 43 Ashton l.ane. 342 4‘)66. 3 6pm. l‘ree. .\lodet'n ial/ standards attd originals frotn tlte pert of alto- sa\ophonist lo“ ndrott.

I Michael Merrick (‘orinthiatr l‘)l lttgt'attt Street. 552 lllll. Spm. l'ree. l.i\e musie.

I Engine .v\rta. 't‘lte ()ld ('heesetttarket. l3 l‘) \Valls Street. 552 2llll. ‘)pm. L‘S. See l'it'i 2i).

I Brian Molley Quartet Blaekfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5024. 0.30pm. l'ree. Young sa\ophonist .\lolle_\ lt‘ttttts tltis lotll'sottle.

fix; ("’6‘ Sort.


I Jazz Brunch the Bridge .la// Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25H). 2.30pm. l‘t'ee. \Vhile atta) _\out' \teekend \\llll these regular Sat hrttneh sessions. Kids \teleonte.

I The Bridge House Band the Bridge .|a// Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25 ll). ‘)pm. I‘ree. .\ regular the-pieee Hill] a \ariahle line-tip pla_\ ittg speeiall} eomtttissiotted arrangetttents. I Kantaro til Barrio. l()4 \Vestpot'l. 22‘) SS()5. llpttt. £5 lL'4l. t‘pheat l.atin stilllttls it] [his ll\L‘ sel.


I Easy Orchestra (‘ot-irttltiart. l‘)l lngt‘attt Street. 552 Hill. 3pm. L'S l£5l. See 'l'lttt l‘).

I Giles Tingy (‘orinthiarr l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 HO]. Spm. l-‘t‘ee. l.i\ e attttospherie musie.

I Stewart Forbes Quartet Blaekfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. liree. l.i\ e ja/x sounds frottt this loeal quartet.


I All Day Jazz Breakfast the Bridge .la/I Bar. S2 Sotttlt Bridge. 47S 25|(). 2.30pm. l‘ree. .\lttsie attd food to while aua} )otll' Stttt. Kids \xeleome. GBlues with Duck Baker the Bridge .la// Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25“). ‘)pm. free. See 'fltttrs 1‘).


UCurtis Stigers (‘ottier 'l'heatre. ‘)3 ‘)5 ll}ndland Street. ()S7() 220] I I6. Spm. L'l4.5(). Once a fixture on the pop eharts. ('ttt'tis Stigers goes back to his ja/l roots perforttting hits front his ne\\ alhum. .S't't‘n'l llr't/rl. l‘nIike Robbie Williams. though. Sliget's ean aetttall} do the business.

I Fionna Duncan and

Friends .\le(‘httill's. to High Street. 552 2135. ‘)pnt. l'ree. Renowned \oealist Duncan presents a \at'ied repertoire ofia/x \\ itlt \artotts special


I The Jam Session The Bridge Jan Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25“). ‘)pm. l‘ree. Regular ja/l jam session as \ariotts guests drop iii to join the l)a\‘id I’atriek 'frto.

I The Monty Plums Four The Beat Jan Basement. 1 (‘hamhers Street. 467 253‘). l()pm. 9.2 (free hefore ltlpml. Blindin' hehop fronted h} Mont) l’lunts on guitar.

Tuesday 24


I The Beccworth Trio The Beat Ja/l Basement. l ('hamhers Street. 467 253‘). l()pm. £2 lfree before 10pm). (‘lassie rh_\tltttt attd hlttes headed by :\llslt';tll;tn Vocalist Beee Sanderson.

Wednesday 25


I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects The Bridge Jazz Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25 ll). ‘)pm. Free. Jan Quartet pttt together h_\' drummer Kyle attd featttring a rotating litte up of the best of lidinhttrgh's ja/x pla} ers stteh as (‘olin Steele. Brian Shells. lil‘ltllt KL‘llUL‘ls. Jimm) Wood attd tttore.

I Rubberneck the Beat Ja/l Basetttettt. l ('hamhers Street. 467 253‘). lllpm. £3 (free hefore lllptnl. Funk attd hip hop front tltis .\'e\\eastle ere“. mixing tip turntahlism. lttttttatt heatho\ attd samples for some fat sounds.


I Ratpack Ro_xal ('otteert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall SII'L‘L‘I. .555 Nllllll.

U450 £lS.5(). Join the Ratpaek imitators for an e\ening of s“ inging attd crooning. featuring their takes on l't‘ank. Samm} attd Dean.

I Danny Moss ‘l‘he l’iping ('entre. 50 .54 Mel’hater Street. ('tm L‘dtltlk‘llS. 2S7 55l l. Spnt. L“) L‘ll). llighl} aeelaittted tenor sa\ pla) er is joined h} hassist Rielx) Steele attd drtttnttter Ken Mathieson.


I Becc Sanderson Quartet The Bridge .la// Bar. S2 Sotttlt Bridge. 47S 25 l(). ‘)pm. liree. (‘lassie rh_\thtn attd hlues headed h} :\U\lt'itll;tlt \oealist Sanderson.

I Out of the Bedroom Water-let Bar. I St .\lar_\ 's St. 9pm midnight. l-tee. SL‘L‘ Thu 1‘).

I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party The Beat Jan Basement. l (‘hanthers Street. 467 253‘). lllpnt.

£3 £2 (free heore lllptlt). \Vttt‘ltl t‘oolS. afro heat attd Latin flatoured jal/ frottt 'I’oh} Shippe}"s next si\ pieee hand.

I Hot Charanga Sauce lit Barrio. l()4 \Vestpot‘l. 22‘) 8805. l lpltt. £5. See 'fhtt l‘).

Hamilton I Clyde Quartet Sitter 'l’assie. :\lltt;ttl;t Street. Spm. l’ree. See 'fhu l‘).


I Ratpack Rotal (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. .555 3000.

£l4.5() £lS.5(). See Thu 26.

I Glasgow Jazz Record Club l'nitariatt (‘hureh ('entre. 72 Berkele) Street. 22l “54. 7.30pm. £2 (fl mettthersl. See Hi 2(). Tonight John 'l'enll’leton Pfesettts ‘(‘oneert l‘riends'


I The BackBeat Band the Bridge Ja// Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 25H). ‘)pnt. l‘ree. See Hi 20.

I Trouble at the Blue Note The Beat Ja/l Basentettt. l (’hamhers Street. 467 25.“). 10pm. £2 £4 tfree hefore litpml. (‘inephile pla_\s a lite slit)“ of duh-infltteneed eleetroniea.

rock & pop listings Music


Curtis Stigers tlto phenomenon of pop and rock

singors sooking a bit 0

t £t(l(l(}(l

artistic crod from dipping tltoir too into jazx is not a now ono. and tho


ts are usually protty ludicrous.

Ex-MOR horo Curtis Stigors. on tho otttor hand. can actually walk

tho walk whon it como

s to Ja//

phrasing and rhythm. Eat your hoart out. liohbio. (Jon/or l/toat/‘o.

Glasgow. Mon 23 Sop.

Duck Baker Amor picking guitarist Duck t

ican ltngor 3akor is no

strangor to tltoso parts. but ho's

alttrays a wolconto vrstt roportoiro is oxtonsivo.

or, llis ranging

from traditional folk and bluos stylos through to jam standards

and sophisticatod tntor of tunos by tho Iikos of

protattons lholonious

Monk and Horbio Nichols. 8t Andrott/s in tho Sgt/aro. (.i/t’tSQOW. flit/rs IS) Sop: Brrdgo ./a// Bar;

Edinburgh, Sun 2’? 8o;


Todd Gordon lodd Gordon has sontothing of a Sinatra obsossion. but thoy do say that if

you aro going to copy

thon copy

tho host. ‘lodd's tako on tho groat man is prott\y good. and ho

gonorally succoods in t


onough of his own imprint on tho

songs to stoor cloar of


slavish pasticho. ()uoon's Cross Church. (,3/asgoua / it fit) Sop.


I Girvan Traditional Jazz

Festival Various Venues.

gigs throughout (itrxan.



I2 1 2S. 'fraditional ja// eoneerts attd

I Konrad ’l'olltoollt ’flteatt‘e. .lail

\V} ltd. (ll7S(t 274(llll). “Silt l‘ormed h) ('at'ohn Konrad

titt. £6 lL'4l. and l)a\_\

.\lael"arlitte pla} mg a mi\ of hlttes. funk.

and follx rock.

Glenrothes I Lights Out By Nine

Rtttltes Halls.

Rothes Square. l)l5‘)2 6| | WI. Spm. L‘S (U) lit. \ttt'alisl .-\l llttgltes lt‘ttltts lltls met—popular stomping hlttes outfit. 'l‘lte}

are joined h} speeial guests Radiotones.


Saturday 28


I Batpack Rotal ('oneer Sauelttehall Street. 553 Slllll U450 L'IS.5(). See 'fhu 26.

tllall. 2 l.