higli-L‘;ltttp-to-hott\c dccknical cxpcrtisc at this always hoaching gay \cnuc.

0 Colours Live! at the Liquid Room. I Ipm 3am. U”. 38 Scp. 'l'hc} pla} cd and thc launch ol'('olottr\ in lidinhurgh and no“ lllL‘} 'rc hack it'\ X—l’rcxx 3 thc thrcc man l).l tcam \\ ho nccd no introduction altcr thc maxxix c \ucccxx ol' llllx likc 'l.it/_\ I. .‘(T [)I't'l‘ii'it.

I Diggity at thc lixtahlithcnt.

llpm 3am. £(i t£l ol‘l' \\ith l'l_\cri. \Vcckl}. l).l l’ahulo/ and Hart} l.(i gct dimli \xith thcir had \c|\c\. pla}ing \\ild\t_\ lc Rtkli. hip ltop atid \lt'ccl will. I Digital at thc \cnuc. llifilipm 3am. l‘rcc. 3S Scp. l-‘ortnightly 'lcchno night l)igital \tartx tip it\ lrcc lorniglitl}

I Disco Inferno at ligo.

ltifillpm 3am. £S t£(i in l'anc} tll’c\\l. 5 ()ct. .\ night ol dixco crcam on l\\o llooi'x. (ilammcd tip and in )tilll' lacc dixco action lroin l).l l,o\ c. \ick Sil\cr. .\l(‘ ()tix. lainkmaxtcr l-r}cr and DI

('axanma. lla\ c yin rcco\crcd l'rom thcir

tcnth hirthda} _\ct'.’ lttht l)i\co lnl'crno \xould likc to point out thc_\ arc in no \\a_\ axxocialcd \\itlt nc\\ night l)lS('() at thc \cnuci.

I DISCO at thc \cnuc. lllfilipm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc I l..illpm and to thc \uitahl} altircd: £5 al'tcr. 3| Scp. llot dixco action halt}. (ict on do\\ti at thix lunk l'ucllcd part} altiioxpltcrc \\ ith di\co tuttcx old and no“.

I Do This Do That at llolic}cottth. lllpm 3am. UN. 31 Scp. l’ortnightl}. l’loughing a dclihcratcl) undcrgt'otttid

\ ihc \xhilc \till attracting thc hcxt gucxtx in [out] land a\\ard nominationxi along thc \xa}. 'l‘hix lortnight ix no c\ccption

\\ ith l’aul \Vooll'ord. Hack to liaxicx aka liohh} l’crtt and ll).l)t)(l li('. dropping h} tojoin rcxidcnt .\'cil .»\nthon_\ and llohhc\ t\\ ith a li\ c hotir \ct ol' cclcctic licatx itt tltc back room).

I Funkysensual at l’o .\‘a .\‘a.

9pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £1 £5 al‘tcr. \Vcclxl}. llot mi\ ol' \c\} l'unk} hoth music lrom 1).! Mark licc.

I Give it Some! at Bongo (‘luli llpm 3am. £5. 3l Scp. .\lonthl}. .\"cxx night l'or thc Bongo. l'caturing thc hcxt in lunk. soul. ia/I and all that inxpircd hip hop.

I Got the Bug at thc licat .la// liaxcmcnt. Spin 3am. l’rcc hcl'orc lllpin: £5 (£3) altcr. 3| Scp, .\lontltl}. litig/ ln 'l‘hc :\ttic. l.ondon\ nu-iaH. mill and al'ro-hcat imprint. gocx oncc niorc unto thc hrcach \\ itli a hcad) mi\ ol l).l\. li\ c ltitl\lL‘l;lli\ and .\l(\.

I “:24 at llcriot--\\'att l‘ni\cr\it'\ l'nion. Spin lam. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. l.i\c l)J\. chilch :tlltltt\ and intcrnational hcct' prontox all add up to thc pcrlcct Sat night altcrnatiw at )imr l'nion txtudcntx and thcir gucxtx onl) ).

I Headlock at thc \cnuc. 3 5pm. £5. \Vcckl}. .'\'c\\ nu mctal night l'or thc lltH'tlL‘x ol‘ undcr IS nictalcr l'anx out thcrc. li\pcct a l'ltiltillx mi\ ol' c\ci"\thing l'rom Slipknot to (irccn Ha}.

I inFLIGHT at thc Bcat .la// liaxcmcnt. ll)..‘~llpin 3am. £-l hcl'orc llpm'. £5 allcr. 3X Scp. Monthl). Jan} dancclloor groin L'S li'ottl llcrhic Hancock to (‘arl (‘raig at thix all ncu \cxxion ltoxlcd h} (‘olin (‘oolc (i;t\ Suthcrland and (iarcth Sommcn illc.

I Joy at ligo. llpin 3am. £ll) t£Si. 3S Scp. liortnightl}. l'p-I'ront. dirt} houxc gt'oo\c\ on thc main lloor' Irom .\laggic and Alan .Io_\. l’itt\ 'l'rcnd} \Vcnd} and Sall} l-‘in|a'\ \ chcck} mix ol' \ottl. ltllllx and chart lll thc do“ nxtairx \uitc. .\‘otc

that .lo} i\ a club lor ga_\ pcoplc and thcir


I Lick Shot at Bongo ('luh. 7 lllpm. £5. 33 Scp. .\lonlhl_\. Hip hop. ragga and Rtkli l'or thc kiddic \\ llli\\ txtrictl) undcr le old} It hoxtcd h} Brian Joncx. .\'a\t_\ l’ and thc li\c \t} litig\ ol‘ thc Scotland Yard .\l(\.

I Luscious at ('omnip|c\ tl'ormcrl} ('luh Ja\ai. 0pm 3am. £lll. 5 ()ct. .\lonthli. l'unk} l'S houxc tiight hoxtcd h} rcxidcnh Yogi llaughton. Stuart l’tll'tllc itlltl \k'll (‘ltitilwltill llitilli til

uhom hax c jllxl \ccut'cd .\lanalishi Rccordsl.

I Luvely at thc Liquid Room.

llipni 3am. £l3 t£ll)). .\lonlhl}. ncxt dalc .5 ()cl.

I Magestica at thc \cnuc.

lt).3l)pni 3am. £8. 31 Scp. .\lonthl}. chidcntx \pccial at llilx houxc night. I The Mambo Club at .\lamho ('luh. lllpm 3am. £5 t£»li. Wall}. Scc Hi.

I Messenger Sound System at Bongo (‘luh llpm iitlil. £5. 3S Scp. l'ortmghtl}. ’iam ol houcl \hiltiug proportionx ax lhc might) .\lc'\\c‘iigc't' Sound S'utcni hlaxtx out thc ltcxl in l‘lgillt‘tlth t'ool\ and duh rcggac.

I Mingin’ at Studio 2-1. lll..ill|illl 3am. £5 hcl'orc midnight; £(i al'tcr. 3| Scp. l'ortnightl}. chidcntx Brian l)ctnp\tcr and .-\Ian .lo_\ parlakc ol thc u\ua| .\lingin’ niat|nc\\. pla}ing lilth_\ houxc and t\\ ixtcd trancc lor a ll‘l\l\_\ and prcdominantl} ga} cl'o\\tl.

I Mission at Studio 34. lllpm iain. \\'ccl\l_\. .\ight ol mctal ina_\hcm. goth rock and morc lroin thc darlwidc.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.oungc. ‘Ipm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. l)a\c Shcddcn \\llll hix mi\ ol dixco and lunk} hoth traclu.

I Opium at ()pium. lllpni 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Rock. nu tnctal and allcrnati\c/indic.

Progression at lllL‘ liquid Room. Ill..‘~llpni 3am. £lll. 3l Scp. .\nothcr \coop lor l’rogrcxxion ax thc_\ \ccurc a Scottixh c\clu\i\ c lrotn l’ortugucxc produccr,’l).l ’lahcl ou ncr Rui l)a Sil\a and lux progrcxxn c houxc lalcntx lor thc niglil. In) I/ll\ (ltllt‘ HH/\ fl /.I'\l.t im/ /lH/i/(’I'\ g’t'l 1: NH t/HHI' I’l'lt t’ (1H III'L'II/ long.

I Rewind at thc liquid Room. .\lonthl} nc\t datc ll) ()ct.

I Scratch at l.a licllc .-\ngclc.

.\lonlhl_\ nc\l datc l3 ()cl.

I Tease Age at ('itrux ('lul».

llpm 3am. £5. \\cckl_\. No“ going into it\ tcnth war. thix indic \taluart lcaturing \\\ inging (illx hit\ to hagg} .\lanclic\Icr tuncx continucx to than a packcd and \ucat} croud ucck in. \xcck otit.

Ultragroove at l.a licllc .\ngclc. ll..itl 3am. £lll. 3i Scp. l‘ortnightl}. l‘ltragrom c loungc rcxidcntx \pccialixc in rcal dcal houxc action lrotn (iarcth Sonicr\ Illc. ('olin ('ook and .\likc} Stirtou. .v\nd thix l'ortnight \pccial g‘llc\l l\'crri (‘handlcr ioinx thc rankx lor winc \upcr \tnooth houxc action. Sir (i/(nunti lixlingx for [int ii'ii [’tllll’l.

I Vegas at ligo. ll)..illpm 3am. £0 t£" in lanc} drcwi. 3| Scp. .\lonlhl_\. llcp dadd} “king. countr} claxxicx and \|ca/} lixtcning \\llli _\our high kicking hoxtx l‘rankic Smnatra. litlgN} Scagull. l)ino Martini and thc \llllllllllg' \cgax \lio\\gil‘l\. .v\nd do tr} to tnakc an cll'ort \\ illi lhc lanc} tlt'c\\ L‘HtlL‘. ch'.’

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva at ('a\cndi\h/l)i\a. lllpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. lhc lull} rclurhixhcd \pacc lioxlx it litglil til all thc gt‘oo\ic\l ltil\ l'i-om thc (il)\ ()(i\. \\ llli currcnt chart l;l\L‘\ till lhc lop lltittt'. ()\L‘t' 35\ old}. I Escape to Time at 'l‘intc. Illillpm 3am. £(i t£5i. \Vcckl}. .\ \crlicall} cliallcngcd than play conuncrcial chart and dancc. ()\cr 3 l \ old}.

I Subway Lottery at Sulma} \cht l2nd. “pin 3am. £3 (U l. \Vcckl}. (‘luhhing‘x ol'tcn likc a lottcr}. in that .\ottit'c nc\cr quitc \urc il' )ou'll gct a

\\ inncr or a \llll night ottt. ’l‘hix cluh lcalttt‘c\ a lottcr_\ uumhcrx gamc \\llll lug. lng pri/cx tip lor grahx.

I The Subway at Sulma}. t)pm 3am. l'rcc hclorc llpin; £i l£l l allcr. \Vccklv Scc ’l'hu. '

Edinburgh Sundays

Precluh I Anthropology at Ham lion.

‘Ipm laiit. l'icc. \Vcckl}. .\ \cicntilic

HOUSE IAN POOLEY Nameless, La Belle Angele, Edinburgh, Fri 20 Sep

listings Clubs

One of; ' 5

Far too often, when people talk about dance music being ‘global’, they’re talking about New York, London and Tokyo without considering that there might be a few places in between. There’s no danger of German house DJ Ian Pooley making the same mistake. When I ask him where he’s played this weekend, I was expecting a few major German cities, perhaps somewhere in France or the UK. Not on your life. ‘I played on Thursday in Macedonia and on Friday at a club in Bratislava, in Slovakia,’ Pooley explains. ‘There’s been stuff going on there for a while it’s close to Austria and there’s quite a lot of crossover; they book the international DJs. It’s a small scene, but it’s a pretty good one.’

Pooley himself is a symptom of the power beats have to cross borders. He started listening to early US techno-jocks like Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson while studying at Mainz Grammar school and soon, with friend Thomas Gerlach (aka DJ Tonka) began putting tracks out as Force Inc. Before long, they went their separate ways, and Pooley signed to Virgin offshoot V2. His debut for the label, Meridian, showed he was as happy to dabble in soul as he was to pump out floorfillers, and follow-up Since Then featured live vocals as well as a distinctly Brazilian flavour.

In between a rigorous DJing schedule, Pooley has been working on new tracks that sound like they’ll represent a further evolution in his style. ‘There’s going to be a fairly similar vibe to the last album,’ he says, ‘but with even more guests, and live guitars - and we’ve got a guy playing percussion on it. But I don’t play any of my tracks at clubs. That would be boring for me.’ (James Smart)

\tud} ol human hcingx and thcir \\a_\ ol lilc plux a rc|a\cd \clcction l'roin l).ll\’cd(i\ lit/l collcction at thix opttlcnl ()ricntal \l_\ lc har. Sclcctcd drinkx protuox. I Home Rule at thc .\lcadoux liar. 0pm lam. i’i'cc. 3‘) Scp. Round ol'l' thc ucckcnd \\ith \omc top qualit} houxc inuxic lrom rcxidcnlx Matt and l.oo.

I Immersed in Music at l’i\o (attic. ‘Iptn .iam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l‘rom chilch out to \iliackcd out. Sk) \xalkcr and Solo \pan thc muxical \pcctt'tttn at thix all llt'“ Sunda} \ocial.

I Libre at Madogx. lllpin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l'on_\ l)'.-\morc pt'o\ idcx thc l.atin ia/I. l'unk and \otll.

I Racked Up at lguana. lllpm lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l’urc l'tml‘. IlillH uncut.

I Radio Oxygen at ()\_\ch1 liar and (irill. 3 0pm. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. Sunda} hrtmcli \L‘\\ltlll\ \\ith ltink will and di\co lrom thc l‘rixcodixco hack room lio}\ 133 Scpt and .lak \upplicx thc hcatx on 3‘) Scp.

I Salsa Romantica at ligo. .\c\l tlillt‘ l.“ ()(l.

I SOS - Stars on Sunday at llcriot-\\'att l‘nchrxit) l'nion.

llipin 3am. l-‘rcc hcl‘orc l lpni; £3 al'tcr. \Vcckl). llcdonistic night of chccxtaxtic l‘un \\ illl karaokc. l'un gamcx tack} track\ and a touch ol' RNB (\tttdcntx and thcir gucsts only). I The Whiteout Weekend at .\lttllotltittn Ski (I‘lllt't‘. Noon 7pm. (3 ()ct. SL‘L‘ Sill.

I Yo! Below at Yo? liclou'.

Spin midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc \uxhi \t) lc har pla)\ litixl to a \clcction ol' I‘rc\h l".\l'\ lincxl.


I Bubble Wrap at \\'h_\ Nor}. ll)..illpni .iani. £5 hcl‘orc l l..i()pni: £(i al'tcr. (x Oct. .\lttllllll). .\laxsn c housc part) l‘caturing thc likcx ol' .\'il\ (iillclt (.\laxxn c Rccordxi. Warncr pou‘crs, ('raig Rohcrtx and .\'cil Donald.

I Deebo at l’o Na .\'a. lllpm 3am. l-i'cc. \Vcckl). l).l Wax/o \tlppltc\ a \pangl) \clcction ol' \c‘\). dixco hoth and uplil'ting l'S garagc.

'2' Sut‘ .i ()5: .VU.‘ THE LIST 83