Art listings

exploration by (iordon S Aekerman made \\ ith the aid of. a eomputer.


4 l)undas Street. 558 9544/5. .\lon l-‘ri

l()aln (rpm; Sat llalll 4pm.

The Scottish Panorama t‘nlil Sat 2] Sep. An exhibition of lSth and 19th

eelltury Seottish works.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 99.


42 High Street. 52‘) 4142. Mon Sat l()am 5pm.

Hero Worship t'nlil Sat 28 Sep. (‘hildren's heroes from past and present ineluding l)a\‘ie (’roekett. Shirley Temple and Luke Skywalker are celebrated in this exhibition. (‘ome along to take a trip do“ n memory lane. dress up as your favourite idol or add to the Heroes Wall of Fame.


I42 ('anongate. 52‘) 4143. Mon Sat Moving Solutions series by Leslie Somerville as part of Decipher at the l2 Gallery Illam 5pm.

My Dear John t'nlil Sat 26 ()et.

TORRANCE GALLERY The Drawing Room l’ntil l’ri 2‘) TRAVERSE THEATRE (ilasglm-hased textile artist Deirdre 3f) Dundas Street. 556 (not). .\lon l5ri .\'o\. The ll'tnt‘lllllg‘ (iallery 's latest ('ale Bar. ll) (’amhridge Street. 228 Nelson explores themes ol‘ 1 lam (ipllll Sat ll).3()am 4pm. touring exhibition explores drau ings lll its 5383. eommunieation through traditional Deborah Phillips and Frank many l'ol'llls. ineluding “all. lite. abstraet. Just Be Good l'ntil Sat 1‘) ()et. letters. digital printing and needlework Curran l'ntil Sat 21 Sep. Reeent animation and eoluputer dralx ings. Multimedia paintings. dram lugs and techniques. paintings. l‘eatured artists inelude Raehel Benin photographs by Anna (‘opland and Elizabeth McCrindle and Jean Baker. Balint Bolygo. l)a\ id ('ollllearn. (‘atherine Street. NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM Feeney Sat 28 Sep Sat 12 ()et. Reeent lili/aheth llohhs. Alan Johnston. ('had .\'e\yha\'en Harbour. 55] 4165. Mon-Sun paintings. .\le('ail. Kathy l’rendergast. Renan and THE VILLAGE noon 4.45pm.

Alla-ll sllll-lllllllsc. 'rlll- gallery \\lll be to solllll l-‘oll s‘ll-ccl. 478 7810. Mon Sui They’re Handed Doon l'ntil Tue 31 TRAVELLING GALLERY stopping at .v\herdeen .v\rt (iallery t2ll l lam l 1.45pm; Sun I23” I 1.45pm. l)ee. An exhibition looking at the history For a detailed itinerary eall 52‘) Sep): \airn l23 27 Hell and the Shetland Archy - The Computer who ol~ the Paisley shawl and their adoption 3682/3930. l-‘ree. Isles l l l l ()etl. Dreams l’ntil l5ri IS ()et. A \‘lSlltll hy Newhayen lishwiyes.

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