New paintings by Louis Sinclair McNally. I'rlnm Insight. plus a selection of drawings by l’atsy .\lc:\rthur.


l'niyersity ol lidinhurgh. 2i) (’hanihers Street. 650 23-12. Daily 9.30am 5pm. Eric Parry Architects: an Eye for the Whole t'ntil Hi 18 Oct. .»\ photographic exhibition of projects by London-based practice liric Parry .»\rchitects Whose Work includes the artists‘ studios lor Antony (iorniley.


S7 Broughton Street. 558 8778.

Wed Sat noon (ipm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil .\'o\. A changing selection ol’ work by 2()th century artists including Works by Pat l)otlllt\\ttilC. l)a\‘id liosie. Steven Hood. l’red I)eakin. June Rcdl'ern. Marcos Martinel. Keith Vaughan. Henry Kondracki and Geoff Roper.


Marchtnont (iallery. ()l Marchmont Road. 455 5203. Mon l‘ri 9.30am 5pm. Eye to the Horizons trail [in x .\'oy. A sltchztw of work hy students at the School of Design and Media Arts at Napier l'niyersity.


“Gil-Old Road. ()24 ()2()() (recorded information 332 2206). Mon Sat l()am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. (‘ale New: Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary British Art t'mil

Sun l7 .\'o\. Free. The gallery \llUWs ol‘l'

its recent acquisitions ol contemporary British art Which includes Douglas (iordon‘s List ol'.\'unu's. plus Works by ('allum lnnes. Damien llirst. l)a\id Shrigley. (’hristine Borland. (‘had .\lc('ail. \"ictoria Morton. Julian ()pie and many more.

New Outside the Galleries . . . Curator’s Tour Mon 7 ()cl. l2.-l5pin. ('urator Alice I)e\\ey giyes a tour ol' the gallery's recent acquisitions on shoW in the New exhibition. Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection t’niil early 2003. An exhibition of Works on long- term loan including Andy Warhol. lid Rtischa. Jeff Koons. Bill Viola and (iilhert and (icorgc.

A Personal Appraisal of Western Art in the 20th Century Mon l-l ()ct. 12.45pm. l’l'tilt'sstil‘ l’etcr Sel/ l'roni the l'niyersity oi Berkeley. ('alil'ornia giyes his personal \‘ieyy ol 20th century art.

New work by Oliver Marsden is on show at the Hub


lhc Mound. ()2-l (i200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon Sat

l()am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Home to Scotland’s linest collection of liuropean paintings and sculpture li'ont the Renaissance to l’ost-Impressionism including works by Vela/duel. lil (ireco. Rembrandt. 'l‘urncr. .\lonet. \‘an (ioglt and Constable.

An Old Woman Cooking Eggs, 1618 by Diego Velazquez Hi i 1 ()ct. 12.45pm. Aidan Weston-[cu is puts Vela/que/‘s ltlltlotls painting under the spotlight.


(ieorgc IV Bridge. 22o 45.~l. .\lon Sat l()am 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

This Book Belongs to Me t'ntil 'l‘hu 3| ()ct. lixplore the exciting and colourful world of children’s hooks from the original 17th century 'I‘om 'l‘hunih to the latest Harry Potter blockbuster.


Queen Street. 024 (i2()() (recorded information 332 2266). .\1on Sat l()am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. ('al'e. Scots in Film: Portraits by Donald MacLellan t'niil Sun H ()ct. Around 30 Works by leading portrait photographer. Donald .\|an. lior this exhibition. .\lacl.ellan has turned his lens on Scottish lihn stars. snapping Rohhie ('oltrane. Alan ('ununing. Tilda Syyinton. Billy ('onnolly. Robert (‘arlylc. Dougray Scott and many others. LASl CHANCF 10 SH:

The Golfers by Charles Lees l'ntil Sun l3 Oct. The most celebrated image of Scotland's national sport. the recently acquired painting by ('harles I.ees. goes on display.

0 Calum Colvin - Ossian: Fragments of Ancient Poetry [iii 4 Oct Sun ‘) [“eh. 'l‘rained as a sculptor. ('alum (‘oly in comhines No and three dimensional elements in his Work. llis compositions are part studio- constructed still lil‘e. part photographic and part computer manipulated images. For [his tic“ body of work. he inyestigates themes of history. time. memory and myth. inspired by James Macpherson's epic poetry The I’tu'ms of (Asian and lie/(11ml lliirks (I765). Scc prey ieu and llitlist. NE W SHOW. Roman Holiday: the Grand Tour of the 8th Duke of Hamilton Wed 10 ()ct. l2.-l5pm. Nicola Kalinsky giyes a talk.


l4 New Street. 558 7604. Mon Sat

llain 6.30pm. l’ntil late on Bongo (‘Iuh nights.

I Know What I Saw Hi I 1 Tue 2‘) ()ct. Bongo ('ltih‘s l-‘estixal photographer in residence. Andy .\lacl)ona|d. rc\ea|s his salacious lindings or almost certainly the last Bongo l’ringe ('aharet at .\'e\\ Street.


2| St Leonard's l.anc. (>02 l(il2. .\lon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. The Felt Route Hi II Oct Sun 3 .\'o\. In association With the Scottish

listings Art

branch of the International l‘eltmakers Association. an exhibition of felt from Scotland. Iran. (ieorgia and many other countries. NEW SHOW.


75 7‘) ('uinherland Street. 557 I020. Mon Fri l()am opin: Sat l()am 4pm. Jock Maclnnes t'niil Wed 16 ()ct. Paintings.

Paul Barnes l'ntil Wed to Oct. Paintings.

Eoghan Bridge t‘mil Wed to Oct. Sculpture.

Elizabeth Bone t'niil Wed to Oct. (‘ontemporary jewellery.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASPSi l’atriothall Studios. ol'l' ~18 Hamilton Place. 225 128‘).

Love is where it Falls Sat 5 is Sun () Oct. Sat 12 & Sun 13 ()ct. noon (ipm. Drawings and paintings by lidinhurgh- hased artist Joyce (innn-(‘airns whose recent haunting depictions of religious ligures have marked her out as a subtle and pouerl'ul painter. For \\CL‘ktlil_\

yieu ing phone 0792‘) 9251 16. NEW SHOW.


(‘lerk Street. (368 201‘). Mon Sat

l()am 5.30pm.

Isobel Gardner t'niil Sat 2 Nov. Painting Works by lsohel (iardner. Under a Northern Sky t'mil Mon 4 .\'o\‘. Recent dram ing and paintings hy- ()rkney based artists lsohel (iardner. Doug Muir and Alan S Watson.


4o [)undas Street. 55o 8364. Tue l‘ri l()am 5pm; Sat l()am 4pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Thu 31 Oct. The newly opened Randolph (iallery presents a mixed sltoW ol~ paintings by gallery artists.

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A touring exhibition produced and managed by Light Xchange and The Winchester Gallery 24 September 2 November 2002

Dick Institute, Elmbank Avenue. Kilmarnock. KA1 ISBU free admission I disabled access

opening times I

Scottish East Ayrshire

orxm AI'IS COUHCil

mon | tues l thurs | in

10am 80m

wed i sat 10am ~ 5pm

Japan 2001 | Fotonet-south l The Arts Council of England | The Elephant Trust

Li- 1 Oct 2700?, THE LIST 99