Art listings

Edinburgh galleries continued


l5 Rtttland Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon l-‘ri 0am 5pm: Sat It)am 4pm. Changing Buildings: Changing Times l'ntil l-‘ri 25 ()et. An exhibition ol draxx ingx \eleeted b_\ the Seottixli Areliiteetx‘ l’aperx l’rexerxation l’roieet \xliieh look\ at the liletime ol‘ otir btiilt

em irontnent and the laetorx that ehange


ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmerleitli llouxe. 552 7l7l.

Cy “Homny l‘ntil Stin 27 ()et tlnxerleitli llouxe: lue Stiti

It).3()am 5.3llptni. l't‘ee. lllC lirxt Seottixli xlioxxing ol \\til'l\\ bx (‘x 'l'xxombl} ineluding \eulpturex. paintingx. eollagex. draxx ingx and l‘hotoflraltltx. 'l'he Atneriean artixt \tttdied under .\lotlier\\ ell and Kline. and “as inl‘lueneed b} the abxtraet L‘\pl‘L‘\\lUlllxt\.

Plantweave - Modern Stories, Ancient Skills l'ntil Suit 27 ()et tlixliibition llall: dail} lilam 5ptni. An exhibition highlighting the artixtie. eultural and eeologieal xignilieanee ol baxket making in Seotland.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.1llltllll:_‘\(itlllL‘l’}. llltl l’rineex Street. 225 I501. .\lon l‘ri lttam opin. ROSL Arts Scholars Exhibition 2002 lltll 3 ()et l‘ri l5 .\'o\. Painting and printx b} \\ innerx ol the R()Sl. 'l‘raxel Seliolat'xliipx 2(l()l lroui (‘anada. Ken_\a. .\lala_\xia. \exx /.ealaud and the l'K. Nl Si l(


l(t l)tltttl;t\ Street. 5.53 l2lll). Alon l'ht‘l l()am opin: Sat ltlam 4pm. William Crozier Mon 7 ()et. \exx paintingx. Traces .\lon 7 Wed 30 ()et. .lexxellel‘) bx .lulie lelield and l._\nn Ke||_\. Steven Newell Mon 7 \Ved 3() ()et. .\'e\x glaxx.

\Ved All


RL‘lttL'll ttlttl llttll .Al'L'lillL‘L‘lx. (i l)arna\\a_\ Street. 225 S444. .\lon lit 2 5pm.

Adam McEwen t‘ntil l’ri I .\'m. .\ nexx inxtallation lor the Sleeper \paee bx Adam .\leli\x en.


44 High Street. 557 |()am (ipllt. Mixed Exhibition .\ eltanging \eleetion ol paintingx bx predominantlx ltaliau artixtx. leaturing \till lile. landxeapex and liguratix e. xx ith all “(it'le lot' \ule.

satin. min


ll) ()rxx ell 'l‘erraee. 346 I405. .\lon Sat l()am 4pm.

Triple t’ntil Hi 4 ()et. An exhibition ol' artxxork b_\ three loeal artixtx featuring I.exle_\' Anne 'I‘homax. (‘arolx'n Burehell and Aime Robertx. The Outlook Project Exhibition Tue 8 Fri IS ()et. ltlam 4pm. lo celebrate SL‘UttlSlt \lL‘lttill llealtli \VL‘L‘lx' 2002 a \eleetion of painting. printx and photograph} l'rom the ()utlook l’roieet. an adtilt edueation programme l'or people tixing mental health xerx ieex.


2l l.l\ltlttl'e (‘l'L‘Sk'L‘llL (Cl) .3544.

Wed l‘ri b} appointment onl}.

Mike Nelson and Rachel Lowe t'ntil l-ri 25 ()et. lidinburgli'x nexxext galler} a llUll-Ct)llllllt‘l'k‘lill. non: publiel} luuded xpaee aimx to ereate a nexx euratorial xtrueture in xxliieli artixtx liax e more eontrol ol the eontext ol their \xoi'k. lllC xpaee. \et up in artixt Hill} .\le(‘all\ littlISC. Upt‘tix \\ ith the work ol' \liortlixted 'l‘urner l’i‘i/e nominee .\like .\'e|\on and Raeliel

l.o\x e.



3o l)undax Street. 550 (i3oo. .\lon l‘ri llatn (rpm; Sat ll).3()am 4pm. Elizabeth McCrindle and Jean Feeney t‘ntil Sat I3 ()et. Reeent paintingx.


l’or a detailed itinerar) eall 52‘) 3(iS2/3U3t). l‘ree.

The Drawing Room t‘ntil lit-i 2‘) NM. Allie 'l‘raxelling (iallerx \ latext touring exhibition explorex dt‘axx ing in itx man} l'ormx. ineluding \xall. lile. abxtraet. animation and eomputer draxx ingx. l'eatured artixtx inelude Raehel Bexan Baker. l)a\id (’onnearn. Alan .loliitxton. ('had .\le('ail. Kath} l’rendergaxt and Aileen Staekltouxe. 'l'lie gallerx “ill be xtopping at the Shetland lxlex ttmtil l I ()et): l‘orth |.ibrar_\. Sotttlt l.anark\ltire t l5 ()et I: Adxa. ltlant} re t to ()eti and ('arluke ('ommunitx ('entre t I7 ()et i. TRAVERSE THEATRE

('ale Bar. ll) ('ambridge Street. 228 53S3.

Just Be Good t‘ntil Sat W ()et. Multimedia paintingx. draxx ingx and pltotograplix b} Anna ('opland and (’atliet‘ine Sll'L‘L‘l.


l2: lltg‘ll .Sllt‘L‘l. 22.5 S-lllS.

The Parish t'ntil llill 31 ()et. Illam 5pm. \exx exhibition \paee \hoxx ing pliotograplix b} Kerrie Reid taken in the parixh ol ltorxaxt. the Ne ol‘ l,e\\i\,


l(i Stitltlt litit‘l Street. 47S 73“). Mon Sat llatn ll.45pm: Sttn l2.3() I 1.45pm.

Archy - the Computer who Dreams l'ntil liri ltS’ ()et. A \ixual exploration b} (iot‘tlon S Aekerman tnade \\ ith the aid ol a eomputer.


78 Albion Road: l’atriothall (taller). 48 llatnilton l’laee: 2/3 \Vext l’ark l’laee. Dali‘}. l5or tnore information eall (H41 554 829‘).

Wasps Open Doors Sat 12 3: Sun I3 ()et. Sat | lam opin: Sun

noon 5pm. \Vttxpx Al‘lixtS‘ Sltldittx l‘ormed in W77 :tx plaeex to pro\ ide loeal ttl'll\l\ xx llll \\til'K\p;tCL‘\. lliexe open dax x eelebrate their 25th annixerxai‘}. proliling ox er 5t)() artixtx “lit! the lllL' l2 \itex aeroxx Setttltltttl. See alxo (ilaxgoxx.


4 l)unda\ Street. 558 0544/5. .\lon l‘ri Illam (ipm; Sat Ilam 4pm.

Five Wildlife Artists lth .S‘ Sat 3t» ()et. \Vildlile paintingx bx .Ionathan Sainxburx. l)erek Robertxon. .-\l;txl;ltl' .\lakinxon. .lonathan Yule and .\linnette Hell .\lael )onald. Nl \.'.' Si l( )\.'.'.

Playing the Field by Pat Derrick is on show at McManus Galleries

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 105.


llol}i‘ood Road. 55() 7800. Hail) Illam opin. £7.05 t£4.5()i. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition Centenary Exhibition Sat 5 ()et Stiit 3 Nox. RL‘ll‘ttL'L‘ IllL' ltmthPS til “1‘ “illlittltt Bruee. leader ol' the Seottixlt National Antaretie lixpedition id 1002. NE \'.’ Si l()".'..

The Big Chill Sat l2 Sun 27 ()et. l‘iud out \\ll_\ polar bearx don't eat penguinx and other intrepid explorer aetix itiex at thix tun-tilled interaetix e exhibition.


I42 (‘anongate. 52‘) 4143. Mon Sat Illam 5pm.

My Dear John t‘ntil Sal 2t» ()et. (ilaxgoxx baxed lL‘\lllL‘ :tl'tlSI l)L‘ll'tll'L‘ .\'el\on e\plorex themex ol etimmunieation through traditional letterx. digital printing and needlexxork teehnitiuex.


.\’exxhawn llarbour. 55l -ll(i5. .\lon Sun noon 4.45pm.

They’re Handed Doon l'ntil lue 3| |)ee. An exhibition looking at the liixtorx ol' the l’aixIe} \ltaxxl and their adoption l3} NC“ lt;l\ en llxli\\ l‘-L‘\.


2 (‘liamberx Street. 247 421‘). Mon Sat ltlam 5pm (Tue 8pm): Sun noon 5pm. liree.

Ecurie Ecosse, Scotland’s Motor Racing Team t'ntit 'I‘hu 3| ()et. An exhibition eelebrating the 50th itnlllVCl’xitl‘)‘ ol' Seotland'x most sueeexxlul motor raeing team. lieurie lieoxxe. l‘ounded in l‘)52. the} “em on to xx in the l.e\ Manx 24-hour and again in l‘)57. lop drixerx ineluded Ron l‘loekhart. lnnex Ireland. .\’inian Sanderon and Jaekie Stexx art.

Roots - Unexpected Origins of Ordinary Things l'ntil Sun 3 Sm. An exhibition demonxtrating lio\\ exei‘}da_x thingx hax e been inllueneed b} exotie and aneient eulturex l'rom around the \xtil‘ltl.

Mediating with Spirits, Shamans in Korea t'ntil l‘ri 3t .lan. An exhibition exploring \hamanixm. an important eletnent ol' the .-\ltaie eulture that eame to Korea in the l3th eentur) l£('. 'l‘he \lioxx leaturex dioralttax and ritual obieetx ttxed bx \hamanx. man} ol \xliieh liaxe been donated to the National .\luxeumx ol' Seotland b} the Korean gm L‘l'litllt‘ltt.

Illustrating Scotland’s Past t'ntil Stiii 20 Jan. An exhibition highlighting the \xork ol arehaeologieal illuxtrator. Marion ()’.\'eil. ineluding exaet reprexentationx ol original obieelx \llL‘ll ax the (itltltt-xear-old boxx t'roin Rotten Bottom in Duml'riexxliire.


t‘nixerxit} ol~ Dundee. l3 l’erth Road. (H382 345330.

Band in Crisis t'ntit liri t .\'m. .\lon l-‘ri 0am S.3()pm; Sat

Illam 4.30pm. .\ltira|x. promo \ ideox and lirxt xingle to promote the eareer and rexolxe the identit} ol Skill 7 Stamina l2//.ebra Zebra.

Student of Life t'ntil Hi I .\'o\. .\lon liri 0am 8.30pm: Sat

ltlani 4.30pm. l)i\erxe narratixex addrexxing lil'e‘x big queSIionx.


152 Nethergate. (ll 3S2 ‘)l)‘)‘)()().

'l‘ue \Ved. Sat ix Sttn lt).3t)am 5.30pm: lllll tx l‘ri lt).3()am Spin.

Miroslaw Balka: tiedtothetoe t'ntil Sun 20 ()et. the [MA hoxtx the lirxt major xtiltt l'K exhibition for the renouned l’olixli artixt. .\liroxla\x Balka. \Vorking \xitli material from the immediate enx ironment ol lilS xtudio at ()txxoek. near \Varxaxx. Balka L‘\pl()l'L‘x mentor} and ltixx in a xeleetion ol xeulplurex. inxtallationx. draxx ingx and

\ ideo \\t)l‘lx\.

A Guide for the Perplexed: Little Poetry Magazines t‘ntil Sun 20 ()et t('entre lor Al'tixt Book). An exhibition looking at poetr} and art maga/inex ol‘ the 20th eentur}.

Loss and Longing: Poetry Prints t'ntil Sttii 2() ()et. A \eleetion ol' poetr} printx b_\ I)on l’atet'xon in l‘exptitixe to .\liro\la\\ Balka‘x exhibition.


Albert Square. ()l 382 432034. Mon Sat ll).3lltlllt 5pm; Sttti l2.3() 4pm: llttl lt).3()am 7pm.

Shoe Fri 4 ()et Sun 5 Jan. A lttllxt lor all \lioe l'etixhixtx ix tlli\ touring exhibition that examine\ the role of the xhoe iii eontemporar} urban eulture through exhibits lt'olli eoittetitpol‘at‘) designerx. makerx and \ ixlltll ztl‘lixlx. l‘eatured \xorkx inelttde \ ideo inxtallationx b_\ .\latt llulxe and llolgar .\lohaupt. xeulpturex b) Jenn) Stol/enlmg. paintingx b_\ Kimberlx (itindle and hand-made \llt)L‘\ b} Andre“ 'l‘imx. .\laiko l)a\\\on and Stixan (‘uttx Nl-\.‘.” St t()\.'.’.

The World at your Feet iii 4 ()et Sun 5 Jan. to eomplement Shoe. a dixpla} ol' ltixtot‘ie \ltoex limit the eit) '\ permanent eolleetion ranging lrom an Indian paduka to Mar) Quant bootx. NEW SHOW.

Outside the Cities



l’itteneriell Park. ()1383 722935.

Mini Sun llatn 4pm.

Peter Blake Alphabet t'ntit Sun I3 ()et. A touring exhibition of Peter Blake'x Alphabet xeriex xx Itieh eonxixtx ol 2o \ereenprintx illuxtrating eaeh letter oi‘ the alphabet trom the ob\ ioux ‘/.' lor Zebra to the more ironie and humorous 'K' lor King tlilxix l’rexle} i. tASi (Ill/\NCl l0 Si l.



('allendar l’ark. (H324 50375"). .\Ion Sat Illam 5pm: Sttn 2 5pm.

Princess Su Su t‘ntil Sat 2 \m. A eonteinporarx lairxtale ix interpreted b_\

l l eralt :ll'llxlx.