., Stephen Hogan and acquel Cassidy enjoy one several relationships in parallel universes

Canada can - can you?

Imagine if every time you woke up you were in a similar but different parallel universe. That’s the way of things in POSSIBLE WORLDS, the centrepiece of Glasgow’s Six Stages Festival of Canadian theatre and dance. Words: Steve Cramer

12 THE LIST 3—1?" Oct 2002

ove is an invention. It's the nearest we come to pure subjectivity. It makes us turn the person we care for into what we want them to be. not who they are. When we love. we ditch so many of our usual defences. but at a price demanded not just of ourselves. but of the other person too. We attempt to reinvent them.

That. at least. is the idea at the heart ol l’ussib/t’ llbrltls. a brilliant and unsettling drama by (‘anada‘s‘ John Mighton making its liuropean premiere in (ilasgow. The award-winning quantum detective story about love and time is the flagship production in the Six Stages liestival ol‘ (‘anadian Theatre and Dance. which is about to consume not only (ilasgow but also. in a unique tri— city deal. Berlin and Prague to boot.

How things have changed. In I‘LS’o when the ('anadians qualified for the World ('up linals. and boasted a goalkeeper who kept a rubber parrot in his net. one wag quipped: "l‘hat’s about as eccentric as you‘re

allowed to be it' you’re Canadian.‘ But whatever we said of them then. Canadians. particularly those in the theatre. have become a vital and vibrant force. [ii the past decade or so. we’ve been lucky in Scotland to enjoy visits from La La [a Human Steps. () Vertigo Dance. Robert Lepage. ()ne Yellow Rabbit. (‘atalyst and da da kamera. not to mention the many Scottish productions of the plays of Michel 'l'remblay.

Puss-[lily HEM/(ls. staged by the 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre (‘ompany. is the one Scottish production among a least of theatre. dance and comedy playing at the 'l'ron. the ('(‘A and 'l‘ramway. Beginning with two detectives investigating a murder in which the victim’s brain has been neatly removed from his skull. the play goes on to investigate the inlinite possibilities of his life. In particular. it examines several possible versions ol‘ a relationship between (ieorgc. the central character (played by Stephen llogan. last seen here in theatre