Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About a Boy 1 131.... i('hi'i\ and Paul \Vcnll. l'K/I'S. 2002) Hugh (ii'anl. Nicholax lloull. loni (’ollcllc. lillmm. (il'ulll lu'caln li'cc ol' his pmh lop \t‘rccn pcrxona lo pla) Ia}aholll \Vill l‘l't‘t‘lllilli in [his \\ mm; atlaplalion of Nick llornb} 'x no\ cl. Supporting; a Ioalcrx' Inc of It'll}. boo/c and birds \\ ilh \\ callh from his lalc lather. l‘rccman'x \xomamsmg brings him inlo coiuacl \ulh \larcux lllUllll l. lhc )oung: wn oi \Uit‘idall} tlL‘Pl'Cxwtl l‘lona l(.(l”CllL'l. “ho pl'nt‘t‘t‘tlx lU t‘llangt‘ Illt‘ \\;l\ll't‘l'\ ill-C. 'l'hc \Vcil/ lii'ollici‘x kccp Ihmgx brighl and lil't‘t‘l). hul [op honouh go lo ( il';llil and lloull \\ ho xpcml lhc lilm mapping placm as [he lilulai' character. ()thUll .v\I 'l’hc Qua}. (ilaxgon.

The Abyss: Special Edition 1 13' 0.. Ilamcx (’amci'on. l'S. WSW lid ll;ll'l‘l\. .\lar_\ lzli/abclh .\la\n‘aiuomo. \lit‘liacl lliclm. lo.\‘mm. |.cl'\ rm- il: the original cmling ol'(‘amt'ron\ umlcrualcr t‘\ll‘;l>lt‘l'l't‘fll'idl ill'alllil It'll a lol [0 lit‘ th‘fll't‘il. \lllt‘ll l‘t‘llt‘l' l\ llit‘ llt‘lglllt‘llt‘tl political inlriguc ol' lhi\ L‘\[Cll(lL‘ti \L'l'\lUll. uluch \Iill rclainx ll\ human cmolional impact. l'(i('. lidinburgh.

Amelie l ISI .0... (.lcan- l’Icri'c .lcuncl. l'i'ant‘c. loo] l .-\udi'c} 'l‘aulou. \lalhicu K;l\\n\ll/. Scrgc \lcrlm. 120mm. .'\\ \xilh lll\ [no [um iou\ l‘i'cnch lanlaxicx. /)(‘/I(‘¢ll¢’\\¢'ll and Hit (ii-H HI /.U\l (VII/(In II. .lcuncl death a lanlaxlical “Ullti. hcrc i'cimagmmg l’ai'ix‘ (llth\l quai'lcr. Montmarlrc. \Vilhin il lhc cct‘cnlric adwnlurcx ol lll\ cpon} moux hcromc

Ipla) cd h} caplnalm; cllin ncut‘omci' ‘l’auloui Ulllllitl in a manncr as complu as a

S“ i\\ limcpit't‘t‘ \\ llt‘ll .'\lllt“llL‘ (iCCltlL‘\ [0 bring: ll;l[iplllt‘\\ lo dcxcn in; pcoplt‘ h}

pla} mg; clahoi'alc practical liilxt‘\ on lhcm. (‘ompoxul of man} momcnlx ol absolulc uomlcr. [his ix a film uhich cclclu‘alcx all lhc lilllc. grcal things in Inc. ('(’.v\. (ilaxgou; lzilinburgh l‘ilm (iuild. lidinhurgh. The Apartment l l’( n .0000 (Bill) Wildcr. 1'8. 10(in Jack Icmmon. Shirlc} .\lat'l.ainc. l'l't‘d \lilt‘Xllli'I'a}. Ra} \Valqon. 125mm. Splcntlitl mum on \c\. \ucccxx and moralil}. in \xhit‘h lunmon‘x clcrk gcncralt'x big: bucks b} sub-lclnng his aparlmcnl lo \L‘lllUl' cwculiwx i'oi' immoral purpoxcx mil} to lind lhal his on n girl is hax in; il oll \\ilh |1i~ ho“. Both ccnu'al pcrloi'mant't'x art- \xomlcrlul. gcncraling holll hurt and pathos \\ ilh atlmn‘ablc \ubllcl), l‘ilmhouw. litlinhui'gh.

Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (l’( il i.-\|ain (’hahal. l'rancc. 2002i (‘Iu'ixlian ('la\ lt‘l‘. (ici‘anl Dcpanlicu. Monica licllucci. l().\'min. (ioxcinn) and l'tlci'lo‘x (iaulixh llt‘l'UL‘\ makc Ihc lcap l‘i'om comic book Io hi3: \ci'ccn l'oi' lhc \ccond limc m micc ax man} )carx.(‘la\ icr and l)cpanhcu rcprixc lhcn' l'(llL‘\ lrom .‘l\l('l'!\ um/ (HM/ii lit/w on (’umur ax. i‘cxpccliwl} Ihc \mall blond [L‘l'l'lt‘l' and lhc hi3; i'ctl-Iicailctl lummo\. 'l‘hix lllllt‘ around lhc hop lcaw Ihcn' \ illagc \xilh ilx “llkl boar banquclx bchind lo come to thc ;l\\l\l;lllt‘t‘ ol' the )oqu archilccl litlilix ioh ha. ha. lhc punncr} l \\ ho has hCCll oi‘tlcrctl ii} lllL' ()llt‘t‘ll Ul' lllL‘ \llt‘ lllt'llllt‘t‘ll lo t‘oniplclt‘ Ihc conxli'uclion of a la\ ixh palacc l'oi' lhc Roman i‘ulci‘. Scc rmucu. (icncral l'L‘lk‘ihL‘.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmemberi 12» .. Lia} Roach, l'S. Illllll .\lll\C \l}t‘l‘\. \llt‘llat‘l ('alllt‘. lit'yint‘t‘ Kl]o\\lc‘\. 00mm. l’oi' lhc second \cqucl lo lhc t'llUl‘lllUlhl} popular \p} \pool. .\l_\ci\ hax \H'illcn hime a lhinl \ lllulllulh part so that hix \l\lIL'\ \upci' an no“ has lo \lCili

\\ ilh nol onl_\ l)r li\ il and la! Bastard. liul alw a l'clla “ill! a goltlcn . 'l'hc lhi't‘t‘

3 October 7.30pm Regular Music presents Sigur Ros 4 October 8.00pm Macmeanmna Showcase

5 October 7.30pm Waverley Care presents "Viva L’Opera!"

6 October 2.30pm The Queen's Hall presents

BT Scottish Ensemble - Making Friends With Frankenstein

|0 October 7.45pm BT Scottish Ensemble -Apollo l I October Dance Class 7.00pm. Show 8.00pm The Queen‘s Hall presents Cubanite

l2 October 7.45pm

Scottish Chamber Orchestra l3 October 7.30pm

Paragon Ensemble - Night Lights

l7 October 7.45pm

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

index Film


as Frank N Furter


as The Narrator

Monday 21 to Saturday 26 October Tickets from £13.50

BOX OFFICE 0131 529 6000 (mow I-zooKINos; 0131 529 6005 '<'?!"NI*.YK<?'




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1 '(L‘t THE LIST 31