Film index

The Crocodile Hunteril’m COO l.lohn Stainton. .-\tixti‘alia/l‘S. Ztltlll Sim c Ir“ in. [ironic l)rc\\ ctt. Sam l'l}lill. .\lin thc. .lohn Stainton‘x comcd) adxciitui'c prcxci'xcx thc xtraighl-to camcra tcchniquc l'rom tlic .r\uxti'alian‘x high|_\ xucccxxl'ul xiiiall-xci'ccn documcntar) xci‘icx. 'l'hix cnahicx tlic larrikin ,xtar to dclixcr hix tixual 'criltc} '-xtrc\\ii lccturcx on tlic likcx of thc hii‘d-cating xpidcrx and thc lici'cc xnalx‘cx |xic|. \xhilc dcaling plauxth} “ith a xlxctch} dramatic plot iii\ol\ ing a ('l:\ mixxioii lo rccox cr a ci'axhcd :\mcrican xatcllitc in .\'orth ()uccnxland and Ir“ in‘x attcmpt. aloilg \\ ith \\ il'c 'l'crri. to rclocatc a cattlc- dc\otit'illg crocodilc. \\'orth lhc monc) .iuxt to xL't‘ lrxx in do hix thing. l-‘air dinkuin. Sclcctcd i‘clcaxc.

Cyberworld tl’(ii (Varioux, 2002) Min thc. .\'c\\ .il) film for thc giant xci'ccn lcattiring animach charactcrx l'rom .-ln;‘ to Hit Slur/Mom. l.\l:\.\. (ilaxgou.

Dark Crystal ll’(il COO lJini llcnxoii. l-‘rank ()I. 1082) Winin. 'l‘hc .\luppct mcn branch otit \xith thix unoriginal childrcn‘x lantax} \urrounding tlic qucxt lot a mixxing xhard lrom thc all-poucrlul darlx ci'_\ xtal \xhich muxt hc rctricxcd to pi'c\cnt 0 il conxuining thc knoxxn \iorld. .r\rtx ('cnti‘c. liaxt Kilhridc.

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood t ill 0. ((‘allic lx'houri. l'S. Itltlli Sandra Bullock. lillcn Burxt}n. \laggic Smith. .'\xlilc} Judd. lltimin. .-\x dii‘cctcd h} 'l’lii'lmu (Hill loiu'u' xci'ccn\\i'itci‘ (’allic lx'houri. thix l)ccp South-xct chick lilich ix a xpl'tl\\llllg. xclllindulgcnt incxx. \thn mothcr Iliurxt) ill and daughtci‘ tliulloclti lall out. lhc mothcr'x lilclong ll'lclltlx. lllL‘ lit-lit Shlt‘l'lltltitl. tlllL‘lllpl lo rcconcilc thc pair. \Vill thc Ya-‘Yax. including \laggic Smith l\\lltixL‘ di'_\. tlk'tltlptlll \\ ll [ll'o\ ldL‘x lllL‘ llllll‘x lit‘xi niomcnlxi hcal lhc hrcach .’ 'l'hc \ icucr \\ ill nioxl lllxk‘l} hc too numh \\ ith hoi‘cdom lo cai‘c. (icnci'al i'clcaxc.

DOA iccrt thci ilcch Kll\\ill\l\l. (‘8. 1%] i .\lin tlic. l)ocumcntar} about llic Sm l’ixiolx’ dixaxtroux Januar} l‘F'H )our ol' tlic l'S. plux random xnapxhotx ol Britiin punk li‘oni llic xaiiic _\cai'. (’(':\. (ilaxgou.

Dog Days I l.x'i 00. it'll-icli Scull. .\uxti'ia. Ilillli lltlimn. \Vclcomc to Dog I)l1\\..-\tlxlt'i;ilidll‘cclol' Scidl'x \ ixion ol' xuhurhan hcll on a xucltcring xuinmcr ucckcnd. :\lllllllj_‘ l'oi' authcnticit} and inliiiiac}. thc dircctoi' lolloux hix lonc|_\ charactcrx lpla} cd niainl} h) non pi'olcxxionalxi into hatliroonix and xcx pailourx. \|.hcrc thc camcra ohxcr\cx thcir

xagging. protuhcrant l‘lcxh. :\hxcnt. llo\\c\cl'.

ix an} i'cal lcchng ol coiiipaxxion lo\\at’tlx lhcxc lorlorn indi\idualx. .-\nd thc painlull} [il'olt‘ttclt‘tl lol‘llll'L' xc‘L‘llL‘. xtlg‘g‘t'xix llltll Scidl hinixcll i‘clixhcx dcpictiiig hix c‘li;ii';ic‘lc'i“x land caxl'x .’i dixcomlort. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou: l'ilnihouxc. lidinhurgh.

Doug’s 1st Movie «ta 0..

l.\lauricc .lo} cc. l'S. 1909i qulllll. 'l‘hc animach 'ad\ciiturcx ol' quirk} adolcxccnl l)oug l'tiiinic graduatcx li‘oni itx popular Saturda} morning xlol on :\iiicrican

lclc\ ixion to big xcrccn gloi'}. courtcx} ol l)ixnc_\. .\lo\ic no. | xccx thc t\xcl\c-'\cai=


The Cameo cinema has teamed up with The List to offer you films from London‘s Chinese Film Festival. Never before

Sunday 13 October at 1.30pm

Romance of Book and Sword Parts 1 and 2

A martial arts epic shot entirely on location with a mainland cast. Authentic period detail and realistic action sequences make it a joy for martial

arts fans.

Togettickets tothese special films, just head dovmto‘thoCameoboxoffloo

Terms and Conditions:

The offer is subject to availability. There is no cash alternative. This voucher Is not valid in com other offer. Offer is not available when booking in advance. Maximum two tickets per reader.

34 THE LIST '1' ()2? ." R

old torn hctxxccn taking action againxt

cnx ii'onincnlal pollution and taking hix hcloxcd l’atti .‘\la}oiiiiaixc‘ to thc liigh xchool tltlllc‘L‘. (‘lllL'\\Ul'ltl. l'iilllxll‘l'x.

Eight Legged Freaks l 12» 0.. ililloi‘} lilka}cin. ('8. Mill) l)a\id .quucttc. Karu \\'uhi'cr. Scott ‘l'cri'a. 99min. Although it nc\cr quitc li\cx up to ilx brilliant. tonguc» inclicck trailcr ll)o tou liatc xpidci'x’.’ . \Vcll. thc} don't Iikc )ou cithcrl i. thix throulxick to thc taclx) radialion/mutation xci li mo\ icx ol‘ thc l‘)5()x docx c\ol\c l'ond inciiioi‘icx of bargain haxcincnt ll pictui'cx xuch ax I‘llvni.’ and limmlu/ti. 'l'hc modcrn t\x ixt ix that an old laxliioiictl giantxpidcrx plot hax hccn xoupcd up \\ ith xtatc-ollthc—ai't coinputcr~ gcllt‘l'ulcd L‘llcclx. ‘l‘lilx ix till \L‘l‘} \\ Cll. litll thc in} Mad (‘( ll cl'l'cctx cnd ul‘ o\ci'-t'c\ \ inf—' thc lihn‘x plot cngiiic and xhakiiig apart itx ancicnt. i'uxting chaxxix. (il’l’. (ilaxgou. Everest il'i i\'arioux. l'S. 2002i .\lin thc. l.\l.-\.\ hig xcrccn prcxcntation. l.\l.-\.\. (ilaxgou.

The Filth and the Fury i ii: .00 (Julian 'l'cmplc. l‘lx'. letllil ltl7min. ln hix xccontl tillcltlpl at dclining lhc Scx l’ixlolx xtoi'}. 'l‘cinplc liax adoptcd a rc\ ixionixt xtaiicc \xith thc intcntion ol dixpclling thc notion that thc group \\ ci'c thc xtoogcx iii an art xchool mo\ cmcnt maxtcrinindcd h} xcll? pi‘oclaimcd x\cnga|i \lalcolm \lclarcn. Splicing 'l‘\‘ adx and xloclx l'ootagc into intci'x lL‘\\ x \\ ith tlic hand and pi'cx ioiixl} unxccn h\ c lootagc. 'lt'lllplt' \xatllx tix to xcc thc group ax a gcmiinc L'\pltixltlll ol' lur} at thc xtatc ol' Britain louardx llic cnd ol' thc |‘)”tlx. l'ltiiiiatcl}. 'l‘lii‘ I'l/l/l um/ I/lt' [7ur\ ix c)c cand} that inanagcx to tacitl} conlirm lllL' \lcl.tll'L‘ll/“t'xluootl acxlhctic \ lxltlll. l‘ilinhouxc. lidinhurgh.

i 7. E "int." &

Mr Zhao

Scotland. these films are a sample of the China On Screen th Season and as only being shown' at the Cameo. so read on how you can be there.

Tuesday 15 October at 6.30pm ,

The economy is not the only thing that‘s changing in China. With the opening of the market comes the liberation of social mores. Mr Zhao is a college professor happily married to a factory

Frailty l |5i O... tliill l’axton. l'S. llltll l Bill l’axtoii. .\latthc\\ .\lc(‘onaughcy l’oucrx lioothc. liltlmiii. l-i'ui/Ii hcginx \iith l‘cnton \lcilxx l.\lc(’onaughc_\ i going to thc 'l’cxax l'lil hcadquartcrx to tcll him and hix hrothcrk xltil'}. xtarting \xhcn thcir lathci il’axtoni had a \ ixion lroin (iod. commanding him to kill thc ‘dcmonx' that |i\ c on liai'th in human loi'm. licxl known ax an actor. l’axton \lltl\\x ical lalcnt hchind lhc caiiici‘a; it'x an old xt} Ic liliii in \xhich thc \ iolcncc ix implicd rathcr than xlio\\il. .'\\\l|l't‘tl cult xtattIx il not inorc. Inn/n ix niaturc and lhoughtlul cmcnia. l‘( i(‘ chll'cu Stt'ccl. (ilaxgo\\.

The Guru 1 l5i .0. ll).iix) \on Schcrici‘. 1'8. lellli .liiiii \lixti‘}. llcathcr (irahain. .\laiixa ’l'onici. liltinun. ‘l'hc Mil/mg Ill/l tcam do liollpiood. l)ancc tcachci' Rainu (iupta t.\ll\ll'_\ i nioxcx lroin lioinha) to .\'c\\ York to pui‘xuc hix dicain ol hcconiiiig an actor litil thc onl_\ ioli lic can lind ix on a porn liliii and. unloi‘tiiiialcl}. can't gct it tip. llclp ix on hand. lio\\c\ci'. \xhcn hix co xtar Shaionna l( ii'ahanii lakcx pit} on him and xtartx gi\ mg him ad\icc on improx ing hix xcxual pci'l'orinancc. Sulixcqucntl} Raniu i‘calixcx hix dicain ol hcconiiiig a xlai' h} paxxing hiiiixcll oll ax a

xcx guru. mi\ing Boll)\\ood dancc nimcx \\ ith Sliaronna‘x ad\ icc. 'lhc occaxionalh hilai'ioux i‘cxultx ina_\ inalxc _\otii ll)c|hii llcll} achc. Sclcctcd l't'lc‘lxt‘.

La Haine l l.\'i O... l.\latthicu Ktlxxtn Ill. l‘l'tlllct'. IWSi \illlcclll (..l\\t'l. Iluhci't Koundc. Said lligliiiiaotii. 55min. 'liliix cdg}. lilaclxand \xllilc portrait ol racial tcnxion and policc hi'utalit} on a lllll doun cxtatc outxidc l’ai'ix \xon lucnl} xonicthiiig Ktlxxtn ll/ lllL‘ l)ll't‘t'lol"x l’l'l/L' til lllt‘ “NS (‘anncx l-‘ilin l'cxtnal. 'l‘hi‘cc cthnicall}

worker and frolicking with a former student.

from a

Lilo and Stitchgo all Blue Hawaii

im\cd ladx coiiic tip agaiiixt lhc copx \\llL‘il olic ol llicil' palx ix lioxpitalixcd allci' a l'.lltl. l'i'gcnl. compclling liliiiiiiakiiig tliatK ax punch} ax a hloxx to thc hcad. (il'l. (il.le_‘tl\\.

Happy Times (Xingfu Shiguang) iccrt lhci .0. '/.ll.lll_‘_‘ \‘imou. ('Iiina. lellli /,hao licnxlian. Dong l.ilan. |)ong .lic, min. In lhix iirhan tiagi conical} li‘oin \ inion |/\’u'l\t l/It /\’t iii [Milli III. Ill Illt |l\\tl ltlllt'l} xoiilx lll llic ‘ncu' (‘Iiiiia gain lulliliiicnt lroin an uncxpcctcd liicndxliip. llaxcd on a iio\ cl thc |\_\ \lo \an. Scc ic\ icxx l'iliiihouxc. ldinhui'gli

Human Bodytt lt\.illotlx. t’x‘. fool. \lin thc Simulation iidc bringing ton thc lull l‘ltnkll \xondci' ol all tlioxc i'call}. icallx xiiiall placcx inxidc ux. |.\l.\,\. (ilaxgou.

I Have Found ltll lilx’ain \lciioii. liidiafl'amil. Itilllli lSllniin 'lhc linaginc;\8l \ xcaxon continucx \\ ith lliix Indian \crxion ol .laiic v\uxtcn'x claxxic

Xi HM and M lHl/ll/HL hcic rclocalcd \\ ithin 'l'aiiiil cultuic. .\daiii Smith. lx'ii'ltcald}. I’m Going Home «l’( in O...

«\laiiocl dc ()ll\t'll.l. l'iancc l’oitugal. It'llli \liclicl l’iccoli. .loliii \lalkm icli. (Lillici'iiic l)ciicu\ c. ‘Nlinin \t "i )caix old. diicctoi \laiiocl dc ()li\ciia ix xlill producing (Iiiiiicx l'lllll l'cxti\al \ioi'th} liliiix. I'm (in/Ii: lluim lolloxu a xiicccxxltil l’aiixian actor ax lic dcalx \\ illi lhc auto ciaxli dcathx ol hix \xilc. daughth and xon in lau. \\ ith inoxt ol tlic \lill}l\'lllllj_‘ lcll to ciiiciiiatogiaph} and lacial c\picxxlonx.

\ ic\\ci'x arc loiccd to conxtantlx tiucxtion lllc iniici \\tll'lx|ll_‘_‘\ and lcclingx ol cach cliaiaclci. llll\ ix not paxxi\ c \ icu ing. l'.\lCllllC\l xct‘llt‘ xllillx illltl .t \t‘c'llllllg‘l} abrupt ciidiiig. might la\ xoinc \ l\‘\‘.t‘l\, ('aiiico. l'dinliuigli,

Thursday 17 October at 6.30pm

Peony Pavilion

A foray into the ancient aesthetics of Kunqu Opera. The film depicts the fates of two women, one of whom is a Kunqu opera singer. A feast for the eyes and ears.
