t‘lgltt L‘UL'lxlitll\ to take the edge till the week.

I Bebadinho (Little Bebado) ill tlte Halt Bar. 8pm midnight. l"ree. .‘ylonthly. (’hilled Bra/ilian llayorx from the Behado [fix and pereuxxionixtx

I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (’e Lona.

()pltt—ttlltlltigltl. Free. Weekly. (‘ohort (ieol’l’

.\lontl‘ord xatiatex your axx \inh a [:1ny hlend ol' hotixe and dixeo grooy ex.

I Barry Gemmel at .\‘ieo'x.

0pm midnight. l'i'ee. \\'eekly. ‘l'he linext Rtkli. liotixe and garage to pleaxe the xiiiartly drexxed l’i'i patronx.

I The Beat Museum at the Variety Bar. Upin midnight liree. \Veekly. \lark .\laealltim and l'rieiidx xpin ottt only the hext treatx from the yyorld ol xotil. danee and houxe.

I Budda at Bar litidda. h’pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekly. l’tiryeyor of" line l'tink. (‘hrix Harrix xayx a xlammin' hello to the Budda elientele. yy ho are in for a night of hiin elaxx hotixe. lintry only to thoxe “eating their dixeo trotixerx.

I Carbon Records at Repuhlie Bier llalle. 9pm midnight. l’ree. \Veekly. 'I'he ;\ to /. ol' ('arhon .\lttxie. ax \lattheyy Mall and gtiextx map out the eoolext etitx ol' paxt and prexent.

I Chi at .\le(‘|itiill'x. h’pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. the ('hi xpinnerx hegin hy deploying a unique hlend ol' ttielloyy xhaolin heatx and then tinleaxh the heay ier xttil'l~ later on.

I Critical Mass at .\‘iee'n'Slea/y.

Nptll late. Free. Weekly. \ttj (\lltll lll-l'itl and John inexx \\llll your head playing anything from dtih. ptiiik. indie. reggae. hip hop. danee and ran k to xotil and funk. ('ome alotig and kiek otit the iainx or go tiptoyyn top rankin'. (itiext l).lx inoxt \yeekx. I Cul de Sac at (‘til de Sae.

5pm midnight. \Veekly. ('til de Sae knoyyx \y hat itx euxtoinerx yy ant: good inuxie and lililtl\ Ul- ll. Kenny lll\ltt|‘ takex [U the tlet‘k\ from 5 Hpm and then at ‘lpni Stey e Sutherland ot l'rhana .\ltixie takex oyer. Senxot'y oyerload.

I Delerium 7 at l.itll Note (kite.

8pm midnight. U. l l ()et. Monthly. \eyy yy an e. indtixti‘ial. ptiiik. goth and all the text at thix retro tor ‘edtieational' l pre-eltih night.

I Edward’s at lidyyard‘x. ‘lpin midnight. Free. Weekly. .v\lt alter—oiliee L‘l‘tmtl l\ yyorked tip into a hall of happinexx hy I).l Keith l’y per. l’leaxe he eai'el'til.

I Elliot’s at lilliot'x. Spin midnight. l’ree. Weekly. Keith l’y per play x \Ulllltll hottxe and garage in thix xmart eentral hoo/et'. Drinkx promox atid liappinexx are alxo part of the e\perienee.

I Friday Street at lflaekl'riai‘x. New date 35 ()et.

I Kenny H at \ltiltieo t\\ext lilttll.

9pm midnight. l-"ree. \Veekly. l-‘unky

grooy ex from around the glohe. yy itli a healthy xtiiattering ol' xotil throyyn in for good meaxtire.

I Modalicious at .\loda. ‘lpm lam. Free. Weekly. .\lark l)tlll and .v\lly Sandler pull otit xome l'tinky yoeal hotixe gt'ooy ex miyed yy itli appetixing garage antheinx. htit it they don‘t lullil then _llt\l maryel at yyliat tiitixt he the eoolext lii'eplaee in toyyn.

I Mod Night at .\le(‘htiill'x.

8pm midnight. l‘ree. 4 ()et. .\loiithly. 'l’he l’riday Street moh play ()ll\ ltiiik. xotil and tlitlleelloot' jtll/ lot‘ it real ttttlxle L‘t'oyytl. (iood atmoxphere. elaxxie name.

I Moloco at .\loloeo. 8pm midnight. l’t'ee. Weekly. Rotational lUx lil‘ttltl the lillll eltih yyork the pi‘e-eltih eroyyd in thix line “Hen litttl l‘tlttlL‘l'.

I Moskito at .\loxkito. 9pm midnight. l‘l'ee. Weekly. The hole tltttt Stet ie Middleton yyai'mx a funky eroyyd tinder Built Street. l.ike all good l).l\. lle\ Ilttl afraid to tltl'oyy in xomething old. horroyy ed or ey en hltie.

I Nico’s at \ieo‘x, 0pm midnight. l'i'ee. Weekly. .\'ieo'x yyarmx the Satiehiehall reyellerx tip yyith happy. popular lllll\lt' and it \elL‘L‘lltttt tll- :tlt‘tilttille hey et';tf_'e\. .'\ llt)\ el idea ll. ey er there \\;t\ one.

I October ill the ()L‘lttltet’ (litl't‘.

‘lpm midnight. \Veekly. (iordon .\li|lei‘ [itllx llls tlt'L'k\ to MT} gtttttl the \\ lllt the

hext iit yoeal hotixe and ['8 garage.

I Phonic at 54 Heloyy. 0pm midnight. liree. Weekly. l’honie l)Jx Stey en Reilly and (iordon Logan xer\e up xome quality hutlxe gi‘ooy ex,

I Russell’s at Rtixxell'x. (rpm iiiidiiigltt. Free. Weekly. l)J Yayt kiekx otit the hext RMl. hip hop and xyy-ingheat.

I Shift at Blaekl'riarx Basement.

Hpin lain. [3. -~l ()et. .\lonthly. l-unky pre- eltih \tai‘inth from thexe Shilt had hoy x. \yllo oeetipy \yhat iiitixt he one ol the ettttlt‘\l l‘;t\eltlelll\ llt [out].

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. ‘lpm midnight. l’ree. \Veekly. .\notlier liefllllllttl (ilaxgoyy har yyitli a lilting intixie poliey l'ndergrotind liotixe. latin \ ihex and ehoieext dixeo l'rom .\ndy l'ngei‘. Shae l) and xpeeial gtiext l).lx.

I Sound Museum at (‘(‘.v\ hai‘.

‘lpin midnight. l‘ree. \Veekly. (‘ht'ix ‘lleftlh' (it‘tltle\ tlfelle illltl Seltihllitlll ;tlttl lltixhptippy tl)i\ ine. (i8.\t uneoy er a forgotten \yttl'ltl Ul- \Ulllltl. tlel\ lltg deeper and more eareltilly than many tiito ont realmx ot~ xotil. latin. l'tink. dixeo and e\otie;i.

I Stateside Sounds at the State liar. ‘1 "pm. l‘ree. \Veekly. l’atil Shieldx xeleelx alteotintry layotiritex. roek elaxxiex and hltiex etitx. .\ iiigltt that xhotild he eommended for doing xoniething dilleient and for doing it yyell.

I Straight Ahead .ii Spy liar.

llltltl late. l’ree. \Vt‘t‘kl}. l);tltt'e llttttl’ til/l. northern xotil and liiiik xptm hy the xtiperh Straight .\|ie;id ei'eyy.

I Surfer’s Paradise at \y‘alkahoui. (rpm .‘~am. [5 Muir. \Veekly. l’ai'ty time at thix neyy pie eltih propoxition. ’l'hoxe who drink .'\l|\ll';ill;lll. think .\tixtr;ilian. \l eypeet yy idexpt‘ead laii'inexx and ei‘oeotlile haitiiig. Not that here iiilo xtei'eotypex or anything.

I Therapy ;tl llle \lt‘tllt‘ltle Rttttltl.

.\pin lain. l‘ree. \Veekly. 'l he highly trained l)i\ine l).lx deploy a xoothing yet potent treatment in thix unique neyy hat itiii ll} the ttyyltt't'\ til .'\tl l.il‘ iltttl lit'el. ll'\ eerily yet handily poxittoned oppoxite the Cathedral. Royal Infirmary and \t‘ei'itpiiltx and eaeh elime tilleh a \ai‘lel} til l‘laeehox.


I Aerodynamico at .‘\ti l.ih.

llpiii Jam. £5. -1 ()et. .\lontli|y. \ti ia//. xotil. lttltk and hroken heatx \\ ith PH 5.5. I Afterglow at :\d l.ih. llpiii lain. L5 ll ()et. .\lont|ily. Northern Soul and funk yy itli the .-\lterglo\y maxxiy e.

I Basement Party at lflaekliiarx Baxement. \eu date the.

I Bebado :ll Rl\el'\ltle ('ltlli. \t‘\l tlillk' ()(l.

I Bogota! at ('tiha \iii'te. ‘lpm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekly. liai'i‘io atid Radio .\lagnetie main titan .\lr peaehex entertaiiix the ti'oopx. I Breakdown at .\tl l.ih. Next date l.\ ()et.

I Burnin’ at (aletloiiiaii i'nioii.

lflpin 3am. L31. -1 ()et. l’ortnightly. .\'eyy liotixe night at the tiiiioii \yith liy e peretixion from the (ilaxgoyy llouxe ‘l‘heory hoyx.

I Concrete at Sotindhatix. .\'e\t date the. I The Cathouse at the (Ittliotlxe. llUllpm 3am. [I hel'ore llpm: U tUl alter. \Veekly. Ruling high on the iitt metal \yaye. thix ix one of the htixiext nightx in toyyn. Roek. grunge. indie and a daxh ol hreakheat aeroxx three lloot'x at (ilaxgoyy 'x top yentie loi' i‘oekerx and alternateenx.

I Coded at Vault. llptii 5itttt. £5 it'll. Weekly. 'l'ltey 're l‘l‘tiltl ;l l'et'ttt'tl \lttl‘e. \tt the ltinex are going to he lt'exll and highly l'unky. aren't they‘.’ .\ rotating roxter ol I).lx il'tl l’l'et‘lltt‘l \llpply ltttthe led

:tl'lillaletl to _.

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 89 for details

grooy ex at the neyy eltih. Stey en .\le('reery ix the main man. htit the pool of talent inelttdex Billy Kiltie. Billy Woodx and Amanda l’i‘iee.

I Come and Listen to what the People that you Listen to Listen To at the Barfly. [0.30pm late. £the. Weekly. New night where .xome of‘ (ilaxgoyy‘x great and good tatid just plain old had and nasty l roek and pop tyye tixe thix term looxely l ;l\\ttl'L‘ yotil xtai‘x take [it the “lteelx til. xteel. l'itl'xt upon—10d (’raig li'oin .'\erogranime and l)ominie l'rom .\logyyai l'e\llt‘l‘L‘L‘l the \yorld‘x most eytreme modern metal dixeoteehqtie l)eathlehem for one night ol inxanity lroni heyond the gray e. 'l‘hen on i I ()et. the l)L‘l:_'il(lU.\ l).l L‘ttlleL‘llH‘ littttl headx ol' ( ‘heinikal l‘iidei'gt'otindl take to the deekx yy itli a far more ear pleaxing xeleetion ol' yy hatey er they laney.

I Crash at the Shed. lflfltlpm 3am. £3 tt'l l. \Veekly. ('raxh into the yyeekendx yy itli tliix litiger popular night yy itli the Southxide xet. (iarage l).l (iet'ry l.yon\ lioxtx the main hall with the ultimate eeleetie party xotindti‘aek and DJ I)a\‘e .‘yltilholland t(’tihe) takex the helm iii the loft tipxtairx yyith a night of elaxxie Rtkli.

I Flaming Dice Club at (ilztxgoyy‘ Seliool ot' .r\t‘t. Next date 25 ()et.

listings Clubs

Freelance Science The ast ever night at the cool venue up the lane. Stuart and Orde of Slam take it to the bridge techno-style to say a big thanks to all of those that have made this one of the most fervently followed nights in town. Alaska. Sat :3 Oct.

LiveVEvil Class drum & bass

I Foresight at (‘luh (it). Next date the. I Fresh at the Polo Lounge.

llpiii 3am. £5. Weekly. Miehelle and .v\ndy take eharge ol the intixieal dtitiex _ in thix delieiotix .\lerehant ('ity miyed eltih. Whether you‘re in the lt‘ttplt) Rottlll tit‘ tilt the tlilllL‘L‘l'ltltll'. the ltlttex yy ill luel your happinexx.

I Fuel at l-‘tiel tliixhophriggxl.

lll.5llpttl 2am. U. \Veekly. .\'e\y eltth yenttire from the (il group. \yhieh ix attempting to e\pand the ayerage (ilaxyyegian’x idea of \y hat yyeekending ineanx. l’atil Rea play x eltih elaxxies. Rtkll. liink and anythang yyith a grooy e. Sotltlhitle lllltl littt‘tltsttle ttix \tttl‘tiltg [U i get like London in here. .-\ \yee hit.

I Funk Room at the .-\rehex. .\'e\t

tlttte lh’ ()et. I", I Gigantic at Barfly tl'ot'nierly the ii I itli .\’ote ('luhi. 0pm Sam. [-1 lei). \Veekly. lake on the perxona of your

elioxen llltlle heroex. l'it'ttttt the le)

.\lorixxey. the haggy Happy .\londayx

and the too eool l'ot' \kool Sti'okex.

(iigantie playx all of the xongx you need

to hear yyithotit inxttlting the intelligenee

ol the xehinindie eonnoixxettr or heing

lUtl L‘lt'\el‘.

I Glasgow House Theory at the Renl'reyy l‘erry. .\'e\t date the.

I Glasnost at .-\laxka. llpin 3am.

t'ltlt [Sr .1 ()et only. 'I'homax lirinkmann

ix xpeeial l).l gtiext and ix l'lanked ttliat

\yax I‘lankedi hy l)otigal l’erman tRadio \lagnetiei. Roh/ tKitiky :\l‘roi and .\latheyy Bennett tlx'inky Ali‘ol. The end ix nigh lor .4\laxka. See prerien‘. I Global Love at :\t‘ehaox. l lpni 3am. £7 tL'5 l. \Veekly. llttge eltihx need htige nightx. l’rogrexxiy e liotixe and name ix :2: xery ed tip hy rexident l.ixa l.ittleyyood and lapped up hy a nieely xtiited atid hooted L't‘ttyytl til young people.

I Goodfoot at the Rl\‘L't'\ith Social. Ne\t date -l (let

I Haptic at the \‘atilt. 28 Sep. llaptie'x rexideney eontintiex tlttyy’tt\l;tlt\ l'rom Yang. llotixin‘. roekin and hloyy'in' tip thix xpttl. llltx ix gtitttl tteyyx lt)!‘ Queen Street. I Low Level at Vault. l lpni 3am. in tL‘5t. -t ()et. .\lonthly. .\'eyy night yyith the lithium l).lx Seott l‘i'ee. l’attl Ingram and (‘raig latta atid a xtiiattering ol‘ \yorthy gtiextx. 'l'hey xpiti l'tinky liotixe for your tleleetalion.

I Hustle and Bustle at Balm/ii.

(rpm 3am tl).lx from I lpml. l-‘ree hel'ore

| lpni; £5 alter. \Veekly. l’atil 'l‘raynor and Steyyart .\le(‘alltim rip it tip yyith xome highly eharged Rxli and hip hop mi\ed \y itli funky and littnkier traekx.

I In at the Deep End at .'\Ll l.ih. llpiii 3am. [5. Weekly. Ad l.ih elear the tahlex ayyay onee again ax Riehard and liidiea take eontrol. .laekin‘ heatx and xolid gi‘ooy ex dominate \ylitle liigloot

night goes guesty with the appearance of Simon 'Bassline' Smith of cutting edge label Techniques. A great night for a great genre. Glasgow School of Art. Fri 77 Oct.

1322i": My Machines Swayzak (5 Oct) have always taken an interesting stance in techno land. Splicing the beats. subduing the funk and smelting the ambience. My Machines rip the shit out of your face with wild techno craziness. Glasgow School of Art. Week/y Sats.

Colours Bedrock parties are uniformly interesting affairs. Digweed tpicuredl is. as ever. manning the decks. and Phil Thomson joins the rest of the Colours set for another big name night of dance. Arches. Sat 72 Oct. Elektrik Sweat Cheap and nasty rock trash evening. with a soundtrack that includes Stooges. Sonic Youth. Ramones. and any pop pap that fits the disgusting. degraded bill. Blackfr/ars. Sat 72 Oct.

Higher GroundThe first white producer. Fabrice Lig aka Soul Designer. to record on the mythical Detroit label KMS pays an overdue visit to Glasgow and the CCA. GOA. Sat 12 Oct.

<3" Optimo Rare that a Glasgow club night gets listed in NME. but then this is a rare kind of club night. Add N to 00 are the eveiyone's favourite industrial techno headers. and Optimo is the perfect envrronment for them. MAS. Sun, 13 Oct.

Monkey proy idex the linext quality liy'e peretixxion.

I Life at life. ltlpin 3am. l’ree het'ore midnight: £7 alter. Weekly. Keyin Mel‘at‘lane tlieat Him and (iordon .‘yliller take on the [no rooms with a .xolid l'ttnk. xotil. garage and old—xehool elaxxies \elet'llttlt.

"its: THE LIST 83