I Club Cuba! at (’tiha Norte.

9pm 2am. Free. Weekly. (let in toueh with your l.atin xpirit at thix elaxxy tiigltt ot~ danee. 'l'he linext l.atino heatx are xupplied by Duncan. l'arah and Shannon and make xure you arriy e early to gttarantee entry.

I Club 69 at Roekxy 'x Baxement. Next date the.

0 Colours at the .'\rehex. I Ipm 4am. £l3.5() txold in pairxi. I) ()et. Monthly. Bedroek party with maitt man John Digweed. l’hil 'l'homxon and the («drum inaxxiy e roek alternative roomx. But what'x the deal with thix ‘xold in pairx' malarkey 1’ Sort it out.

I Cube Class at ('uhe. I lpiii 3am. £7 t£5i. \Veekly. l’ro\ ing that thix venue didn't die with the Suh (’luh. (‘uhe ix now hugely xueeexxt'ul in itx own right. ()ld- xehool houxe elaxxiex and up-to-date anthenix are the order of the day at thix packed Sat nighter. thankx to main room man Matt l.e l’unk. In the haek DM(}

\ery ex up Rik”.

I Disco X at the Soundhaux.

llpm 5am. £.\' t£oi. I: ()et. Monthly. The ttxual eontuxion ot' teehno. eleetro and tllSL‘U \yitlt t'e\itlet11\ l);tttd_\. l);t/. Bill Mtitiii and Spanned N.

I Disco X Boat Party at Renlrew l‘erry. 7pm I lam. U). 5 ()et only. Dixeo X erew on the top deek and Stuart and (‘hakra down iii the hold on the good xliip tunk.

I Divine at (ilaxgow School ol .v\t‘t tdownxtairxt. lllpni 3am. £(i (£4 £5); £5.51) (iS.r\ xtudentx. \Veekly. lt‘x heeti going xtrong xinee WW) and ix ot'lieially the longext running rexideney iii (ilaxgow. xo they know how to work a erow d with induxtrial xtrength ttink.

0 Elektrik Sweat at lilaekl't'iat'x.

9pm lam. £4. 12 ()et. .\ new night ot' eleetrik punk. hairxpray roek and xlut traxh. Don't hother looking tor a ehureh iii thix part ot town. 'l‘hix ix a new houxe ol worxhip where the air ix loo hot atid xweaty tor hymnx.

I Freeform at llartily tlorniet'ly the litli Note (‘luhi 9P!” 3am. l‘ree helore lt)..i(tpm: £5 t£-li alter. \Veekly. ()ne ot the longext running eluhx in town and it‘x all thankx to the Walt hrotherx and their xeleetion ot' (\(l\ xotil. 7th lunk arid the odd euryehall to keep thingx interexting.

0 Freelance Science at .v\laxka. llpiii 3am. £lt) t£Si. 5 ()et only. One ot' the hext loved eluhx in town takex a how lrom thix venue. Stuart and ()rde ol' Slam will he hutling. pulling atid hlow ing the hottxe down. l’erleet. .St'i' [tri'i It'll.

I Fusion at the Riverxide Soeial. Midnight late. £7. I) ()et. Monthly. (ireg .'\tl'.tllt\till and Ken l-ergiixon are in eharge at thix roekin' teehuo. gay. whatey er niain up night next to the river

I Gordon Miller at the] tllixhophriggxt. 10.30pm 2am. £5. Weekly. l-‘unky houxe at the new Northxide eltih venture'x rexident.

I Havana Esperito at (‘amax t.-\rtai. 8pm midnight. £7. Weekly. A night of xophixtieated Latino elaxx. DJ Jan hringx hix hox ot‘ triekx to the Merchant ('ity'x new ext venue. ('anyax. where there‘x no dedicated daneelioot'. but there is elaxxy xery tee and an elegant. laid-haek vibe tor thoxe w ho‘ye had enough of xweat with their xalxa.

0 Higher Ground at (‘(‘.-\.

tt)..‘~()pm 3am. £lt) t£8t. 12 ()et. Monthly. l5ahriee l.ig aka Soul Dexigner

joinx the teehno party at the ('entre tor

('ontetnporary Art. The prexenee of one of the tirxt white dtidex to reeord with the Detroit xet makex thix ix a prextigioux one and no mixtake.

I Hi-Karate at Riverxide ('luh. Next date the.

I Homecookin’ at Balm/a. 10pm- 3am. l‘ree before I lpni; £5 alter. Weekly. DJx Stewart Me('allum and Joe Higginx keep the muxie jammin' and the danee llooi'jumpin‘ all night long. R&B traekx ttti\ed with the odd elaxxie and old-xkool tavouritex. Jtixt wateh otit tor t'oothall playerx.

I Inside Out at the :\t'ehe.\. Next date :0 ()el.

I Inspire til tlte \‘elvet Rooms.

ltlpm 3am. £3 before midnight; £6 t£4i alter. \Veekly. Keith I’yper breaks out the funky houxe and garage iii the main room while Ray lttottd \Voodx eoolx things down with hip hop arid RtUi in room two.

I Jamboree at Reitx. l lptn 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John l.yonx and Martin llexketh ol' Velvet Roomx tame mix tip a blend of eommereial Refill and sold.

I Kube at Blaekl'riarx. Next date the.

I Let’s Go Back, Way Back! at the :\rehex. Next date the.

I Life at Lite t(‘orinthiani. ltlpm 5am. £5. Weekly. .-\ t'ormidahle night of tank for thoxe w ho like their entertainment mature. httt xtill jamtnin'. DJ Skud, Paul Rea and Ian 'l‘homxon prexent a .xeleetion ot' xoul. funk and dixeo augtnented with original xainplex and loopx to guarantee a new take on tamiliar sounds.

I Lush at the Polo l.ounge.

lt).3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l-‘eaturing Andy in the 'l‘rophy Room with hits from the ()()S to the 30x. while Tom providex an up—lronl dance xeleetion in the main room at the eity 'x prettiext gay eluh.

I Mamassan at Ad Lih.

ltlfittpm Jam. 5 ()et. Monthly. l-‘tinky hoiixe and xtraight hotixe at thix rexpeeted :\tl l.tl3 L'L'lL'l‘l'illlUll.

I Mad 009 at Sottiidhaux. Next date 1‘) “Cl.

listings Clubs

Add N to (X) provide the live music at Optimo, Sun 13 Oct

I Melting Pot at the Riverside ('luh. Next date 26 ()et.

I Missing Link at Ad Lib.

[0.30pm 4am. £5. 13 ()et. Monthly. Niee tunky aetion from the Mixxing Link erew arid iii a elaxx venue.

Q My Machines at (ilaxgow Sehool of

Art. llpin 3am. £6 (£4 £5). Weekly. 'l‘hey‘ve had .xome ot' the greatext namex iii teehno mute and hlexx their deekx. xo they know how to maxh it tip. This time it'x the turn ot‘ Broon t'rom Sway/ak (5 ()et: entry £5 -£7 for this night) to xhow the erowd what‘s what. Another elaxx aet tor the Art School. For 5 Al 13 ()('l 'xl-Ia'st't‘uri/ Irv/(let's gel 3fnr I/u' prit'i’ (if I entry.

I Pussypower at the Soundhaux. Next date the.

I Red and Gold Room at :\t'ttt. ltlpm— 3am. l-‘ree before I lpm; £8 at'ter. Weekly. DJ Jorito manx the deekx tor a line night of Latin houxe. 'I'hix w ill xeriouxly‘ .xpiee tip your lite. it that‘x what ix required.

I Remedy at Ad [.ih. l lpni-Jam. £5. Weekly. Davey Thomson. ('olin Davey and someone without Davey in hix name ()wen (‘aldw ell - get into the teeh-houxe groove with the Ad l.ih inaxxive.

I Seismic at Ad-Lih. Next date I‘) ()et. I Seventh Heaven at Seventh Heaven. l()pm 3am. £l(). Weekly. Beat 1% and 'l'unnel man Seott Maekay roekx a house and R&B .xet at this new ('haring (‘roxx venue. Should he a good Saturday. I The Shed at the Shed. lt).3()pm 2am. £6. Weekly. Demand ix high for thix one. xo get there early. 'l‘uneage deploy ed by DJ Raymond Davren in the main hall. R&B aficionado (‘hris llesketh in the Loft.


I Soulsa at M.-\S. llpni 3am. £\ \Veekly. Andy and Shae D take met v. hete Suheulture leaye oil. with their lovely hlend ot~ houxe. tunk. di\eo and l.atit‘o (iood reeuperation. I’m /2 ()it unfy ".‘i— /.t\I't‘itI'(/ llH/(lt’H L’t’l .‘VI'? (it; (/IHH' prim (1H night.

I Syntax at Soundhaux. Next date the.

I Traxx at Soundhaux. l lpm -5am. £9 t£7i. 5 ()et. Monthly. Simon (‘ordinen l.aurenee llughex andrew Pirie and Billy \Voodx are the 'l'raxx erew.

I Motun at Budda. l lpni- ;am. 9. ' -:5 Weekly. Budda xquee/ex (ieot't Monitorii and (‘hrix Harris to earpet honih lillltl ye~. there are earpetx involvedt the eentw? \ ity venue \\ ith the kind of hotixe traekx that would xtart a riot on either xide ot' the .»\tlantie.

I Vegas at the Rentrew Ferry. ‘tpn: _‘..:ii:. £8 t£(it.l2 ()et. Monthly. l7eatt':iny Dix l’rankie Sumatra. Bugxy Seagull and l)‘.7‘.t‘ Martini. plux l.ola l.ax \egax. the ‘y Showgirlx and the liahulonx Seoft Brothc: x. thix ix eluhhing tor thoxe \\llll!‘._\.‘, to iLU‘lxl the uxtial ha/ardoux heatx.

I The Winchester Club at :Eic Woodxide Soeial. Next date tht.

I Violate at Big .loint. Spin :.'I“.. :_ 1t) t£5t. 5 ()et. Monthly. Seotlaud'x ("le feizx:

eluh goex trom xtiength to \lle"‘.}l'." 1:") 1h xeeond inxtallnient. \Vho'x got rha: xzzaw .’ I Wired at .\xy lum. ('aledoniar‘.

l'niverxity l‘nion. lttpin 5am. £3. \Veek’ey. (ilaxgow'x longext running alternatiye :x‘aiie night with drinkx promox aplenty.

I Xposure at .>\rehaox. l lpm-Rana. its t£(ii. \Veekly. Serving tip hedonixtie hard house and tranee. your hoxtx Stey ie Kerr. lain Thompxon and Day e (iilmour keep the kidx on their toex.



Rm 1: R’nB Room Martin Hesketh and Hesky R’n'B, Hip-Hop and Soul

Rm 2: SUB BASE Dazzling Disco Funk with Chris Harris 8. Al Kent: I Million Dollar Disco)

V DDDRS 10.13me. 27/25


Vodka Red Bull. Bot Miller £1.80



'. THE LIST 85