Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

0 All About Lily Chou Chou I ISI 0... IShuIIii luai. Japan. 3WD lla)aln lchihara. Shugn ()xhinari. IJIIIIIin. lx Ianann xnmthing IhaI IIIIleL‘x I'I‘Icudxhipx and Icadx In cnInInunicaIinn. nr rcxIIlIx III aInInixaIinn ax Ihc fan prnIchx hix hnnd u iIh. Ihc xIar In Ihc chrinIcnI nl all clxc i’ ()I'Icn Ihix imnlxcx a cnllixinn cnurxc nl Ian and xIar. hIII lnai Ix InnI‘c inlcrcxlcd in unrking n IIh Ihc thcrcal \\a} ('lInII-(‘hnu’x InuxIc pcrnIcaICx Ihcxc Japanch Iccnagc chaI'acIcrx' Ihnughlx and lcclingx xn IhaI an) Icnxinn ix gcncraIcIl amnngxl Ihcmxchcx. \inh Iii) ’x acIual prcxcncc Irrclmanl In Ihc IiIIn‘x inIcI‘cxlx. Scc ['0 it“. (il‘vl‘. (iliixgim.

0 All or Nothing I Ixioooo mac l.cigh. l'K. ZINIZI 'l‘imnIh} Spall. l.cxlc_\ .\lan\illc. .'\ll\Ull (iarland. llh’nnn. Phil 8ngch ISpallI ix a dnxxn-aI-hccl IIIInI cah driIcr |i\ In; nn a Snth l.nndnn cxIaIc. \\ iIh \\ il'c l’cIIn) I.\lan\ ilch and childrcn. .\lnnc_\ ix a cnananI ixxuc. ax ix Ihc dixrcxpccl Ihc pcI‘IInIle} nxcrncighl Rnr} \lin\\x l’cnn}. .'\x alcnhnlixm. dcpruxinn and \arinux I’nrinx nl' xncial and xc\ual d_\xlIInIinnaliI} i'llll I'il'c nn Ihc cxIaIc. cach nl Ihc lilIn'x IIIIIIIIpIIciI) nl' characIcrx I‘cachcx l'nr Ihc l'c\\ unhcallh} cxcapcx anulahlc. 'l‘hcrc'x lcxx hIImnIIr lhan lcigh'x prc\ inux unrk. and Ihc piccc x|n\\ I} axxIIIIch Ihc pnucr nl a liugcnc ()‘Ncill Iragcd}. hIiI “ill! unpaIrnnIxcd \Inrking; claxx characlcrx. x\I IiIIch Ihc Innc malxcx Ihc Iilm a ghath “alcli. hul Ihcrc'x an unqucxlinnahlc xII'cngIh III}_'h‘x Iixc nl clnxc-up. \xlnlc Ihc pc‘I‘lnI'IIIaIIccx lrnIII Ihc ccnII'al cnxcnIhlc arc xupcrh. SCL‘ l-L‘illlll'L' and I'L‘\ IL‘\\. Sclcclcd l‘L‘lL‘ilxc.

Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra Il’(iI l:\l;IlII ('hahaI. l‘I‘ancc. ZIXIZI ('IIriinan ('lax icr. (icrard l)cpardicu. Mnnica BL‘llIIL‘L‘i. lllh'mln. (inxginn) and l'dcr/n'x (iaulIxh hcrncx Inakc Ihc lcap I'I'nm cnmic hnnlx In hig xcrccn I'nr Ihc xccnnd Innc in l“ icc ax mam _\carx.(‘la\ icr and Dcpardicu rcprixc Ihcir I'nlcx i‘I'nIn .'i\l¢’l'l\ (Hill ()III'III 'IIIAI' n/I (‘III'IIII' ax. rcxpcclncl} Ihc xmall hlnnd IcI'I‘Icr and Ihc hi; I'cd-hcadcd IIImmn\. 'l‘lIix IiIIIc arnund Ihc hn)x |ca\ c lllL‘Il' \ illagc \\ IIh iIx u ild hnar hanquclx hchind In cnmc In Ihc axxixIaIIcc nl Ihc )nung archIIch lidilix Inh ha. ha. Ihc punncr) I u hn hax hccn nI'dcrcd h} Ihc ()uccn nl Ihc Nilc lliL‘llllL‘Cll In cnmplclc Ihc cnanrucIinn nl a la\ Ixh palacc lnI' Ihc RUIIIIIII rlllL‘I'. Sh‘lCL‘lCtl I'L‘lL‘IIxL‘.

Audition I IXI 0.. IXlIIkc llillxihlll. Japan. 20H] I R)n lxhihaxhi. liIlII Shiina.

l lSIIIIII. “\thrc ha\ C all lllL' gnnd gll'l\ gnnc’." axkx Ihc chain inIinc Ynxhikau a nl hix \xidmxcd. IIIIddIc-agcd huxincxx parIncr .-\n}ama lehihaxhi I. 'l'hc laIIcr Ihinkx hc'x l‘nund nnc. \xhcn hc chx up a xcricx III audiIinnx In xclch a nc“ xx ilc: Inrmcr hallcrina .-\xami ISIIiinaI. uhn'x _\nun;_'. hcauIilIII. and \lll‘llll\\l\L‘I BIII uhcrc ha\ c Ihc


.. ragga/I. u

28 THE LIST ' I'

1-0 /)/.'/l

xcarx nn hcr lch cnmc l'rnm. and Mia! ix Ihc naIurc nl hcr iIIIcrcxI in pain .’ Allcr a dclihcralcl} IIIcaxIII'cd huild-up. 'l‘al‘axhi axxaIIIIx Ihc \ icucr'x xcnxcx \\ IIII a Hill} nighlmarixh Iinalc. \IhIch IlII'caIcnx In nwrnhclin Ihc lilm‘x cI'IIIIIuc nl' Inalc .lapancxc aIIiIIIdcx In \xnmcn. l'IlInhnIIxc. lidinhurgh.

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember I III .0 Ila) Rnach. l‘S. ZIIIDI .\likc .\i_\L‘l\. .\lIchacl (’ainc. licymcc Knnnlcx ‘mmin. l‘nr Ihc xccnnd xcqucl In Ihc cnnrmnuxl} pnpular xp} xpnnl'. .\l)c‘I‘x hax \H'lllL‘ll IIInIxcll' a Ihird

\ Illainnux part xn IhaI hIx xi\Iicx xupcr xp} nn“ hax In dcal \inh nnI nnl} l)r |i\il and l‘aI llaxlard. hul alxn a lclla \IIIII a gnldcn . i .‘l'hc Ihrcc \ illamx IIhI‘cc and a hall’ il' _\nu cnIIIII .\lini-.\lci nncc again Iurn In IinIc lra\ cl In rid IhcnIxclwx nl Ihc inlcrlcring l’nxxcrx. npling In gn hack InIn Ihc paxI In kidnap :\IIinn'x dad. \Igcl I(’.IIncI. llcthcr (iraham. .\lIclIacl ank and RnhcrI \Vagncr rcIurn ax. rcxpccliwl}. :\lIlL‘l'lCIlli agcnI l‘cliciI} Shagucll. :\IIxIIn'x hn“ Baxil l".\panIInn and Dr lix Il'x Numhcr Tun. (il’l‘. (ilaxgnu.

Bangkok Dangerous I IM 0..

Il)ann} and ()\Idc Pang. Thailand. 200] I l’analiI \lnngknlpixil. l’I'cIIIxIIIcc Ralanaxnpha. IUSIIIIII. 'l'lIIx xl} IIxcd llll'lllL‘l' hch cnIIIparixnnx \\ iIII Ihc hulch hallcix nl' .lnhn \\'nn. ('crIaIIIl} Ihc cnnl camcraunrk. cmpln} mg; xln“ -IIIn xhnlx and dixInI'ch IIIIach‘}. ix rcminixccnl nl \Vnn. lhc IcI'rIInr}. Inn. ix purc \\'nn: Ihc undcrunrld nl' gangxlcrx and pl'nlcxxinnal hIInIcn. 'l‘hcn Ihcrc‘x Ihc llIL‘IIIL‘. UllL' “III! IIII\ I'Cllll'ncd ln nllcn: chachcd pI'nchxInnalixm \cI'xIIx pcrxnnal ln}alI_\i In Ihc l’angx' IiIIII. IhaI Ihcinc Ix pla_\cd nuI Ihrnugh Ihc xInr} nl' lx'nng Il’aualII \lIIiigkIIlpIxIII. a hircd killcr \Ihn ix alxn a dcal-Inulc. l‘llllllulL‘l}. lhnIIglI. IfIi/IQIJIL “(IIIL'I'I'UIH ix I'III'Ith' Inuardx Ihc aI'IhnIIxc cnd nl Ihc xpchrIInI Ihan \\'nn'x IilInx. l'IlIIIhnIIxc. ludInhIIrgh.

Blue Funnel Ich'I Ith Il’aul \lil}t'\lil Bcrgcx. l’l'x'. IWHI l)a\ III YIp. .'\llll;l (‘han. BIII'I Knnuk. I-lnnn. ('nnIcmpnrar} drama ch III l.i\crpnnl‘x ('hmcxc cnIIIIIIIIIIII) ahnuI a man aIIcIIIpIiII; In xcnd Inx Ithcr'x axhcx hack In hix aIIccxIraI hnIIIc. (iIlIIInI‘cIIiIKilI. (ilaxgnu.

Boat Trip I |5I I.\lan \alhan. [8.21MB ('IIha (inndlng Jr. llnraIIn Saw. Rngcr .\lnnrci 03min. HIM! III/I ch-x (inndmg plining a In\c|nrn xap uhn. aIIcr hcing dumpcd h} lIIx gII‘Il'rIcIId. lUl' Ihrnu m; up nn hcr \\lIIlC IInI air hallnnmng. Ix cnmIIIccd h} hIx hcxI pal ISaII/I In Iakc an nccan crIIIxc lnI' xinglc IIIach. liIII uhcn Ihc II'Ip Iurnx nuI In hc nrganixcd h_\ IlIc Sncrach ('Iuh lnI' liapp} hnmnx_ (inndmg liudx hIInxcli purxucd ahnuI Ihc hnaI h) a lL‘c'lII‘I'nllx IIld LlllL'L‘ll I.\lnnrc HlI gnd. nn. Rilgk‘l'il Snundx IIInrc lila' Him; Slur. (icncral l‘L'lL‘axC.

The Bourne Identity I l3:\l COO

Il)nu;_' I.IIIIaII. l‘S. ZUHII .\laII l)aInnn. l‘I‘anka l’nlcnlc. (‘ln c ()u cn. ('lII'Ix (‘nnpciz IINIIIIII. l)aInnII pla}x a l'S-Iraincd InaxIcr axxaxxm uhn. during: Ihc lilm‘x npcmng. Ix lixhcd nIII nl’ Ihc .\lchIcrI'ancan I'Iddlcd \Hlll hulch hnlcx and \llllL‘l'lllg lrnIn aInncxIa. .-\x hc aIIcIanx In piccc Ingclhcr Ihc llgxd“ [III/llc nl hix paxl l\\lll1 Ihc thP 01 l’nchIIc‘x (icrinan Irawllcr

Donnie Darko, a cult movie in the making

NlIII'iCI. hix SIaICxidc hnxxcx IIL‘liHIlC llII'L‘C IIIUI'L‘ lxlllCI'x In xilClIL‘L‘ lIiIII. l.nnxcl) adaplcd I'I'IIIII RnhcrI l,udlum‘x 80x xp} nan. Ihix cxpinnagc Ihrillcr unrkx In undcrminc Ihc clichcx nI‘ Ihc gcnrc. huI ulIiInaIcl} p|a}x likc a \UllpCd-dInHl Bnnd lihn. llnucwr. l.iInan kccpx Ihc acIinn Incl} and hccl’cd-up l)aInnn acquilx hiInxcll \\ cll. Sclcclcd I‘clcaxc. Breaking the Waves I IXI 00000 (lnrx \nn 'l'ricr. I)cnInark/l-rancc. WWII liInIl) \Valxnn. SIcllan Skarxgard. KaIrin (‘arIlIdgcn ISXIIIin. III a clnxc-kIIiI (‘ahinixI cnIIIInunil} III Ihc nnI'Ih nl ScnIland. a )nung \xnman Iaccx hanIthcnI l'rnIn Ihc church \xhcn xhc Inakcx a xclI-xacriliciug pacI \\ iIh (ind in nI'dcr In xa\ c hcr huxhand'x Iil'c. l'IIlikc \nn lI'iL‘I‘K aIIxIcrc aI'IhnIIxc nnrkx Ilium/MI. Ihix iIIIiInaIc mclndrama ix ran and c\pnxcd. IiInnIInnal cnIInchinn Iranxccndx cIcr)IhIII§_' clxc in nnc nl Ihc Inan nIn\ ing lilmx c\ cr Inadc. (‘aIncIL lidinhurgh.

Career Girls I ISI 0.. I.\likc l.cig_'h. l'K. 1007i KaIrin ('arIlidgc. 1.}IIda SIcadInan. Jnc ‘l‘IIckcI'. Shinin. ('III'I'I'I' (iir/I dncxn'l unrk \\ IIhin a naI'I'aIixc. huI a xcricx nl' chaI'acIcr cncnunlcrx. pla) in; ma In I\\n Iimc-Iramcx. Annic and Hannah IIIch up I‘m a Icuninn \xcckcnd )carx al'IcI~ Ihc} xharcd a Hal Ingclhcr ax xIIIchIIx. ln Ihc prcxcnI and in Ihc paxI. Ihc) cI'nxx pallix - \\ iIh crcdihilil} xII‘cIc‘lIL'd In hrcalxing pninI “llll a paxI hn_\l’ricnd. aIInIhcr I’laIInaIc. and a xchi/nphrcnic lclln“ qudcnI. 'l'hc cmnIinnx and xncial hackdrnp ring: Iruc \\ hcrc Ihc chaI'acIcrx llicmxclwx crucial!) dn nnI. ('amcn. lidinhurgh.

Chess Fever Iccrl Ith I\'xc\IIIIIII l’udnxkin/Niknlai Schilxnxxlx}. l'SSR. 193M Innnnl lluInnI'nIIx lnnk aI Ihc mlranrdinar} lcnglhx a chcxx addicI gncx In In imprm c hix gainc. l'IlInhnuxc. lidmhurgh.

The Circle (Dayereh) Il’(iI COO. IJal'aI' l’analn. lI'an/llal}. llllll I l'cI'cxhlclI Sadr ()ral'aci. .\'arg_'cx .\laIIIi/adch Ra/ligln. 91min. ‘I‘hrnugh a xcricx nl IIIInIidian incidcnlx. l’anahi I’I'III’ H'III‘II’ Bill/(mill prcxcnlx a dc\axIaIing _\cI prnl'nundl) cInpthcIic panraiI nl .\lIlecIn unmcn‘x xIIIIIch ll\L'x in Iran. .\'nhnd} cnIIld lail In hc angcrcd h_\ Ihc caxual crIIcIIch. \\ ickcd dixcriIninaIinn and hlaIanI Inpncrix} thI\\ II hcrc. YcI. h_\ Ihc xamc lnkcn. nnhnd} cnuld iail In hc iInprcxxcd and inxpircd h} Ihc cnIII'agc and I‘cxilicncc nI Ihcxc unmcn. Linkcd nIII} h} Ihcir dcprcxxingl} xIInilar l'ach. Ihc “(MUCH rchcl agaIan Ihc circlc nl' dixcriininalinn. hraxcl) dcn}ing Ihcir xccnnd-claxx xIaqu. l'illllllnllxc. lidinhurgh. Clockstoppers mm 000 Ilnnalhan l‘rakcx. l‘S. 2002i chxc Bradlnrd. Paula (iarccx. .\lichacl Bichn. 94min. .»\ l'quriinc \\I‘ixl\\alcll caIapulIx high xchnnl qudcnI [alx IBI'adlnrdI inIn ‘hHIcrIInIc'. uhcrc Ihc unrld ix l'rn/cn. )cl hc and hix hcaIIIil'ul llixpanic girll'ricnd l(i;II'L'C\l can mm c arnund l'I'ccl) and haxc IIle III innnccnl lun. l'nIil Ihc c\ il hcad nl' ()uanIuIn 'l‘cchnnlngicx Illichn I. uhn \xanlx In Iakc n\ cr Ihc unrld. lxidnapx and llll‘L‘IIlL'lh [0 LI” /.;le\ \ClCIlL‘L‘ lI‘IIL‘lIL'I‘ l)ad. l‘nr all iIx ncaI idcax. xna/I) l/\ and )nIIIhl'III cncrg}. IhIx Ix l1}-lllL‘-nllllllwl’\ kiddic xci-li. (iL'IIL'l‘IIl I'L‘lL‘IIxL‘.

The Closet I IS) 0.. Il‘rancnix \chcl‘. l‘I'ancc. JUIDI l)anic| :\ulicu|. (icrard Dcpardicu. .\lIclIcl|c l.arnquc. 35min. l-‘rancnix l:\lllL‘lllll Ix a cnnlpan} Inan pcrcciII-d ax hland and nnc-dimcnxinnal. BIII IIc'x xccn dil'l'cI'cIIIl} uhcn a Inuchcd up

plinlngraph xuggcxlx IhaI Ihc xII'aighI lirancnix l'rcqucnlx xnmc rixquc 31a} nighIcIuhx. l-LIcI'}hnd_\ aI Ihc cnndnm IacInr} uhcrc hc unrkx Il)cpardicu. l.arnquc. hnxx Jcan Rnchcl’anI xccx a nc\\ man. ax il' Iinding.‘ xnmclhing nl Ihcir nu II pnxxihthch \Hllllll l'I'ancnIx' apparcnll} Iihcrlinc hchaxinur. I'III- (‘lnu'l dncx a xurprixmgl) xkill'ul inh nl xuggcxling IhaI gayicxx can hc a lIcalllI} il'

\ irIIIal Inndc nl hcing. uhilc alxn. III l‘rancnix' cmpln} IIIcIII an\icIch. aIIaclIIIIg; ll\L‘ll In Ihc nnrkplacc lilIII IhaI xn prcnccupicx l‘rcnch cIncIna aI Ihc IIInnIcIII. l‘IlIIIIInuxc. lidinhurgh. Club Le Monde I l.\’I O ISImnII Ruinlc). l'K. ZINDI Brad (iUI'lIHl. .-\lIxnn McKcn/Ic. Dunn} .\'IIxxhaIIIII. ")IIIIII. 'l‘hIx parnd} nl clIIh lilc hcginx \Hlll all Ihc IIxual gagx: an ignnranl hnunccr. I'Idiculnnx I‘IIch lnr IlIc gucxI IN and an cIIIr} qucuc a InIlc lnng dcxpilc Ihc \cnuc hcmg cmpl). 'l'hcxc agcd i—‘at—N arc Ihc hcxl par: nl' Ihc Iilm. .-\I'IcI' Ihc pucrilc liI'xI Icn InInuch Ihc Inn\ ic deinIcgralL‘x lIIlU II lL‘L'II \CI'xlnn nl’ (il'II/IK'I' Hill. :\I IIhanlxl'ull} I a xlInI Ml IIIIIIIIch. Ihix ix Ihc inngcxl ad\crl l'nI‘ \l;I_\lll:_' III \IIIh a gnnd l‘UUh )L‘l III l‘L‘ \L‘Cll. SL‘lCc‘lCd I‘L‘lL‘IIxC.

The Crocodile Hunter I I’( i) 000

IJnhn SIainInn. .'\uxIralia/l'.\‘. MIDI 8ch c lI’\\lll. liI'n/lic l)rc\\cII. Sam l‘l_\IIII. .\lin Ihc. Jnhn SIainInn'x cnIIch} adwnIurc prcxcrwx Ihc xII‘aIghI-In-camcra Icchniquc I'rnm Ihc .-\IIxII'aliaII\ highl} xIIcccxxl'ul xIIIall-xcrccn dncunIcnIaI‘) xcricx. 'l‘hIx cnahlcx Ihc laI'rikin \laI' In dCliH'I' lllx lelIIIl ‘c‘l'lle'_\ i-xlI'c‘“ II lchIII'cx nn Ihc likcx nl Ihc l‘lI‘Il‘CIIllIIg \[HIlL‘l'\ and Ihc licrcc xnakcx |xIc|. uhIlc dcaling plauxihl} \inh a xkc‘h‘h} dI‘anIaIic plnI

in\nl\ mg: a (‘l:\ IIIIxxInII In rccmcr a craxhcd .-\IIIcI'Ican xaIclliIc In .\'anh ()IIccnxland and lrxxin'x aIIcIan. alnng “Illl \xilc 'l‘crrI. In rclncalc a caIIlc~dcxnIII'Ing cI'ncnIlIlc “III'lll Ihc Innnc} '|ll\l In xcc ll'\\ill Iln lIIx Ihmg. l‘aiI' Illlilxlllll. ('incunrld. l'alkirk.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon I III .0... l.'\l13_' (’lIma/l‘S. IHUHI .\lIchcllc chh. (’hnn Yun-l‘aI. /.hang_' /.I}I. ('hang (’hcn. 130mm. Barr) \nrman inIrndIIccx nnc nl hix la\nIIrIIc lilx nl I'cccnI )carx. Janc .'\Il\lL‘ll Incch Brucc [cc III :\II;_' IVI'IIII’ ImIl .S‘I'IIn/II/III‘'x axInIIleIIng InarIial aI'Ix pcrind drama. In a licIInnalIxcd \crxinn nl' carl} I‘llh ccnlur} (hula. a unrld nl' hcrnIc “arrinrx and dccp philnxnphical \alucx. xcanIchxl} mlcrncancx Ihc xIancx ni l\\n xclx nl ln\crx. and a In cngc Ialc \\ IIh a chninIxI l\\l\l. 'l'hc lighl xchch arc grnimdhrcakmg. ax chiIrcngraphcd h) c\pcrI Yucn \\'n Ping. .-\I nI'Icc hrcalhlakmg and hcaIIIilIIl. ('I'IIIII'III/Iq'Ii'L'I'I'K alxn a cIncnIaIic landmark: iIx lnxinn nl Ihc hcxI clcnIcnIx I‘I'nIII liaxI and \chI cincma hax crcach xnIIIcIlIIng uhnll) ncu. (‘amcn. lidinhurgh.

SNE 5% N