Film index

Cuban Game (El Juego De Cuba) Il’(iI IVaI'InIIx. \lII'InIIxI. .\lIII Ihc. :\ \wll— I't‘xvaI'chI-d film dncumcnIIng Ihc he“ Ildcring lll\lUl"\ nl‘ haxchall lll ('Ilha. (il'vl‘. (ll;ngII\x. Dark Water II‘I‘I'I llk‘l Illidcn Nakala. Japan. IINIZI lHlnnn. llallnchn prmimx nl' IhIx xIIpt-I'naIIII'al chIlch' ahnuI an aIII‘acIIxc denrccc \xhn lllI\\L'\ mm a ncu apaI‘InIcnI

\\ Ilh hcr xix )t'III' nld daughlctt ‘l‘hcrc arc lnIx nl Incxphcahlc gnmgx-nn Including: Ihc l‘at‘l IhaI hL‘I‘ daughlcr kccpx \anixhing “lllltllll II'at‘c. :\ Inlall} ICI‘I‘Il‘}Ing film fi‘nm Japan'x loading llUl'l‘Ul' filIIIInakt-I'. l'llllllilflht‘. lidInlIIn'gh.

Delbaran ll’(iI C... I:\hnll4a/l Jalili. lI'an. JIMIZI KIIL‘CIII All/adch. Rahmalnllah lidI'ahImI. llnxxcin llaxhcmlan. ‘Humin. ()I' all human filIIIIIIakcrx. JalIlI xccmx In M hcauIIlIIll) I'cndcrcd Imang xpcak mnI'c lnIIdl} Ihan \\Ul'tl\. and allmxx Ihc \ IxII;I| element In Iala‘ pI'cccdcncc n\ cr naI'I'aIixc

dcx clnpmcnI: IIIc prcxcnl lllUlllL‘lll Ix \xhaI t‘nIInIx. 'l'hIIx. x}mpth_\ 'x nficn clIcIlcd III Ihc IIIIIIchIaIc acfinn. ln nnc xt‘cnc. l'nI' uamplc. \Ic xcc lhc )nung Afghan I'cl'ugcc :II Ihc film'x t'cnII'c IIxIng all hIx xII'cngIh In fill a cluxlcr nl’ hIIxth nnln hIx hack ll Jahh lll\llllL'\ Ihc xIIhIccfixc plca nl' lle nu ll (llhlllg cnmmcnI 'l dchcaIc IhIx film In all Ihc chIIdI'cn nl' “ar' II llL'\ In Ihc I'claIIxc nhjccfix II) nl Ihc Imang hc‘x L‘I‘calt‘d. (‘(‘.-\_ (ilaxgnxx.

The Devil-Doll Ich'I [NI .0. I’l‘nd BI'nIxIIIng. l‘S. I‘HIII [Inncl llaI'r)IIInI‘c. .\laIII‘ccn ()'SIIllI\an. Ral'acla ()IIIaIIn. "9min. lla\Ing hccn fi‘amcd h_\ hix l’aI'IxIan partncrx. lUI‘IIICI‘ hankcr l’aul l.a\nnd IliaI‘I') llIIIl'L‘l cxcapcx fi‘nm Dcx Il'x lxland al'ICI' xcxcnlccn _\caI'x nl' IIIcaI't‘craIInn. Rm cngc Ix all lhal kcpt hIm ahw. xn l,a\nnd xccx a gnldcn nppnI‘IunII} In pl} xnmc III II III hIx lt‘llIIxx cxt‘apcd cnnx IcI. a mad chcnIIxI uhn hax lll\ClllL‘Il a \\;I} nl' th‘IIIkIIIg.‘ ll\ in); hcingx In Ihc \l/L' Ul- t‘llllIll‘L‘ll'\ III) \ Illld L‘Ullll'Ulllllg Ihcm xx IIh \\ Illpmxcr alnnc. ()dd ax Ihc nnIInn nl’ mInIaIIII‘c killcrx might hc. xII'angcr xIIll Ix Ihc dixguixc l.t-\nnd adnph III nI‘dcr In xncak hack Inln l’aI'Ix: llarrynnrc. a IaII‘l} Impnxing

acInI‘. IlI'cxxcx hIInxcll up ax .‘xladamc .\landchp. x\\ L'Cl nld lad) and dnlllIIakct. llc'd hc I'Ighl aI hnmc In I'I'I'ukx. l-Ilmhnuxc. lidinhurgh.

0 Donnie Darkm 15.0000 «mama Kcll}. l'S. ZIIIIZI Jakc (lxllcnhaal. l)I't'\\ Barrynntc. l’aII'Ick Sha} A: I l3mIn. lx‘cllx‘x dchul lcalurc Ix a IanIncI'I/Ing xt‘Icnu‘ llt‘llUll lath \tht‘h Pll\llt‘\ lllL‘ cnnt‘cpl nl' (Incmaln‘ Iimv II'axcl mm a \xhnlc ncxx dIIIIcannn lIx xnmnamhulanl Iccnagt‘ pI'nIagnIIle xct'lnx In xhp mm a parallcl unich'xc. \\llt‘l't' a gIanI dcmnnit‘ I'athI callcd l‘l'IIlllx prnclahnx IhaI Ihc \xnI'ld \xIll cnd III 35 da} x. (I hnIII‘x. 43 InInIIch and II xct‘nndx, St't III In». IlIIx gcnI‘c-hcndIng film Ix nnI nnl} an InII‘IgIIIng mcdiIaIInn nn IIInc Iran-l and a dccpl} deIuI'hIng hnI'I'nI' mm It'. It Ix alxn a ,lnhn llll‘L'llCVNl) lc t‘nmIng-nl agc mnx It‘ and a black t‘nInIt‘ xaIII'c nn Reagamlc gI‘ccd.

Indix IdIIalIxm and ('hI‘IxIIan l'undamcnlalIxnI. Sec pI'cx Iv“ and In chx. Sclcclcd I'clcaxc. Dracula Il’(iI O... I'l'nd lirnxx 11mg. [8. I‘Hl I Bcla l.II;_'an. l)a\ Id \lanncI'x. llclcn (lldlltllt‘l'. " l mIn. 'l‘hc nI'IgInal .-\IncI‘Ican L‘l;I\\lt‘. llllll}\\ll(ltl‘\ Ilt‘lllllll\t' \L‘l'xIIIn nl Bram Stnkcr'x \ampnc Ialc. ll I‘cmamx l.IIg_'an'x mnxl lamnIIx mic and. dt'xpllc appearing xnmcxxhaI camp nnxx l.u_\_'an'x pcrlnI'Inancc and Ihc aIIIInxpth'It‘ film ax a \Ihnlc xIIll llllpl't‘\\t‘\t l‘Ilmhnnxc. lidIIIhIIIgh The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr West in the Land of the Bolsheviks II‘I'I'I Ith Ilcx KIIlt'xhnx. l'SSR. I‘DIII MIIIIIII 'l‘hIx \llL‘lll Innx 1c xaIII'IxI‘x \Vt'xIcI'n InIxmnccpIInnx ahnIII Ihc Snx IL'l l’nInn Ihrnugh Ihc xInI'} nl a ['8 xcnaInI'x \ IxII In .\lnxt'n\\ and hIx xuhxcqucnl ahdIIt‘lInn h} a hunch nl Cl‘nnlxx. 'l‘hc l'IlIIIhnIIxc. lidInlIIII'gh, The Eye l ISI 0.. Il)ann} and ()xIdc l’ang. 'l'haIland. IIKIII lcc XIII .lIc. l.a\\I‘cnt'c (‘hnw Sn YIII l.aI. ‘Nmm. llll\ t'hIlch' fi'nIn Ihc l’ang hI'nIht'I'x IIYII'IIL‘LUL [Mum mun I‘cxxnI'kx an nld hnI'I'nI' mnx lk' Idca: III-xx l_\ gI‘alch hnd} paI'Ix L‘\llll\lllllj_‘ II‘aIIx nl' Ihc dcccaxcd dnnnI‘, lch'c. a t‘nI‘nca II'anxplanI hax Ihc unuanlcd cl'lccl nl' .Illnmn; .I l'nI'IncI'l}

Stalk’n’slash again in Halloween: Resurrection

hlInd )nIIIIg unman In xcc dcad pcnplc. lllIII‘I'cd IIIIagI'x. xln-mn caIIICI‘annI'k and an nwr xaIIII'aIInn nl lIghI and t‘IIlUlll‘ makc I'ln' /'.\I a \IxIIal II't'aI. qIIIIc xInch In Ihc murk} l\\lllf_‘lll It‘llL' nl’ Ihc x\\|;Ill hnI‘I'nI‘ film llIII \xhcrc. xa_\. RIII'J had Indut‘cd haII' I‘aIxIng lInI‘I'nI'. I'lu l'.\( lallx xhnI‘I \\llll a \lIm IIIIIldIng xcnxc nl' uncaxc and dcnnIIcmcnI Ihal nl'lL'Ix nn xIII‘pI'Ixcx, l'ndcnxlIclInIIIg St'c

I'm Icu. 'l‘hc l‘IlIIIhnIIxc & l'( l('_ lidInlIIII'gh. Fidel - the Untold Story ll)(ll II-LxIcla Bram. ('IIlIa. III“: I. \lIn Ihc. llt"x lwcn uallcd .\l.It'hIa\cllIan. hI’IIIal. t'haI'IxInaIIt‘. clcwr. xchII‘IIxI'. a man and hI'nIhI‘I'. 'l‘hIx Lllk‘lllllt‘llldl'} .Illt‘lllplx [II gt‘l lII lllL' l‘UllUlll lll nnc nl‘ IhI‘ lllU\llllllllt‘lllldl. t‘nnII'nxt‘I‘xIal figIII't-x nl nIII' IImIfl (il‘l’. (ilaxgnxx. Foreign Moon It'cI'I Iht‘I I/I'IIIIII; /,hang_'. (‘hIna. l‘)‘)5I \Ick} ('hcn ll\l.IU-ll\ll\L'll. llaI'I'Ixnn l.III. ('hcn da .\lIn_I_'. ‘Nlmm. 'l’hI'cc ll'lt‘lltl\ arc hI'nIIghI Ingclht'r \thlc xIIlch'Ing: Ihc haI'xh I'calII} nl .IIIcIIIpIIn; In Inakc a hit III Ihc \wa. (iIlnInI'chIllUlI. (ilaxgnxx.

Q Freaks I ISI .0... I'l'ndd Brnunmg. [8". Will llaI‘I'} liaI'lt‘x. ()lga llaclannxa. “allau‘ l'nId. (IlmIn. lirnxxmng'x InlamnIIx

and lIIllf.‘ hamch l‘l‘: t‘l;l\\l\‘. I'L‘-lx\IlL'Il lIIl' llx "th aIIanIxaI‘}. lI'x Ihc xInI‘} nl a pinup nl' II'awllIIIg t‘II't'IIx 'lI't'IIkx' llall Rn}. llcal'dcd l.ad_\. l.l\ In; ‘l‘nI‘xn. \I'mlI‘xx \Vnman. clt‘

uhn \ IxII a lt'l'l'll‘lt‘ chcngc nn lllL' hcaIIIIlIIl II'apc/I' aI'IIxI (‘lt'npaII'a lnI' .I t'I'ImI‘ t‘nmInIIch agaIan nnc nl IthI nun. 'l'hc [II'cxx and ptIhlIt‘ I‘t'at‘lcd \\ IIh degIIxI In llI'nxxnIng'x L‘;I\llll}_' nl I'cal I‘II‘t‘IIx II'I'akx. 'l'hc IcI'I'IhIc IInn} Ix IhaI BI'nxx Inn}; t'hampInnx Ihc dclnIIIch nxt-I' Ihc \lII‘L‘l'llt‘lJll) hcaIIIIIIIl. I'I't <le Ix ax \xnndcrlull} \chI‘d ax II lx \\.Il'lll and lllllllullL'. alII'I'IIaIcl} IIInn}. (twp) and jJL‘lllllllL‘l} xhnt‘klllg. ll'x hccn much llll\llllIlL'l'\lHUIl l‘lll I‘cmamx IIIICI'I} umquc. Soc I'cxn‘xx. l'lllllllUth'. l'ltlllll‘lll'gll

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad mm 0.. I(inI'dnn llcxxch'. l'lx. WWI ,lnlIlI l’hIlle l.a\'.. (‘aI'nlInc .\lIInI'n. 'l'nm Baku. lIlfiInIn. 'l'hc .-\I'ahI.In hcl'nll..1\\I xI-Ixnll nn a I]llt'\l IIt‘I'IIxx lllL' \Cth lII [‘lt‘t‘t‘ lIIgt'lllL'l II II'caxIII'c map \\ Ilh Ihc ;I\\l\l;lllu‘ nl .l xlaxc gII'l I\lIIIII'III \\ IIh a IIIxxIt'I‘InIIx c_\c IaIInn nn th' hand, \lt'anxxhllt'. Bald-IN M II \\I/.II'd .IIIcmpIx In x.IlInl;I;_'I‘ SInhad'x qucxl lnI' gnld. ()l t'nIII'xI‘. Iht' hcxl IhIn; .IlInIII IhIx I.InI.Ix_\


\k 3 d x). lb \C \) K C U \C 'F. g. S

written by and stain FRINGE STARS

PAIIlIllE SlllIISMITII 8. SKY! with TAM BEAN Bllllll, llllIE lllllchllSllll,

TllE AllcllES OCT 23 - Mill 3

30 THE LIST ' ' “22‘. 32)."


HIRING“ Illroctu m Aluminum

a. n1 'IwncII