News, gossip and opinion

faces up to a - ' PAATVESR Its i . I I I i Garlandbreaksthoblock

City’s anti-racism fight. Words: Ruth Hedges Coming n or the first time since Black HistOry Month began 30 years ' ' ago. a Scottish City is taking part. Glasgow. known from the 18th century as the second city of the Empire. is

retraCing its history in a Glasgow Black HistOry Tour organised by

Glasgow Anti-Racist Alliance. and an exhibition. The Slave and

Tobacco Trades. There will also be screening of .l’l/USt/CC. a

controversial film about deaths in police custody.

In the light of a recent report in which 25% of Scots revealed racist attitudes, it is a timely initiative. and one that Will raise awareness of Glasgow's multi-CUItural heritage. Although being a leading force in the 19th century abolitionist movement. Glasgow . g .1 built its wealth upon the slave trade. The tour plots the city's ' . cit “513m Nemfi'gton historical sites of shame. reSistance and progression. A picture in v i ' - ~ Jeunet's Arne/re star the People's Palace shows a black servant partially coloured out ‘_ A g __ I Audrey Tautou will be from post-abolitionist times _ ii i” A i seen next month

when it became unfashionable ‘lt playing. of all things. a

to have had black servants. To ‘bunny boiler‘ in the

David Govier. t0ur researcher, French thriller He Loves

it Sums up Scotland's attitude Me, He Loves Me Not.

to its black history'. b after which the elfin ecause of

Injustice similarly deals wrth actress will be seen in

cover-ups and is one of the December in Stephen most contentiOus films of Frears' London set

recent times. Filmed over drama Dirty Pretty

seven years. it follows the Things . . . Lambchop families of victims who died from Violent means while in police U t ; _ frontman Kurt Wagner custody and implicates the officers involved with murder. l’arii, l I A L 3 i A . 7 , ‘- likes to keep music fans attempts to screen the film were met with intense. aggressive " V V ii i i i guessing. The last but police reSistance. Threats of legal action faxed through to (Illl(3".‘.£t one time he came to owners rust hOurs before screenings. initially bullied the film into Scotland he played a silence. But the determination of director, Ken Fero. and families solo gig in Glasgow.

Jean-Pierre Jeunet follows up his hugely successful film Arne/re with A Very Long Engagement. a love story set during World War | adapted from the international bestseller by Sebastian Japrisot to be filmed next year in France. Meanwhile.

John Glassford and family at home in Shawfield Mansion, by

involved ensured its vorce was Widely heard. There was such an Archibald Mdauch'an’ 0.1767. A black servant was painted out Where he tried out songs overwhelming response the police were shocked.‘ says Fero. from the top left of the portrait, just behind Glassford’s head from the band's most All of the Victims in the film were black and the race issue is clear recent album Is a when you discover that in proportion to the population. three times Friends. "The key t'tl'itt is this is "o: a fiin‘. {it)()t.t vet ins. but about Woman. After the as many black people as white have died in police custody. ‘lt's an people who fight back] sag. s l‘ero. album's release Wagner issue that concerns everyone.' says Fero. 'If I was to make a film Ken fierc. Brenda \.’.’e.r‘i:erg. tr‘e s:ste" o" Bria." Douglas and returned to Scotland now I WOUld look at the case of Harry Stanley who was from Aarner Anxz'ar. a\.-.i\,ver for the ()hhokar fami i, .n tne case described with the full 14 members Glasgow and white. The police th0ught he was Irish and shot him. as Scotland's Stephen l auras-rice. are eading a :i scuss on a‘te" of his band. Wagner's And ihere'Ve been Quite a few white families who've fought back. the screening on issues raised .rt the film. next Scottish but it was black families who led the way. because of the history of appearance will be at problems between black people and police due to racism.‘ Injustice, GFT, 0141 332 8128, Sun 27 Oct, 5.45pm; the Queen's Hall on 5 The first people to come together and protest was a group of Glasgow Black History Tour from Cathedral Square, December, when black women in the mid-90s. forming the United Families and 0141 572 1140, Sun 20 8x 27 OCt, ZPm- 'Larnbchop Lile' Will

comprise Wagner plus piano. bass and drums

Anti-war protest in Glasgow Demonstrators to make voices heard. support. ' _ Mex

,4 V \ ~. \ Wm“ Rum Hedges Garland. author of the r j \ rifi war proteste's ‘.'.'lil Elf3§§(3'flt)l(‘ in (‘iiasgcxz "s (‘ieorge Sdua'e. hugely successful novel Saturday 1%) October. 7 330m". to :ierrionstr'ate aga "ist ‘.'.'a' The Beach, has been with Iraq. It f()ii()\.'.'f§ last 'itorith's 'Yli’tlf‘“, in l c":.or‘ \.'."‘.e'e a" suffering with writer's estimated -t()().i)t’)(? people massed tc i;'l()‘.'. t!‘(:..' objections f:: the US block ever srnce hls and lJK's plans to '~.'.'age war. Speakers .nc'uzie MSl’ loniiw. She'uiar‘. follow-up book. The Bruce Kent of (EM) and Hill Spie's o‘ the SSl UC. Tesseract (currently “Brita-ii and the US helped to clamp tl‘e lraii. 'egi l“-;T' onto the I'iitr belllg adapted by people for mar“, 'narij. yearsf says Mine Nat: er 8for" Stop 1“»;- \‘.'a' Thailand's Pang ()oailticr‘. 'lhe“, are rrsartriirit; to replace Sailan‘. Hussein ‘.'.':f.". a :tlc'ui. brothers). Things. who will he more oheilien‘. of \‘v’esteiii tictals, but no less tiltlt? and however, are looking up opt)! isshxt: toi'xarilt: the lrait rier:r)ie.' as next month Garlands further action .:; riia'iriieil for 3‘ ()<:t:::>i:-'. .‘.itf‘t‘1t3f;117tiftltFV-Jill.Sf")? sci-ti thriller 28 Days the (:li\ iriitlali'-.'-::-. l or information (:al' Scottish ()oaittor‘ f;:' Justice ".ol Later is released. War, ()Hl 3.1).”; 1111’? or Stop Zlit? \‘vl'tr ()oaiitm‘. 01.4.1 5:38 {\j‘fx,’

4 THE LIST if 31 ()(;‘i 700?