OSnail Adam House. 3 ('hatnher'x Street. 650 8058. 9pm. l‘ree. The laptop l)tro remix tlte 'l'iroler littxetnhle for New .\lti\ic'5 concert from a couple of ltt)ttt'\ hefore. Part of the dialogues t‘extital.


I Belcea Quartet St Michael‘s l’tti‘ixlt (’htirch. Kirkgate. 0|50o 842l88. 7.30pm. See Slit l‘).


I Scottish Harp Day RS.-\.\tl). tilt) Renfrett Street. 332 5057. llattt 5pm. l’ree. Scotland's harp expertx come together to hoxt a da} of \\()t'l\'.\lltlp\. masterclasses. tll\L'll\\l()ll\ and performances exploring tlte Scottish harp. l’or further irtforrnatiort entail: hrnar‘xhalxa) (0 l‘x;tltltl.tte.tll\.

classical opera listings Music

1": Mr McFall’s Chamber A new season of all that's at the cutting

t it

I Alba String Quartet Mel-61km edge in contemporary musc. both (ialleriex. 27H Stittelltelttill Street. 33l from Britain and abroad. gets Off to a I854. 2.30pm & 3.30pm. Free with n . \ . I h f. rf , . it" . admixsion to R(il exhibition. Relaxing ,y'ng Stan W” 3t 8 Irst per Ormdm’e Omar Sosa plays the Arches, Glasgow, Thu 31 Oct afternoon lllttxte pi‘m'ided by tltix \tring '0 the UK Of EX/l- by Georglan is E dinburgh t‘uglclp. T d composer Giya Kancheli. In a tlteir ins )irational. tt )lifting mitsic to or tano, ape an , , Scotlantl. l \ QSPUNK Adam House. 3 (‘hamherx Conversation ('('.-\. 350 Sauchiehall COIIdboration Wlth. ‘dldbgues 2002' Street. ()5t) 3053. 8pm. (‘5 (£3). A Street. 35: 4000. 4pm. {a (rm. (cm 5 l. The performahce '5 9W9“ by the ever m quintet of female Norwegians ittdttgittg The “mid prettiiere of a ('(‘A Inventive McFall's. St John's Church. it) some electronica free impro\ ixation. commissioned \Hit'k h)‘ (‘hantale Laplante Edinburgh Wecj 30 Oct Glasgow .\'ot much of tltat ahottt these da) \ hut phrs art improt'ixed dtto \t ith ('harlotte .. . . I Konovets Vocal Quartet \toi'th ltearing nonetheless. Part of tlte llttg. 'l’he e\eriing also features l‘olio. a scou'Sh Opera commumty Raittxltortt 'l'heatre. 98 lrtgrarn Street. 552 dialogues 2002 textual. \\t)t‘l\ created by the B'l’ linsetnhle with concerts The 57'DleCe SCOlllSh 348‘). 1.15 2pm. £2.50. St l’cterxhurg- Barr} (ill) on \olo ham. I’rtrl of Opera Orchestra and the 34—Strong haxed qttartet pl'exettlx h} 0108 and chant\ w l-‘rt't’Rm/ttt'sl/t. - ;; ot‘ the Rtmian ()t'llttttlt)\ littirgV I Scottish Harp Day Concert Chorus commence. a Sel'es of four illotigxitle roiiiaiieex. halladx tllitl Glasgow RS.-\.\ll). I00 Renfrett Street. 552 5057. COhCehS 0‘ Operelle delights 'h the folkwngx frotn 'l‘xarixt llttte\. I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert 7pm. £5 (£3). l’t‘ot iditig the tinale of tlte heart Ol fOUF diherelii Glasgow I Rush Hour concert RSAMI). RSAMI). lllll Renft'eu Street. 332 5057. Seotthlt llarp Dal). Scollttiid'x top harpistx communities. to include Man/hill and I00 Renlre“ Street. 33- 5057. 5.30pm. lprti. £5 (£3). 'l ttttttpetx. percussion and Slttnt tlte range and scope of the hea\ett|_\ Tollcross‘ For those who want to l-ree hut ticketed. Second it) \et‘le\ of organ collide lot a performance ot \\()ll\\ llt\ltlllllL‘lll\. . short l‘ll\ll hour concertx taking you ottt h} Britten. .\la\ Keller. Richard . leam more abOUl the mUS'C' free of the \ll'e\\ \\ itlt .'\cadetn_\ Wind llollotta} attd Handel. EdlnbUlgh workshops will be held in advance of ()t'chextra pla) ing ththlx} -Kor\ako\ \ I The Gondoliers 'I‘heatre Ro_\al. I Britten’s War Requiem l'sher the concerts. COL/per mgr/{Ute .S/tr'ltr'r'rtrrttlr'. 282 Ho re Street. 332 9000. 7.l5prn. llall. l.othiari Road. 228 ll55. « r' I The Gondoliers 'l‘hcatre Ro_\al. r5 (‘25l See rue 22. 7.30 10pm. £l0 £35 (L5 L20). tatitnhut-git Glasgow Th“ 3 7 OC" 282 Hope Street. 332 0000. 7.15pm. _ Ro}al (‘horal t'nior‘. and the Beat‘xden Dialogues 2002 This festival of £5 £25. ('arl Roxa ()pet'a ('ottipati_\ EdlnbUrgh ('hoir commemorate the ()0th annixerxar) new and digital mUStC features performs (iilhert arid Sulli\an\ sparkling I Royal Scottish National of the Battle of lil .-\laniein \\ ith enormers from Norwa / Ausmq 1nd comic opcretta. Orchestra l \her Hall. |.othian Road. profexxional soloists arid fttll \}tttttlit)ti)' p ' \" c C 1.- 228 l (55. £9.75 (‘25. .\lat'in amp orehexti'a conducted h} .\l;tt't_\it tat-.ttmtm. the USA. as We“ as Seeilehd ehd the Wednesday 23 eottdtieh .\tentie\\otm\ Violin ('oncei'to. rest of the UK. Paragon play specially Glasgow ‘3‘”“ll”? l“"‘°”° 13”“ “ml “lilh'lh‘ "onday 28 commissioned works for instruments .S't‘m )llrlllt‘ II“ 2. .‘ . I The Gondoliers 'I'lteatre Royal. slimo’n Nieminski Reid cunt-m Glasgow amglecmn'cs' thereb Spomaneous 282 Hope Street. 332 0000. 7.15pm. llall. lidinhtirgh l'niversit}. Brixto I Carmen 'I‘heatre Ro_\al. 282 Hope remixmg by a laptop Computer duo £5 £25. See The 22. Square. ()()8 201‘). lpm. l‘ree. Siinon Street. 332 9000. 8pm. £10 £35. |.a based in Edinburgh and Vienna. . Nieminski explorex the Reid ()rgan \\ ith ()ttadr'a di Set illa fuses theatre. mu~ic and humorous and disturbing mUSIC from Ed'nburgh |i\e electronics arid music h} John (‘age dartce to create a flamenco \peetactilar. SP K , - 3 E 7- . I QMr McFall’s Chamber Adam and lid\\ard l)tidle_\ lltighex. UN various WIN/88' omDL/lg 7' llt)ti\e. 3 (‘ltamlterx Street. (550 8058. QParagon Ensemble Adan) Tuesday 29 Tue 2243/90 30 001- 8pm. £5 (£3). .\ltt\le l\‘tlt)\\\ no House. .3 ('hanihet'x Street. ()50 8058.

hotindai'iex \\ ith .\lt‘ \lc‘litll'x ('hainhei‘ the e\er‘-eclectic changing ensernhle performs a true ltll\ of \t} lex as part of the tllitltlgtte\ textiutl. from Weather Report to tango to rock. arid et'en some etiltletitptit'tlt'} l‘inni5h \tttltitl\ throun itt.

8pm. £5 (£3). Paragon linxemhle perform three next \\t)t'l\\ for llt\lt'tllllellt\ arid electronicx h) Mario \"erandi.

Saturday 26


I Silvia and Eva Crastan thltisltoi'tl 'l‘heatre. 98 Ingram Street. 552 348‘).

l.l5 2pm. £2.50. Sulsx \l\lL‘t'\ perform music for \ iolitt arid piano featttt'ittg a \tillttltl h} .\lo/art arid \\t)t‘l\'.\ h) linglixh

(‘hanihetx no \tranger to the \torld of e\perimetttation. ix joined h} \opt'ano Strxan Harttiltott arid lltttltlsl I)a\e lleatlt for an etening of transcendent lttlhlt‘ making. 'I'icketx from li(';\'l' 0|3l 53‘)

. . GlaSgOW etitttptixel'x. «5377. St'rl'ng I The Gondoliers 'l‘heatre Royal. I Rush Hour Concert RSI-\Ml). 100 I La Boheme .-\lhert Halls. 232 Hope Street. 352 9000. 2.l5pni & Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 5.30pm. Free W l)-.trnharton Road. 017% 473544. See l't‘l 7.l5piti. £5 £25. See Tue 22. but ticketed. last itt \eriex of concerts 18. I Royal Scottish National taking )tttl amt} frorn cit) ma)hetn. Glasgow

Thursday 24

Orchestra Rota) (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

featuring Joseph l‘leetttood on piano and Royal .-\etttleltt_\' Brass pla} ing (ierslixt 01's

I Scottish Opera Community Concert ('ouper lll\llltlle. 8o ('larlxxton

£1 150 £23.75. See Fri 25.

I Glasgow Chamber Choir St Andre“ \ In The Sqttare. Off I Carmen 'l‘heatre Royal. 2\’2 Hope Saltntarket. St Andrea’s Street. 548 Street. 332 0000. 3pm. £l0 £35. See Mon 0020. 7.30pm. £8 (£0). (i(‘(‘ perform 28.

I’tmr/l in I/Ir’ :l/(‘llrillMfi spanning ltlx Wednesday 30

lifetime from the l‘eligltttt\ to the Glasgow

Rhapsody in Blue and Bernstein's lli’U Sir/U .X'lrn'lt‘ Smile.

Road. 332 0000. 2pm. £2 (£1 l. Scottixh ()pet‘a performs popular rnttxieal fatottritex. I Carmen 'l‘heatr‘e Ro}al. 282 Hope Street. 332 0000. 2.|5pm .& 8pm. £10 £35. See Mon 23.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘itt llall. (‘tttttllel‘tg‘gx 353 8000. 7.30pm. £8 £l".50 (£5 £7). The third iii the BB(' Scottish Stmphott)


I Concerto Caledonia St Andre“ ‘\ lit The Square. Off Saltrnat‘ket. St Andre“ ‘\ Street. 548 (tllll). Scotlantl'x premiere haroque enxemhle p|a_\ \\ ith liddle \ ll'ltlt)\t) l)a\ id (ii'ecnhei'g. performing ltlttxle frotn l8th L‘etlltll'}

hm lartd Scotland \\ itlt traditional tunex


arid some l'ranit Zappa no lcxx. EdlnbUrgh I Carmen 'l‘heatre Ro}al. 282 Hope ()t'chextra'x programme of 'l'chaikotxk} I The Gondoliers ‘l‘lteatre Ro_\al. QConcerto Caledonia St (‘ecilia‘x Street. 332 0000. 8pm. £10 £35. See .‘xlon \_\ttipltonie\. performing no 3. whit/t and 282 Hope Street. 332 ()000. l,30pni tk Hall. \iddr)‘ Street. ()o8 20l‘). See Thu 28. alxo \tork h} .\ltl\\t)l‘g\l\) and Rachmaiiinot.

7.|5ptn. £5 £25. See Tue 22. 24.

I BBC Scottish Symphony QTrioler Ensemble for New Music Adam House. 3 (‘hamherx Street. ()50 8058. 8pm. £5 (£3). The 'l‘irolet‘ linxenthlc for ('ortteniporar} .\lll\le ('l”l('().\l) presents a programme of :\ll\ll‘l£lll arid British music. including a next piece \\l'lllell h} ('olin Broom. Part of the dialogues festi\a|.


OMr McFall’s Chamber St .lolttt\ ('htirch. Princes Street. 4o7 0744. 0pm. £0 (£4). l’etct' Nelxtitt etitttllteh the l'K premiere of (ieorgian eotnpoxer. (ii)a Kancheli'x rte“ \\()l'l\. lit/l. based on the pttelilx of HM) (ierinari. .le\\ ixh poetx li\ ing it) c\ile after WWII. .\lt' \lt'litll'x


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llttll. (‘lerk Street. (368 Zill‘). 7.45pm. £0.50 £2 l. .loxeph Suerixen dri\e\ \onte energetic \tttltltl\ ill a programme of \\t)l'l\\ It) Schumann. Beethm en and Strattsx'x Hum (tutu-rm mi 2. performed h} Radotan \‘laiox ic.

3000. 7.30pm. £8 £l7 (£5 £7). 'i‘he \econd in the BB(‘ Scottixh S}lttpli()lt_\ ()rchextra'x programme of 'l'chaikotxk) 5}rnphonic\. performing .\'u2_ [til/w Run/(III . NH J and also (il;i/ttlit)\ '\ Sump/tune (‘tt/tr'r't‘lu.

't‘.". THE LIST 59