Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


7 Bonmont (iill'tiL‘lh, 339-128]. (ll-ll 339 422-1.

Victor Hugo: Au Coeur Du Monde L'ntil Thu 3] ()ct. \‘ictor lltigo \aid in l87b: ‘What is happening in Serbia \Il(t\\\ the ltCL‘C\.\tl_\' for a l'nited States of liurope'. following the routing of Serbian troops by the ()ttaman arm}. This exhibition of posters (“\plit} s reprixluctionx of correspondence from the time. bearing \\ itnexx to the author's constant commitment to humanitarian L‘ittleN.


lfi-l Woodlands Road. 332 0028. Mon Fri ll)am 5pm: Sat ll)am l2.3l)pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'niil 'l'hu RI Oct. :\ \election of works b_\ \‘itl'lttlh ttttlxls including [in Pattullo. lid Hunter. Jillllc‘x \Vatt. l‘rank (‘olclough and James ()rr.


253 Argyle Street. 090] ()22 0300. Along the River l'ntil Tue 2‘) ()ct. l'sing found rubber moulds of the stone cartingx on the banks of the (‘l_\de. artist Beth Hainer creates casts of these hidden

treasures. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

ART EXPOSURE GALLERY 1‘) l’ai'nie Street. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

In our regular column. a team of mystery artists give their thoughts on the Current art scene.


Words: Artbug D

How to be an Artist is Bill Drummond's latest project. resulting in an exhibition, performance and book launch shown previously at the CCA. Over the years Drummond has used many strategies to interrogate and subvert the cultural landscape. including pop music (JAMMS. Timelords and KLF). writing (The Manual. Bad Wisdom and 45) and actions (the alleged burning of Elm).

This recent project charts his relationship With an original photograph, A Smell of Sulphur in the Wind by his favourite artist.

New Scottish Figurative Paintings l'ntil Tue 2‘) ()ct. l-‘iguratixe paltttingw b_\ a \L‘lCL‘lltlll of ttl‘li\l\ including (‘herflene

D} er. Jacqueline .\larr. Jackie Anderson. Ian Macdonald and Ben JCllkllh l)a\ lx. Also on Silt)“ are ligurathc ceramic sculpture b} (‘arol lixxon.


l2‘) Bath Street. 07763 222323. For ntore information email \tltlc‘ttt'lxm _\ahoo.co.uk. Suite Art l'ntil Thu 31 ()ct. .-\ \Cl‘lL‘\ of neck!) e\hibition\ each Silt)“ ing the “ot'k of a different student currentl} attending (ilaxgou School of Art. There's an opening e\er_\ lirida} from 5pm. \xitb \Vend} Hunter Silt)“ ing work until Tlm I? ()et. .\'e.\t up is photographer Jane Karup

118 24 ()ct l. follou ed b} lilaine Woo

i25 3t ()ctl.


185a Bath Street. 222 2830. Tue Sat ll)am 5.30pm.

Alexander Millar t‘niil Sun 24 .\'m. A \Ultt Silt)“ of liguratix e \\t)l‘l\'\ b) Neucaxtle artist .v\le\attdcr \lillar.


1.5-1 Hl)llt\\\tt0d Street. 552 4H2T. Mon I'il'l 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat ll)am lpm.

Andy Glass t'ntil Tue 2‘) ()et. Next ceramics.

Christine McArthur limit Tue 3‘) ()ct. .\'e\\ paintings.

Russell Wright and Jung-Ji Kim

l'ntil Tue 2‘) ()ct. ('ontemporar} .jeuellei'}.


ll) King Street. 553 ()733. Mon Sat ll).3l)am midnight; Sun | llpm. Beyond Imagination t'ntil Sal 2t» ()ct. l'p-and-coming photographer l’eli exhibits \tork ranging from images of mannequins and Scottish landscapes to still lites. Office Block, Edinburgh 2001 Sun 27 ()ct Stilt l7 .\'o\. .\'e\\ \\ot‘k b} l)a\id l'iot'xtcl'. NET: SHOVL

Richard Long. Drummond purchased the piece in 1995 (for the Sum of 820.000) and after the initial euphoria of purchase. he gradually became complacent towards it until he was eventually bored. What happened next was a series of projects. including producing an edition of 'For Sale' placards and distributing them throughout Britain on an intensive tour, to Drummond deciding to divvy up the work into 20.000 pieces and sell them at a dollar a throw. The CCA exhibition featured documentation of all stages of this process and Drummond and his assistants were present. cutting and trading the sections and enCOLiraging you to buy.

Drummond is a difficult character to define and. as with much of his artistic endeavours. is full of contradictions. He seems to court the very audience he wishes to defy. and as a result seems unclear of exactly where his direction lies. He is able to indulge a large sum on a w0rk by an artist he allegedly admires. yet gets bored with it rather gtiickly. resulting in him eventually destrOying it. all in the name of art. The financial implications of this act at once puts him in a privileged position. where money does really allow him to talk.

CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900.

Sun \Ved llam (1pm; Thu Sat llam 8pm.

£5 1H).

N55 l'ntil Sun l() .\’o\'. :\ ne“ project b} lhtx collaboratbe group of artists based in (’openhagen and Malmo in ilxxttL‘lltllttll \xitlt .\'ll5(':\. lior the ('('.r\. the} “ill be installing SHUI’. a \llttp \\ here people can exchange things \\ ithout the use of mone). as u ell itSlllitkL‘ contributions. horrth or map things.

N55 Discussions Thu l7 ()ct. 8pm. l-‘ree. A series of tltxcttxxtott e\ents facilitated b) the collaborathe group .\'55 and guest speakers.


5ft \VL‘SI (ieorgc Street. 552 555 l. Mull Sill ll)am 5.30pm; Stilt noon 5pm.

Pam Carter: Shades of Scotland Sat 1‘) Thu 3l ()ct. .\'e\\ paintings ofthe Scottish landscape b} popular artist l’am (’arter. NE‘."‘.’ SHOW


l'nixersit} of Strathchde 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. Mon l‘ri ll)am 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Heavier Than Air: Tom McKendrick l'ntil Sat 23 .\'o\. A netx installation b} Tom McKendrick inspired b} the evolution of the aeroplane. comprising pillllllllgx. kinetic \L‘lllpllll'C\. projected imager} and ambient soundtracks.


I78 West Regent Street. 221 (3370.

Mon Sat ll)am 5.30pm.

Diana Leslie: Next Tuesday t'niil Wed 23 ()ct. .\ solo Silt)“ of DC“ paintings. Lesley Banks: Colournotes iii 25 Oct Thu 14 .\'o\. Ne“ paintings b} Lesle} Banks NET. Sl‘C‘.'.,

Gareth Reid Hi 25 Oct Thu l4 .\'o\. .\'e\\ \xorkx. NE‘.'. SHO‘.'.’.


3l (‘hixholm Street. 552 7|(ll). .\lon \Ved. liri & Sat l().3l)am 530me Thu

lt).3t)am 7pm.

Majority Rules! (Part 2) Mon 28 Oct Sat 23 No\. The second part of Majorit} Ruch ultereb) members of the public selected \xorkx earlier in the )L‘ul' that the} would like to see exhibited in the galler}. The result is a selection of \xorkx h} artists from the ISA. Scotland and lingland.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) WW). .\lon Thu & Sat ll)am 5pm: l‘ri Sun llam 5pm. RelPlace) l'ntil Sun 5 Jan. Spcciall) L'ttlllllli\\ltttlctl \xork b} Stixie Johnston and Rachel .\limiec nhich responds to the histories of the galler) building. JoluNon L‘\plttl‘c‘\ HIL‘ L‘UtltlL‘L‘llulh \\ llll the

galler} \ Ro}al li\change \llL‘ to (iiilNgtl\\ ‘\ commercial and llttltt\lt't;ll histor} \xhile .\1imiec L'UllL‘Cllll'illL‘\ on the building in itx original guise ttx a ltt\\ll house.


Roukcn (ilen Road. 620 ()235. Mon. Thu. liri & Sun l.3() 5.30pm; Sat

ll.3()am 5.30pm.

Small and Beautiful t'iitil Sat ti» .\'o\. A mixed Silt)“ of small-scale paintings including uorkx b_\ Jennifer .-\ndcr\on. Margaretann Bennet. Klt'xl} Whither. .v\|c\ander Robb and l)a\ id Martin.


l-lb' \Vc‘xl Regent Sll'L‘L‘l. 22l 509.5. .\lon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Tom Shanks l'ntil Mon 4 NM. New \\;tlL‘l'L‘l)lt)lll'\ of the next coaxt b} Tom



l2 Rnw Street. 5.52 Sl2b’.

Cuban Poster Exhibition t'iiiil Thu 3] ()ct. :\n e\hibition of rare (‘uban film posterx as part of the (ilaxgim -\\ ide Si ('uba Textual.


listings Art

A Maverick Eye: The Photography of John Deakin Working for Vogue in the late 408 and early 50s. John Deakin's stark and uncompromising portraits of celebrities. writers and artists were ahead of their time. This exhibition of Vintage prints including works rescued from the floor of Francis Bacon's studio. brings to light the work of this incredible photographer. See preView. Dean Gallery, Edinburgh, Wed 30 Oct—Sun 72 Jan. Game On From Pac-Man and Space Invaders to Lara Croft and Super Mario. the history. Culture and future of computer games is celebrated in this major exhibition with over 120 games to play. See feature. Royal Museum, Edinburgh. Fri 78 Oct—Sun 2 Feb.

Ken Currie A solo show of new work by the internationally renowned Glasgow-based artist Ken Currie which looks at violent aspects of urban life. political violence and the nature of Violence itself. Glasgow School olAit. Glasgow. until Sat 76 Nov.

Miroslaw Balka: tiedtothetoe Last chance to see this major solo show of work by Polish artist Miroslaw Balka. in a exploration of memory and loss. Dundee Contemporary Arts. Dundee. until Sun 20 Oct.

Jon Schueler Spending his lifetime T)(-}l\i‘t’€(-}lt New York and lvtallaig on the west coast of Scotland. this is a stunning collection of paintings by the American abstract expressionist. lng/eby Gallery. Edinburgh, until Sat 2 Nov

John Byrne The multi-talented Paisley-born John Byrne exhibits his latest works in his first major show for two years. Glasgow Print Studio. Glasgow. until Sat S) Nov Chad McCail The latest artist to put the Tag Team Experiment is Chad McCall. showing works from his Snake series. Tag Team Experiment. Edinburgh. until Fri 22 Nov.

Evergreens and Nevergreens l‘roni complex building projects to the ageless appeal of his chairs. the work of Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen is celebrated in the only UK showmg of this major exhibition. The Lighthouse. Glasgow. until Sun 3 Nov.

' .«it 0.". L‘t‘i‘.‘ THE LIST 89