Art listings

Glasgow Galleries continued


33 ch 35 King Strcct. 553 0704. 'l'uc Sat l()am 5.30pm.

0 John Byrne t’nnl Sat () .\‘m. .\'c\\ paintings h_\ thc artist. \\ ritcr and dircctor John Bync. in [his his lirst major \hou \incc his rctroxpccth c at l’aislc} .\luxctun and Art (iallcry 'l‘hc \hou includcx scll-portraits. a portrait of his partncr 'l‘ilda S\\ inton and a lamil} portrait cntitlcd Jung/v .li'nt \\ hich calls to mind thc rmclatiom ol~ his :lt'amllathcr'x inccxt madc kmm n to

B) the old} rcccntl}.

Harry Magee t'niil Sat 0 .\‘m. lntaglio prints h} llarr) .\lagcc uhich continucs his c\ploration of familiar and not so familiar landmarks.

Pink Ribbon Show l‘ntil Sat t) .\'o\. .-\n c\hihition and auction of uork h} im‘itcd artists and cclchriticx to hpr raixc monc} l‘or hrcaxt canccr chariticx in Scotland. Artists includc John B} rnc. lili/ahcth Blackaddct'. l’ctcr lltl\\\t)ll. Philip Rccx'cx. Kcnn} lluntcr and ('hristinc Borland.


lop lloot‘ (i-l ()shot'nc Slt‘ccl. 553 H73. 'l‘uc Sat noon 5pm.

Nick Evans 'l’uc 22 Sat 36 ()ct. Rcccnt \xork'. Nl_'_\.".' SHOV‘J.


lo7 chlrcu Strcct. 353 4500. Mon 'l‘hu l()am 7pm: l’ri l()am 4.45pm: Sat

l()am noon.

0 Ken Currie t’ntil Sal It» .\‘m (.\iilt‘kllllttxll (iallcr} l. .\qu \\tit'k\ h} thc intcrnationall} rcnou ncd (ilzthou -ha\cd tlt‘lisl Kcn (‘urric. in this lil\ llt'\l solo c\hihition in Scotland \ittcc l‘)‘)3. .\ graduatc ot' (ililxgtm School ot .v\rt. ('urric hccamc knoxxn l‘or lll\ socialist rcalixt-inllucnccd \xorkx hut \incc thcn his “(ilk has undcrgonc changcs in \t) lc and \uhjcct mattcr. ('uratcd h} Sand} Mol‘l‘at and coinciding \\ ith thc launch ol a nc“ hook on the artist h) thc historian Tom Normand. (’urric \a'u ol hix ncu \x'ork‘: "l'hcsc paintings look at \ iolcnt aspects of urban lil‘c. thc nattn'c ol' \‘iolcncc. and thc naturc ol’ political \‘iolcnccf

Speak English: Lubaina Himid and Maud Sulter t'nul 'I‘hu 3] ()ct t.\'c\\hcr_\ (iallcr} I. In rcxponsc to rcccnt dcmandx tor all [lioxc pcrmancntl} \cttlcd and tctnporat'il) t'csidcttl in thc Bt'llixlt lxlcs to \pcak‘ linglish. thc intcrnationall} acclaimcd ill'll\l\ and curators \hon \\t)l'k\ li‘otn [no distinct scr'ics: llimid'x :lml.‘ lmit/t' I/Il' llll'l\l/)/(’ (3001 l uhich consists ol‘ l()() \inall paintings and Sultcr\ photographic \\ork I’rm't'r/M [or (Mllt'lltl t 1003/3). l/\Sl Cl—lANClfi 70 St if

Poetry and Painting \Vcd 23 ()ct. 7.30pm (Mackintosh l.ccttn‘c 'l'hcatrci. :\d\ancc hooking rcquircd. x\lc\andcr .\lollat and .-\lan Riach gi\ c an illustratcd

talk addrcxsing lllL‘lllL‘\ and inl'lucnccx through nords and imagcx. looking at thc \xork ol Rohcrt Burns. .v\lc\andcr .\'ai\mith. \\'a|tcr Scott and Scottish landscapc as “ch as modcrn ligui'ath c and ahxti'act painting.

Poetry and Painting \Vcd 3n ()ct. 7.30pm t.\lackinto\h l,ccturc 'l'hcatrci. .'\tl\;lllL‘L' hooking rcquircd. l.cading poctx including Stcxiart ('onn. liduin .\lorgan. Alasdair (Era) and l.i/ l.ochhcad pi'cscnt rcadingx and pcrl‘ormanccs inspircd h} \xot‘k\ ol' art. Memory Language t'ntil thin 31 ()ct t.-\trium (iallcry l()am Spin: l‘ri l()am 4.45me .'\n c\hihition ol c\pcrimcntal uork h_\ Stcphcn Rau inspircd h_\ contcmporar} and historical languagc and ‘imagincd' mctttot‘}. '.,-‘\Sl CHANCE l0 St E


3 Park ('ircus. 333 3555. Mon lhu l()am opm: l‘ri l()am 4pm.

Gunter Grass: on Drawing and Writing l'ntil \\'cd l3 .\'o\. .-\ documcntar} c\hihition to cclchratc thc Inc and “(nix ol' ( itmtcr (iraxx. onc ol (icrman) '\ most important coutcmporar} \\ ritcrs.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\ci\it} ol(il;t\go\\. S3 llillhcad Sll't‘t‘l. .35” 54.3 l. .\ltill Sat

0.30am 5pm. l'i‘cc.

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow l'nlil 'l’uc l .\pr. .\n c\tcnxi\c c\hihition highlighting thc l'nixcrsit) ol (ilaxgou \ important Scullhh (‘Ultttll'ixl collt‘cllttlt. lcaltlt'tllg rarcl} \ccn \\U|'l\\ h} ('adcll. l‘ct‘gtixxon. lluntcr and l’cploc.

Whistler to Freud l‘ntil Sat 33 .\'o\. Rcccnt acquisitions ol‘ dra\\ ingx. prints and ctchings l'cattu‘ing major t‘\;llllplt‘\ ol’ printmaking h} \Vhixtlcr and l‘rcud. 'l'hc gallci'} \ strong collcction has had 0\ Ct 700 \\ol'k\ titltlcd to it H\ct' lilt' l;l\l l'out' )cah and rcpi'cscntx almost all ol' thc important lito\clticnt\ and indhidnals.

Evening Talk ‘l'uc 33 ()ct. 5.30pm. .\n c\ cning talk. tour and uinc rcccption till lllL‘ lli/IINI/t‘l' In l'l't'llt/ t‘\llll‘lllttll. Pick One Picture \Vcd 33 ()ct. lpm. llcrman Suanc\clt\ [um/u tl/lt’ it I'll: .l/('I'('lll'\‘ .IIIt/ Ht’I'u' l\ lllt‘ \lll‘lt‘t‘l (ll, llll\ tcn-minutc talk.

Pick One Picture ‘.\'cd 3t) ()ct. lpm. .\ tcn minutc talk l'ocuxing on l’hillipx Koninck'x I’tlllrtl'tlllllt’ [um/u (l/N'.


ll .\lllc‘ltt‘ll l.anc. 33l (i303. .\lon. \Vcd. 'l‘hu. l-i‘i & Sat l().3llattt 5pm; 'l‘uc

l lam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm.

mpf l'ntil Stilt 3 .\'o\ i\'ic\\ing l’latl‘orm). An c\hihition looking hchind thc much talkcd ahout inpl‘ [missing prcsumcd lttlllttll. a \L‘l'tc\ ol' hlack hooks “ith thc “()l'tlS ‘t‘cad nic' on thc co\ cr \xhich \\ct'c lcl't in placcs lot' pcoplc to littd.

v Pipe Dream

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

20 September 9 November 2002

Gallery I

John Byrne Gallery II

Harry Magee

Over the Rooftops Gallery III The Pink Ribbon Show

22/25 King Street. Glasgow (3| SQP OpenzTues - Sat: l0am-5.30pm t: 0|4| 552 0704

90 THE LIST :7 0’ f 73K.”

0 Arne Jacobsen: Evergreens and Nevergreens l'ntil Sun 3 .\'o\‘. A major c\hihition cclchrating thc \\ot‘k ot‘ iconic l);tltt\lt architch and dcsigncr :\rnc .l;tct)h\clt. \\ho ix \\idc|} llcktttm lt‘tlgt‘tl :tx UllL‘ Ul' lllL‘ gl‘t‘ulL‘Sl inl'lucnccx on 30th ccntur} dotncstic dcxign. (‘rcatcd h_\ thc Danish l)c\ign ('cntrc in (‘opcnhagcir thc c\hihition is conccixcd as an ahstract rcndition ol‘ .lacohcn'x lah>rinthinc gardcn in Soholm. Klampcnhorg. Scc rcVicu. Young Nordic Design: Generation X t'ntil Sun 30 ()ct. 'l'hc hcxt dcxign \\oi'k l'rom )tititig dcxigncrx and dcsign groups from l)cnmark. l-"inland. lccland. .\Jorua} and Sucdcn l‘cattii'ing l‘urniturc. industrial. [c\tilc. graphic and lashion dcsign. l AS'l CHANCE: l0 Sit.

Fieldwork: Art and Architecture and Urban Regeneration l'ntil Sun l7 .\'o\' (Rm ic\\ (iallcr) l. .\ collahoi'atch limich in\ol\ ing artist l.oui\c (‘rau lord and architch [an .-\lc\andcr ol‘

\chcou n .'\lc\andcr \\ hich :tth to gcncratc dchatc ahotit thc rolc ol art in rcgcncration \chcmcx. \\ ith particular I'L‘lt‘t'cltt‘t‘ It) [ltt‘ .\lt‘t‘t‘ltttlll (ill) and 'l‘rongatc.

creativescotland t‘mil Mon 2 l)cc. 'l‘hroughout thc _\car. thc l.ighthomc

\\ ill hc \lto\\ca\ing a changing tli\plil} of thc “ork ol' Scotland‘s crcati\ c cntrcprcncurx in ad\crti\ing. architccturc. laxliion. dcxign. lilm.

\ idco. music and digital incdia. Innovation Fund t'ntil .\lon 28 ()ct t('irculation Spaccl. .\n c\hihition highlighting thc grants li‘om thc lnnmation l‘tmd crcatcd as part as thc National l’rogrammc l'or .\rchitccttu‘c uhich anardcd projcctx that cnahlc Scotlanth pcoplc to cngagc tnorc \\ith thc cmironmcnl in which thc} li\c.


Station Road. .\liInga\ ic. 57S SS47.

‘l'uc Sat l()am lpm & 3 5pm. Bearsden Art Club t'ntil Hi 8 .\‘m. .\nnual c\hihition \lltt\\t‘il\lllf_‘ nc\\ \\Ul'l\ h) local artists.

LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 300 Bath Strcct. 33l ()733. 'l‘uc Sat 0am opin.

Peter Howson l'ntil Thu 7 .\‘m. \c'\\ paintings h_\ .\'c\\ (ilaxgou Bo}. l’ctcr llt)\\\tlll.


370 Sattchichall Strcct. 33 lS5-l.

.\lon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. The RGI 141st Annual Exhibition Sun -7 Oct Sun I? .\'o\. L3 (U l. 'l‘hc Ro}al (ilttxgtm Institutc ol thc l‘inc .\rtx tl<( ill prcscnts thc 400 \\t)t'l\\ \L'lL‘ClL‘ti l3} it [ltlllt‘l Ul~ SL‘UlliSll artists tor this _\t‘;ll"\ annual c\hihition. l‘rom [litllllltlgx to sculpturc. thc \hou l'cattircx \mrk h) gttcst artists .lo (iantcr. .lim l’attixon. .\'cil .\lacl’hcrxon. Saul Rohct‘tson and Bill Scott. M Sl l()\.‘.’.


33l \VL‘SI (ictit'gt‘ .SII'L‘L‘I. 343 97.5.5. .\lon l-ri l()am 530me Sat

l()am 3pm.

Jessie King t'nnl Sat 2(» ()ct. l)ra\\ ing\ and \\;tlt‘l't‘t)ltllll‘\ ol~ Pill'lx h} .lcssic King plus a tllSPlil} ol' rcccnt acquisitions including \xorkx h} S] l’cploc. William (iillicx. |,c\lic lltmtcr and \Villiam \\'cll\.

Mixed Show .\lon IX ()cl \Vcd 3() \t)\. .-\ \L‘lccliolt ol' Scollixh \\;llL‘l‘L‘UlUlll'\ and paintings.


Dumharton Road. 33‘) I303. .\lon. 'l‘uc a 'I'hu l lam 7pm; \Vcd. l-‘ri & Sat

0am 5pm.

A World of Wonders Danish Children’s Book Exhibition .\lon 33 Oct Sat 3 .\'o\. Illustrations. lilm and intcracti\c tcchnolog) li‘otn Dcnmark \hou ing lhcir inno\ati\ c approachcx to cncouraging childrcn to rcad hooks.


36 Washington Strcct. 331 3133. Mon Fri 0am 6pm.

Gambia Winter/ Norr l'ntil \Vcd 3() ()ct. l’ttllllltth and photographs b} ('thy Richmond and Ka} Sc)‘ lrom a t'csidcnc)‘ in thc (iamhia 3()()l.


() \Vllxtm Slt'c‘t‘l .\lL‘l'Cltttlll (it); 55.3 0703. 'l'uc. \\'cd ck Hi 1 lam (rpm: 'l‘hu llam 7pm: Sat l()am (rpm; Sun

I 5pm.

Heads of our Kind t’nnl l’ri 3| Jan. .\ collcction ol' portrait paintings h} ('olin l’ark.

Mixed Show t'nnl l’ri 31 Jan. A \clcction ol uot'k‘ hy Scottish itl'llSlx including Ryan li\idorc and And} l’cuthcrcr.

Champion: The Beautiful Game l'ntil l-‘ri 3| Jan. ln ztxstic‘itllltm \\ ith 'lilu’ l)uil.\' Rt't'HI'(/. o\'ct' Sl) archixal l'oothall photographs lcaturing imagcx ol icons ol‘ l'oothall including Bill} .\lc.\'cil and l)cnni\ l.a\\‘.


[hit 3 .\lcrchant Squarc. 553 5637. 'l’uc Sat llam 5.30pm: Sun

llam 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l’ntil Hi 15 Not. .\ mixcd \hou ol' paintings h} Vitt'iUlls :ll'llslx.


('cntrc l‘or l)c\c|opmcntal Arts IS .\lhioti Strch 553 3833. Mon l'i'i l()am 5pm.

Universal Print Show t‘ntil l-‘ri IS ()ct. 'l‘hc 5th annual .\hou ol‘ contcmpot'at’} pl'inlx from national and intcrnational \llltllt)1tl'li\l\.

Young Talent .\lon 28 Oct Hi 2‘) .\'o\. .'\n c\hihition ol' artmirk’ h_\ childrcn with lcarning disahilitics.


llS Douglas Strcct. 348 (i386. .\lon l’ri 10.30am 5pm; Sat l().3()am lpm.

RGI Exhibitionship - Blair William Thomson l'ntil Sat 1‘) ()ct. Oil paintings.

Textiles and Textures Sat 26 ()cl Sat 9 Not. ()ils. \\‘atcrcolotlt'\. pastcls. acrylics. ccramics and cmhroidcrics h_\ .\largai'ct li\an\. l)ot‘oth_\ lluntcr and .\lclixsa livanx.


.3 Sitllt‘llit‘hztll SII'L‘L‘I. .353 3000. Mon Sat l()am opin.

Russian Painters t'ntil 'l‘uc 31 [kc .v\rt inspircd h) Russia and Scotland h} a group ol’ Russian pttlltlt‘l'x including .\Ia\im l)cmido\ and Vladimir (’hckhinarcx.


Mon l-"ri 0am 4.30pm.

Margaret S. Thomson: Colour for Health l'ntil 'I‘hu 3| ()ct. With a hclicl‘ in thc poncr ol‘ colour to hcal thc mind. hod} and spirit. .\largarct S. Thomson prcxcnts an c\hihition ol' \i\idl_\ colottt'cd paintings.


(i Burnlicld Road. (iil‘l'nock. (:38 I300. 'l‘uc l’ri llam 5pm: Sat l()am 5pm: Stm noon 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil \\'cd (i .\'o\. .\llordahlc original paintings h) gallcr) rcgularx including l.c\lc) Billlk\. l’ctcr Nardini. Sarah (‘arringtoiL Blair .\lillcn and (iracmc Sharp.


3(lll (il'L‘ul \VL‘SIL‘I‘H Road. .337 3363. 'l‘uc Sat l()am —lpm.

Healing Art l'ntil \Vcd 23 ()ct. .\n c\hihition ol art h_\ long-tcrm lltixpllilllSL‘tl childrcn c\ploring thcir l‘cclingx through dil'lcrcnt mcdia li‘om painting to \\a\ can lllg‘x.