Art listings

Paisley Museum 8; Art Galleries continued

Wish you Were Here? l'ntil Sun 3 Nos. A new exhibition ol works drawn hour the galler) 's permanent collection. Wednesday Talk: Edwardian Paisley Wed (i Nox. l2.30prn. Daxid Roberts. Paisle) .\ltiseum‘s Keeper of Archix es giVCs a talk on this fascinating period ol' the town‘s history.


(ilasgow Green. 554 0323. .\Ion 'I‘hu & Sat 10am 5pm; Fri (V; Sun

llam 5pm.

Old Ways and New Directions l'ntil Autumn. An exhibition of historic mental health items collected by (ilasgow Mtiseums since 1995.

As we Go Hi I Nos Mon l3 Jan. Paintings. drawings and writing by (ilasgow‘s Daisy Street Art (it‘ottp. a group set up b) the (ilasgow Association for Mental Health.


S70 (iarscube Road. ‘)4(r (i600.

.\lon l-ri 10am 5pm: Sun 2 5pm. The Hill House - Ten Years of Change \Ved l3 .\'ox. b.30prrt. £6 (£5 iriernbers). Anne Iillis gixes an illustrated talk on the changes that time taken place at the Hill House.


Museum ()l~ liducation. 235 Scotland Street. 387 0500. Mon 'l‘hu & Sat l0ain 5pm; l'ri & Sun I lam 5pm. Bairns and Backstreets l'ntil .\lon lo .lun. Photographs oliilasgow bx l'.tic \Valt. a member ol‘ the Queens

98THE LIST "1 U‘ '-'-N rl’

('amera ('lub since 1958 featuring ox er 30 digital prints lrorn the 50s to the 80s.


3 ('astlc Street. 553 2557. Mon 'l'hu is Sat l0am 5pm; l‘ri & Sun llarn 5pm. One Island, Many Faiths l‘nul Sun 27 Apr. Photographer Rachel Morton toured the country to discox er the dil'l‘erent experiences of faith in Britain loda}. The results is a series of photographs accompanied bx a personal statement l'rom the people inxolxed.


I00 Stobcross Road. 33‘) 063 l. Dail) 10am 5pm. £4.50t1.‘3.25); accotnpanied children l'ree.

Five Thousand Days at Sea An exhibition on board the only ('l}debtrilt sailing ship still alloat in the PK. docurrrenting her adxentures on the hiin seas belw een l8‘)7 and l9“).

Across the Water l'ntil Mon in Jun. A new exhibition exploring the histor} ol crossing the (’l_xde as the river grew in both size and importance until the demise of the ferry service in 1970. The Story of Glenlee This new permanent exhibition provides an insight into what life was what like for sea tr'axellers in l8‘)(i through a combination of graphic panels. audio trails and reconstructed areas.

Story in the Stones (Pumphouse Main (iallerx ). An exhibition looking at the impact ol‘ the iridustrial ages on (ilasgow harbour.

Morse and More (Pumphouse l.ow er

(ialler) i. A hands on exhibition. aimed at children. looking ill the world ol' cornrnunication.

"I.’ ‘x. Nests by Gareth Reid, on show at the Compass Gallery

Edinburgh Galleries


3| (irassmarket. 300 3450.

Beyond Conflict 2002 l'ntil Sat 30 .\'o\ (Metro Brasserie and Bar). In association with Aid International. an exhibition of peace banners trom the Venice Biennale 2001 accompanied b} the work of l I Belorussian artists l'rom Vllclisk.


(r Dundas Street. 557 4050. Mon l-‘ri 10am (rpm; Sat llarn 3pm.

Scottish Paintings l‘nul 'l'hu 3| ()cl. \Vatet‘colotirs and oils including works b_\ lloratio .\lc('ulloch. \Villiam Mc'laggart. Waller llugh Paton. DY (‘ameron. James \Vatterson llerald. Anne Redpath and Willie \Vilson.

New Acquisitions Thu 7 in 22 .\’m. The galler} displ;i)s its recent acquisitions including works b} Dax id l‘arquharson. \VD .\lcls'a_\. Sam Bough. lil (‘raw lord and Horatio .\lc(‘ulloch.


10 Roxal 'l‘errace. 55b l0l0. Mon Fri l0am (rpm; Sat bx appointment. Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Sat 30 \ox. Paintings from stock including works b_\ (ieorge Houston. JD l’ergusson. Maclauchlan .\lilne and l’\\‘ Adam.

CAMEO CINEMA BAR 53 Home Street. 3.?“ 4 l4 l. Ruth Beale l'ntil Sat 23 .\'ox. Drawings and other works commenting on celebritx.


3 Market Street. 5.“) 3003. Mon Sat l0arn 5pm.

Pasta: Italian Culture on a Plate

l'ntil Sat 7 Dec. Pasta. pasta. we can‘t get enough. And here' s where it all began. An exhibition looking at the histot‘} ol ltalian's national staple and the rather cool packaging that went with it

Joan Eardley: Paintings and Drawings l'ntil Sat 23 lieb. Paintings and drawings b) Joan liardIe). drawn from the ('A("s permanent collection. The selection leatures her familiar“ portraits ol (ilasgow children. land and seascapes inspired b} the lishing \ illage ol (’atterline where sllc lixed in later lilc.

Toil: Images of Rural and Urban Working Life l'ntil Sat 33 l‘eb. An exhibition ol' works rellecting aspects ol the rural wax of life and traditional urban industries leaturing Robert .\lc(ircgor. Sir James \Vingale. Ken ('urrie. Peter llowson and Kate Dow nie.

Recent Acquisitions t‘nril Sat 32 l’eb. The ('A(' tlisplzt) s its most recent acquisitions incltrding paintings b_\ ('allurn lnnes. drawings b_x (‘had .\lc(‘ail. photographs b} Nathan ('olex and a paper cut-out b} Jonathan ()w en.

Weaving Stories t'niil Sat 1 I Jan. .\ touring exhibition of conternporar} wox en torrns b_\ ten innoxatixe makers hour the Us. leaturing examples ol basket-making. jeweller} and three—dimensional structures. To Bear the Bright Tradition Back l'ntil Sat l5 l‘eb. An exhibition cornrnernorating the arrixal ot the first students at the Scots (‘ollege in Rome in l(i()2.


23 28 ('ockburn Street. 320 Dot).

'l‘ue Sun llani 5pm.

New Work Scotland Programme 9 Sat 3 NM Sttri 8 Dec. ’l‘he (‘ollectixe (iallerx continues its annual showcase ol new talent with the work ol Maurice I)ohet‘t) and Mar} Ann 'l’uckerman. NE Si l()\.".’.

Pat Flynn Sat 2 .\'ox Sun 8 Dec. New work in the project room from Pat Plum.


4| Dundas Street. 557 45(i‘). .\lon l'ii 10.30am 5.30pm; Sat |0.30am 5pm. Wildlife l'ntil \Ved l3 .\'o\. Paintings and w atercolours b) Darren Rees.


58 \ewcraighall Road. (mi) 8432.

Mon 'l‘hu Warn 4er; Hi l2.30 4.30pm. Sharing Will Save the World l'ntil Hi 8 .\‘ox. A photographic exhibition ot~ back cox ers lrom Slit/re Inter/rulirmu/ maga/ine.

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE .i Doune 'l‘erracc. 335 TIS‘). .\lon “ml is l'ri l0am 5pm; 'l‘hu 10am "pm. Sense l'ttlil l't’t l5 No\. A lwo-person show leaturing the work ol Danish artists lljot'dts llttzick and l.otle 'litttlltct‘ l.;tsscl1. llaack produces llow er paintings w hrle l.assen shows close-up photographs ot garments and textiles.


at .\larie ('urie House. 2‘) Alban} Street. 478 7050. Mon Sat l0arn 5pm. Moving Energies in .s’ rm :8 .\'m. A collaboratix e exhibition ol' work b} Barbara Berkowitx and Robert Kenn} Smith inspired b_\ rnoxenrent in dance and nature. Nl \.'.' i()\'.x


Bell‘ord Road. 034 (L300 tt'L‘s‘UI‘tlcd information 333 3200:. Mon Sat

l0am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

0 A Maverick Eye: the Photography of John Deakin t'nul Sun 12 Jan. £3 it‘ll. .lohn Deakin is perhaps not a tarniliar narne in the world ol' photograph}. btrt he is a xer} important one. Deakin I I‘ll: I‘VZI worked l'or British lirem in the late 40s and earl) 50s photographing celebrities. models and his artist and poet triends in l.ondon's Soho. In his stark portraits. he made no concessions to \anit} but in his street scenes oI

ordiirar} people. he was more \}lll[‘;llllt‘lls‘. lllls exhibition ttl pitl‘ltatls. street scenes