Glasgow Iii“


We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

Dale Winton Bortlcrx Books. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 4.30pm. 'l'hc pcrma-tan gillllL‘\ll(l\\' host \lglh copicx of his originally titlcd autobiography .llt Sin/(r.

Giles Foden Bortlcrx Book. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. 'l‘hc author ol‘ 'I‘lrt' [ml King officer/mill talks abotit his latcst nchl. Zit/iSi/mr.


Celtic v Blackburn Rovers ('cltic Park. Kcrrydalc Strcct. Parkhcad. 55! 8653. 8.05pm. Scason ’l‘ickct lloldcrs onl} £20 (£l~ll. t‘lil-IA ('up tic. 'l’hc much- talkcd about battlc of' Britain \cc\ Martin ()‘Ncill'x mcn takc on (iracmc Souncxx‘ Blackburn.


Black History Month Vitl'lotlx \cnuc‘x. 20-1 4772. Official ccicbration ol

(ilasgou '\ black histor) u ith cvcnts. cxhibitionx. tours and lilllls in \ill'lttlh locations throughout thc cit); MusicWorks 'l'hc l.igltthousc. l I Mitchcll Lanc. 221 (i362. A thrcc-day music com'cntion f’catur‘ing scminarx. cxhibitionx and conccrtx.

Overland and Overseas St (‘olumha (iaclic (‘hurch Hall. 300 St Vinccnt Strcct. 7.30pm. £4. An illustratcd talk b} thc (ilitsgow Arg) ll .-\\\ucl;ttion looking at thc \Vcstcrn lslcx and thc .\lacBra_\'nc\ \ltlps.

Other events

Ghostly Goings On l’ollok (‘ountr_\ l’ark. l’t)llt)k\lttt\\\ Road. 632 929‘).

£1 £l.50. llallowc'cn tun “ith this scar) \cnturc into l’ollok (‘ountr} Park at night. l-"ancy dress optional.

Book events

Jackie Kay (iallcry ()f' Modcrn Art. ()uccn Strcct. 287 2838. (x30pm. lircc. btit tickctcd. 'I'hc author of 'I'rum/n'r rcadx from her rcccnt collcction of short \toricx. ll'lil' Don 'I you Slop Iii/king. Scc (ia_\ \cction.


MusicWorks 'I‘hc l.ighthousc. I I Mitchcll Lanc. 221 (i362. Scc Thu 31. Ulrika Jonsson 'l'hcatrc Royal. 282 llopc Strcct. 332 9000. lpm. £4.50 tL'3l. t'lrikakaka discusxcs hcr Inc and traumas from Sn'cdcn to Swn. Scc prcx icu.

Book events First Pages @ First Nights

liastcrhouxc Library. ()5 Shandu'ick Strccl.


Whistler and (Zarfell. plus numerous historical

287 2838. 2pm. lir'cc. lili/abcth Rccdcr talks to Julia Donaldson and Annc l)ono\an about ho“ thc) bcgan to \H'llC. liastcrhousc \tritcrx also \harc lhcir ()nc l’agc \thtltlc‘t‘x.


Partick Thistle v Motherwell liirltill. 8f) l'iit'hill Road. 57‘) l‘)7l. 3pm. £15 (£8). Sl’l. football match.


MusicWorks 'I‘hc l.ighthouxc. l l .\lilchc|| l.anc. 22l (i362. Scc Thu 3|. Film Discussion Day - Discovering Gay Cinema (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. l lam 4pm. £10 (Hit. A da} of tliscthxion looking at thc rolc ot' homoxcuialit) in classic lloll_\\\ood narralhc and thc rolc ot' ga) mcn and lcxbians in thc film world. Scc (ililxgll)' l‘calurc.

Cinema of Cuba (ilasgou l’ilm 'l'hcatrc. l2 Rosc Strcct. 3.32 8l28. 2pm. An illustrach lccturc on (’uba'x cincma as ltitrt of thc l.ittino licxtnal Si ('ulm.

Other events

Kelvin River Clean Up lla'pcnn} Bridgc llouxc. liaxt Bank. Ri\cr Kchin. 946 45-12. 10.30am 12.30pm. l.\lcct at lla'pcnn} Bridgc. cast bank of Rncr Kclxinl. Join l‘l'lc‘lttlx of thc Rhcr Kclxin l'or thcir monthl} rhcr clcan-up.

Craft Fair ('otticr 'I‘hcatrc. 93 95 ll)ndland Strcct. 357 3868. 1 Iain. 80p on door. Alcratl craft fair.

Tales of Haunted Heritage .\'c\t l.anark Visitor ('cntrc. .\'c\\ l.anark. 01555 (iol3-l5. Noon 4pm. £3.95 £4.95. 'l’hc \Vttl‘ltl licr'itagc \llL‘ c‘tllttC\ :tll\L‘ at lltlx llallouc'cn c\cnl. llcar chilling talcx ol' spook} going\ on in lhc mills.

Book events

Big Word Performance Poetry Slam Nicc'ri'SIcax}. 42f Sauchicliall Strccl. 237 2838. 8pm. £4 ([5). 2t) poclx lmttlc to liccornc (ilaxgou '\ \cconti \ltlllt champion. Anita (iman and Jcin Rollx compcrc. u ith \pccial gucxl l)c\ (‘larltc. Launch of Janice Galloway’s New Poetry Collection (iallci'_\ ()l' Modcrn Art. Quccn Strccl. 287 2838. 2.30pm. l’rcc. (ialloua) '\ first book of pocmx, [lot [fool St't'. ix latttllc‘ltctl ll} .\lari\cat l’l‘c‘\\.


South Side Circular Cycle Bclk Bridgc. (‘ongrcxx Road. 07932 4(i0093. lircc. A c} clc round thc \outh sidc of thc cit} through l.inn l’arlt. \\'atcrlool and 'l‘horntonhall.

Celtic v Aberdeen ('cltic l’iirk. Kcrrylalc Strcct. l’arkhcad. 55l 8(i53. 3pm. £2l l£l2i. Sl’l. football match.

Other events

Winter Wetlands Waterbus llogganlicld l.och. l lain 3pm. lircc. lixplorc lhc uctlcr \idc of. \\ ildlil'c and \cc \\ ild mans. ducks and gccxc. Book iii ad\ancc and tiicct at thc car park on lhc da}.

9.I>‘()ain- 1pm 8. 2 (3pm: Sun 9 :">pm. free. A



Glasgow life

Swede revenge

Ulrika Jonsson. Now there’s a woman with a story to tell. From growing up in Sweden to becoming the bit on the side of the England football manager, she's

certainly come a long way or has she?

In the few years that Ulrika has been on our screens and in our tabloids she has managed to notch up an astounding number of relationships from hell. From the day she fell for the muscle bound Gladiator, Hunter, she seems to have fallen from one disaster to the next. Kiss and tells, being used as a punch bag by Stan Collymore, dumped by the father of her daughter Bo while still in hospital and finally having her affair with Sven-Goran Eriksson very publicly


Her career has also woven its way from ratings winners such as Gladiators and Shooting Stars to the not so successful Dog Eat Dog and How Do I Look? But as if her love life and career were not enough to keep her on her toes, she has also had the trauma of her daughter's illness.

With this much happening in her life, it is no surprise that she has decided to set the record straight (and make a few bucks) with her autobiography Honest. So is this a full stop finally being put to the gossip and rumours behind the life of Ulrika Jonsson? Is it snuff, since the book has come out, the rumour mill has been working over time about the well known TV celebrity she says forced himself on her, and that’s before we’ve even had a reaction from the Eriksson camp. It appears that Ulrika is not going to be taking this one lying down.

(Jane Hamilton)

I flieafre Hot/at. 282 Hope Street. 332 9000. F'i .' ’pin

Lantern Procession t'nncisii} ol‘ (ilaxgou ('hapcl. l‘ni\cr»it) Axcnuc. 940 4036. 4pm. lircc. .loin tltc (icrman- \pcaking Kindcrclub and ('ongrcgalion iit llll\ colourful lantcrn proccxxion.

Monday 4 '


Talacchanda Workshop (il;l\gt)\\ School of Art. Atrium (iallcr). lioulix Building. I58 chl'rcu Strccl. 353 458‘). Want 4pm. (Atrium (iallcr) l. Art and dancc norltxhop baxcd on ancicnl Indian conccplx.

MAX/MSP Night School (‘('.-\. 330 Sauchichall Strch 352 «1900. 030an £40

and it continues to intrigue .‘tll(l inspire

i\ol.(i() l5\?./.l)i, A popular haunt on school

i£30l. A courxc in rcal-timc intcracth c and gcncralh c programming for Lll'll\l\.


Discovering Antarctica lluntcrian .\lu\cunt. t'nixcrxit} Atcnuc. 330 422l. 12.45pm. l‘rcc. John l’aitlifull giu‘s a short talk on lhc Scottish National Antarctic lixpcdition ol' l902 1904. Donald Findlay QC Roytl ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchicltall Stl‘cct. 353 8000. lprn. £3.50 [-4. lain Andcrxon talks to thc lcading criminal dcl'cncc adx'ocatc. cx-Rangci‘x Vicc (‘hair and unionist about (il;t\gtl\\ \ \quarc inilc ol‘ intirdcr.

9/20. Mon»- lhti 8 Cat ltlam 5pm; l n 8. Sun

attractions-i .

Art Gallery 8. Museum, Kelvingrove

Argyle Street. 287 2699. Mon—Thu 8. Sat 10am-6pm; Fri 8. Sun 1 tam-5pm. Free. This fine example of late Victorian architecture houses a permanent collection of work by such names as Rembrandt. Botticelli,

artefacts and animal (fisplays.

Burrell Collection 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 28/ 255530.

Mon lhu 8. Sat

10am 53pm; Hi 8. Sun llam ’ipm. l r'ee. Sir William Burrell's world famous collection of beautiful art objects from around the globe. housetf in a specially designed, awartl Winning huiltlirig. Glasgow Cathedral Castle Street. 5):")? 8198. Mon—Sat

stone built church has stood on this site since 11136 and the lower church contains the shrine of St Murigo. who (tied around (31?; however most of the present liuiltling dates from the filth or lfitli centuries.

Glasgow School of Art

the Mackintosh (iallery. 1(3/ llerifrew Street, 13:33 11500. (‘ilasgow School of Art is Charles Rennie Mackintosh's greatest achie\ement

Visitors from all over the workl.

Glasgow Science Centre

of) Pacific Quay. 470 5000. Daily l()am tipm. S‘f).ii()~3‘lxt ($31 5‘10). Situatetl on the site of the 1988 Garden

l estival, Glasgow's S‘r'f) million Visitor attraction is a mine of information on science .‘tll(l technology.

Glasgow Zoopark (Ialtfei‘park. Utltfingstoii. [/1 lle). Dziily9.1t()am fipm.

trips. Glasgow /oopark boasts a varied collection of ahi'i‘als. Hunterian Museum Unzversity Avenue. (3:80 «1221. Mon Sat

9.1%Oaiii fipiii. l ree. [)atiiig from ‘Btli', tl‘e Hunte'iaii Musetiiii is Scotlaritl's oltlest puplic museum. W.’ll‘(l(}l' ar'oiiiitl {tll(l.’ll)f).’(?(21.’l°.(} the eclectic array on (fisplav.

Museum Of Transport

Kelvin llall. '; litirrthouse Hoatl. L”

llam iiprii. free. /\ 'iitiseum cramiiieu \‘Jlll‘. truses. trams. engines. ships and other llillill)llifll‘il'ltl. tievotetl to flirt- history of transport

People’s Palace 8. Winter Garden Glasgow Green, flow 071%. Mort ll‘u 8 Sat ltlaii‘. fip'ii; l 'l 8. Star 11am fillllL tree. (Elastiows best loved i'istitutiori has 'ecerith, tiitrlevgiorie a major faceli‘t to celehiate its centenary \(Xll'.

'.1 \k». 33.7.) THE LIST 105