Glasgow life

Tuesday 5 continued

Scottish Colourists and France lluntcrian Art (iallcr). l'nixcrsit)‘ o1 (ilaxgim. 82 llillhcad Strcct. 330 5431. 5.30pm. lircc. 1i1i/ahcth (’umming talks about thc Scottixh (‘olourixtx and thcir conncction “1111 1’rancc.


Talacchanda Workshop (ilthgnw School ol' Art. Atrium (iallcr). l-‘oulix Building. 158 RCIHTL‘W Strcct. 353 458‘). 10am 4pm. Scc Mon 4.

Other events

Clydesdale Bank Glasgow Fireworks (ilttxgtm (irccn. (ii-mid} kc Slrcct. 287 3888. 7pm. lircc. (in) l-‘aukcx ix Itttlxlc‘d in \1}‘1C “1111 the annual tircttork .xpcctacttlar and lamih cntcrtainmcnt. Scc photo caption.

Wednesday 6


Food and Drink Burrcll (‘ollc-ctiori. 20(i0 l’ollok‘xhanx Road. 287 2550. 11.30am. 1"rcc. Kirxti MacAula} ghcx a culinar) insight on lltlx thcmcd tour.

A Return Visit to Edwardian Paisley l’aixlc} Musttcm & Art (iallcricx. High SII‘CL‘I. l’tltxlC}. 33‘) 3151. 12.30pm. 1‘rcc. 1)a\ id Rohcrtx tach you hack to thc \xa) l’;ti\1C_\' \\;t\ in liduardian timcx.

Poetry and Painting (illiNgtt\\ School 0133\1‘1. ilillc Mackintosh (itlllcl‘). 1(i7 cht'rcu Strch 353 45110. 7.30pm. 1"rcc. '1'}mg in Will] thc Kcn ('urric cxhihition. 'l‘om \ortttand. author ot' Km (‘urric “(ml/x oft! .lournct' gi\c\ a lcclttrc cnlillcd Hum/x mull/1c lungtutgt' u/(imlun' in lllt' Painting of Km (tr/'I'lr’. Ad\ancc hooking rcquircd.


Talacchanda Workshop (ilthgtm. School ot~ Art. Atrium (iallct‘). lioulix Building. 158 chl'rctt' Strcct. 353 458‘). 10am 4pm. Scc Mon 4.

Other events

Sprout for your Life Grassroots. 3o Woodland Road. 353 3278. (3.30 7.30pm. £12.50. Grassroots (’ookcr) Sc‘ltttll pl'CxL‘lllx lltlx “(llllel'l‘lll lll£t\1£‘l'L‘ltt\\ on hon to grow \alad in a 111110 L‘ttl'llCl‘ 01.}001' klIL‘llL‘ll. Kll'xl) Shcphcard tcllx )otl all )ou nccd to knoti about lllc \pt‘ottlcd \ccd\ and gt'uittx.

Other events

Still Seeing Red t‘ntil so .\'m. .\1itc1ic11 1.ihrar_\. North Strcct. 287 299‘). 1‘rcc. It". likc \upcrl'an and author Bcrt Bcll. )otl “etc into 'I‘hird 1.anark 1‘oothall ('luh tltcn [his cxhihition o1 mcmorahilia l\ a lttttxt. 1i\ crything t'rom Bcrt‘x collcction 01p!‘0gl'ttlttlltC\ and photographs to \carxcx and _1L‘l‘\L‘}\ \\ ill be on dixpltt}.

Gifts Day l’rinccs Squarc. 48 Buchanan Strcct. 221 0324. 9am. lircc. ('hrixtmax gilt ideas arc highlightcd in a

Scotland Street School Museum Museur ()t [wt-treat or‘. 7/5, Scota'tii Street,


f a’a-.a-—

Remember, remember . . . Wrap up tin/arm (10(1 make like Guy l-‘ax'xkes as the Glasgo\.'./ sky is set on fire with a multitude of explosions and colours courtesy of Glasgox'.’ City COUllCll. As well as the fireworks there's extra family entertainment from Radio Clyde's George B()‘.'.’l(3 and Su/ie M(Zthll'(}. hands. entertain'iient and a funtair for the kids alter thew/e eaten enough (:andg, floss. I C/wfes la/e Bank Glasgow Fireworks. G/asgo'.'/ Green. 287 (3888. Tue :3 i‘~.’o'./.

7pm. Free.

\pccial \ltttpptllg da} tcaturing lots o1 dixcountx and cntcrtainmcnt. Psychical Research 13o} d ()rr Building. (ilaxgotx l‘nhcrxit). l'nixcrxit} Awnuc. 880 5184. 7.30pm. £3. l)a\id ('a)ton (llwtlxxcx 111C in\ Cxligtllioll 01' animal mutilation in thc l’K.

Friday 8 Talks Café Philosophiques Alliancc 1'i';tttc;ti\c dc (i1;l\go\\. 7 Bo“ monl (itll'tlL‘llx. 33‘) 4281. 4 (rpm. £5 (£3). lircnch dixcuxxion group on philoxophical qucxtionx. Annie Sprinkle Panel Discussion (‘(‘.'\. 350 Sattchicltall Strccl. 352 4900. 8pm. £5 (£41.1oin Annic and a pancl ot' ill‘11\l\ and acadcmicx to dixL‘tlsx thc plcaxurcx. [trot—11x and politicx 01 \L'\ in pcrt'ormancc. Scc (l1axga_\ lcaturc.

Other events


Bill’s Tool Store Scottish National Veterans Championships (‘ockhurn ('cntrc. 40 HUI—'lllntlt' l’lilL‘L‘. 44.5 1213. l'il'L'L‘. :\ \L‘l'lL‘\ o1. cotttpclllioltx lo mtahlixlt Sc‘oltixh National \ctcranx ('hampionx in mcn‘x

2000 Pollokshacm Roa(1.(it(3(S/11(;. Dar, 10am 5pm. 8‘0 iii-Eff»: faintly t;(:ket S‘tié.:’;i,.

28/ (L000. Mr)? 1'11181 One of the most eiega"t Sat ‘i’iaii‘. 5);)11‘1211'18. i801C(Bllttll'yl)1l|l:1|'i§13;17‘

Sari ‘ta'n fipii:.1ree. the country. this historr; *i‘ Designed :ri 100/. in; house features some o‘

(L'iarles; Henna: the truest Spanish

l‘x/1£1<j'<.111(}E;-'i£tl‘.(1Yt()‘.r'.’ paintings in Britaat ‘tifllt "5

home to £1"(2.".|‘.’(: material ()1‘(:(1t.(;£tilt)1til‘ Stxifia'm "()11‘ 18/2 (;'1'.'.’£t'(1f'). Reconstructed (iass'ue'v‘s 1; '.<: a flavour (1" Vi(,‘l()"£t.'1,

l ri=.‘./;i."1:a'i, ‘c‘Jo'Itl \Na" 11 arrri ‘ElUn; t;<;hi)(;l (lays. Pollok House

1% 3k ()rii."t',' Park,


106 THE LIST 7/2'. '-'-t\1<,.

1‘1leltl)(l(3.'1 Park.

1 etherhy Drive, (30 ._ (3100. Mort Sat 1()ari‘.-f>prii;81.ri

11am 5mm. 5‘? litre home of Sustain

llt(}(;()ll(3(21|()l‘i()18.1 William Stirling Maxwel. "" Scottish Football


\inglcx. Iadicx' xiitglcx. mcn\ douhlcx. ltldim' dottl‘lcx and mixcd dotlhlcx. Rangers v Hibernian lhro\ Stadium. lidlttNon 1)ri\c. 0870 (100 1W3. 3pm. £22 (£111.S1’1.t'oothall match.

Scottish Eagles v London Brachcatl Arcna. Kings Inch Road. chti'c“. 501 1101. 0.301311]. £12 (£o £0501; lamil} tickcl £32. Supcr-lcaguc icc hockc} match.


Garden Club Lecture Xtiigtlock ('otmtr) l’ark. ('raigallian Road. .\1i1nga\ic.‘)5(io100. 10am noon. £2. A dixcuxxion on a \\ idc rangc ot‘ gardcning topics l'olloucd h} a practical gardcn tlL‘lllUlhll‘tlllUll.

Discovering Gay Cinema Seminar ('('A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4000. llatn 4pm. £10 (£oi. A \cminar looking at thc rolc ot' Itomoxcutalit} “111110 tltc claxxic 11o11} “00d narrth c and cxamining thc cmcrgcncc o1 ga} tilm and tiltn makcrx. Including a tllxc‘llxxlttlt on ga} narrathc. ga} malc rcprcxcntation. lcxhianx and thc nc\\ quccr cincma. Scc (ilaxga} 1t‘tllllt't‘.

Super Sex Technologies (‘('.v\. 351) Sauchicltall Strcct. 352 4000. 4pm. £5 (£41. A L'l;t\\ tor “onion and all tranxgcndcrcd to lcarn a tip or luo t'rom 1)r Annic Sprinklc. 1‘in out ahottt tltc modcrn and ancicnl tcclmiqucx to build. motc and utilixc )our \c\ua| cncrg). Scc (ilaxgtn lcatttrc.

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour

tootlzall new houses the history of the neatitfi’al game 111 Scotland. 0" (tismn. :s the okt’est l‘~£11.(1".£tlll()t)lt\, l" the

Other events

Discovering the Hindu Faith St .\1ungo .\lll\L‘lllll01'RL‘llg101h‘c And Art. 2 (‘axtlc Strcct. 553 2557. 10.30am 12.30pm. lircc. A \\01’1\\110p in thc Hindu laith ch h} Mamidi 1..\' Mtllth}. t'ollo“ cd h} a \1\11 to (ilaxgotx '\ Hindu Mandir.

Garden Walk (irccnhank (iardcn. lilcndcrx Road. ('lttl‘lutott. 03‘) 3281. 2.30pm. £3 (£21. A \cricx ot~ \ialkx round thc hcautilul gardth ol' (irccnlxink llottxc. l‘ocuxing on dil'tcrcnl partx o1 thc gardcn on caclt occaxion.


Bill’s Tool Store Scottish National Veterans Championships (‘ockhurn ('cntrc. 40 Bogmoor 1’1acc. 445 1218. l'rcc. SL‘L‘ Sat 9.

Scottish Rocks v Birmingham Braclicad Arcna. Kings Inch Road. 5M 1140. 5pm. £71£511 lamih tickct £20. 11131. (’Iiampionxhip haxkcthall match.

Other events

Antique 8. Collectors Fairs .\loll' Hall. Mitchcll 'lihcatrc('omp1c\. (Bram illc Strcct. 01.714 054.555. 10am 4pm. £1 (cltildrcn t‘rccl. Brouxc or hit} t'rom a \\ idc \L‘lccllon 01 antiqttcx and collcctahlcx. Wintery Fair Mugdock (’ountr) l’ark. ('raigallian Road. .\1i1nga\ ic. ‘15o o100.

2 4pm. A multi-actitit) at'tcrnoon ot' \\intcr} cwntx.

Tuesday 1 2 ,


The Parsimonious Hypochondriac lluntcrian .\ltl\L‘lllll. linixcrxit) Atcntic. 3304221. 12.45pm. 151cc. .\1ikc JL‘\\1\L'\ ghcx a tcn-minutc talk on .lamcx Watt and tltc \cparatc condcnxcr.

Wednesday 1 3

Book events

Cafes Litteraires Alliancc 1’rancaixc l)c (ilaxgtm. " Boumont (iardcnx. 33‘) 4281. (rpm. lr'rcc. 1nlormal hook dixcuxxion group.


Scottish Eagles v Sheffield Brachcad Arcna. Kings Inch Road. chti‘cu. 501 1101. ".45pm. £12

(£o £9501; t'amil} tickct £32. Sttpcr-lcaguc icc hockc} match.


On the Edge l’aixlc} .\1u\ucnt tk Art (iallcrim. lllgll Strccl. l’;tl\lc_\. 88‘) 31.51. 12.30pm. lircc. A talk 1i) Dicrdrc .\'c1\on. The Hill House - Ten Years of Change Quccn'x ('rtm ('hurclt. 8'0 (iarxctlhc Road. 940 (tot 10. (r30pm. Ur (£5 mcmhcrxi. Annc lillix gi\c\ an illuxtratcd talk on thc changcx that lia\ c takcn placc at thc l1i11 llouxc.

Other events

Charities Christmas Fayre (it) (‘ltamhcrx (icot‘gc Squarc. 334 1051. 10am 4pm. A rangc ot('1ni\tma\ git'tx and Ctll'tlx u ill hc on dixpla} at 1111\ annual lair.

l)(?7'()1fl‘£tlt(I-i? it: :; stores; of 'kiri‘ai‘. lite, Kilt-:2 .t"1t treat". \.\:'ks'tot,s t'

\ll (xiii/c) (l \l t;...(n.t

l)(: \)’ll‘(i' \,'\ffit:\.(l

..<,.' :1, 17M} bearish (air. 1,‘.(:ltttlltlt,'1‘t, .

{l'ttl 'i‘ti<:h .'l‘.()l(‘:. Sharmanka Kinetic

The Tall Ship-At Glasgow Harbour

Gallery '{lt}8f:>::;:':‘:;r;114nm. I)":l 1 l()().'. H Katg 11:35.) L‘t‘x-i‘. [Lt ‘.

3 Street. 55):) [080. lite ‘L‘a'i: firéri‘. 831.. ‘52111. 111:1 i'ttiii. Su" 8373:": (1tft‘;f'17;‘t1"t}11

85:311 8. (Split. 5‘3 (8‘7; ir‘:ter ’05; freer Alt lt(>t."1011(1lll()(iltitl‘|(iéll t>a|iet l)(?lit)t'll‘.(}(11)\ l riuartt Bersuriskt's

r .3 I I\«I’\

(il"‘(1'-L?t‘: about Bastien}; ritzir'taiie "rt" tage hoard ‘."‘<‘: 8‘.’ (ie.".m.-.

the (Hit (Intui- tiaai

1 i. ,Jau-wmwm ,‘ .ol c “(c ,i \b H. , c, '> V” I ‘.,‘ ,\ ‘.U. .}i|,\ ). ,‘ .'\E t(,'. (. .‘,\;Ll ‘Ill‘l(,.l ll twill c) 1.. c». tn \ cl. "(>"‘ t;(IT(1;)11‘.(}1£‘.i£11‘s{1 the 11K f" on; o' ti'”.‘.'.'<>:)<1e(1Kitties. 11".} act \itivz; act-3:1.