

V I saw you (‘antti in the sweet shop. You were pink and llully. l was a jelly baby. (’ome and lick my lollipop? [7454/l V I saw you llolden. Although it was all too briel‘. Are you still chasing Amy'.’ [7454/2 V I saw you in 'l‘intlerhox. To the most beautilul "barista" ol Scotland. ('hiara [7454/3

V I saw you Allison looking like a pit bull chewing a wasp ...You are my eyerything ...(iil|. [7454/4

V I saw you. you dread locked. juggling. rockclimbing. rolly smoking nttt. Seouring the isles in .‘ylc(iees lor .shoplil'ters. ()‘rite man [it like'.’ [7454/5

V I saw you at the Arches with our (ieorge Jacket. loyely. bubbly. jubbly. l.ets tnake more nights ottt. JJ. [7454/o

V I saw you (‘raig l). (7454/7 V I saw you. You had your cleay'age top on. . .it was twice as me for a l'uller relationship and we can lunk all night? X. [7454/8

V I saw you sexy (iareth (iates lookalike behind counter at («opp Byres Rd. the Will Young lookalike. could yott be my pop idol'.’ [7454M

V I saw you Mr Buddah sitting in 'l'inderbox. A close shaye on the ttpper head. You haye a moody aura in army clothing. Hope to see yott there again sometime. ['/454/l()

V I saw you ('lint. looking as loyely as ey‘er. loye u lots. Keep it eutnin x Jackie. [7454/ll

V I saw you being neurotic uptight certainly not otttta sight idiot .\'igel 'l‘. [7454/l2

V I saw you all working in the Arches ('ale Bar (and ollice?) Thank you lor the good times. l.oye y'all. (iinger xx. [7454/l 3 V I saw you pulling at your hetn? Reply to my ad and I'll pull your stem? [7454/l4

V I saw you tnohawk boy in the lion 24-7. you were me & soul ol the bar. 'l'hat next Miller's on me. ('utey l’ie xx. [7454/15

V I saw you looking lor Lynda lound [' at the Arches Marion Key es night. l()[ ' a t-shitt. [7454/lo V I saw you Kathryn in the Iron Box ()lliee. You're so sexy. 'l'alk dirty to me. dancing girl xxx. ['/454/l7

V I saw you .slnoky eyed lady-killed by death-no. killed by you. You are better looking than l.emtny's w arts. ('an I be the hair sprouting out til you - c u in the ('it/ box office. [,'/454/l X

V I saw you the bartnan ol‘ the Arches (chel' actually. the guy in the white 'l‘-shit1). [7/454/l‘)

V I saw you 'l‘ron Bar Sat/Sun. You in blue shirt. loyer eyes. smoking. Me green suede jacket trying to catch your beautilul eyes. [7454/20 V I saw you at 'l'ron Bar. Sat. night. Yoti wearing sexy suede skirt. engrossed in eonyet‘sation with pal. we smiled. Should haye talked - me blue eyes. big smile. [7454/2l

V I saw you in the Arches you were a dream in blue - leather boa & all - please call? [7454/22

V I saw you Anna'.’ l might not remember your name. but I remember your green eat eyes. In the lion on Saturday you w ere with your l'riends. l was with a green scarl‘. [7454/23

V I saw you sexy rock chick - Lyndsay - we spoke - we laughed - bttt did not exchange numbers. You shine at the ('iti/en's 'I'heatre. [7454/24

V I saw you t‘ohhing oil the corpulent thesps in the Iron on Saturday. You. brunette bob. me. lat bloke. It's about titne ya tell a sin coming on. [7454/25 V I saw you gay guy staring at my boyl’riend in Arta. Back oll he's mine. [7454/26

V I saw you 'Susan' l'rom 'l‘eachers. in the Iron Bar. We wanted you to talk to tis. bill you looked busy. We're not stalking you. but...maybe next time... [.7454/27

V I saw you your natne (Lorna) written inside of a book I purchased (Naked lunch). I am ttsing it as part of an art work. Please get in totteh. [7454/38

V I saw you Halloween 2001 will be former in my memory (or was it (iuy liawkes Night 2()()l ). Because of that yery special Texan. Because ol liberhart. Simply because of you. 'l'hanks for making my me richer in so many ways (good handy work. too:-). llappy .»\nnixetsary? l)ein l)ich liebender Sehatl. [7454/3‘)

V I saw you working behind the bar in .\loskito Sarah .\lckee. and MI in low your auburn hair. Tried calling you bttt without any success. (iiye tne a bell. Juned ['/454/4()

V I saw you at liurry Mttrry's a couple ol' weeks ago. You smiled and waxed. l smiled. You w ere the cute brown curly haired chick. I was the guy with bright red hair and shirt. [7454/4l

V I saw you at the Q()’t‘S.»\ gig on sunday - you: tall. dark hair. grey t-shirt. damn cute. stopped me getting squashed? me: skinny. messy shoulder- length hair. continually

bouncing. l‘aney looking ottt l'or

tne again oyer col'l‘ee'.’ [7454/42 V I saw you I lth October at ('iti/en's 'l‘heatre (celebrating 25th May l‘)o7iYou had on a red t-shirt? l was in the corner in black? Thought you were cute? [7454/43

V I saw you in Bennets. Hamilton. on let September. The driyer wouldn't let me on the bus home to lidinburgh in the end. should haye gone with yott instead? [74.54/44

VI saw you in 3%. Sauchiehall Street. eyer time i cotne in. you work behind the bar. (it male. with dark hair and lots ol it. lancy a drink'.’ [7454/45 V I saw you with your massive hair and your mullin cook book. through the window ol' Bargo on Sat |2th. Maybe we can cook tip a storm together sometime.....[ 7454/46


V I saw you French clown. juggling with your balls. I was eating lire. Walk on the tightrope and tatne lions with the. [7454/28

V I saw you blotttle bombshell. l)isney-era/ed piano queen playing in the l(),\ watt studio. Meet the sometime lor l't'olics on the halls? [74.54/39 V I saw you ha/el eyes lttscious thighs. Though this may be lolly giyes a smile llolly. [7454/3t)

V I saw you sexy blonde falling down the stairs ol’ the number to bus. ('ome back. we miss the entertainment. [7454/3l

V I saw you .\'ick l‘t‘om London 28/00 on Princes Street. You— beautil‘ul wide euphoric eyes. Me-waiting l‘ot' tlte night bus. Still waiting l'or you to return. xAnnax. [7454/32

V I saw you in ‘.»\/erbaijan‘. Monkdonk. [7454/33

V I saw you Mrs l’oopy and .\lt' l'it'og. Looking l‘ot'wat‘d to seeing my .\lrs .\loolie real soon. Wayey l)ayey. [7454/34 V I saw you when l was yery drunk btit l meant what l said. I loye you tnore than chocolate & Robbie Williams. I don't wanna Rock Di. just want you l’atrick? l.oye Mandy. [7454/35

V I saw you Anita and lush. l)on't l‘eel blue as I can't wait till I work lor yott? (I'm such a kiss ass?) [74.54/50

V I saw you heat-(ted god. taling hose pump in the 'l't'ay‘et'se box ol'lice. That was a negative reality inyersion. Your deputy dawg misses you. (‘hocolate leayes xxx. [7454/37 VI saw you Ash in a box. you in pink leotard with wheels ol- steel. tne with my lingers in your butt.did you notice'.’ [74.54/47

V I saw you in the ()\lot'tl. Your l'riend sent a text lor tne. You asked me to join you but I couldn't. I would now? [7454/4‘) V I saw you (a Bennetts tall. patient. Andy who jumped into taxi. Snogging was the issue that Wednesday night. l'tl like to get down to it next time to make up lor lost time (my laultt. Do you‘.’ [7454/50

V I saw you mysterious orange l‘ruit hanging from a tree Are you not cold in an lidinburgh park'.’ I wonder il' anyone else has ex er saw you‘.".".? [7454/5l

V I saw you too lottg ago. now you're gone with your elephant shoes and hot bananas. Sorry for being pyscho text boy. hope we cart talk again someday. I x. [7454/52

VI saw you itt 'llte ('itms (’lub ey ety saturday night. 'l‘reating the boys like shit wearing your Riot (iirl "l’lcase saye me" look. Shame on you. [7454/53

V I saw you Anyone know Britta and lnga.Swedish sisters working in lidinburglusol‘tware eo./Kodak'.’lll .so they met .\lat‘k lX/lli/(ll tel no. didn't work? l did try Britta-('ontaet the? [7454/54

V I saw you dark haired man working in the Batik ol' Scotland in Stockhridge on Friday IS October. I was blonde haired girl w caring light blue long coat with my lriend taking money l'rom the cashline. We saw you looking at tts. Would you like to tneet lot‘ a drink alter work one l'riday '.’ [7454/55

V I saw you in indigo yard sunday 20 ()ctober. You tnale with dark hair me blonde haired girl in black top with lriend sitting in booth. You caught my eye sey eral times. lancy

meeting for a drink'.’ [7454/50 V I saw you Jenny. sexy Swede working at the lilephant llottse. You were as hot as the collec you brought the. and your smile was as sweet as

cakes? [7454/57

V I saw you :\ltssle Ales. met you a while back on a cold night. you tested the 3 UN). bill I lost the messageflext tne again and Hi delinitely reply this titne?.\'iek.\.\ [7454/53 VI saw you at spoiltitisland. at (’hl‘islles. he also seen yott on TV. Is your name ( iary 1’ [7454/5‘) V I saw you You worked in the ('lock a while ago. and then one day. you were gone. Do you remember talking wtih me about dopplegangers and "plum dull"? I would loye to talk some more. [7454MB

V I saw you you cute 'Sophie' look alike l't'tn 'l'he (ieot‘gian llottse. What's new 1’ [7454/ol V I saw you Leicester l.;t\\ in ('ity ('al'e as you gorged on the hangoy er brunch. 'l‘ragic you could not tray el l'rotn '(irimley' town to the 'Big ('ountry'. RK. [7454/(t3

I How to reply to a box number. .-\ll you hay e to do is send your letter to: The list ('lassiled. l4 High Street. lidinburgh. lilll l'l'li or at the ('(':\. 55H Sattchiehall St (ilasgow (i2 ill) and we w ill lor— ward it. Remember to write the Box Number clearly ill the top lelt-hand corner.

0n the nu”? . an...

V I saw you stunning dark- haired. dark-ey ed young woman on Xlo 5.40 23/“). You with curly -haired l'riend with Botticelli bag who was going out to eat. .-\re you ayailable'.’ [7454/(6

V I saw you ()h heat‘tletl bespectacled (iotl. l.ot‘tl ol. the 'l'rayerse Box ()l'liee. how we are pleased by your horse pump and chocolate leayes. (.(lllltl il be a negatiye reality in \ersion‘.’ There are sirens in the bttilding who long [or your charms. Roll on the bothy weekend? [7454/48

V I saw you .\'urse lillis. spewing into a white plastic bag at work. Bad case ol the Beadle'.’ Oh dear. ('onsultation \et‘tliel: l ill. l.ols ol' lo\e l)t‘ ()uimm & the (iimps \\\ ['/454/o4



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