Film index

Beau Travail (15).... ((‘lairc l)cnix_ l-‘rancc. 2000) l)cnix Layant. Michcl Subor. (ircgoirc (‘olin. 90min. .-\n imaginatch rcworking ol‘ llcrman

.\lcl\ illc'x noyclla Iii/It Hut/(l. Sui/or. Bum ‘li‘tit'ui/ xccx writcr-dit'cctor l)cnix rclocaling thc xottrcc inatcrial l'rom thc l‘)th ccntury Britiin nayy to thc prcxcnt-tlay l’rcnch l"orcign chion. In Marxcillc. Scrgcant (ialoup tl)cnix Layanti rccallx thc ctcntx that lcad to him bcing l'orccd to lcay c thc corpx al‘tcr bcing poxtcd to a rcmotc outpoxt in Djibouti. liaxt Africa. A work lillcd with bcauty. xadncxx and my xtcry. .\lc.xincrixing lilinmaking. l-‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

A Beautiful Mind t l2) .0. tRott llowat‘tl. LS. 2002) Rttxxcll (’rowc. Jcnnil‘cr (’onnclly. l’aul licttany. l35niin. {l Ii‘vti/ililii/ .l/iml UltL‘L‘ tnorc pt‘t‘xcttlx (‘t'ow c with lllL‘ opportunity to altcrnatc hix totigli guy rolcx (Ulla/tutor! willi ‘th‘iotlx acting' (xL‘L‘ [IA/11' lnxit/t'ri. llcrc ('row c playx John .\'axh. thc mathcmaticx gcniux during hix collcgc day x in Amcrica iit thc 1040» btit alxo a paranoid-xchi/ophrcnic. who wax ncycrtliclcxx aw ardcd thc .\'obcl l’ri/c latc in hix Inc. On tlic ncgatit c xidc of thc ctiuation. lloward'x tlircction xtinkx. llix cl't‘ortx to tnakc math intcrcxting tail dixmally. A for ()xcarx ct‘l'ort. but (' - l'or contribution to thc licld oi biopic cincnta. ('incworld. l'alkirk.

Beijing Bicycle tl’( it 0...

(Xiaoxhuai Wang. hina/l‘aiwan. 2001) Lin ('ui. Xun Zhon. Yuanyuan (iao. l l lmin. ln tliix modcrn (’hincxc ttpdatc ol' \‘ittoria l)c Sica‘x claxxic 'I'ln' Burr/r 'I'liict't'x. a poor. uncducatcd young man from thc country. \L‘L‘ut‘cx at job in Bt‘iiittg ax gt l‘lL') L‘lt‘ L‘Uttl'it‘t'. llc'x giycn a brand ncw mountain bikc. which hc ix to pay oli gradually. llowcycr. \kltt'tt il gt‘lx \lUlCll. lit‘ litttlx ltilltxcll' xcotiring tltc city looking for it in ordcr to rctain thc job. .-\x w cll ax xupcrb pcrttirinanccx. tlic lilm alxo ltuttttt'cx gorgcoux photography and tcrrilic location work. \lacRobcrt. Stirling.

Best of Czech Cartoons t\'arioti.x. ('lccltoxloyakizt. HHS-83. 00min. :\ L‘roxx xL‘L‘litm Ul- thc bcxl in (.IL'Cll poxl-wat' cartoonx. l-‘ilinhouxc. lidinburgh.

Best of Jiri Trnka (Jiri 'l‘rnka. ('Icch chtiblic. 1945-65) 1 12min. Rctroxpcctiyc of tlic tilinx ol' (‘c/ch animator 'l'i'nka. whoxc work dcyclopctl from hix paintingx l-tii‘ cltiltlt‘cn'x bookx. l'ilmltottxc. lidinburgh.

Big Wednesday tl’(i) 0.0. (John .\lilitix. LS. 1078) William Katt. (iary Btixcy. Jan-Michacl \'inccnt. 120mm. Rc- rclcaxc ol' .\liliti.x'x autobiographical xurling moyic. which t'ollowx thc liycx oi thrcc buddicx riding through thc (i0x and carly 70x on thc crcxt ol‘ a wayc. 'i'hc dircctor'x inoxt audicncc- l‘ricndly work hax gathcrcd xomcthing ol~ a cult rcptitation: hcrc'x your chancc to xcc it ax it wax originally intcndcd. (’amco. lidinburgh.

Birdcage Inn tccrt tbci (Kim Ki-tlock. South Korca. I‘Ntx‘i l00min. I‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

Blade Runner - Director’s Cut 1 tSi 0”” tRitllcy Scott. LS. 1983 llttt't‘ixon Lord. Scan Young. Rutgcr llattcr. l lomin. ()ut go thc pxcutlo-noir narration and thc tackcd-on happy cnding: in coincx a morc dclincd xcnxc that l)cckard himxcll may bc a i'cplicant. 'l’hc look and l'ccl rcmain ax pow crl'ul. and thc acting ix xupcrb. A llawcd inaxtcrpiccc ix now a rcxtorcd maxtcrpiccc. MacRobcrt. Stirling.

The Blair Witch Project t lSi 0”” tl)anicl .\lyrick and liduartlo Sanclicl. LS. 1990) llcathcr [)onahuc. Joxh Lconard. .\lichacl \\'illi;tiii.x. 00min. 'l‘crril‘ying docu-liorror lltUViC that purportx to bc an cditcd y'crxion of tlic lilm and \ itlco loot;th that Donahuc. Lconard and \Villiainx xhot in thc dayx bcl’orc thcy dixappcarcd in thc woodx around

Burkittxx illc. Maryland. \\'liilc you'rc watching you‘rc too xacrcd to think about thc clc\ct' trickx with your mind. ()dcon. l)unlcrmlinc.

Flights an iron: Lancet 8 In: tut. light to' nudonn unmi' 3‘..- b not Slitnvnu undu' 2L vae' pound: vln‘, h mxtiictiun: max uunty



32 THE LIST :11 0c: 1.". No: yet)?

Affleck and Jackson scrap in Changing Lanes

The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht) tl’(il thni Ricl'cnxtahl. (icrmany. 1032i I.cni Rictcnxtahl. Mathiax \Victnan. licni l"tihrcr. 72min. Ricl'cnxtahl indulgcx hcr twin intcrcxtx. naturc and thc occult. in thix xoincwhat clichcd dratna. Shc playx a woman who. xhtmncd by thc localx ax a witch. xpcndx hcr tinic in a grotto coininttning with thc llluc Light of purity. faith. blah. blah. l5ilmliouxc. lidinburgh. Blue Planet (L) (200] I .\lin tbc. :\n awcxonic trip around. aboy c and bcyond our planct on thc l.\l.-\.\ giant xcrccn which promptctl thc llin/ltnglmt I’m! to w ritc: ‘It a picttirc ix worth a thouxand wot'tlx. onc imagc from [fluc I’lum't ix worth a /illion‘. l.\l:\.\. (ilaxgow.

Bongja tccrt tbci tl’ark (‘hul-xoo. Sotith Korca. 2000i 89min. ()t'tbcat black comcdy about thc xcmi-xapphic rclationxhip bctwccn an alcoholic xtixhi-inakcr and a homclcxx tccnagc hookcr. Shot on l)\'. thc tilm hax a lirm anti-cxtablithcnt tonc. l‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

The Bourne Identityi IZ.-\i 0.. (Doug Liman. LS. 2002) Matt Damon. l-ranka l’otcntc. ('liyc ()wcn. (‘hrix (‘oopciz 1 18min. Damon playx a l'S-trainctl maxtcr axxaxxin who. during thc lilm‘x opcning. ix tixhcd otit of thc Mcditcrrancan riddch with bullct holcx and xul'lcring li‘om amncxia. :\.x hc attcinptx to piccc togcthcr thc jigxaw ptt/Ilc ol‘ hix paxt (with thc hclp ol' l’otcntc'x (icrinan tray cllcr .\larici. hix Statcxidc boxxcx actiyatc tltrcc morc killcrx to xilcncc him. Looxcly' atlaptctl from Robcrt Lttdluni'x 30x xpy not'cl. thix cxpionagc thrillcr workx to tindcrininc tlic clichcx ot~ tlic gcnrc. btit ultimatcly playx likc a xottpcd-tlown Bond lilm. llowcy ct‘. Liman kccpx tlic action lixcly and bccl‘cd-up Damon acquitx ltiinxclt w cll. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Bowling for Columbine t ISi (Michacl .‘yloorc. LS. 3002) Min tbc. l’rcyicw .xcrccning ol' .\loorc'x .xupcrb doctinicntary inycxtigation iitto .-\mcrican gun culturc. With thc l'S gotcrnincnt waging war abroad and doincxtic \ iolcncc. l'roin ('olombinc to \Vaxhington. raging ottt of control. thix ix tinicly and tcrril’ying xtul'l' indccd. But .\loorc'x xatirical approach kccpx thc lilm ax cntcrtaining ax it ix thought-protoking. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow. Camille tl’tii ((ictit'gc (‘ukmz t'S. 103m (ircta (iarbo. Robcrt 'l'ay lor. Lioncl

Barry niorc. 108mm. .-\ dy ing courtcxan tallx in loyc with a young man who rcturnx hcr al'l‘cctionx only tor hcr to dic in hix arinx. Baxcd on Alcxandrc l)umax' noycl. ('umi/It' liax (iarbo in hcr moxt popular rolc. llcr uniquc magic chartn. (‘tikor‘x xharp dircction and atmoxplicric xcttingx tranxl'orm tliix prcdictablc lt)\ c-tragcdy into a claxxic. 'l'hc linalc xhowx 'llhl how much ol‘ thc tilin'x xucccxx rclicd on (iarbo'x cniginatic

prcxcncc and imagc. lidinburgh l-‘iim (iuild. lidinburgh.

The Challenge tccrt tbc) ixtilton Roxntcr/Luix 'l‘rcnkcr. l'K/(icrmany. l‘).‘~t\’i Luix 'l‘rcnkcr. Robct‘t Douglax. Joan (iardncr. 70min. 'l‘wo notablc tingx about thix prc-war (icrinan/Britixh co-production about thc lirxt attcmpt to climb thc .\lattcrhorn: thc xpcctacular mountain photography and thc xcriptwritcr - liincric Prcxxburgcr. 'l'hc Filmhouxc. lidinburgh. liilttthouxc. litltttburgh.

:5 Changing Lanes t tSi 0000 tRogcr .\lichcll. LS. 2002) Bcn At‘licck. Samucl L. Jackxon. William Hurt. (Minin. l)oy lc (iipxott tJackxon i. a rccoycring alcoholic lighting to kccp hix kidx in a cuxtody battlc with hix cx-wilc. and high tlying attorncy (lay in Banck t.-\l‘ticcki arc inyolycd in an auto accidcnt on a .\'cw York t'rccway. From thix xcctningly xinall altcrcation. a xcqucncc ol' ctcntx ix xct in motion that w ill .xcc Banck and l)oylc xcriouxly nicxxing with cach othcr oycr thc courxc of a ycry long (iood Friday. (‘lmngmu Luna ix an intclligcnt. gripping thrillcr. 'l‘hc optimixtic cnding. howcycr. ix xomcwhat out of placc. Scc rcyicw. (icnct‘al t‘clcaxt‘.

Charlotte Grayi 15)... ((iillian .'\rm.xtrong. LR. 2002) ('atc Blanchctt. Billy (‘rudup. Mich;th (iambon. 121mm. 'I'licrc'x a lttndamcntal flaw in thix adaptation of Scbaxtian l’aulkx‘ noycl about a young Scotx woman who ix traincd ax a xpy by thc Britixh Army during World War ll and droppcd into occupicd l-‘rancc to work with thc chixtancc moycmcnt: it'x about ax tcnxc ax an cpixodc ol‘ ‘.-llln. 'ullu. 'l‘hc tilin l‘ocuxcx too much on thc charactcrx and not cnough on thc action. In contcnting liiinxclt with charactcr arc and ritcx ol' paxxagc narratiy c. xcrccnwritcr Jcrcmy Brock and Armxtrong hayc abandoncd thc hcightcncd drama ot~ thc xtory. l-‘inc pcrl'ormanccx. though. Stcr ('cntury. lidinburgh.

The Cider House Rules 1 tit .00 tl.a.xxc llallxtrom. LS. 2000) ’I‘obcy Maguit‘c. .\lichacl ('ainc. ('liarli/c 'I‘hcron. l2(iinin. .\laguirc takcx thc lcad ax llontcr \Vcllx. an orphan who growx up to continuc lltt‘ woi'llty work ol- ltix ntcntor zttttl xurrogatc latlici'. l)r Larch t(’ainci. ()n routc to manhood. lloincr undcrtakcx a xinall- xcalc odyxxcy around l‘l-ltlx ch lingland. during which timc hc workx on an applc farm and hax an al‘l‘air with farm ow ncr ('andy lx’cntlall t'l‘hcroni. Soincwlicrc

bctw ccn lrying'x .xcrccnplay and llallxtroin‘x dircction thci‘c‘x an o\ crabuntlancc ot' xcntimcntality which undcrmincx lr\ ing'x brand of tragi-conicdy. Adam Smith. Kirkcaldy.

Clockstoppers (I’m 000 (Jonathan l‘rakcx. LS. 2003) chxc Bradford. l’atila