(iarcex. Michael Biehn. ‘)-1Iiiin. .\ futuristic w I‘ixtwatch catapults hiin xcliool xtudent /.ak (Bradford) into ‘hypertimc‘. where the world Ix fro/en. yet he and hix beautiful llixpanic girlfriend ((iai'cex) can move around freely and have lotx of innocent fun. l‘ntil the ev il head of Quantum ‘l‘eclinologiex (Biehii ). w ho wantx to take over the world. kidnapx and threatenx to kill /.ale xcicnce teacher Dad. for all Its neat Idcax. xna//y f/\ and youthful energy. mix Ix by the numberx kiddie xci fi. (ieneral releaxe.

The Company of Wolves t ts) (.\'eil Jordan. l'lx'. 1084) Angela l.anxbury. l)a\ id Warner. (iraham ('I‘ow den. Brian (iloy ei'. 05min. Senxual and gory cinematic realixation of Angela ('arter‘x sexually charged parables of puberty and werewolf- phobia. lixplicit special effects are not. however. the best vehicle for the implicit undercurrents in ('aiter's fiction. l-‘ilinhouse. lidinburgh.

Cuban Cinema in the 90’s Min the. An illustrated talk with film clips which asks the question how has (‘uban cinema been able to survive the country‘s economic crisix. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow.

Cyberworld (Pm (Join) Min Ihe. .‘x‘ew .il) film for the giant xcreen featuring animated characters from xiii: to The Sim/twin. lM:\.\. (ilaxgow.

Czech Animation for Kids (PU) Min tbc. (‘Iech animation filnIx for children. l‘ilinhouxc. lidiuburgh.

Devdas (l’(i) Min tbc. :\xian cinema prexcntation. (il‘l. (ilaxgow: North lidinbui'gh .-\I'tx (‘entre. lidinburgh.

Dog Soldiers ( l5) 0... (.\'ei| Marxliall. l'lx'. ltltlli Sean l’ertw ee. lx'ev In Mclx’idd. limina (’Ieaxby. ltHInIn. 'l‘hix BrItIxh werewolf movie deliverx flexh~ ripping gore. edge of-the-xeat xuxpenxe and wicked black humour. leaving one drained btit thoroughly entertained. Yet it never xhoI't-changex itx deftly drawn characterx. a squad of Britixh xoldierx on manoeuxi'ex m

the Scottixh llighlandx who fall prey to some lanky lycanthi‘opex. l’itting down to earth xoldierx againxt down-and dirty

w ei'ewobcx. director Neil Marxliall xtI'Ipx away any xuperfluoux xupei'natural dressing. Ironically. the xcai'ier the film getx. the funnier It becoinex you laugh out loud iuxt to release the lemma ()deon. l)uIIlei'III|me. Dogtown and Z-Boys t IS) 0-0000 (Stacy l’crlata. l‘S. lelll I SUIIIIII. What Inakex ling/rm II um/ / Hm \ xo desperately e\citIng'.’ It Ix a documentary feature. one that tracks the key ex eltlx that led to the birth of the now ubiquitoux ‘Inodern \ei'tical' or ‘\ert‘ xty le of xkateboai'ding. Maybe it'x the way that director and original X—Boy. l’ei'alta cIitx together xtill photographx. vintage film footage and new interview material to form a fluid and vibrant narrative. Maybe it's the kick-ass punk rock soundtrack featuring the likes of Iggy and The Stooges. Jimi Hendrix and led Zeppelin that punctuatex the may giving energy and raw power to the low - slung skate style of the Z-Boy-s. it could. however. be that Duelrm'n perfectly captures the fuck-off-and-die attitude that propelled tw clve kidx from the wrong xide of town into the public conxciouxnexx. (‘aIneo. lidinburgh.

£3 Donnie Darko I I5) 00.. (Richard Kelly. l'S. ltltlli Jake (iy llenhaal. Drew Barrymore. l’atrick Sway Ie. l 13mm. Kelly ‘x debut feature ix a mexnIeI'I/Ing science fiction fable w hIch pIixlIex the concept of cinematic time travel Into a

w hole new diinenxioir ltx soninambiilant teenage protagonixl xeeinx to xlip Into a parallel llltt\t‘l\C. where a giant demonic rabbit called l‘rank pi'oclaiinx that the world w ill end In ZS dayx. (i houix. ~12 minutex and II xecondx. Set in WISH. thix genre bending liliii Ix not only an Intriguing meditation on time tray el and a deeply (lixturbing horror inox ie. it Ix alxo a John llughex-xty Ie coIiiing-of-age movie and a black comic xatire on Reaganite greed.

“The best British film A of the year”...





“An extra-ordinary,


. .W'M' Films FWCOUNCI. \_'


individualism and ('hrixtian fundamentalism. Selected releaxe. Dracula (l’(i) O... (Tod Browning. t'S. l‘Hl ) Bela Lugosi. 7lmin. The original .'\lllCl'lL‘tlll classic. Hollywood's definitive \t'l‘xltitl of Bram Stoker's vampire tale. It reinainx l.ugosi'x most famous role and. (lexpite appearing somewhat camp now l.ugoxi‘x performance and the atmospheric film ax a whole still impresses. l-‘ilinhouxe. lidmbui'gh.

Enigma ( I5) 0... (Michael .-\pted. l'lx'. ltltll I l)ougray Scott. Kate \Vinslet. Saffron Burrows. l 17min. Toni Jericho (Scott). a crack WWII codebreaker. is called back from premature retirement to break the Na/ix‘ new cypher. ()n hix return. he discovers that ('laire (Burrows). the woman who broke his heart. has gone missing and. with the aid of her housemate (Winslet). begins to discover that she was not entirely what she seemed. Apted‘s screen adaptation of Robert llarris's best- xelling novel is. rarely enough. both relatively faithful and rather good. though scriptwriter Tom Stoppard increases the love interest and fiddles the plot a little. but the mixture of cynicism and heroism that cliai'acterixed llarrix'x characters ix undiluted in the film. lidinburgh I‘ilm (iuild. lidinburgh.

ET - the Extra-Terrestrial (1') 0... (Steven Spielberg. l'S. MRI/3003) l)ee Wallace-Stone. lleniy 'l‘hoinax. l’eter (‘oy-ote. lltlmin. For the twentieth anniversary of this fable about a peaceftil alien marimned on liaith. Spielberg liax dusted off his beloved original and re- releaxed it in a new and improved form featuring digital tinkering (li'l"x eyes. for example. have been ‘enhanced' to make him appear more alien) and never before \L‘t'eeltetl xcenes such ax li'l‘ hay ing it bath. But most interesting is the excision of all the lirearmx the American authorities chasing li'l’ and his human friend lilliot are now armed with nothing more threatening

melancholic- masterpiece”

Sunday He. ~ I

tilt"- m?-

index Film

than mobile phoiiex. There's something a bit precious about this kind of cleansing of the film. Still. as a fantasy adventure for kids and ‘adult kids' alike. If'l’ remains some kind of modern classic. (il’l‘. (ilasgow. Eternal Love (PU) (timsi l.tlbitsclt. US. 1929) John Barrymore. ('amilla Horn. Victor Varconi. 77min. liarly silent l.ubitsch film with Barrymore playing a rebel fighting the invading l-‘rencb way up in the Rocky Mountains. The liilnihouse. lidinburgh. l-‘ilmhouse. lidinburgh. Everest tl') (Various. l'S. 2002) Min tbc. [MAX big screen presentation. lMAX. (ilasgow.

The Eye t l5) 0.. (Danny and ()vide Pang. 'l‘hailand. 2002) Lee Sin-Jie. Lawrence (‘how. So Yut Lai. 99min. This chiller from the Pang brothers (Bangkok Dangerous) reworks an old horror movie idea: newly grafted body parts exhibiting traits of the deceased donor. Here. a comea transplant has the unwanted effect of allowing a formerly blind young woman to see dead people. Blurred images. slo-mo camerawork and an over saturation of light and colour make The live a visual treat. quite suited to the murky twilight Zone of the Asian horror film. But where. say. Ring had induced hair-raising horror. The live falls short with a slow-building sense of unease and denouement that offers Iio surprises. l'nderwhelming. Selected release.

Following ( IS) mo ((‘hrisiupher Nolan. l'K. HMO) Jeremy Theobald. Alex llaw'. Lucy Rtissell. 70min. Struggling young writer Bill ('lheobald). who randomly follows strangers around London for inspiration. is caught and apprenticed by compulsive burglar (‘obb (Haw). l’eopled by noirish archetypes. Iii/lowing is taut and engrossing. and touches on the theme of voyeurism as (‘obb's showman exploits Bill's stalker impulses. Nolan's film could prove to be as significant a debut as Blood Simple. l’l'll ('inema. lialkirk.

.51 Oct ft Nov 1’00? THE LIST 33