Film index

Frailty 4. ISi 0... (Bill l’axioii. t'S. thlli llill l’axton. .\latthc\\ .\lc('onaugltc). l’tmcix lloothc. llllllltlll. l‘iiii/Ii hcginx \xitli l’cntoii .\lciltx t.\lc(’tiiiauglic} i going to thc 'l‘cxax FBI licatltitiai'tcrx to tcll him and liix lirothcr’x xtor). xtai'ting \xlicn thcii' lathcr tl’axtoni had a \ ixion l'rom (iod. commanding him to kill llic ‘dcmoiix' that li\c on liai'tli in human loi'iii. cht knomi ax an actor. l’axton \llti\\x rcal talcut lichind tlic camcra; il‘x an old xl} lc lilm in \\lilL'll thc \ iolcncc ix implicd i'atlicr than \l]ti\\ll. Axxtirctl ctilt xtatux it not morc. l'i‘iii/ii ix mattirc and thotightlul cincina. ()dcon (it) (critic. (ilaxgtm; .\lacRohcrt. Stirling. From Son to Salsa (Yo Soy, Del Son 3 La Salsa) ll’( il tngtiliL‘l‘lti l.tipt‘/. (‘tiha/l'S. l‘)‘)(n 107mm. .-\ laxcinating lilm charting xalxa‘x lilxltil'} and grtmtli. (il’l‘. (ilaxgon.

The Gift t l5) 0.. tSam Raimi. l'S. 200] i ('atc lilanclictt. Kcanii Rcc\cx. Katic llolmcx. l l lmm. lt‘x iiiui‘dcr in tlic \llt;tlllti\\ll lirixtoii. (icot‘gia \thcn tlic xaxx_\ tlaiightcr of thc \\ calth} King lamil). chxica tlloliiicxi. gocx mixxing. Wilc-hcatiiig t‘L‘tlliL‘ck l)tililttc littl'lxxtlttlc tRcc\ t‘xt ltIUl'x\ guilt}. cxpcciall} uhcn local [I\}k‘lllk‘ .'\llltlL' \Vilxon tlllauchctti hax an incriminating

\ ixion. lltm c\ ci'. lliix licing a xtipcrnatiiral “lititltlllllil. all ix not \\ hat it xcciiix. Bill} lloh 'l‘hoi'iitou'x xci'ipt lcixurcl} introduccx. litll lit.‘\ L‘t' \lt‘l‘t‘til) [it‘x lllL‘ \\ lillL‘ ll'Aixli communit}. uhilc Rainii'x dircctiou ix admiralil} unohtriixn c and tlic linc caxt tlocx itx job. But \\ ith a comoltitctl xcricx ol [iltit l\\ixlx. I‘llt' (ii/l lcclx ttiti long. ()tlctilt. l)lllllt‘t‘lllllllL‘.

The Guns of Navarone tl’(il iJ l,cc ‘l'liompxon. l‘lx'. 1001 i (ircgoi‘} l’cclt. l)a\id Nncii. .v\nthon} ()uinn. Richard llarrix. 157mm. (ircgor) l’cck xtai'x in thix .-\lixtair .\lacl.can adaptation in which our World War ll lici‘ticx takc out l\\ti big gun poxtx on a ’l‘izrlxixh clil'l’. St lli'itlt"x (‘cnti'tn Edinburgh.

The Guru 1 15) 0.. tl)aix} Vtin Schci‘ici'. l‘S. 2002i Jimi \lixti'}. llcathcr (iraham. .\l;ii'ix;i 'l‘oiiici. ltlllinin. 'l‘lic .\'uiiilig llii’l tcam do liollpxood. l)ancc tcaclicr Ramu (itipta t.\lixtr} l mo\ cx ll'tilll Bomlia) to cht Yoi‘lx to ptirxuc hix drcam oi lit-coming an actor. But tlic onl_\ ioli Iic can liiitl ix on a porn film and. tiiil'oi'tunatcl}. lic can‘t gct it up. llclp ix on hand. hon c\ ci'. \thcu hix co-xtar Sharonna t(iraliaiiii takcx pit} on him and xtartx going him adxicc on iiiipi'ming hix xcxual pcrl’ormancc. Suhxctiticntl} Ramu rcalixcx hix drcam ol' hccoming a xtar h_\ paxxiiig himxcll till ax a xc\ guru. mi\ing liollpmod tlancc mo\ cx \\ itli Sli;ii'oiiiia\ ad\ icc. 'l‘lic occaxionally liilariotix rcxultx ma) makc _\our tl)clliii hcll) aclic. l’l'll (‘incma. l‘alkirk.

Halloween: Resurrection t ISi

. lRlL‘lx‘ Rtixclllllztl. 1.5. lellll lilhltt Rll_\lltL‘\. Bianca Kailich. Jamic (‘urtix. 04min. ‘l'lic cighlh xctiticl to John (Xii‘pciitci’x dclinitn c horror llItH. ic ix ax boring and unimaginatn c ax thc lii‘xt. alxo dircctcd ii} Rtixcnthal. .-\ litinch oi lxitlx xpcntl a night in px}clio killci' .\lichac| .\l}ci'x' old hotixc. for a ‘daiigcrtainmcnt'

Sun 3rd Nov

Following (15) 5 30pm The Guru (15) 7:30pm Thurs 74th Nov

Memento (15) 7 30pm Mon 18th Nov

Talk to Her (15) 7 30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

34 THE LIST ’2' /)’,'. '-1 Nu. .’“ "

xllti“ \xliich \\ ill lic hroadcaxt 'liu" on tlic liitcrnct. To add a littlc xpicc to thc procccdiiigx. thc \llti\\ ‘x opportunixt produccr l'i'cddic llarrix lRll} mcxi tlrcxxcx up ax .\l_\crx and xtalltx tlic darltcncd liouxc. churi‘cctcd tor a hricl' camco. .\l}t‘i'x' long- \llllt‘l'lllj.’ xixtci' I.atiric Strodc t(‘urtixi dicx altcr tcn iniiititcx. So too docx thix moriliund proicct. (icnci'al rclcaxc.

He Loves Me . . . he Loves Me Not t lli tl.actitia ('olomhani. l‘rancc. 2003i .-\iidrc} ’l‘autou. Saiiiucl l.c Bilian. Ulmin. l’rcx lL‘\\ xcrccning of tlic olixxcxxix c lo\ c thrillcr \xiih .-\mc|ic xtai' 'l‘autou taking tlic lcad ax a collcgc xtudcnt in lo\ c \\ illi an oldci' man. ('oloinliani \iill lic at lliix xci‘ccning to tallx about Mr lilm dcliut, l‘iliiihouxc. litlinhtirgh.

High Crimes t IZi ooo t(‘ait l’i'anltlin. IS. 3003) :\xlllL‘_\ Jtidd. .\lorgan l"rcciiiaii. Jim (lixa/icl. l 15min. l.;l\\}L‘l' (‘lairc Ktihilt‘x id} llic Marin ('oiint}

lil'cxt} lc c\aporalcx \\llt‘ll licr huxliantl 'I‘oiii ix arrcxtcd h} tlic militar) policc. 'l‘lic} xa} hc'x an c\-co\ crt opci'ationx xpccialixt \xho gunncd doun innocciil \ illagcrx in [ii Sahatlor. llc clainix hc‘x thc lall-gu} tor a high lcxcl cmcr-tip. Judd \lxlllllll} halanccx pi'tilcxxioiial cool and ciiiotional iiai\ctc.

\\ ith liiic xlll‘l‘url l'rtim l‘rccman ax hcr ‘xt iltl card' axxixtant. A compctcnt l'gal pot~hoilciz lliix ix likc \xatcliing a xlxill'ul l;i\\}t‘i‘ pi'cxcnt an clotiticnt but “an cd caxc. .\'o mattcr him much attcntion hc la\ ixhcx on thc charactci'x. pi'occdtiral dctailx and moral aiiihigtiilicx. thc xttir_\liiic itixt \ton't xtantl lip. (it‘tit‘l‘ul l'L‘lt‘tlxt‘.

Human Body it'i it'S‘. Ztitit i .\liii llic. Siiiitilatioii ritlc liringing )oti thc l'ull-hloxtn \Hillle'l' ol' all llioxc rcall}. rcall} xmall placcx lll\ltlL‘ ttx. l.\l.~\.\. (ilaixgtm.

I Wish I Had a Wife tccrt thci tl’aclx llciing-xik. South Korca. 3001) 123mm. A lo\ c xick hankci' \thti can‘t gct marriagc ol‘l' hix mind mcclx a l'oi‘iiicr claxx matc and linall} lltllllx\ lic‘x l'ouiid hix match. .\ kind til. lL'\\ chccx} \ct‘xititi till xtiiiictliiiig lilxc Slvv/i/i'n in Scull/r. l-iliiilioiixc. lidiiihtirgli. Ikingut tl'i t(iixli Snacr lirliiigxxoii. lccland. 2000i 37min. Icclaiitl. hiiiidi'cdx ol~ )carx ago. litiax ix a litllc ho} uhtixc \illagc gctx \ ixitctl h} a monxtcr “ltti lloatx aci'oxx lllL‘ \L‘il till it lilticlx til it‘t‘. “(HIS li'icx lti lilitl otit ahout lliix dcmon and in thc pi'occxx liiidx himxcll' .i ncxx lricntl. Supci‘ior kidtlicx iiio\ic. Mackohci't. Stirling.

I’m Going Home mm 00..

i.\laiioc| dc ()|i\cii‘a. l"rancc/l’tii‘tugal. Ititlli .\lichcl l’iccoli. John .\la|lxo\ich. ('atlici'inc l)cucti\ c. ‘)()miii. .v\t 03-}cai'x-old. tlii‘cctor .\laiiocl dc ()li\cira ix xtill producing ('anncx l‘iliii l‘cxtnal \toi'th} lilmx. I'm (iii/iii; lliinu' lolloux a xticccxxltil l’arixian actor ax lic tlcalx \\ illi tlic auto craxli tlcatlix til liix \xilc. dauglitci' and xoii in la“. \Vitli ilitixl til tlic xttii‘}tclltiig lclt to ciiiciiiatograpli} and lacial cxpi‘cxxitinx.

\ lt‘\\t‘l'\ ai‘c loi'ccd to conxlantl) tlucxtioii

Integrity, integrity, integrity in Laissez-Passer

thc inncr-uorkingx and l'cclingx oi cach cliaractcr. 'l‘liix ix not paxxix c \ icuing. li\tcntlctl xccnc xliotx and a xccmingl) alirtipl ciitling. might tax xomc \ ic\\ ci‘x. (‘(‘.v\. (ilaxgtm.

The Importance of Being Earnest tl‘i 0.. t()li\ci l’ai'kci‘. l'K/l‘SA. 3003i Rupci't li\crctt. ('oliii l'ii'th. Jtitli lk‘ttcli. ()7ltttti. l‘lilllx til' ()xcut' \Viltlc.x

‘tri\ ial comcd} l'oi' xcriotix pcoplc' \xill lic morc than lamiliar \tith tlic plot. Rural gcnt Jach \Voi'tliing tl‘ii'tlii lll\ ciitx an cri'ant lirothcr callcd liariicxt ax a mcanx ol‘ cxcaping thc iiiiindaiiiiicx M a lllt‘ in thc cotiiiti'}. Jack. or i'athcr liarncxt'x partnci' iii-- crimc. thc \xil) .r\|g_\ Moncricl't' ipla} cd to pci‘l'cction to lixci'ctti alxo hax a madc<iip l'ricnd \\ ho hc \ ixitx in thc cotiiitr) to outrun tlic dcht collcctorx \tlio ptirxuc him in tlic cit). lliix doiihlc diialit} comcx a ci'oppci'. though. “llL‘ll hotli mcn go courting \\i\cx t\\‘it|icrxpoon and ()‘(Xinnori 'l'hc cnxtiiiig larcc. c‘tiittlllclctl \ it! \\.lltlL‘l\ lit'illlunll} \xitt} cpigraiiiiiiatic xt_\ lc t ‘.v\uxti'alia'.’ I'd xtitiitcl' tllL'l‘ i. ix il tlcltgltl lti utilclt

although committcd \Viltlcanx \\ ill lintl that thc} l'tii'cxcc thc punchlincx licltit‘c thc) happcn. Dominion. lidiiiliurgh.

Indra t lSi ilndia. 2002) Min thc. .'\\l;lli ciucma pi'cxcntatioii. l‘('l. lidinhurgh. Insomnia t l5i O... i('lii'ixtop|ici‘ Nolan. l‘S:\. 21)t)2i:\l l’acino. Rohiii Williamx. .\lai'tin l)ono\an. lltS’min. \olan rc-dircctx thc .\'or\\ cgian thrillci' ol' tlic xamc namc ax a xmai'tl} -plottcd ih_\ llillai'} Scit/i .'\lllt‘l'lL‘;tll crimc di'aiiia “lllL‘ll halanccx linc chai'aclcrixation and tlicmatic concci'nx \\ llll xttinmng xct [ilt‘L‘t'\. 'l'lic lilm ccntrcx on a liuttlc til \\ illx licl“ L't'll l’acino'x \t‘lL't'dll cup and \Villiamx' tlixturliingl} normal killci'. Said hattlc mum in tlic nortlicrn :\l;l\lx.'llt to“ nxliip ol' Nightmutc. a placc ol' pcrpctual da_\liglit \thcrc l’aciiio‘x \Vill I)oi'incr can't gct no xatixt'action. uc\cr mind xlccp. You‘rc llllllle‘l} to xcc xiich conlidcnt gcnrc liliiiiiialxiiig comc out ol' llollpxood again tliix _\car. (‘(‘.-\. (ilaxgon; \lacRohcrt. Stirling.

Into the Deep it'i tt‘S. ltitil l .\lin thc. RI) l.\l:\.\‘ pi‘cxciitation. l.\l.r\.\. (iluxgtm. Iris t l5) 0... iRichard li_\rc. l'lx'. Ziltll l Judi l)ciich. Katc \\'inxlct. Jiiii Broadhcnt. Ullmin. 'l‘hc lo\ c xtor} ol' too of thix ccntui') 'x iiioxt xignilicant \tritci'- acadciiiicx. lrix Murdoch and .loliii Ba) lc}. ix lo\ iiigl} ci‘catcd liom Ila} lc} 'x rcccnt mcmoirx. lt ultiiiiatcl) plotx \liii'docli'x tlcxccnt iiito tlic agoiiixiiig log til :\l/llt‘llllt'l"\. hut ix intci‘ ctit \\Illl xcciicx ol' thc cai‘l}. lcnlaln c lo\ c licl\\ccti tlicxc t\\o ()xlord xtai'lctx. Although tlic latci' _\cai'x arc iiioi'c lll\til\ mg than tlic carl} oncx. tlic t\\o nai'i'atncx x\\ itch \titli tlclt xliclxucxx. 'l'alxc tixxucx. )0“ might iiccd .i lc\\. \laclx‘ohcrt. Stirling.

The Iron Giant «ti 0... ilti-ad Bird. l’S. I‘N‘h \‘oiccx ol .lciiiiilci .'\lll\ltilt. llari’) ('oiiick Jr. \in l)icxc|. Stimm In tliix

animatcd lilm adaptation ol' 'lctl lliighcx'x claxxic cliiltlrcn'x \ltit'} ahotit a ho} “liti lk‘ll'lL‘lltlS a Stilt. i'ohot li'om oulci' xpacc. thc action ix tranxportcd l'roni rural lingland to xlllilll-lti“ ii .-\mcrica in thc latc l‘)5()x. 'l‘hc rcxultmg lilm ix a laxt-iiimiiig thrilll'cxt lcattiriiig hongo—hcatiiig licatuikx. a grcat rockaliill} xouiidtrack and cxploxn c dcxtruction on a grand xcalc. Thix hcing a lxidx lilin. through. it'x \ iolcncc “illi a conxcicncc. North lidinhurgh .-\rtx (‘cntrc. lidinhurgh.

The Islet lSi iKiiii Ki-l)colx. South Korca. 300th 85min. ()n a i‘cmotc lixliing ixlc. thc groundxkccpcr \tomaii \\ ho xcllx licr liod} to lixhcrmcii h) night. ix laxcinatcd h} a llL‘“ arri\al. an c\-cop \\ ho murdcrcd hix iiiilaithliil \\ il'c. Bi/arrc and griicxomc chillct‘. l‘ilmhouxc. lldinhiirgh. Ivansxtc I IN) .... tlici'nartl Rtixc. l‘S. Ititili l)ann} lliixton. l’ctcr \Vcllcr. I.ixa linox. 93min. liixpircd h} thc rcal-lilc \UlL‘ltlL‘ ol' l'ormci' Holl) “(ititl talcnt agcnt \\lllltlL'l'l\llItl Ja} .\loloiic‘}. and h} thc 'l'olxtti} no\ clla I'lit‘ [hail/i n/ liiiii l/Ht/l. lt‘tlllH/t‘ ix a triumph for Britixh dircctoi' llcrnard Roxc. In thc tradition of lilmx likc 'I'lit’ I’luu'r. tliix ix partl} a \ciiomoux xatii‘c on lloll) uood‘x xpirittial lianlxi'uptc}. hcrc pcrxonilicd h) \Vcllcr'x monxtrotix. xc\uall} rapacioux xtar. But xupcrhl) xhot on digital \ idco. litiiiult‘ ix alxo an allccting xtud} of an indi\ idtial torccd to confront hix on ii nioi'talit} and thc mcaninglcxxncxx ol' hix c.\ixtcncc: thc plnxicall} commanding lliixton ix xiipcrh in thc ccnti‘al rolc.

com c} ing hotli hix chai'aclcnx xtirl'acc charm and hui'gconiiig dcxpair. ()dcon .v\l 'l‘lic Qua}. (ilaxgoxt; (‘;iiiico. lidinliui'gh. Jason X l l5l .. (Jilllicx lxtltit‘. [-5. 2002i Kaiic lloddcr. l.c\a l)oig. \lai'ktix l’arilo. 10.5mm. 'l‘hix ix thc tciitli ol'l'ci‘ing in thc l'i'it/iit I/It’ /.i’I/i li‘aiichixc. 'I‘hc lilm l'caturcx Jaxon \'oorhccx: 'I‘lic l'nxtoppahlc Killing .\lacliiiic. ci')ogciiicall} l'ro/cii tiiiachctc iii handi in 2010. and auolxcn 445 _\cai'x latci' ax a xort ol' 'lci'iiiiiiatoi‘ on thc xpaccxliip iii .I/i‘t'ii. l’laycd conxixlcntl} l'or laughx. l‘ormcr xpccial cl‘l'cctx nian-turncd dii'cctoi Jamcx lxaac uringx ax much ax lic can from thc olix ltillxl} motlcxt litidgct. But lic ncwi' managcx to xtixtain an} rcal tcnxion. and ultimatcl} lailx to add amthing ol~ much intci'cxt to an} of thc gciii'cx on tllxtilzt) licl'L‘. ()tlctin ('il) ('cltli't‘. (il;l\_‘_'tl\\. Jeepers Creepers i 15» 000.

t\'ictor Sal\a. l'S. Ziltil l (iina l’hilipx. Jtixtiii ‘Jtlmin. .li'i'pt'ri ('I‘c't'lit'lw gt‘lx oil to a gi'cat xtai't: 'l'rixli tl’liilipxi and Hart) tl.ongi arc xixtcr and l‘l‘tilllt‘l' tll'l\ mg homc during thc xpriiig lii'cak li'om collcgc. ‘l‘hc.\ lia\ c a li'ightciimg ciicouiitci' \\ illi an old \an \\lIlL‘lt runx thcm ol'l' tlic road. I.atcr tlic} paxx thc xamc \chiclc. no“ pai'kcd licxidc an old church. and xcc thc tlri\ci' dumping xoiiiclhing \xi'appctl in \\ hat appcarx to lic lilood} \\llllt' xlicctx do“ n .i coi'i'tigatcd ii'oii chutc in thc giotind. x\f_';llll\l