Film index

0 Rabbit Proof Fence tl’(i) oooo (Philip No) cc. :\ll\ll‘;tll;t. 2002) ii\cri)n Sampi. Kcnncth Branagh. i)a\id (iuipilil. ‘)-lmin. it'x tiic humanit) oi No} cc'x xtot‘)tciling \xhich ix thc moxt xalicnl icaturc oi tiiix lilm ahout .»\uxtralia‘x Stolcn (icncration. 'i‘hc didacticixm oi thix truc xtor) oi thc ahduction oi thrcc ahoriginal childrcn irom thcir ti'ihc. and thcir rcxctticmcnt at a prixon-likc camp ior tiic training oi mixcd racc chiidrcn into \xhitc cuiturc ix hiddcn hcncath itx xlt)l'_\ oi human xtrugglc and cndtirancc. No} cc ioi'gixcx ail. ii\cn Branagh‘x .\ir chiilc. “ho \\ c lirxl cncountcr cxplaining tiic hi/arrc xcnii- iaxcixt cugcnicx that motnatc him. ix xccn ax not xo much H il ax proioundi} urong~ hcadcd. ihc cliildt'cii arc liic natural xtai‘x. \\ itii pcriormanccx pcriccti} mcaxurcd to thcir agcx atid xituationx. Scc icaturc and rc\ ic“. SL‘lL‘L‘lL‘tl t'ClL‘ttw.

Raise the Red Lantern ii’(;) 0000 Mining Yimou. (‘hina/Japan. i‘Nl ) (iong i.i. .\la Jingna. lic (’atici. ('ao ('uiicng. i25min. Ziiaiig. dirccior oi .lu Dun and Rn! .S'nrg/ium. again comhincx quuixitcl) hcautiiui photograph) with iormalixcd mciodranui. hut thix timc ct'catcx onc oi thc iiioxt mox ing iilmx to appcar an}\\hcrc on thc \xorld circuit in rcccnt )c'ai'x. lixxcnliaii} tiic talc oi a )oung girl iorccd to hccomc a concuhinc and thc icaiouxicx xhc cncotintci‘x in hcr iortrcxx hoinc. it aixo actx ax a mctaphor ior tiic rcprcxxion oi indi\ iduai paxxionx in poxiIiiananmcn ('hina. lidinhurgh l‘iini (itiiid. iidinhurgh. Ratcatcher I IS) 0000. ii.) nnc Ramxa}. lilx’. i009) \Viliiani liadic. 'i’omm) i'lanagan. Maud} Matthcux. ()Rmin. Sccn llii'otigli thc c) L‘x til i“ L‘i\L‘-}c';it'-t)itl Jzitiic‘x (iilicxpic. a xcnxitn c ho} hautitcd h} thc drouning oi a ticighhotir'x xoii. Rtllt'tllt'lll’l' paintx a hicaki} rcalixtic picturc oi ( ilaxgou iamil) lilc. Ramxa) tixcx mctictiioux iraniing. unuxual camcra angicx and atmoxphcric imagcx to capturc thc xuhtlc tcxturcx oi c\ cr}da} iiic. ax \\ cii ax compicx


38 THE LIST '21 ’22? '~’. ix». ifiwi’

inncr icclingx. \iacRohcrt. Stirling.

Red Dragon i 18) O. tiirctl Ratncr. 1S. 2002) .-\nthon_\ iiopkinx. lid Norton. Ralph i‘icnncx. .\lin ihc. 'I‘hix cynical altciiipl to caxh-in on thc hurgconing

iiannihal l.cctcr ctilt dixtortx tiic xlot'} iinc oi

'i'homax iiai‘rix' lirxt timcl tprcx iotixl) iiiiiicd ax .ilunliimlt'r) to placc l,cctcr illopkitix oncc ttgtlili) CL‘till'L‘-\l;tgc. l'ilil agcnt Will (iraham'x (Norton) xcarch ior tiic ianiii) -xlaughtcring "i‘oolh hairy hax hccn rcdticcd to a xidc-xhtm. incidcnlai to thc x)tiil)iotic rciationxhip hctxxccn thc incarccratcd i.cctcr and tiic agcnt xx ho put him hchind harx. 'i'o cnuincratc ihc iiim'x in}riad iailingx \xouid rcqtiirc a hook. Rt'(l Dragon ix. in xhort. a caniiihalixtic crimc. (icncrai rcicaxc.

The Remains of the Day (ti 0... (Janicx ixor). l'K. 1903) Anthon) iiopkinx. iimma 'i‘hompxon. Jamcx i‘ox. lfi-imin. .-\ huticr rciiiinixccx on tiic prc- World War ii da_\x hc xpcnt in l)ariington ilaii. \x‘hcn hc turncd a blind c) c to hix L‘tiipio) cr'x dcaiingx \xith ihc .\'a/ix and hix o“ n icciiiigx ior thc houxckccpcr. ()nc oi Mcrchant-lior)”x hcxt. with iiopkiiix tiic cpitomc oi iingiixh cmotionai rcprcxxion. ()dcon. lidinhurgh.

Riflfl 1 i2) .... iJlllL‘x l);ixxiii. l'il'iliiCL‘. 1955) Jcan Scr\aix. (‘arl Molincr. Rohcrt .\ianucl. i i7min. i)axxin'x cnoi'iiiotlxl) iniiucntiai iiim comhiiicx a xcininai hcixt xctiucncc \\ ith kc} clcmcntx oi iiim noir. itx impact on .-\nicrican cincina can‘t hc tindcrxtatcd. l)axxiii\ iiim lcax cx itx .-\mcrican couxinx oi ihc xamc cra xianding. ihc hroadx arc hrcaxticr. thc hoodx hardcr. tiic mood darkcr. ihc tcnxion highcr and thc plotting at oncc doom-ladcn and riddch \xith ironic l\\ixl\. And Ri/i/i liicx up to itx namc: ‘rough and tumhlc'. ax a nightclub di\a cxplainx during a raunch} muxicai intcriudc. (Enrico. iidinhurgh.

Ring t 18) O... tiiidco Nakato. Japan. NUS) \anako .\iatxuxhima. Miki Nakatani. liii‘tixiiki Sanada. ()Smin. .-\ horror liiiii


phcnomcnon in xouthcaxt .-\xia. ihc xtor) turnx on an cxcaiating urhan ltl_\lii \\ itii a hod) count. it hcginx \\ ith a tccnagc girl tclling hcr iricnd about a iii}xtc'i'ititix

\ idcotapc that “oritx lile' a \ct'} naxt} chain lciicr. l'npicaxanti}. m}th turnx out to hc iact. 'i‘hc original induxiriai-clcctronic xcorc h} Kcnji Kauai dciircrx itx xharc oi ihc chiilx. \xhiic thc xuddcn iiaxhhacitx and momcntx oi xpiritiiai conncction hctuccn thc inui'dcrx in tiic modcrn da} and thc paxt conic at )ou hard and out thc hittc. .»\ tcrrii}ing lo} to hchold. l‘iillliiUth‘. iidinhurgh.

Ring 2 t l2) CC. t.\'ai\ala liidco. Japan. 2001) .\lil\I Nakatani. K}oixo i-ukada. Yuko ‘I‘akcuchi. 05min. i’art l\\o oi ihc Ring horror ti'iiog} a phcnomcnon in thc iiaxl liltli.\ AIL‘ltitWCtl tlL'\L‘I'\ Ctl L‘llil \lttltlx it] lllt' \cht dc\ clopx thc original urhan icgcnd rc\o|\ ing around a \ idco tapc containing a cr)ptic imagc oi a iiatttitiiig _\oimg \\t)lll;lli uhich \ ixitx a tci'rii} ing dcalli upon aii}oiic' “llti \\;tlL‘liL‘\ ii. .\iorc i\ l'L‘\ L'iIlL‘tl tilittlll liic woman in uhitc on thc lapc. and it iailx to a xchoolgii'l and a _\oting ho} \\ itii tcicpathic poucrx to xol\ c thc in) xtcr}. Rm" 2'x piottiiig ix nicxx}.hut tlic mi\ oi iiiodcrn and traditional in}thx ix \xiioli) original. and thc xcai'cx arc hair-raixmg. l'illliilUllNL'. lidinhurgh.

Road to Perdition t IS) 000 .\lcndcx. l‘S. 2002) it)!” llzitikx. i’aui \cmiian. Judc“. 1 17min. .\ Dcprcxxion ci'a gangxtcr picttirc \\ itii xolid .’\nicrican iamil} \alticx. it ma) aixo. likc \icndcx‘ ahxurdi} o\ crratcd ()xcar \\ inncr .‘llllt'l‘it (III Hutu/i. iooi cincma-gocrx into coniiixiiig itx mood} xc|l~impoi‘tancc ior proiound inxight. i‘or hcrc arc Big Starx. Big ‘1 hcmcx ii‘athci'x and Sonx. i.oxait) and iictra}ai. Sin and Saiiation) and iica\_\ S}niholixm (\Vatcr i)cath). 'i'hrough ('ont‘ad iiaii'x darkl} giixtcning cinciiiatograph}. man} oi ihc indixiduai tahlcau\ arc imprcxxtxci} xtagcd and xttiiiiiiiig to hchoid. ii onl} .\icndcx‘ cmpt}. in ct drcxxcd xpcctacic had donc itixticc to thc linc photograph} and pcriormanccx. (icnci‘ai rcicaxc.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show 118).... iJini Siiai‘niati. l’ix'. i075) 'i'im ('urr}. Stixan Sarandoii. Barr} Boxiuiclx. .\icat i.oal. i00min. Hlt’ cttit liitn l0 L‘iitl till oliicrx. lliix rock xptml on old horror mox icx hax crcalcd a hrccd oi Rock} ilorror cra/icx. and pacixx thciii in at ialc \li()\\\ cx cr_\ \xhcrc. 'i'lic iiim hax itx niomciitx. and (tar) ix xpicndidi} camp ax tiic hixc\ua| i‘rank N. l'lll'lL‘l'. .\'oilh iidinhurgh .'\l'i\ ('cnti'c. iidiiiliurgh. Romeo and Juliet i ll) ooooo iBa/ i.iihrmann. .'\ll\ll'ltll;t/l ’S. i‘Ntii i.conardo |)i('aprio. ('lat‘c l)ancx. l20niin. ihc

Shit I/\ Iiti/l/‘unm dircctor'x tt'catnicnt ol '.hc Shakcxpcarc ti'agcd} ix a magniliccnl riot oi colour. action and xc\) tccn romancc.

\\ itiiout an) nccd to xacriiicc tlic lc\l. it) call it “.\i'i'\' iilnimaixmg~ mixxcx ihc point that lhc catiicra trickx and in llikk'\ don't in an} \\a_\ dixtract irom thc iacl tiiat i.iihrniann hax conipictci} graxpcd ihc ixxucx at tiic ccntrc oi ihc pia). .'\l1 into\icating. hi'cathtakitig mi\ oi (‘atholic iconograpin high camp and xti'cct \ iolcncc that‘x hoih dciiciouxl) lL‘\Cl'l\ll and xllltlit‘tll} cool. MacRohcit. Stirling.

The Royal Tenenbaums t 15) ooooo i\\'cx .'\ndcrxon. i'S. 2002) (icttc iiackiiiaii. Angclica iiiixton. (i\\)lit'lll i’aitrou. i |0min. ihc 'i'cncnimumx arc no ordinar} iamil}. i)cxccndcd ii'om a long iinc til t)\ L'l‘ilL‘lilLWL‘i'S. [limo NC“ inl'lx flk'tilttxt‘\ arc no“ in xtuitil}ing dcclinc. ihc mcmor} oi tiic hrilliancc oi thc _\oung 'i’cncnhaunix lil|\ xincc lit‘cn L‘t‘axcd it) l\\U tlcctttlcx 0i hclraiai. iailttrc and domcxtic dixaxtcr. iiioxt oi \xhich ix pcrcciicd h} tiic iamil} to hc tiic iatilt oi ahxcnt lathcr. Ro}a| tiiaclxman), ‘i‘hcn. at thc \ci’} momcnt liix thrcc grown up chiidrcn ha\ c. ior \arioux rcaxonx. aii llit)\L‘(l hack into ihc ramhling homc oi thcir niothcr. Ro}a| dccidcx iic ixantx hix iamii}. \Vith lt’lll’Il/Nlllllh. :\ndcrxon i/\’tl\/IIIIUI'(’) hax xurpaxxcd himxcli \\ iii) an cnchanting. odd talc oi an aniuxard lamil} and ilx iticmhcr'x impoxxihic magnctic attraction to cach othcr. (‘anico tk l'( i('. itdinhuigii. Run Rabbit Run ti’(i) ll'fmin. .-\

prograiiiiiic oi ;t\\;ll'tl “inning atiittiatcd and


in c action xhort liimx including 'Ilu' Ila/w of I'lim'm. limwr il‘rt'xlli'ng. liar (ionic and Rub/Hi. MacRohcrt. Stirling.

$1 mOne ti’(i) .C. (Andrcu Niccoi. (S. 2002) Al Pacino. ('athcrinc chnct‘. Racth Rohcrtx. I 17min. i)o\\n—and-oul dircctor Viktor 'i’aranxk)‘ ti’acino) i.x making hix laxi bid at a coinchack. hut hix iinai .xhot at iamc “(1le oil tiic xct \ihcn hix lcading lad) claimx ‘crcati\c diiicrcnccx‘. Salxation arri\cx. htmcicr. \xhcn a d) ing computcr gcniux hcqucathx to tiic dircctor a computcr gcncratcd x)liliiclic gtitltlcxx. liixurpi‘ixingi}. lhc ialxc hcconicx an owrnighl xtic'ccxx. hut dclight xoon turnx to dixma} \xhcn ‘i‘aranxiq dixcm crx iic can’t kill oii hix crcation. \Vhilc \iccol'x xct'ipt ix “aim and \x ill} and i’acino‘x pcriormancc a iinc rcturn to thc comic acting. ihc xatirc on iioii} \xood‘x lalxc i'calit} could do with hcmg a lot xiiarpcr. (icncral rcicaxc. Safety Last iccrt ihc) iSam 'i'a) ior/i'i‘cd (f \L'\\lliL‘}L‘i‘. l’S. W23) llat'old l,lU_\tl. .\iiidrcd dax ix. Bill Strolhcrx. 70min. (‘oiiipilation oi l.lo}d\ \crtigo inducing xiapxticix xtunt \xorit. including cari} xhoitx xuch ax I/i'u/i uml l)i';';'\. i-ilmhouxc. iidinhurgh.

Scandanavian Fairy Tales (l') (\‘ai‘ioux. 100‘) 200. Scandinavia) 89min. i’rogrammc oi xhort iiiiiix haxcd on Scandina\ ian iaii') taicx appropriatc ior )oung ciiiidrcn. i’ilmhouxc. iidinhurgh. Scooby-Doo tl’( i) oo (Raia (ioxncll. l'S. 2002) i‘rcddic l’rin/c Jr. Sarah .\iichciic (icllar. .\iatthc\\ i.iilai'd. 87min. St (in/W tiic mm ic xtartx \xcli. pitching itxcll xomcxxhcrc hctixccn trihutc and xcnd-up oi ihc iianna-iiarhcra cartoon. ihc caxting ix axtutc. hcxt oi all. .\iatlhc\\ i.iilai'd ax xtoncd xlackcr Shagg). iiwn thc computcr- gcncratcd Scooh} himxcii ixn't lacking in charm. But Sum/n -/)(m xadl} iailx to iixc tip to tiic promixc oi itx opcning rcci. .«\diiiittcd|}. ihc iiim'x hold pla_\pcn colourx arc iun and thcrc arc xonic cic\cr gagx that \\ iii xcot‘c \\ itii tiic xhou 'x pothcad lolloning. But lhc ioitcx xoon \xcar thin. Stcr ('cntur}. iidinhurgh‘. (’ii'ctiit ('incma. l.l\ ingxton.

Scream 2 t is) 0.. mm (mm. l‘S. l‘NSi .\'c\ c ('amphcil. ('ourtnc} ('ox.\ Schrcihcr. i20min. 'i'\\o _\carx aitcr thc \\'oodxhoro murdcrx. Sidnc} i’rcxcott

t( ‘amphcili ix no“ a coilcgc xtudcnt. tr} ing to piccc licr iiic hack togcthct‘. But \xhcn an audicncc nicmhcr ix xlaxhcd to dcalli during ihc prcniicrc oi horror niox ic Stu/i. tiic nigiitniarc hcginx again. ihc liini iaiix to iu|i_\ intcgi'atc tiic man) iii-iokc) rcicrcnccx to horror xcqiici conicntionx. hut it'x xtill xtrcctx ahcad oi \\ hat paxxcx ior horror nouada}x. ()dcon. l)unicrmiinc.

Scream i IS) 0... i\\'cx ('ra\cn. l‘S. I‘No) ch c ('amphcii. ('ourtcnc} ('ox. i)rc\\ Barr} morc. i i Imin. ihc tccnagcrx oi \Voodxhoro lxllt)“ ihc} ‘rc t}pical xtalkcr ioddcr. xo \xlicn a lxiiicr iiitx toun. ihc} galiicr in an cnormoux houxc to \iatch horror mm icx ax tiic rcai had gu) gctx cloxct'. Scllconxcioux i’L‘iL‘t'Cttc‘L‘x at'c good iun. tlic opcning xctiucncc ix gcnuinc “hitc- knucklc matcriai. and ii )otl kiiou ihc i'uicx )ou'li iind it pcriccll) xcar} and iunn}. ()dcon. i)unicrmlinc.

Secret Agent 1 Pt i) i.v\li'rctt liitciiock. l‘ix'. 193m John (icilgud. .\iadcicinc ('ari'oil. i’ctci‘ i.orrc. Stiniin. i.ooxc|_\ adaptcd iroin a pair oi Soincrxct .\iaughaiii xtoricx. thix cari} iiitcli thriilcr iolloux (icilgud'x xp_\ ax hc ll'.I\L‘l\ to Six it/crland to ixiil an cncm} agcnt. hut niurdcrx ihc \ii'ong man. i‘ilmhoiixc. iidinhurgh.

Seven Years in Tibet it‘i malici- l'ihi'ich. l'ix'. |‘)5(ii 70min. lliix cari) \L‘l'xiiili iii lltc imtih l1) llL‘int'iL‘li lltll'l‘ct' USC‘ documcntar} and liction iootagc to lcli ihc xtor} oi thc mountainccr “ho cxcapcd a prixon camp in india and croxxcd in'o 'l‘ihci't uhcrc iic xta}cd ior tiic nc\t xc\cn _\carx to ahxorh 'i'ihctan culturc. i‘ilmhonc. iidinhurgh.

Shadow of the Vampire 1 IS)

0... iii. liliax .\lcrhigc. 1S. 2001)

\\ illciii i)aloc. John \iaikoi ich. liddic i//ard. ‘llmiii. liluminatcd h} a rcmarkahlc pcriormancc iroiii l)aloc. tiiix xi} horror lUllt)\\\ tiic iiiming oi i‘. \V. .\itii‘iiati\ xilcnt ciaxxic \‘m/t'mm. .'\l'i'l\llif..‘ in iiaxtcrn