Glasgow Drama

The Importance of Being Earnest l'ntil Sat l(1\11\ (not Sun/.\lon1. 73411111119 \m 3pm 1k 7.3(1pm. “311.41. t.\lain'll1catrc1.(iilcx lla1crgal dircctx ()xc:1r\\‘ildc'x xparkling comcd} about 11111 1111111g mcn 11ho ha1c takcn to hcnding thc truth in ordcr to add a daxh oi c\citcmcnt to their li1cx. lillcn Shccan p|a1x l.:1d_1 Brackncll. |1a1i11g

mo1cd tip thc rankx lrom hcr portra1al of

(111c1idolcn in llcwrgal'x tirxt production of thc xamc pla} in WT”. Scc rc1ic11.


93 U5 ll_1nd|and Strcct. 357 .‘1St1S. I“. 111‘. 113\|

Black Hearts l-‘ri S S Sat (1 .\'o1. Spin. £7 1L'51 11111110400]l3.'l‘hcatrc I‘tlxion prcxcntx a collcction oi thrcc xpook} xtoricx lrom thc pcn of Richard Wright. Scc prc1 11111.

Terry Pratchett’s Maskerade lttc l3 Sat |(1 .\'o\. ".Stlpm. L") 11;."1 t'rom (H.505 54‘)I(1S. 'l‘hc (1(l\\'att 'l‘hcatrc (’oinpan} prcxcntx .ll111A1’n11/c haxcd on llt‘t‘l') l’ratchctt'x lk‘Sl-SL‘lllttg‘ hook.


()l’11i1crxit} .'\1cnuc. 35” 5533.

The Birdcatcher Mon 4 .\‘o1. Scc thS llSIitigS.

Naga Mas Maori Magic Inc 5 \111. SL‘L‘ thS li\ltt1g\.

3‘) l‘ni1crxit} .'\\cnuc. 531) 5533

The Duchess of Malfi 'I‘hu 7 S111 1) \111. "5011111. L“ (‘51. (ilaxgo11 chcrtor} ('ompan1 prcxcntx .lolin \Vchxtcr‘x talc oi rc\c11gc :md rctrihtttion. Coriolanus 't‘hu 14 S111 111 N111. "5011111. U11L'-11. Sliakcxpcarox claxxic tragcd) ix rc11orkcd I11 S'l'.'\(i thcatrc compan_1


3,5 (it't‘CttllL‘tttl .Sll‘L‘L‘l. 554 (No.5. Encore! More Gilbert and Sullivan S1111 3 .\'o\. " 10.30pm.

L5 l .50 inc dinncr. .\ programmc ot (iilhcrt and Sulli‘.:111 t'a1ouritL‘x compcrcd l1_1 \Valtcr l’aul. Sit hack and N cntcrtaincd l1} 11ordx. muxic and xtoricx trom opcrax including 7711* .S'urt‘i'n'r. Ill/S Print/1111'. (him/Nil itlltl llltil'L‘.


3‘)" Bath Strcct. 340 I I l I. {ll. \\'(‘. \\‘.'\| West Side Story t‘nul Sat 2 \111. ".Stlpm (Wt-d & Sat mat 3311111111.

[S £15. ’l‘hc l’anthcon ('luh prcxcntx Romru .Il111/.l11/1'1'l 1'c\ ixitcd againxt a hackground ol \c11 York gangx. Carousel ’l‘uc l3 Sal l(1.\'o1. 731111111 (Sat 111:11 350111111. L'" L'I-l. 'lhc ltttltotix Rodgcrx and llammcrxtciu muxical ahout :1 girl from a lixhing 1i|lagc11l1olal|x in low 11ith :1 xmooth—talking carni1al hakcr.


5 l.angxidc .»\1cnuc. (133 0000.

The Derry Boat Sat 3 No1. ".Rtlpm. {3t‘cil1l'l‘t1tttllh—ls 5.5055(ll. SOC (ilttxgtm. llixhoploch RCStthtllS llall.


3(1-l.\lar1hill Road. 3S" 55l l.

The Derry Boat Hi I .\'m. 5.30pm. {3(Lilll'l't1lttllxls 33(135111.Scc (ilaxgou. llixhoploch chidcntx llall.


.\'c11 Strcct. SS." lt1lt). Ill. \\‘(‘. \\'.\| Hello You 1-11 I \111. 7.30pm. *4," 1£.i.5111..-\ pla} in 11hich :1 xcricx 11l- xcciningl} unconncctcd xtoricx |1cgin to accumulatc and intcru ca1 c to rc1 cal l1ricl momcntx of human xtrcngth and paxxion.

Under Milk Wood 1111- S No1. "7.30pm. 1711335010111 .\laxtcrxon'x highl} accomplixhcd xolo intcrprctation ol l)}l:111'l'|111111:1x' l1rical pocm. .\ rcgular on thc ladinhurgh l'ringc. Stick Granny on the Hoof-rack \\'cd l3 .\'o1. ".St1pm. £71L‘35t11fl'hc \lxlitx arc hack 111th a 11c11 xho11 11hcrc

)L‘arx 111111111111 tcnxioti hoil o1 cr in a comcd_1 that rangcx trom compaxxion to cataxtrophc.


l3l RL‘tlliL‘ltl Slt'L‘Cl. 5.53 lS-lh. ll). “(5. 11211

The Circus of Horrors ‘t‘hu 7 S111 (1 .\'o1.'l‘l1utk l-‘ri 7.3011111; Sat (1.15pm & ‘).l5pm. [l3 U5. (irucxomc ltnllSc ot horrorx. Bring 1our chainxa11 x. coilinx. picklcd pcoplc and circux actx. Scc prc1ic11.


()8 Ingram Strcct. 553 .HS‘). ll’. \\'('. \\‘.r\. \\‘.I\.r\l

Once in a While the Odd Thing Happens Mon 4 S111 U .\'o1. 131111111. £5 L'S 1L'3.5(1 £41. l’aul(iodtrc1‘xpla) l1axcd on thc Inc and 11ork ol Bc11i:1111i11 Brittcn ix pcrt‘ormcd I11 Strathchdc ’l‘hcatrc (iroup. .'\x onc halt 111' thc tirxt acccptcd homoxc\ua| couplc in Britixh \UL‘tL‘l}. lllt‘ drama lidlth Ill-lllL'll‘\ llliL‘ 11ith l’ctcr l’carx trom hcl'orc thc xtart of thc Sccond World War tmtil liix production Ul l’t'lr’l' ([111111'1 in l‘HS. I’HI’I NIH/1113111

Bouncers :md Shakers \Vcd 13 Hi 15 \111. 7.30pm. L'S1911..lohn(}odl1m”x 11 1') look at a nightcluh through t|1cc1cx of :1 hounccr ix pcrlormcd l1) l’ictcl ltilct'tiational alongxidc .S/11Ik1'1‘1. hix collahoration 11 ith .lanc 'l'hornton.



Brutopia l'ntil lhu 3| ()ct. ".3t1pm. U1 H.341. RS.-\.\ll)\ linal _\cat' ll.'\ claxx prcxcntx llo11ard llarkcr‘x moral. darkl_\ 11111111 pl:1_\. c\p|ori11g thc lit'c ot'l'homax .\lt1t‘c'\ ttttlt11ctl daughtcr. (.L‘cilitl. ;t\ xlic conxlructx hcr countctwtrcatixc to hcr l'atlicr'x l‘topia.

Arcadia .\lon ll 'lhu |~l .\'o1. U1 1H1. RS.'\.\ll)'x linal .\c:1t‘l$:\ xtudcntx pci‘loi‘tii 'l‘om Stoppard'x claxxic c\ploration oi thc naturc ot truth. timc and lltL‘ tlil'l'L‘t‘L‘tk‘L‘S l1ct\\ccn (‘lttvicztl and Romantic tcmpcramcnt. wt in l)cr|1} xhirc. ISM”.

"Nil 1pm.


333 “11110 Slt'L‘L‘l. 5.53 ‘Nltltl, Ill. \\'(.. \\’.r\|

Vagina Monologues 'ltic 5 Sat (1 .\'o\. ".l5pm; l‘ri & Sat "pm & 0pm. £5 USN). l)cl\ing into11omcn'x dL‘CPCSI \L'ct'L‘IS illltl litttluSiL'S. l'.\ c

litixlcr\ ct‘iticall} acclaimcd collcction oi

\1itt1 :md mo1mg xtoricx cmharkx on itx national l’K tour. xtarring .\lichc|lc (loincl. .\lir1am \l:1rgol}cu111d [11:1 .\lcl.c;111.


35 .r\|l1crt [)1'11c. (LS-15 3303501. ll’. ll". 11'('. 11311

Journey l'ntil Sat 3 .\'o\. Spin (\Vcd 1k Sat mat 3.30pm tk Spm1. L'S UH

1L3 U11. ‘l'hc l)ancc llottxc and thc l'ni1crxil} ol'.\‘amil1ia ('hoircollahoratc in a lttxion ot .v\t'rican choral muxic. dancc and drama. l‘il't1 African xingcrx :1nd :1 hundrcd Scottith haxcd pcrl'ormcrx prcxcnt thix cpic mnxical iournc) c\p|ormg indcpcndcncc and trccdom. UBUNG [Practice] 111 S S1111 H1 \111..Spm. [l3 (LS1. Brilliant llclgian production liottxc Victoria prcxcntx thc Scottixh prcmicrc ot itx lo||o11 ~11p to [1’1’1'11111/11/1'. l’crl'ormcd in l-lcmixh 11 ith l'.tlj_‘ll\ll \ltltllllL‘S. RCL‘t1tlllltL‘lltlL'tl. .SL‘L‘ pl'tW lL‘\\.


(15 'lrongatc. 553 -l3(1','.

Somalia Yellow [11111 Sat 3 \111. ".Rtlpm. LS {ll tL'5 U11. ('anada'x popular ( )nc Ycllo11 Rahhit prcxcntx a multi mcdia piccc looking at thc ('aiiadian .'\irl1ournc chimcnt'x rolc in tlic l‘)‘)3'x ci1i| 11:11'111 Somalia. ’111/11/ 1/11'.S11.SI11;'1'1 I'1'1I1111/.

To the Wall with Andy Jones 'l'l1113l Oct Sat 3 \o\. 0pm. LS L'll 1L5 U11. .\ onc man x|1o11 ot thc tnaddcxt

1.1111; fir.


\arict} from :1 \ctcran or (’anadian cotncd} troupcx xuch ax (‘( )l)('() and Kid\ in tlic llall. [’111‘11111/11'S11 Slugi'x I’i'1111'11/

Half Life Sat 3 X111. 3.30pm. L5. .\ rchcarxcd rcading ot .lolm .\lighton’x pla_1 l1} l<S.-\.\ll) xtudcntx.

The Good Life Sun 5 .\'o\. 3.5(111111. 93.5. .-\ t’L‘llL‘dl'St‘tl t'L‘tttllng' Ul‘ l);t|llL‘l lh'ookx'pla1 l1} RS.-\.\ll) xtudcntx. Factory Girls inc 5 Thu " \111. Spin. {S1151 ":S-l prcxcntx l‘rank .\lc(iumncxx' a11ard—11inning pla} xct in :1 Doncgal xhirl factor} during thc "(1x :1x ti1c 11omcn lacc thc lhrcat ot rcdundanc}. (in) llollandx' xolid :md

\\ cll acch production hringx ottt hoth thc humour :md thc grit.

The Spookmaster - Scary Stories for Children inc 5 \m. SL‘L‘ KttlS llSlttlgS.

Tim Miller - Body Blows l-‘ri :‘ .\'o1. Spin. {ll 1U11. Sc\_\ pcrt‘ormancc piccc haxcd on .\lillcr'x ncu hook ol' the xamc nainc. liuropcan prcmicrc. l’111'111/ (111112111 Sccprc11c11 in (i:1_1 xcction. Split Britches’ Double Agency S:1t‘)1\ S1111 l()\111.S|1111. [ll 1U11. l)oul1|c .'\gcnc.1. thc 11c11cx1 11ork l1_\ Split Britchcx' l’cgg} Sha\1 :md l.oix \Vca1cr includcx ‘.\lixx l<ix1|11C':1nd ‘lt'x a Small llouxc and 11 c‘1c l.i1 cd in it .4\l11:1_\x'. Stitching ‘l'uc 13 Sat l(1.\'o1. "Nipm. LS {ll IL‘.5 U11. .\ ltttlltlL‘SS couplc rc- c1aluatc thcir rclationxhip and paxt xc\u:1l hixtoricx in light of :111 1111c\pcctcd prcgnanc}. .\nthon1 .\'cilxon'x hrilliant and dixturhing drama ix not tor thc xqttcamixh. hut 11axoncol'thcl1ig talking pointx during thix_1car'x lidinhurgh l‘ringc. Rccommcndcd.

Glasgow Dance


35.i.-\1'g§lt' Strcct.(1‘)t1l ()33 (1.111”. |\\'('. \\‘.-\|

The Kinetic System Part 1/Underground Culture Sat 2 .\'m. SL‘L‘ KldS liSIitlgS.

Dancing on the Moon ‘l‘tiu :\ 111 S N111. 7pm. £51L51.Scc(ilaxgo\\.ll1c g\rchcx.

Lick my Heart \Vcd 13x 'l'hu l-i .\'o1. Spin. U1 (L311. Scan 'l'ttali .lolm prcxcntx :1 uniquc takc on dancc \1ith a xclcction ol' dixtortcd charactct'x. xtt‘angc 111111cx and In c ol1xccnc phonc callx. /’1H‘I 11/ (171112111. Scc prc1ic11 in thc (ia1 \L‘k'lltlll.

Shear \Vt-d IR Sun 1" X111. 1.1. It :k I" \111 "pm; l5 & l(1.\'o1,.S.l5pm. £5 1L‘_*1..v\ xitc xpccil'ic piccc comhining

1 ixual and pcrl'ormancc clcmcntx from Brian llarllc} tStillmotion1 to c\plot'c thc cmotional an:1tom_1 ol'tl1cl1od}. ’1111 11/ .\1'1‘/11'1 [.1111'.

in a While The Odd Thing Happens, Ramshorn Theatre, Glasgow

listings Theatre


3‘)" Bath Strcct. 3-H) llll. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.'\| Moscow City Ballet Mon 4 S111 *1 .\'o1. "5(1111111'I'l111& Sat mat 3.3t1pini. £750 {3(1.5l).ill1c intct'ttationall} rcno11ncd cotnpatt} pcrt'ormx S1111” [.11A1' and Slur/11113 [11111111. Scc prc1ic11.


3N3 llopc Slt‘ct‘l. .553 ‘lllllll, Ill. “'(3. “AI Carmen l'ntil Sat 3 .\'o1. Spm 1ll111 & Sat mat 3.|5pm'. L'ltl L55. l.:1(‘)u:1dradi Sm illa t'uxcx thcatrc. muxic :md dancc to ct'catc a llamcnco xpcclacular.

Ballet Boyz 'l’hu 11 S111 I11.\'o1. ".I5pm. U1 L‘l(1. .\lich:1cl .\'111111 and William 'l‘rc1 it! comhinc hallct and contcmporar_1 dancc to hrcath-taking L‘llt‘cl. SL‘L‘ prc1ic11.


35 .v\ll1crt [)1'i1 c. (LS-15 3311351)]. ll’. ll. \\'(’. \\'.I\|

Journey [1111! S111 3 .\‘m. Spin 1111-1111 Sat mat 3511111111. L'S “(11133 U11. Scc (ilaxgo11.l1am11a1.

Kala Chethena Kathakali Company Sat 2 .\'m. 331111111 & ".Rtlpm. U1 [S 1‘33 L311. 'llic Indian dattcc drama compan} capturcx thc magic of thc xul1-contincnt through colour and po11crtul drumming.

Edinburgh Drama

BRUNTON THEATRE l.:1tl111c‘ll\\':1}. \ltlxxclhurgl1.(1(15 3340. ll’. ll. ll. \\’('. \\'.v\|

Johnnie Jouk the Gibbet t'ntil S:11 3 NM. "5011111. U1.5t11L‘51.St \lichacl‘x l’la_1c1'x .v\111:1tc11r Dramatic ('lul1 prcxcntx thix xtor) xct i11(ilaxgo11 in l(1t)5 11hcrc thc l.ord l’ro1oxt ix ha1i11g troul1lc rccrttiting :1 x11ital1lc hangman.

Hail Caledonia T111111 t S Inc 5 \111. "5011111 t‘l‘uc mat 3pmi. L'lt11L‘"1. .v\11 c1c11111g 111’Scottixl1 1arict} ctttcrtaintncttt t’caturing .loc (iot‘doti and Sall1 logan. .-\|axtair .\lc|)onald and .'\nnc l‘icldx. The Derry Boat liri .S & Sat ‘1 .\'111. ".RUpm. [01(51. Scc(ilaxgo\1. llixltoploclt RCStdL'ttlS llttll.


l5 3‘) NicolwnStrcct.53‘)(1(1t)(1, I”. 111‘. 111.11

Vagina Monologues [1111! S111 3 \o\. ".Hlpm. (I350 £30.50 Scc (ilaxgo11. thcatrc Ro)a|.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat .\lon

ll Sat lo \111. .\lon750pn1f|11c 'l'hu 3pm A; ".Stlpm; l-'1'1 5pm & Spin; Sat 3pm 1k Spin. L'l.i.5t1 [3 | .51). 'l'hat coat or man} colourx ix doing tlic roundx agam ax thc 'l'im lx’icc .\ndrc\\ l.l1111l \\cl1|1c1‘ l1il1lical cptc rcturnx to Scotland.

"-\ .. THE LIST 71