Queen Margaret Union, Glasgow, Mon 21 Oct .00

An angry bag of magic tricks and malevolence

If misanthropy has a face, then my money’s on a photo-fit of Jerry Sadowitz. Exiled in London, riled by its luvviedom, the cunt in the hat is still an angry bag of magic tricks, malevolence and Semitic anti-Semitism.

Like his very own Mephisto, in trademark black and red, he urges himself on to greater bigotries, profanities and self-disgust, ranting against his increasingly smaller venues and the baying crowd before him. And if they’re restless, well, they’re certainly native. At a time when Scotland talks of dealing with racism, it’s depressing to hear so many audience whoops of encouragement. And, while I think it’s great that a comedian doesn’t need to hide behind a character to be offensive, 20 minutes of Yank-bashing notwithstanding, I honestly don’t know where you draw the line. lrony’s a lovely excuse, but to be fair to Sadowitz, it’s not one he overtly uses. And everyone’s a target, not least himself - each tirade featuring enough ‘whores’ and ‘motherfuckers’ to tactfully offend all sides of the political divide. And perversely, he’s often fucking funny.

80 whilst Al Murray, Ricky Gervais and Ali G win plaudits for tackling political incorrectness correctly, Sadowitz strips down the act and forces it to a logical conclusion - shoving racism, sexism and homophobia down your (at turns laughing or appalled) throat. And like Lenny Bruce before him, it’s done so indiscriminately (ha fucking ha) that it’s a nasty taste of something truthful. Really offensive. (Jay Richardson)

Sti'cct. 22l) (ill-ll). ‘lpin. £3. (ilasgou gag guarantor I)cs Mcl.can hcadlincs. 'I'hc al'lablc Martin Hub} and \'i\ (icc also join rcsidcnl host [)a\ id \Vilkic.

Monday 4


89 Minutes to Save the NHS ('otlicr 'l'hcati'c. 93 05 ll}iid|aiid Strccl. 552 4307. 3pm. £3 (UH. Scc Sun 3. Offside BB('. Main Rcccption. ()uccn Margarct l)ri\c. 3(l5 (iofl2. 7pm. lircc. but lickclcd. l.o\ c him or Ioalhc. lam (‘oxsan makcs l'or compulsixc \ icxsing. Join Mothctxscll's prcmicr piss~takc artist for |i\ c chat. gucsts aiid inimitablc hantcr in this irrmcrcnt football tan/inc.

Steve Coogan is back on our boxes as the feckless Alan Partridge as of Mon 1 1 Nov. See review, page 121.


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. 8.30pm. £1. Local comcd) \sidc ho) Jaincs l‘crguson introduccs cighl ncxscomcrs and hcadlincr Janiic \lt‘KL‘tl/lt‘.

Reg Anderson’s Big Fun Quiz Night lllL‘ Nlt‘tldtm s littl'. 42 44 Bucclcuch Strcct. 067 (i907. llpm. l'i'cc. :\n ot'lbcat comcd) qui/ \\ ith karaokc. intcractn c audicncc gantcs and a spot of stand-up from thc man himscll'.

Tuesday 5


BBC Scotland’s Live Floor Show 'l'hc Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. “870 hi)” (1055. S.3flpm. l‘i'cc. BB(' Scotland‘s hit coincd} \lll)\\ gocs Inc again \\ ith tlicsc \sorkshop outings. Join l-tankic lit)_\lL‘. (‘i'aig Hill. Rcscrcnd ()hadiah. Bob Doolall} and Rupcrl Donaldson laka Milcs Jupp and lfri/uiiiiii'r's Archicl for thc laughs that pl'ohahl) \soii‘t makc

it past lhc ccnsois.


Ray Peacock and Mark Wilson Thc Plcasancc ('abai'ct Bar. ()0 'l’hc l’lcasancc. (i5() 234‘). 8pm. £4 to. Ray Pcacock'. better known as Big and [)at’t's Ian Boldsworth. hcadlincs. with suppot". from 2002 Daily 'l‘clcgraph Open Mic \\'lllllCl' Mark Watson.

Hairy Watt Comedy Club llcl‘iot- Watt l'niscrsit} l'nion. Riccarton. 45! 5333. 9pm. £3. Sandy .\'clson Iampoons pop‘s prima donnas \\ ith his musical satirc. in support arc .\'igc| Buckland. John Ross and compcrc Ra} mond Mcarns. Studcnts and gucsts oat}. Bruce Morton Presents lllc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. to (Hi. ()I‘ Brucc is back \sith his iiioiithl)‘ comic cncountcl' \lll)\\ casing a sClL‘cllott of Scotland's ltoltcsl stand-up lalclll. Reg Anderson’s Big Fun Quiz Night l'illl .\lac(‘ool's. lfil l,olltiitlt Road. 622 7|ll‘). ‘lpin. l-‘i‘cc. Scc Mon 4.

Wednesday 6


Bruce Morton Presents 'l‘lic Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road, (its-it) ()lll) (1055. 8.30pm. to lt'5i. Scc Inc 5.


Tina C Special 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (UH. 'I'hc rhincstonc coisgirl \\ ho hlcis thc l‘ringc a\\a_\ \\ ith hcr llt'lll 'liint'i‘ S/u‘t‘iril. dcmonstratcs hcr supcrstar comic

st) lings in an mtcndcd sct. Support comcs from hcr altcrcgo lda Barr. Rabbit Warren Comedy Club Nichol l'.tl\\;tt'ds. Ntddt) Sli'cct. 079-1 “)2 923‘). 9pm. £3 (£2i. Warrcn rcgulars Slcphcn Barnaby and John Scott join hcad hunn} Sarah Wilson in this \\cckl_\ L‘tilltlL‘ CSCilPLIth.


(.9 Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurs. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcu Strcct. ()ts’7l) 787 0707. 7.30pm. u». Milcs ('i'au lord. allahlc Irishman Johnn} ('andon. Mart) Wilson and t'ormcr ('oi'k} and thc Juicc Pigs mcmbcr. and 2002 l’ci'i‘icr nomincc. J’hil Nichol. .'\\oid tltc l'ront ro“ if )titi hax c an axcrsion to hcing gi\cn a good licking.

The Live Floor Show BBC. ()ltl Rcccption. ()uccn Margarct l)ri\ c. .33.\’ 34‘”. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. ltlll llL‘kL‘lcd. St‘c ‘l‘hu 3|.

Tina C Special ’l‘lic Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. (JSTU (illll (ifl55. ‘lpni. £7 (UH. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘d (l.


The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. ‘)pm. £5 (£4). Dcdicatcd crou d plcasci' John (iillick [tips a bill uhich includcs Icith's l’aul Mc.\'ci|l. .-\llcn ('halmcrs. Marjoric and slou burning host l)a\id Ka}.

Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'hc Tron. ‘) Huntcr Squarc. High Strccl. 22o (l‘)3l. ‘lpm. £3 lt'2l. ll)pcracti\c poctr} cabai'ct u ith \cibosc rappcr Longlacc. din) lilspcth Murra}. Milton Balgonc and \'i\ (icc. .v\nita (iman and Jcm Rolls compcrc.

Snatch Club 'l'hc liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Strccl. 225 256.1. lllpm 3am. £5.50 ([2 SUI. St‘t‘ llltl 5 l.


Raymond Mearns 'l’olhooili ’llit-uiiv. Jail \\’}Itd. (ll7Sfi 274lltlf), Spin. [-1 (£2.50). Stirling ('omcd} ('lub pl't‘st‘llls Mcarns a rcgular contributor to l-‘rcd MacAulc} 's radio shou. \\ ith suppoil from ('hi‘is ('oopcr.


Arnold Brown l’aislt-s :\i'ls ('cmw. .\‘c\\ Strcct. SS7 llllll, 8.3llpni. [3 this”). St‘t‘ (ilt‘L‘ltUt‘k. Sat .2. SK'L‘ pics icn.

listings Comedy


Big Word Performance Poetry Slam The Big Word contingent continue to do wonders for the profile of performance poetry with their second 'slam' in Glasgow. As their saying goes: come and have a go if you think yOu're bard enough. Nice 'n'S/eaxi. Glasgow. Sun 3 Nov.

Phil Nichol Dumped by his girlfriend and confined to a hospital bed. this Canadian comic came up with one of the festival's more inspired concept shows The Things / like. /Lick. Just imagine what he's capable of in a good mood. Jongleurs, Glasgow. Thu 7—-Sat 9 Nov.

Simon Munnery The impish anarchist is back sans sword and maybe brandishing a harmonica, It's comedy. but not as we know it The Stand. C/asgoiv, Fri 8 8 Sat 9 Nov: the Stand. Edinburgh, Sun 70 Nov.

Peter Kay How do you quantify the success of a comedian? A sparkly award? /\ sitcom? Or a 125 date sell out tour that Just won't stop growing. Beg. borrow or steal a ticket if yet. can. or visit his website twww.peterkaycouk) to invest in the ultimate Christmas present a ‘t'internet' t-shirt. Pavilion Theatre. Glasgow. Tue 72 Nov.

Julia Morris Quite simply the funniest female comedian there is. On a good day she's a scream. but in front of a gay crowd. this ALiSSie motormouth will be unstoppable. And unmissable. The Stand, Edinburgh, Tue 72 Nov; the Stand, Glasgow, Wed l3 Nov.

Danny Bhoy Stand-ups iesident pin—up (pictured) embarks on a national tour. Judge for yourseif if he's as funny as he is pretty. MaeRolm/‘t. Stirling, Thu M Nov; Brunton Theatre, Edinbuigh. Sat 10‘ Nov

Friday 8 -


Watson’s Wind-up (ilasgtm l-ilm ll hcalrc. l2 Rnsc Slt't‘cl. 332 NUS.

l Idsplll. l‘ilit‘t'. SL‘L‘ hit I.

Craic @ the Sac ('ul tlL‘ Sac

Southsidc/:\ttic. l W” l’ollokshans Road.

(ill) INN/04‘) 47l7. 7.30pm. to. (ilasgtm gull'a“ guarantor |)cs Mcl.can. plus (iman lad l'rank Quinn and rising star Biatcli} join host .-\|an .v\ndcrson.

\. i-k\J

..‘ THE LIST 75