Art istlngs

Glasgow Galleries continued


I-IS \VCSI chcnt Sti'cct. 33I 300.5. .\Ion Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.

Tom Shanks I'ntil Mon 4 .\'o\'. .\'c\\ watcrcolourx of thc \VL‘SI coaxt by Tom Shank»

The Winter Collection ()pt‘nx on Iiri l5 .\'o\‘.


I3 RoSL‘ Strch .333 SI3S.

Cuban Poster Exhibition t'ntil 'I‘hu 3I ()ct. An c\hibition of rarc ('uban Iilm poxtcrx a\ part of thc (ilaxgtm -\\ idc Si (‘uba I'cxtixal. Hugh Walker \Vcd (I Sat 30 .\'o\. Rcccnt photograph} b} Hugh \Valkcr.


33 (Q 35 King Strch. 553 (I704.

'I‘ttc Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

0 John Byrne t‘ntil Sal t) .\'o\. \cu paintingx b} Ihc ttt’IISI. uritcr and tlircctor .lolm H'u‘nc. in thix hix ftth major \hou \mcc hix t‘ctroxpcctn c at I’aixlc} .\Iu\cum and Art (iallcr). 'I‘hc \ho\\ inclttdcx \clf-portraitx. a portrait of hix partncr 'I'ilda S\\ inton and a famil} portrait cntitlcd Jung/v .lim uhich callx to mind thc rc\clation\ of hi\ grandfaIIIcr'x inccxt madc known to By‘uc onl_\ rcccntl}. IASI CI IANCI IO SI b

Harry Magee t‘ntil Sat ‘) .\‘m. Intaglio printx b} lIarr_\ .\lagcc \thich continttcx hix c\ploration of familiar and not so familiar Iitlltllllitl'le.

Pink Ribbon Show t'ntil Sat 0 .\'o\. An c\hibition and auction of “ork b} in\ itcd artixtx and cclcbriticx to hpr raixc monc_\ for brcaxt canccr chariticx in Scotland. Artixtx includc .Iolm By‘nc. IiIi/abcth Blackaddcr. I’ctcr III)\\\UII. I’hilip Rcc\c\. Kcnn} Iluntcr and (‘hrixtmc Borland.

GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART lo7 chfrcxx Strcct. 353 4500.

Mon 'I‘hu ltlam 7pm; I-t'i

lnam 4.45pm; Sat loam noon.

{3 Ken Currie l'nttl Sat to .\'m (\Iackintoxh (iaIIct‘) I. .\'c\\ \\ot‘I\‘\ b} thc intcrnationall} rcnouncd (ilaxgou - baxcd at‘tixt Kcn (’ttrric. in thix hix III‘SI \olo cxhibition in Scotland \incc 1003. A graduatc of (iIZISgt)\\ School of Art. (‘ut't'ic bccamc knou n for his \ocialixt rcaii\t-influcnccd \\ol'I\'\ but \incc thcn his work has undcrgonc changcx in

\t) Ic and \ubjcct mattcr. (‘uratcd by Sandy .\Ioffat and coinciding with thc Iattnch of a ncw book on thc artist by thc historian 'l‘om \ortttand. (‘urric \a}\ of hix ncu uork: "I'hcxc paintingx look at \‘iolcnt axpcctx of ttrban Iifc. thc naturc of \ iolcncc. and thc naturc of political \ iolcncc.‘ Scc I'C\ icu. Speak English: Lubaina Himid and Maud Sulter I'ntil Thu 31 ()ct (\cubcr) (iallct‘_\ I. In rcxponxc to I‘cchIt dcmandx Iot‘ aII lltoxc pcrmancnll} \cttlctl and Icmporaril} rcxidcnt in thc Britixh lecx to \pcak Iinglixh. thc Ittlct‘ttalionall} acclaimcd artixtx and curatorx \hou \\(II‘I\\ from I\\(I dixtinct \cricx: Ilimitl‘x Am/s /I1\l(/(' l/H’ IIII'txili/t' (3(ltll I \xhiclt conxixtx of Int) \mall painting\ and SuItcr'x photographic \xork I’I‘m't'r/M fur .’I(lll'll(l ( I‘)‘)3/3). I ASI (LI IANCI l() SI I

Take 2 Inc 5 Sal ‘) \tn (\cxxbcr} (iallct‘) I. 'Iihc I'L‘SIIIIS of a \ct'icx of photograph} baxcd \\(Il‘I\\IItIp\ rtm b} artixt ('Iaudinc Hart/cl \xith _\otmg pcoplc in or Ica\ mg carc. Ii\ploring cIt}\capc and landxcapc. thc c\hibition fcatttt'cx digital collagcx and abctract black and \xhitc printx. NI W St l()\./".’_ Poetry and Painting \Vctl (I _\’m. 7.30pm. Ad\ancc booking rctlttircd. 'I')ing in \xith thc Kcn ('ttrric c\hibition. 'I'om Normand. author of KM) (‘ttrrit' Hum/Ix u/ (I .luurm'r gi\c\ a Iccllll'c cnltllctl l/(Ill(/\ (II/(l I/It' lung/mgr n/ (it'xltm' I'll I/It' l’t/i/III'IIQ u/ Kt'n (Itrriv.

96 THE LIST ', '

Memory Language t'ntil Thu 31 ()ct (Atrium (iallcry: l()am Spm: I‘ri ltlam 4.45me. An c\hibition of cxpcrimcntal \xork b} Stcphcn Ra“ inxpircd by c‘tIIIIL‘IttptIt'ttt'}‘ and hixtorical languagc and ‘imagincd' mcmor)‘.

Talacchanda Workshop Mon 4 \Vcd (I Not (Atrium (iallcr) I. Art and dattcc \xorkxhop bascd on ancicnt Indian conccptx.

Metamorphosis - Emerging Sydney Iiri S I’ri 33 .\‘o\ (Atrium (ialIcI') I. .Ic\\ cllcr} front Sylnc}. :\ll\ll‘aIIa fcatttring makch \xho ll\c t‘\t‘t')tl;t_\ matcrialx in c\traordinar} \\ a} \. NI W St tow.


.3 I’ark (’ircux. 333 3555. .\Ion 'I'lttt ltIam (rpm; I-"ri lnam 4pm.

Gunter Grass: on Drawing and Writing t‘ntil Wed (3 .\'o\. .\ documcntar} c\hibition Io cclcbratc thc Iifc and \\ot'k of(iuntcr (iraxx. ottc of (icrmam \ mo\t important conlctttporat'} \xritch.


IS3 Bath Slrcct. 33.3 WW. .\Ion I’t'i II).3()am 5pm; Sat 10.30am Iptn. Mixed Show An ottgoing \cIcction of oilx and \xatcrcolourx b} contcmporar_x. Nth and 3()Ih ccntut‘} artixtx.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I'ni\cr\it_\ of(ila\go\\. H3 Ilillhcad Stt'ccl. 33() 543 I. .\Ion Sal

0.30am 5pm. I’rcc.

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow I'ntil Inc I Apr. An c\tcn\i\c c\hibition highlighting thc

I no crxit} of ( ilaxgou \ important Scottixh ('olottrixt collcction. fcatttring rarcl} \ccn \\oI'k\ b} (‘adc||. I’crguxxon. Iluntcr and I’cploc. Scottish Colourists and France Inc 5 .\'o\. 5.30pm. Iili/abcth (‘umming talk\ about Ihc Scottinh ('oIourixh and thcir conncction \\ ith I‘t'ancc.

Whistler to Freud t‘ntil Sat 33 .\'o\. Rcccnt acquixitiom of dra\\ ingx. pt'intx and ctchingx fcatttring major cxamplcx of printmaking b) Whixtlcr and I‘rcttd. 'I'hc gallcry'x \trong collcction IILIS had o\ M 7()() \xorkx addcd to it o\cr Ihc Iaxt four _\car\ attd rcprcxcntx allnoxt all of thc important mox'cmcntx and IIIIIIVItIllilIS.


IS King Stt‘cct. 553 35-“). Inc Sat

I 5pm.

Straight Ahead Sat 2 Sun (7 .\'m. A drauing proicct b} tuo I)titclt artixtx Hart I.otIc\\ iikx and Arian .lanxxcn. I.odc\\ ijkx crcatcx a lilc—xi/c panorama of(ila\go\\ and .Iamwn produccx a compoxition of hori/ontal and \crtical Iincx out of colottrcd tlttcktapc. NI ‘\.".’ SI I( W].


ll \Iitchcll I.anc. 33I o3o3. .\Ion. \Vcd. ‘I‘hti. I‘ri t\' Sat |t).3()am 5pm; 'I'ttc lIam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. mpf I'ntil Stm 3 .\'o\ (Vicxxing I’IatformI. AII c\hibition Iookittfl bchind thc much talkcd about mpf Imtxxing prcxumcd foundl. a wrim of black IIookS \\Illt thc \\ot'tl\ ‘rcad mc' on IIIc co\ t‘t‘ \xhich \\ L‘t'c It‘ll III placcx Iot' pcoplc lo IitItI.

Arne Jacobsen: Evergreens and Nevergreens t'ntil Sun 3 .\'o\. A ntaior c\hibition cclcbt'ating thc \\ot‘k of I)ani\lt architch and dcxignct' Arnc .IacoIISctt. \\ idcl} acktttm chgctl ax onc of thc grcatcxt ianucnccS on 3()Ih ccntur} domcxtic dcxign. ('rcatctl b} thc I)ani\h |)c\ign (’cntrc itt (‘opcnhagcir Ihc c\hibition lll\lapo\(‘\ itcmx \xhich arc \llII in production \\ ith rarc picch \xhiclt \xcrc ncxct‘ t'calixcd ot' tIISt‘oIIItllttt‘tl. I [\fil (ZI IAN‘ ll It) f-EI I

Fieldwork: Art and Architecture and Urban Regeneration t'ntil Sun I7 .\'o\ (Rc\'ic\\ (iallcry I. A collabot'ati\ c projch in\ol\‘ing artixt I.oui\c

(‘raxx ford and architch Ian Alc\andcr of \IcKctm II Alc\andcr uhich aim\ to gcncratc dcbatc about thc rolc of art in t'cgcncration \chcmcx. \\ ith particular rcfcrcncc to thc .\Icrchant (’it} and 'I’rongatc.

creativescotland I'ntil Mon 2 I)cc. 'I‘hroughout Ihc war. thc lighthouxc \xill bc \houcaxing a cltattgittg dixpla} of thc \\ot‘I\ of Scotland’s crcati\ c cntrcprcncurx in adxcrtixing. arcltitcctut‘c. faxhion. dcxigtt. film. \ idco. muxic and digital mctlia.

Glasgow Design - 2nd Batch Hi I .\'o\ I-‘ri 3| .Iatt (Varioux \paccxI. .\'c\\ dcxignx from 'I‘hc (ilaxgou (’ollcction'x 3nd Batch including a pcrmancnt inxtallation of .\Ii| Stricc\ ic‘x Sin/lit IIUtI bcnch. NI SI I()\.'..".

Who Wants to Be a Milliner? 'I'uc 5 \'o\ Sun S I)cc (Alcox c In cl 3I. IIoll_\ ()'Ilara \Iillincr} prcxcntx hct' Iatcxt Itat dcxignx influcnccd It} lltc glamoroux St} ch of Audrc) IIcpthrn and Ingrid Bcrgman.

Dare to Be Digital lit-i S .\'m Sun S I)cc (Young I)c\ignct‘\ (ialIcr) I. An c\IIibition \houcaxing thc “(Mix of cducation initiatixc. I)at'c to bc Digital ultich offch \tttdcntx Stud} ing at Scottixh tmi\cr\itic\ and art collcgcx thc chancc Io \\ot'k ax part of a tcam on a paid intct‘acth c projcct.

GIA Annual Awards 2002 Sat t) _\'o\ Sun I3 .lan ((iallcr} 4). A IIISI‘III} of thc \IIUI'IIISICII proicctx for thc Annual (ilaxgou Inxtitutc of .'\t'cI1Ilch\ .r\\\ard which inclttdcd thc catcgoricx IIIIIISIlljJ. officcx. hcaltltcarc attd cdttcation. Discodog Limited - Talkshop 'I'hu l4 \m Stilt l3 .Iatt (.-\Ico\c. Ic\cl 4). An c\hibition highlighting thc \xork ol (IIScotlog Iintitcd \\ Ito pt'o\ ItIc a t'angc oll iutcrnct \cr\ Iccx.

Tait & Style IIIli l4 .\'o\ Stm l3 .lan (('irculation arcaI. A focttx on thc work of ()rknc} --ba\ct| Ic\ti|c compan}. 'I‘ait & St}Ic. In rcccnt )carx. Paul Smith. John Rocha attd Shiriu (iuild ha\ c commixxioncd fabricx for thcir on n collcctionx.

Sooper Double D t'ntil .\Ion (I Jan ((‘it'culation arcaI. I)tmdcc-ba\cd graphic dcsign conxultanc)‘ Soopcr I)oublc I) I‘c\ icu‘ thc cmcrgcnc} cxit Sign at thc Lighthouxc itt thix ('I)-Rom prcxcntation.


Station Road. .\Iilnga\ic. 578 8847.

Inc Sat ltlam lpnt & 3 5pm. Bearsden Art Club t‘ntil tit-i S \m. Annual c\hibition \houcaxing ncu \\oI'I\ b) local artixtx.

LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 300 Bath Stt'ccl. 3.3I (I733. ‘I‘uc Sat 0am (IPIII.

Peter Howson t'ntil \\‘cd ‘I (It-c. .\'c\\ paintingx b} \cu (ilaxgou Ho}. I’ctcr Ilouxon.


37” SatthIiclIall Stt‘cct. .33I INS-I.

.\lon Sat l()am 5pm; Sttn noon 5pm. The RGI 141 st Annual Exhibition I‘IIIII Sttn I? \o\. [3 (U I. ’I‘hc Ro)al (ilaxgtm Inxtittttc of thc I’inc .v\l't\ II{( ill prcxcnlx thc -Ill(l \\tII'k\ \clcclcd b} a pancl of Scottixh aI'lI\l\ for thix _\car'\ annual c\hibition. I-rom painting\ to \cttlpllll'c. Ihc \hou fcaturcx \\ot‘k b_\ gucxt artixtx .Io (iantcr. .lim I’attixon. .\'ctl \Iacl’hcrxon. Saul RoIIcI’ISon aIItI Iiill Scott.


30 North Stt'cct. 3S7 39‘)”. Mon 'l'htt I“. 30am (I. 30pm; I‘ri Sat

It).3(lant -Ipnt.

The Slave and Tobacco Trades l'util 'I'hu 3] ()ct. An c\hibition Including illuxtrationx and pcrxonal

lcttcrx about thc \Ia\ c tradc in ISIII ccntur} (ilaxgou at thc hcight of thc tobacco boom.

Third Lanark t'ntil Sat 3t) .\'m. .-\n c\hibition of football mcmorabilia marking thc l3()th anni\cr\ar_\ of thc founding of Third Lanark. natttcd aftcr Ihc 'I‘hit'd Lanarkxhirc Riflc \‘oluntccrx.


33I \cht (icorgc Strcct. 343 9755. .\Ion I-‘ri l()am 5.30pm: Sat

I()am 3pm.

Mixed Show t‘ntil “ca 20 .\'o\. .»\ \cIcclion of ScoIIISh \xatcrcolourx and painting»


.\'ct\\ork IIUIISL'. 3l I (‘aldct' Stt'cct. (imanhill. 5S5 XIIIS. Sat |()am 7pm; Sun lnam 5pm.

Annual Art Exhibition Sat 2 & Sun 3 .\‘o\. 'I‘hc .\Itl\llnl \Votttcn‘x chourcc (‘cntrc'x annual c\hibition fcatttring I\lamic calligraph). Still Iifc. \xatcrcolourx. oil and glaxx painting.


Dumbarton Road. 33‘) I303. .\Ion. 'I‘uc & 'I‘IIu I lain 7pm: \Vcd. I‘ri & Sat

0am 5pm.

A World of Wonders Danish Children’s Book Exhibition I‘ntil Sat 3 .\'o\. llluxtrationx. film and intct‘acti\ c IchIttoIog} from I)cnmark \hou ing thcit' innoxati\ c appt‘oachcx to cncouraging childrcn Io rcad IIookS.


3t» \Vaxhington StI'cct. 33I 3 I :3.

.\Ion I‘ri ()am 5pm.

‘I 1-22-63 Mon 4 \o\ III (I I)cc. .\ mttltimcdia c\hibition b} .Iitn Ward attd Kat Borxixhkcuick imcxtigaling thc c\cnt~ Surrounding thc axxaxxination of II". Kcnnctl}. NE ‘.'.' SI I()‘\.'.'.


(I \Vilxon Stt'cct .\Icrchant (It). 553 (I703. 'I'uc. \Vcd tk Hi I lam (Ipm; 'I'hu Ilant 7pm: Sat l()am (Ipm; Sun I 5pm. Heads of our Kind t'ntil I‘ri 3! .Ian. A collcction of portrait paintingx b} (‘olin I’ark.

Mixed Show l'ntil Iiri 31 Jan. A chcction of Milk b} Scottixh artixtx including Run Iixidorc and And} I’cuthct'cr.

Champion: the Beautiful Game l‘ntil Hi 31 Jan. In axxociation “ith ’l‘ltt' Hui/t Rt’t‘tml. chr SI) archi\al football photogt‘aphx fcatttring imach of iconx of football including Bill} .\Ic.\'cil and I)cnni\ I.a\\.


[hit 3 Mcrchant Squarc. 553 5(I37.

'I‘ttc Sat llam 5.30pm; Sttn llattt 5pm. Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Hi 15 .\'o\. A mi\cd Slttm of painting\ b} \arioux aI‘IISIS.


('cntt‘c Iior I)c\clopmcntal :\I'l\ IS Albion Strch 553 3333. .\Ion I'it'i Illam 5pm.

Young Talent t'ntil I‘ri 3‘) \m. At'l\\ot‘k\ b} cltildrcn and )ottttg pcoplc front (ilaxgou and A} rxhirc.


IIS I)ott:_'Ia\ Stt'cct. 3-lS (I3.\’(I. .\Ion I‘ri It).3()am 5pm; Sat It).3()am lpm. Textiles and Textures l'tttil Sat 0 \m. ()iIS. \\alcrcolour\. paxtclx. act) licx. ccramicx and cmbroidcricx b} .\Iargarct I'AaIIS. I)oroth) Iluntcr and .\Icli\\a Ii\an\.


3 Satichichall Strcct. 353 Soon. .\Ion Sat ltlam opm.

Russian Painters t'nul "Inc St (It-c. .\rt IIISPII'ctI b) I\)tl\\I;I and Scotland b) a group ol I\’ll\\I;lll paintcrx Including .\Ia\im I)CIIIIIIU\ and Vladimir ('hckhmarcy