.\lon l-ri 0am 4.30pm.

Margaret S Thomson: Colour for Health l'ntil 'l‘hu 3| ()cl. With a belief in the poyser ol' colour to heal the mind. body and spirit. Margaret S. 'l‘homsou presents an e\hibition ol' \iyidly coloured paintings.

Winter Exhibition l-‘ri l Sat 30 .\'o\. .\ seasonal selection ol paintings by Ruth .v\. ('astle leaturing still lite and ‘lablcscapcs'. Nl ‘.'.' St l()\‘.'.


(i littrnlicld Road. (iillnock. (358 I300. luc l‘ri llam 5pm; Sat Illam 5pm; Sun iiooti 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l‘niil \y'ed () .\'o\. .'\l'l'ordable original paintings by gallery regulars inclttding|ey Banks. l’ctcr \ardini. Saralt (‘airingtoir lilair .\li|lcn and (iracntc Sharp.

New Works Thu 7 Sun l7 .\‘o\. Neys ysorks by Stcy c .lohnslon. Bryan liyans and Rachel Scdley.


30 King Street. 553 3 l 5 l. 'l‘uc Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

Antonio Rego t'ntil Sat to \m. 'l'yyo ncys \ ideo \yorks by (ilasgoyy based l’ol'lllgtlc‘sc at'lisl. .-\ltlollio Rc‘go. ln Ih'e/r uni/er I/lt' Skin. a number ol (ilasgoyy artists read lrom their layotit‘itc book and iii A’umu/u/mul. artists and \yritcrs talk abotrt a subject \shilst being driyett around a roundabout.


l/3. .i-1(‘ran\\orth Slrccl. llillhcad. (l7Sl3 (ill57-l5. Daily I (ipnt. Goodbye Old Paint 'l‘hu 7 Stilt l7 \o\. \c'\\ \york by (ilasgoyy based artist (‘raig .\lulhol|and. lcaturing alt installation ol paintings arid sound inspired by ‘.v\ ('oyyboy ‘s Lament to his Dying llorsc'. a song which he has reinterpreted and published as a 7" single to accompany the shoyy. Ni ‘3." fit l’


7 S Park 'l'erracc. 333 Soul lot” more inlot'tnalion about [1 Incrgcd I) call H775! 53() SS‘); c tiiail

cnicrgcdtu hotniail.cont'. ysyy\y_ctncrgcd.ncl Accommodation Sat 2 Sat All

New work by David Forster is on show at Cafe Cossachok

\oy. .'\l‘llsl-l'llll non-profit organisation l". merge I) present a series ol' sitc— spccilic art intery entions housed at a hilly operational youth hostel. .v\nge 'laggart‘s neyy work /’('(I is inspired by many years e\perience ol~ sleeping in a hostel bunk bed resulting iii liye pcrlorniancc and perl'ormancc-l'or-

\ idc‘o \sol‘ks. .lalltcs llodgsoll has set tip a pseudo cloakrooui in /lulti'(l\/l

\\ ltilc ('hristine \ieholl e\Plores the building’s past iii her architectural additions made lroni royal icing. l‘inally. ls'ate Burton c\plorcs tltc notioit ol' clues through photography and film. NE ‘.'.’ St lt)‘.'.[ Accommodation Talks Wed 13 \o\. .'\ngc 'l‘aggart talks abotit her practise as a pcrl'ormance artist.


35 .-\|bcrl l)ri\e. ()S45 3.10350].

'l'uc Sal tiooit Spin; Sun noon (ipiit. Talacchanda l'iitil l‘ri l .\'m. .\ pltotograpltic installation and paintings by Raniana 'l’hapalyal \yhich is based on ideas about l'cinalc identity lrom ancient Indian drama and literature.


3S King Street. 553 «18H. 'l'uc Sat llain 5pm.

The Shadows l'nlil Sat 3 \oy. l’ainting arid sculpture by young artists inclttding ('antilla l.o\\. Key itt llutcheson and Shahin .'\ll';ls\l;ll‘l. Electra Sat 0 Sat Kl) .\'o\. .\ grotip shoyy ol' \\ork lt‘dllll'lllf.‘ photography and \ idco \yorks by (iabi'icl Ro/co. anitnatcd lilms by .‘yltingo 'l'honison and in the basement spacc. a lonini lilm and a sculptural installation by |.ucy .\lcliachan. Nl St l()\.l‘t.’.


(i3 ‘l'rongate. 553 4307.

Margaret Barron l‘ri I Sal to .\'o\. Paintings by Margaret Barron tltal

attempt to capture the spccilic montent.

the first time you glimpse art place or object. looking at the dil'l‘crcnce bctyyecn the reality arid idealised \ct‘sion as seen in paintings. l’ur/ or (i/uxgrti.’ Nl ‘.‘.' Si l( )‘i‘J.


lb' .v\ll\iolt Street. 5.53 333.3. .\loli l'i'i ltlatn 5pm.

Before and Beyond l‘niil Hi 3‘) \o\. .\ solo slloyy ol' llc‘\\ L‘L‘l‘ttlllics by Judith l’altcrson.


l l5 “KN! Rc‘gc‘lll Sll't‘t‘l. Ill 9H)". .\lon l’ri Illnillam 5pm.

Mixed Show l‘ntil l-ri l5 \oy. .v\n e\hibition ol landscape. topographical and liguratiyc paintings including drays iugs. prints and sculpture.

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS l3: \Vc‘sl Regent Sll'c‘c‘l. 336 3400.

Mon l‘ri 7am 7pin1Sat Illani 7pm. Amusement l‘ntil til .s' .\'m. .-\ photographic documentation iii a typical Scottish seaside l'tllld lair by \latL‘VL‘ l)i\on.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Life, page 105.


.r\rgy lc Street. Kelyingroye, 3x7 369‘). .\lon 'l‘hu & Sat loam 5pm; l‘ri & Stilt llatii 5pm. ('alc. l‘rec.

A Kelvingrove Centenary l'ntil Spring. .\ coinmemoratiye c\hibition marking tltc centenary of tlte .'\rt (iallery and Museum. Kely ingroyc. The \scl|~ lo\cd sandstone building hottses one ol the linest ciy ic art collections in liuropc. lcaturing \sorks by Botticelli. Rembrandt. Whistler and the (ilasgoyy lloy s arid (iirls. and “as the \enuc l'or some ol the linest eshibitious seen in Britain including l’icasso-.\latisse l I‘Hm. Van (iogh t PMS) and l)ali‘s .-lr! III .lr'n'i’ly t l‘)73 ~ll.

Endangered Wildlife t‘niil Spring 3003. .'\n c\hibilion highlighting the endangered ysildlile iti Scotland.

Ercol 'l'hu .il ()ct Stiii 3 .\'o\. .-\ rare

\ ieyying ol' yyork by the renoys ncd designers and manttlacturers ol' lurniturc. lircol. l'ottnded in l‘)3(l by Lucian lircolani. Nl W St l()W.

Helen Keller Award .\lon ll Still 34 Nov Scnsc Scotland present the lillli Helen Keller ayyard leaturing o\ er lStl artyyorks on the subject ol' dcalblindness. including painting. sculpture. photography. poetry. Braille arid print. Nl ‘.'. St lt )‘.‘.‘.

AULO KIRK MUSEUM 'l‘hc ('ross. ls'irkinlilloch. 578 (lIAl-l. 'l'uc Sat Illam lpm N 3 5pm.

listings Art

Chocolate l'ntil Sat 9 .\'o\'. l)isco\'er the history ol’ chocolate in this tantalising Mhibiiion.


3()(i() l’ollokshayys Road. 387 3.5.50. .\lon<'I’hu & Sat l()am— 5pm; Fri & Sun 1 Iain» 5pm.

Treasures from the Store: 19th Century European Paintings l'ntil further notice. a new selection ol' oils is on display highlighting the range ol Sir William Burrell‘s taste. l'eatuted works include paintings by Bonyin. Ribot and Millet and a rarely seen oil by Henri I.e Sidaner.

Knights & Castles L'ntil Sun 5 Jan. This exhibition explores the fascinating world of knights. castles. and medieval life through a variety of objects includizig tapestries. arms and armour and dress. Food and Drink Wed () Nm.

l 1.30am. Kirsti MacAulay giyes a culinary insight on this themed tour.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. Daily llatn 4pm.

Autumn Exhibition l'iiril Mon-1 Noy. Recent paintings by membeis ol’ the Monday :\rt (iroup.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellaliotiston Park. H) Dumbicck Road. 353 4773. Daily ltlam 5pm.

Claudia Petretti t'ntil 'lliu 3t ()ct. .\'e\\ paintings by lidinbuigh based artist. ('laudia Petrctti.


l'niyersity Ayenue. 330 433 l. .\lon- Sat 9.30am 5pm.

Discovering Antarctica t‘ntil Sat l 1 Jan. Drawn from the museum's collection. the Very first scientilic specimens from mainland .»\ntarctica collected by Borchgrey'ink as well as material liom Shackleton. Scott and .\layyson.

Discovering Antarctica Tue 5 Sm. 13.45pm. John l‘aithl‘ull giyes a short talk on the Scottish National .’\ntarctic lixpedition ol‘ l‘)()3-l9()-1.

The Parsimonious Hypochondriac Tue 12 Nm; l3.-l.5pm. .‘ylike Jeyy'kes giyes a ten- minute talk on James Watt and the separate condenser.


Kelyin Hall. I Burnhouse Road. 387 3730. Mon 'l‘hu & Sat Illam Spin: l-‘ri & Sun llani 5pm.

Fire! l'ntil 'l‘hu 31 Oct. The history of lirelighting in the \y est ol‘ Scotland is documented in this exhibition featuring a Leyland l‘iremaster engine gil‘ted to the museum by the Strathcly'de l-‘ire Brigade and objects liom the past and present.


High Street. 88‘) 3151. Tue Sat

l()am 5pm; Sun 3 «5pm. Free.

On the Edge l'ntil Sun 1 Dec. ('ontemporary teytiles by members of lidge 'l‘e\tile .v\rtists in Scotland and cutting-edge \york by students. Wednesday Talk: on the Edge Wed 13 .\'o\. l3.3()pm. Textile artist Deirdre .\'ei|son giyes a talk on her \york. Philomena Pretsell: Reaching beneath the Surface - the Emergence of Space t'niil Sun 34 .\'o\. Italian inl'luenced ceramics from [his Scottish :\tlisl.

Reaching beneath the Surface l'ntil Stin 3-1 .\'o\. .-\n installation of ceramics by Scottish artist Philomena l’l'L‘lsc‘ll illspilc‘d l‘} llc‘l‘ lCt‘k‘lll \ isll to Italy.

The Big Flit: Merksworth 1973- 2001 l'ntil Sun I l)ec. .~\ celebration oi the lite ol' .\lerksysotth High School through stories. memories and feelings. Patrick Goes to Hollywood t'ntil Sim ‘~ \oy. llayyn [tom the pci‘tttaiient collection. an cyliibitiiw ol \yoik by .loat‘. liyine and his allc" ego l’al' ick.

‘4‘ ‘-'. ‘s ,. THE LIST 97