dt‘eadl'ttl lit/(I lli/i/ lli'yl. St‘lcclcd t'ClL‘axe. Metropolis tl’(i) 0.... il’rit/ Lang. (iermany. 1920) Brigitte lleltn. Allied Ahel. (iuxtay lirolich. l2-1min. ()ne of the greatext lilmx of all time. here in itx longer-length. uneolorixed y'erxion. tree from (iiorgio Moroder'x tacked-on rock xoundtrack. The city xcapex remain unxurpaxxed. although the allegory againxt totalitarianixm ix a hit nai\e. (ilaxgoyy I‘iltn Theatre. (ilaxgoyy.

Mildred Pierce (l’( i) 0000 (Michael (’urti/. l'S. 10-15) Joan ('rayy lord. Jack (‘arxon. Zachary Scott. I 13min. ('rau lord e\celx txhe “on an ()xcar) ax the titular Woman who turnx her hack on her huxhand and hecomex a .xuccexxl‘ul rextauranteur. \yhilc lighting her oyxn xellixh daughter for the heart ol' a play'hoy' (Scott) and getting embroiled in a murder plot. \‘ieyy ed hy xome ax the xort ol‘ xtrong \yoman'x role that ix xo eluxiyc today. itx xuggextion that death l‘olloyyx \y hen a \yotnan ahandonx the kitchen xiiik ix actually pretty patronixing. (‘(’:\. (ilaxgoyy.

Minor Mishaps l I5) 000 t:\tnntclte K ()lexen. Denmark. 2002) Jorgen Kiil. Maria Wugler Rich. Jannie l‘aurxchou. l0-lmin. John hax ney er taken lil'e \et'y xeriouxly. So \\ hen he inittl’lllS hix unxtahle daughter Marianne that her mother hax heen killed xhe initially thinkx it'x yet another yiext. Joining thexe odd- ixh hallx \ye alxo ha\e the return of the prodigal daughter. liya. a ixolated lexhian artixt. an o\ erytorked xon. and an uncle u ho liy ex out hix lite on the xol'a. The pet'lot’tttanccx are \yorthy hut xlight. the humour almoxt too while to he \\ itty'. .llinm' .Uiyliu/n ix. unfortunately. the nioxt accurately titled lilm oi the year. MacRohert. Stirling. Minority Report l 12) 000 (Slcy'en Spielberg. LS. 2002) Tom (‘ruixe. Samantha Morton. May \on Sydoyy. l-lJmin. Suhmerged heneath Spielherg‘x patented layer oi xentimental xchmalt/ and another \ igorouxly xcll-indulgent performance lrom ('ruixe ix a hall-decent l'uturixtic thriller. The xcrihex get the credit for thix: xcreenyyriter Scott Hank and the late \yriter Philip K. Dick. In the year 205—1 the murder rate in .-\merica'x crime capital (Waxhington D(‘) hax heen reduced to NH) through the introduction ol' the controyerxial pre-crinte police tli\ ixion.

l’xy chicx predict murderx hel‘ore they happen. ('ruixe'x Detectiye John Anderton arrextx lclonx l'or crimex they v. ill tor rather \xon't) commit. But \y hen Morton'x ‘precog' predictx a murder committed hy Anderton himxell. the Delectiye goex on the run. Warner Village. lidinhurgh.

The Miracle t l5) t.\'eil Jordan. l'K/liire. lWl ) Beyerly D‘.-\ngelo. Donal Mc('ann. Niall Byrne. Lorraine l’ilkington. 08min. Symhol-laden and myth-like. Jordan'x latext ix the xtory oi a lather tMc(‘ann). a xon tliyrne) and the odd emotional rexponxex they l‘eel on encountering a my xterioux .-\merican \yoman tl)'.-\ngelo) in a xmall lrixh xeaxide rexort. Their already uncomentional relationxhip tthe mother heing mixxing. prexumed dead) ix deepened \\ hen they compete lor the \yoman'x altectionx. “line the xon'x girllriend tl’ilkington) ix alienated hy the \\ hole xituation. MacRohert. Stirling.

Mommie Dearest I I5) tl-rank l’erry. l'S. I‘m! ) liay e Dunayyay. Diana Scaryyid. Steye l‘orext. l2‘lmin. .v\n cy ehroyy -raixing account oi the priyalc lil‘c ol llolly \yood xtar Joan ('rayy lord there play ed hy Dtmayyay ) ax xeen through the ey ex ol' adopted daughter (’hrixtina. l‘anx ol' Mx (‘rau lord “out he happy \y ith the portrayal ol her ax an ahuxiye tnothct'. Still. that‘x tltc \yay xltc \\;l\. (.(..'\. (ilaxgoyy.

Monsieur Batignole it’( i) l( iei-ard Jugnot. l‘rance. 2002) Julex Sitruk. (ierard Jugnot. Michele (iarcia. 100mm. .-\ hitterxyx eel comedy oi a hutcher liy ing in occupied l-rance yylio lindx himxell inyolyed Wlllt the harxh t'caltlicx til chy ixh lil'c under the Na/tx.

Rather than rely mg on an archetypal hero. the lilm lindx humour in the contraxt hetuccn the ordinary people and the eytrmu‘dinary circumxtance impoxed oit them. (ilaxgou l-‘ilm 'l'hcatre. (ilaxgtm; 'l‘he l‘ilmliouxe. lidmhurgh. Monsoon Wedding l IS) .0000 «Mira Nair. India/l 'K. 2001 ) .\'axeeruddin Shah. Lilletc Duhcy. \nay Raa/. llimin. ()n the eye ol the longed-tor. cooling monxoon xeaxon. the lar-llung memhcrx oi an upper-middle claxx Indian lamin gather in Delhi lor a

typical l’unjahi \yedding. But ax the hig day tlilW'lh. the \xedding contractor'x promixex hecorne more eyaxiye. while the hride‘x hard- prexxed lather \yori‘iex llOW he ix going to pay for eyerything. .\'air'x xpt‘aW ling. carniyalexque drama comhinex the colour and \ ihrancy ol Bollyuood \y ith an earthy realixm. .-\nd \yhilc xhe can he .xharply xatiric. Nair treatx her characterx. high and ony'. yyithout condexcenxion. .\'orth lidinhurgh .'\rtx (‘entrc. lidinhurgh.

73 Morvern Callart IS) .0000 (Lynne Ramxay. l'K/(‘anada 2002) Samantha Morton. Kathleen McDerniott. ()7min. Small town hedonixt and check-out girl Moryern ('allar (Morton) anakex one morning to lind her hoy'l‘riend hax committed xuicide. When xhe lindx the linixhed manuxcript in her hoy'i'riend'x noyel xhe putx her name on it. xellx it to a puhlixher and goex on holiday u ith her hext l'riend Lanna tMcDermott ). Initially. the Vacation ix little more than a jaunt to lhi/a. hut ('allar xoon lindx her expectationx oi lil‘e change ey en a.x her friend remainx deyout to her xhitheel life in a dead end toyx n. Ramxey. co-xcreenyyriter Liana l)ognini and Morton haye done a remarkahle joh ol' tranxpoxing thix quirky. dixtant character and her an kyyard xtrange journey to the xcreen. In an age ol’ xaccharine and xpice and all thingx predictahle thix ix xurprixingly. hray e cerehral lilmmaking. Selected releaxe.

Mother India ll.) tMehhooh Khan. lndia. NS?) l72min. lipic. ()xcar-nominated lilm telling the xtory ol a \ illage \yoman \y ho marriex into a poor lamily. htit iiglitx againxt all oddx to make her next life yyith her heloy ed huxhand work. Part ol‘ lmagine.-\Sl.v\. (ilaxgou l‘ilm 'l‘heatt'c. (ilaxgoyy'.

Mr Deeds l 13A) 00 (Sleyen Brill. LS. 2002) Adam Sandler. Winona Ryder. John 'l‘urturro. 06min. Sandler getx to heat the crap out iii a lot ol' people in thix cartoon comedy remake of lirank (‘apra'x .llr ])(’t't/\ (ioey In limit. originally a gentle and xttllth hat xentimental yarn ahotit a xmall-toyyn poet u ho inheritx a \axt l‘ortune and turnx .\'e\y York on itx heelx \\ itli liix doun-home country \aluex. 'l‘lrux. the xuhtlety that xery ed (‘apra xo u ell ix gone then. replaced \y ith the .v\merican eyery'man'x heayy-handed heroixm in tliix renorking ol' a reuorking ol' the Day id and (ittlialh narratiye. .-\gainxt all lltc oddx. the common man triumphx oy er corporate greed. in the procexx yy ringing a text laughx limit the neckx ol' xuhxcriherx to the Dumb and Dumber xchool ol xlapxlick. (icnet'al releaxe.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding il’(i)

.0. Mod [nick LS. 2002) .\'ia \ardalox. John ('orhet. (ii (‘aridex ()(illllll. (ieeky (ireek-:\merican 'l‘ottla t\'ardalox) ix ney er going to get a man. :\ heayy girl \yilh htlgc glaxxL‘x. xltL‘ ix dexlittcd to “ink auay ltc‘t' xpinxter Inc in the lamin 'x rextaurant. ‘Dancing [oi'ha‘x‘. ller lamin are ready to dexpair all they \y ant ix l'or her to lind a nice (ireek hoy xo xhe can cook lotx ol l'ood and pop out more little '/.orhax. 'l'hen xlie lindx a guy. lan i('orhet). But he'x not (ireekll What are they going to do’.’7 'l‘he lilm‘x jokex and itx exploration ol~ croxx-culture ix \aguely in the xarne \ein ax Iain! M Iain! or Iieml i! like Ifeeklnun. hut \\ ithottt any oi the hard edge. Syrupy xyy eet in partx. momentx are ax hard to xyyalloyy ax a xhot ol' ()u/o. (ieneral releaxe. My Little Eye t IS) 0... tMarc liyanx. l'K/l‘S. 2002) Sean ('yy Jolmxon. Krix Lemcclte. Laura Regan. 05min. 'l‘he ximple premixe. \yhtch mix on TV xhoyyx xucli ax Big Brother. xeex liyc tyyentyxomethmgx attempting to xtay l'or xi\ monthx in an ixolated houxe ax part iii a \yeh-haxcd reality xhoyy. the caxh pri/e l'or \yhiclt ix ‘3! million. The unxecn hoxtx do lhctt‘ hml l0 xcarc the contextantx otit ol the home and the pri/e money. htit thingx going hump m the night l'ailx to live the ohno\ioux kidx . until. that ix. they lind out \yhy they 're really there. The action ix prexented \ ta xpy catllx dotted all m er the houxc. ax though it e \y ere the \y eh xhoyx 'x audience. and the huilding xenxe oi ixolation. malign ohxeryation and paranoia makex lor chilling \ teyy ing. SL‘lCL‘lt‘tl I‘L‘lt‘axc.

My Sassy Girl tthc) tlx'uak Jae-yong. South Korea. 200! ) l23nun. ()l'lheat romantic comedy ol' manncrx hctyyeen a mother dominated tyyentyxometlnng aitd a xcll ccnttcd girl he lallx lor in the xuhyyay. 'l'he l‘rliiiliotrxe. lidinhuigh.

Nicolas Philibert Documentaries tthc) thcmin. To coincide \\ ith the l‘rcnch l‘ilm l‘t‘xllytll. the lnxtitut l'rancaix d‘licoxxe hoxtx a xcricx ol' lunchtime xcrccningx ol documentariex hy .\'icolax l’hilihert. lnxtitut lirancaix d'licoxxe. lidinhurgh.

Nights of Cabiria it’( i) 000

tl'ederico l‘cllini. ltaly/l‘rance. 1057) (iiulietta Maxina. l17min.('ahiriatMaxina. collahorator and \y dc to l‘ellini) \\t)t'kx the Waxlclattdx on lltc (ttllxkit'lx oi Rome ax a xpunky. il~ xol't-hearted \yhorc. Her naiyete leadx her to heing dumped on and almndoned hy eyery man xhe encounterx. Maxma ix ttlltmcd to xhout a little too much \ylien xomhre pain \yould hay e heen hetter and the \y hole lilm ix ax annoying and Inaxterly ax l‘ellini could make ll. ('ameo. lidinhurgh. No Man’s Land l 15).... tl)aliix 'lanoy ic. Boxnia-l lei/egoy ina/Sloy enia /ltaly/l‘rance/l'K/Belgiun). 2002) Branko

index Film

Djurtc. Rene Bitanaiac. Katrin ('artlidge. 08min. And they xay xatire ix dead. Set in the middle oi the Boxnian conllict. .\'u .llun ‘\ [JUN] xeex tyyo Boxnian xoldierx \yander into xaid territory. l'ornierly a rather idyllic piece of larm land. htit mm a grim \enuc lor trench \yarlare. They hicker like heay ily armed children. hel‘orc a good deal ol' political xkulduggery hringx in the media in the l'orm ol~ a ruthlexx llritixli teley ixion correxpondent t('art|idge) and a \enal and anthitioux Britixh l’.\' general tSimon (‘allou ). ("an the xituation he rexolyed'.’ Well. not hy any oi thix lot. ‘l'ano\ ic xparex no one. and the comedy ix ol' the kind to make you \yince ax you giggle. lidinhurgh l-‘ilm (iuild. lidinhurgh.

Nordic Fairytales for the Very Young tl') (Varioux. l-‘inland/l)enmark/ \oryyay. ) min. l-‘iyc xhort lilmx l'or. yep. the yery young including ’l‘lie Smut Queen and The Little Knight. MacRohei't. Stirling.

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