Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:

Tickets Scotland:

239 Argyle Street. Glasgow.

()1111 204 {>151

Tickets Scotland:

127 Rose Street. Fdinhurgh. 0131 220 (3.9134

Ripping Records:

91 South Bridge. Fdinhurgh. 0131 2213 [(111)

Way Ahead:

0141.1 339 8383

Thursday 14


I Oasis lil'dt‘llt‘dtl .-\l't‘ll;l. 801.1) 013.13. .\'o longcr trcaling ttx mcan to kccp ttx kccn. ()axix arc gcitcrouxl} xprcading thcir nc\ct'-changing indic rock around thc L‘tlllllll'} tltcxc t1;l_\ \. 'llllt‘w :ll't‘ 111L‘ 1;I1L‘\1 tlttlt‘x \\ 111] 111L‘ x0111 out \lickcl'x oll 111C poxlct‘x.

I Underworld and Futureshock Barrotxland. 344 (iallou gttlc. 553 411111. 8pm lam. 8111.1) 011 'l’hc mcxmcric trio arc no“ a mcxmcric duo. \\ ith thc dcparturc of 1)] Darrcn limcrxon. Karl 11}dc and Rick Smith arc maxtcrx at tackling thc ‘hoxt to makc dancc muxic \tork 1i\ c' conundrum. not lcaxt bccauxc ll}dc ax a pcrl'ormcr ix mad ax a badgci'.

I Spear of Destiny and Black Swans King ’l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah lltit. 373a St Vinccnt Slrcct. 331 537‘). 3.311pm. £3 . Sccond timc round l'or thix poxt—ptmk combo hclmcd b} Kirk Brandon.

I 3 Colours Red 'l‘hc (‘aihouxta IS l‘nion Strccl. 34311111"), ".311pm. £.\'. (ha-- 14\ \1111\\. .'\lxo \L‘L'Ulltl lilttt‘ found 1111' 111L‘\L‘ ‘lllx lii'itrockct'x oncc xigncd to ('rcation. I Lies Damned Lies Rixci-xidc (‘lulx liox Strcct. 51111733". 3pm. £3. lickch lrom Virgin and liopp Rccordx. lithcrcal Scottixh trio “1111 l‘olk} lcaningx “1111 latinch lhcir ncu albttm [ml /’/at (' on [In .1/(1/1 \\ 1111 :t \L‘l'lL‘x 11150111511 tlttlcx.

I Homelife illllk‘ .'\l‘c‘11L'x. 3.5.5 x\l'j_‘_\ 1L‘ Strcct. (19111 (13311311111)an £3. (‘ollcctnc of 15 .\1anchcxtcr—baxcd multi- inxtrumcntalixtx xlccrcd b} 8118 Sizitt"x

(iraham .\1axxc_\ currcntl} ottt in xupport ol' thcir dcbuut album tor .\'in_ia 'l‘unc Flt/nu lliun/r’rx.

I Sydney Devine l’a\ilion '1'hcatrc. 131 RL‘IlllL‘ltl 811601. .353 1346. 7.311pm. £111.5(1/£t\’.511. Rhincxlonc-cncruxtcd light cntcrtainmcnt l'rom Sir S}dnc_\.

I Kain \cht 13th. 1.3 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 571151118. 3pm. £3. (iaragc rocking l‘rom local combo.

I The Foxy Mops, Nisted Melons and 1000 Sounds Nic‘c"ii'Slc‘;t/}. 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9037.9pni

I Anti-hero 13111 Note (‘at'ci St) (111 King Strcct. 553 11138. 11pm. £3. l’lux l\\11 othcr bandx to bc conlirmcd.

I Templeball, Peregrine and Kromium Straubcrr} l‘icldx. 511 ()x\\;lltl Strcct. 331 7871. 7.311pm. £4. Rock/mctal. I Geoff Martyn iiL‘ilth'CllC. 5 ('rcxxucll 1.anc. 334 (1770. 8pm. l-‘rcc. 1.ocal xingcr/xongxxritcr. oncc a mcmbcr ot' 'l’rax ix in thc \cr} carl} da_\ x. continucx 111\ I‘L‘\1tlt‘llt‘}.

I Little City and The Coalition l'iircuatcr. 341 Sattchichall Strccl. 333 .3311).

I Stonewhisper and Kiness ('cllai' Bar. Ramada .lar\ix tlngrami llotcl. 11111 .\1i|1cr Strcct. 553 3515. H.311pm. lircc.

I Danny Bryant’s Red Eye Band Sllltlio ()IIL‘. (il'11\\L‘11111'11111L‘1. (il'ox\c‘ltol' ’l‘crracc. 341 (1511». 0pm. lircc. linglixli blucx band.

I Southside Duo 'l‘intlcrlmx. Isl) liy'cx Road. 33‘) 3111.\'. 11pm. l-rcc. .v\couxtic muxic.

I The Pact, Opaque and Mary Campbell 'l‘chai (1\ na. 43 ()lago 1.;mc. 357 4534. 8pm.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scotia.

113 114 Stockucll Strccl. 553 8081. 11pm. 1‘rcc. Popular co\crx.

I Jam Session Samucl l)(1\\ ’x. (1," 1)] Nllllxtlttlt‘ Road.433111117. 3.5111111}. l'l'L‘L‘.


I Jim Roll and Neil Cleary 'l‘hc Nlt‘l‘t‘tll. 3X \Vc‘xl Xltlllltllltl Sll'L‘L‘l. 335 33111. ".311pm. m morc qualit} alt.countr} xotmdx at thc .\1crcat.

I Super l-li-Tops, Tigermoth, Roguestar, Time Bomb Soldiers and The Big Hand 'l‘hc \cnuc. 17 31 (‘alton Road. 557 31173. 8pm. £4 t£3i. Rock. lunk and indic maxh tip l'rom llcttdlillL‘l‘x Stlpt‘t' 111-11th \\ 1111 tlL‘L‘L‘xxiblL‘ indic rock toncx l'rom thc othcr pair ol' local hopcl‘ulx.

I Wondelica and Frak Hanncrman'x. 313 (‘oxxgatcn 5511 3354. ‘lpin. £3. l‘rak arc to bc conlirmcd. ax ix anothcr addition to thc bill. ax Banncrman‘x upx lhc antc on llx 11\L' \1111\\ x. “111(1) gi\t‘lt lllt‘ tlt'ul'lll ol' good \cntlcx to pla}. can onl) bc a good thing.

I Full on Night uith Sunshine Delay, Uncle Sam and Private Jackson 'l‘hc ('anonx‘ (iait. 333 ('anongatc. 55114481. ‘lpm. £3. 'l‘hc alt.cotmtr_\ xoundx ot Sunxhinc Dcla} arc poixcd to inducc all manncr ol' hcart brcakin‘ p|a_\ ax part of opcn mic night.

Eitmdaj,‘ 01.1“: 191:1'21'11211'7’ 2111.13) 0141 332 4400

Tickets £18.00 available from venues end all usual agents (subject to booking fee).

24 Hr Credit Card Hotline: 0870 400 0688

Buy on line at

1 it It 1 111 .ili‘li



I Out of the Bedroom \thcrlc} Bar. 1 St Man'x Slrcct. 557 111511.

‘lpm midnight. lircc. ()pcn mic xcxxion l'or lidinburgh-baxcd xingci'-xong\\ritci'x. ()riginal muxic onl} \\ ith thc chancc to rccord a xct on tour track juxt bring a blank tapc.


I Fishbone and Adequate 7 Thc (iaragc. 4‘11) Sauchichall Strcct. 333 l 1311. 7.311pm. £11). ()\ct‘- 14x \ll(1\\..131lL‘I'L‘llll'll ot thc oncc inllucntial l‘unk} mctal band from 1..'\ “1111 ha\ c xtrippcd back to a linc-up o1 lht'cc .'\ngc|o .\1oorc. .\'or\\ood 1‘ixhcr and \Valtcr Kibb} ll. 'l'hcir currcnt l'K tour markx lhcir lirxt datcx in thix counlr} xincc 111117. Scc lixtingx pancl

I June Tabor 1-‘rida'x \ight 1‘olk('lub. Strathclxdc Suitc. l{o_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 811111). Spin. £13.51) . '1'hc rich. c\ocati\ c toncx ol~ .lunc 'l’abor‘x \oicc lia\ c bccn xoothing and cntcrtaining audicnccx tor )t‘arx. ax xhc pcrl'ormx hcr o\\n matcrial and intcrprctx ia/x and folk matcrial. both ancicm and modcrn.

I Charlie Landsborough l{o_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Satichichall Strcct. 353 3111111. 7.311pm. £17/£l5. Scollxc xingcr/xonguritcr \\ ho hax “on licxl Britixlt .\1a|c \‘ocalixt l'our timcx at thc lli'itixh (’ountr} .\luxic .v\\\ardx.

I Sydney Devine 1’a\ilion ’llicatrc. 131 chlicld Strcct. 333 1341). 7.311pm. £111.511/£.\’.511. Scc '1"htirx 14.

I Lee Fields and the Sugarman Three 111C 1’unk Room. thc .krcltcx. 353 :\i‘g'\1c Strcct.111)11l 11331131111. 11pm. £11). 11ca\_\ l'unk and boogaloo trom .\'c\\ Yot‘k‘x ‘ltmtllot'd ol- l‘tlnk. l'lcldx.

I Flogging Molly 'l‘lic (‘atliouxc. 15 1.111011 Stt‘cct. 34X (1611(1. 3.311pm. ()\cr- 14\ \1111\\. 1'5. ttllL‘l‘llttliu‘ 1'11L'1'\L‘l'\.

I X is Loaded, Satellites, Redeye and Bullitt King ‘l'ut’x \\'ah \Vah llut. 373a St Vinccnl Strccl. 331 537‘). «\‘pm. £5. .'\ltcrnali\c rockcrx X ix 1.oadcd ha\ c tourcd \\ ith Bill} (‘1)i'o and 1n.\1c.

I Bob Cuba and Reno \ict-‘n‘Slt-ax). 431 Sauchichall Strccl. 333 11113". 11pm.

I The Feline Dream the \\'inclicxtcr (‘1lI11.\\'otttlxitlt‘ Sm‘ltll (311111. 33‘) Nol'llt \Voodxitlc Road. 337 11143. ‘lpnt. £4 ibcl‘orc l lpmi/£3. Swill pop “Inch rclcrcnccx carl) 811x :1ch xtich ax Sol't ('cll illltl.111_\ 1)i\ ixiolt.

I Peri, Shatner Nixx and Manrib lair} .\1urr_\ 'x. .\1a\\\cl| Strccl. 331 (1511. 11pm. £4. including cult} to poxt club.

I Kinesia, a Close Last, db68 and Mutley Straubcrr) 1-icldx. 511 ()x\\;|ltl Sll’t‘t‘l. 331 3371, 7.3111111]. £4. Sktl and pop punk.

I Arizona Flame (il‘;llltl ()lc ()pr). l’aixlc} Road loll. 43‘) 5311(1. 7.311pm. £4 t£3 mctnbci'xt. (’otmtr}.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Sum. 1113 (it‘ol'gt‘ 31111155311141. "pm. f51£14511 “1111 dinncri.

I Native QUO .\1acSor1c_\ 3x. 43 Jamaica Strccl. 348 3581. 1)pm. l-rcc. 'I‘ributc to lhc nc\cr—cltangittg moodx ol‘ Stattix ()uo.

I Bronx Stllllllt‘l 1)11\\.\.(1a ‘)1 Nitlixtlalc Road. 433111117. .\’.311pm. 1-‘rcc. I Live Music Dcathlchcni. 13m \olc ('alc. 511 (111 King Strcct. 553 11133.1)pm. 'l‘hrcc bandx to bc conlirmcd at lhc mctal club.


GThemselves, Alias and Penpushers ’l'hc \cnttc. 17 2| ('alion Road. 557 31173. ;\\ant gardc hip hop. in axxociation \xith .r\nticon Rccordx. lrom .1311L3111\L‘1\L‘\ 1t'tlltll’lllg 1)11\L‘ ()llt‘ 111. c1.()l'l)l)li.’\l)and lidinburgh'x llL‘\\L‘\1 hip hop Iltcnlalixlx l’cnpuxhcrx \\ ith 11.1 li\tra. SL‘L‘ pin it‘\\.

I Mute Media, Ramage Inc and Pointless Creation Studio 3.1. (‘aliun Road. 558 3758. Split. £3 £4. 11ca\_\ rock and mctal l'rom thix /.ca|oux pi'cxcntation.

Richard Ashcroft A right moody lad with a chip on his shoulder and a clutch of heart- ‘.'-./rent:hing songs. New alhuin's worth a listen too. See feature. B€1l'l'()‘.'.'/(1l1(1. Glasgow. Sun 24 Nov (111(1COI'I? [we/range. Fifi/ioti/‘glr. i‘t/i'o/i 2‘5 i‘v’ota

Ryan Adams A right l‘1()()(1\,’ lad \.‘.’1111£t(311|1)()1‘t his shoulder and a clutch of heart \.'.'ren(:hing songs. His new alhuin's pretty great too. feature. Usher l lall. [(ll.l‘/)lll‘gll. Sun 23-4 Nt)‘.<

Ron Sexmith A right moody lad t'xith a Chip on his shoulder and a clutch of heart nairenehing songs. New alhum's r'eet good too. so 11 is. See feature. King liif's. Glasgow Wed 2 1' Ni

Foo Fighters and Cave In A right lllCC‘121(1‘.'.l'111()111 a ehip on his shoulder and a clutch of gut-hosting rook anthems. Nen'.’ alhtii‘i's ahsolttteh. splendid. See preuew. SFCC. Glasgow. .170/7235/‘JOV.

Badly Drawn Boy A right 171001131311 . _ . aeh. 111181811181 getting silly new. But he really has got 2111(3‘.'./£111)tll‘1(>111. though. And it's hrilliant. See feature. BarretWand. Glasgow. Sat 28 Nov.

Doves and the Delgados A sturdj. douhle hill if ever there was one. hut Doves hetter he careful they don't get hlown away hi; the on form Delgados Barrow/axitl. Gi’asgot‘t‘. 1210 1.0 and 1'./e<l.')():\"o‘./.

Themselves, Alias and Penpushers Mood; lads they may he hut angular. head spinning hip hop is more the attention here; the former ) hail from San Franserseo's Antieon stahle. Venue. l dwlxilg't. / " 15) Not:

Dolly Parton ln pleasing contrast to all this 1)1()()(1\ testosterone. the (}\.'(}l' t-Jholesome gueen of (:ountit tor taias that lai‘inn \“v’ynette’? ()11. | dunnoi makes a rare xisit. lake to pardners . . . (Zit'tle/1t/tiifo."fun>. Glasgou. lae


Saturday 1 6


I The Stranglers ()ut-t-n .\1argarct linion. 33 1'nixcrxit_\ (iardcnx. 33‘) ‘1"84. ".311pm. £15. l’unk \lll‘\1\tll'\ \\1ltll't‘1ill\L‘ 111 glu‘ up lllL‘ glltlxl tlt‘\[1llt‘111t‘ 111\\1113 l'ronlman 11ugh('orn\\c11 xomc _\L‘;ll'\ back. 'l'hc} \\cl‘c good in lhcit' da_\. bill that da} ix long gonc.