I Rutabega \ch! l3ili. l3

Kch inhaliin Strcct. 5"(i 5lllS. Spin.

l’S} L‘ltltlll'ic RL‘L‘URIS ttiglll.

I Definitive and The Coalition I-'ii'c\\atcr. 3ill Sauchichall Slrcct. 333 3310.

I Tod Tognoni Studio ()iic. (iroxxcnor llotcl. (it‘o\\L‘ttot' 'lcrracc. 3-ll (i5lo. 9pm. I't‘cc. l'S ltlllL‘xlllttll.

I Acoustic Jam .\Qicc‘ii‘Slczi/i. --12l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9037. 0pm. I’rcc. With a l‘rcc drink ax inccntixc Ior [th‘llL‘lpttlll\.


GRichard Ashcroft (’orii l-'.\chaitgc. .\c“ .\larlxct Road. (iorgic. I13 3.13". ".3llpm. t.‘lS.5(l. Scc Sun 34.

Tuesday 26. .

Glasgow QDolly Parton (‘I_\dc .\uditorium. SIKI‘. l‘lllllichUt‘i Qua}, (IS—l) (l-lll JIIIIII. S()l .I) ()l "I‘. ‘l'hc godlikc countr} dixa haxn't pla}cd in thc I'K Ior 3ll _\cai'\. ll' _\Utl ttl'Clld tll lllL‘\L‘ gigS. ltlllL‘tl ‘.'\Il liwning \\ith Doll} l’arton'. _\ou arc iinpo\cri\hcd. Scc pagc S.

I Sparklehorse King 'l‘iii\ \\'ali \Vali lltit. 373a St Vinccut Strcct. 331 53“). S.3tlpni. L'l3.5(l . .\lind _\ou. _\ou could do a lot \\or\c than \\itnc\\ thc L‘\L[lll\llL‘. atinoxphcric p\'\chcdclic countr} ol .\Iark l.llll\t)ll\.

I The Needles, the 44s and Jo Mango \iccdelcal}. J3l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i3'.'. 0pm. lincrgctic garagc} indic rock l'rom .\hcrdccn.

I Vialka \cht l3th. I3 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 5505018. Spin. ()rchcxtral \ound\ lroin Sloxciiia. Intriguing.

I Saigon High Chair l3lll .\'oic ('alc. 5() (it) King Strcct. 553 lh3S. ‘inn. [3.

I Norman 'l‘chai ()\ na. -I3 ()tago I.anc. 357 453-1. Spin.

I Phil’s Session llixgc BL'uIlttl. 2 \Voodlattth Road. 5(i4 l5‘)(i. 0pm. l’rcc.


I Fun Lovin’ Criminals {\Iici llall. I.othian Road. 33S I I55. Spin. L'lS5ll. 'l’hc \\I\L‘-Cl';lL‘l\lllg .‘\'c\\ Yorkcrx. cqual partx Ioungc lI/ttl’tl\ and hcicucllcd homcho} \. pL‘l'\l\l \\ ith thcir nc\cr cnding tour \chcdulc. 'l'hc} al\\a'\\ gct a l'rcn/icd \wlcomc in Scotland. c\cn il~ tlic} ha\cn't trouhlcd thc chartx lttl' a \xliilc.

I Wildtype, Clearest Day and Stealer I.;t BL‘llL' .\ngclc. llilSIlC-\ (low. 33.5 7.530. Spin. LI L5. .\ lt‘io oi local actx \\ ith grungc \oundx l'roni \Vildnpc. po\\L‘t' punk l'rom (‘Icarcxt Da) and lunk rock lrom Stcalcr.

Wednesday 27


GDolly Parton ('l_\dc Auditorium. Sli('(‘. I‘iiuticxton Qua}, (IS7tl (Mil llllll). S()I,l) ()l “I. SL‘L‘ ‘lillL‘ 30.

QRon Sexsmith King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 373a St \inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). S.3(lpm. [I I. \Vondcrl'ul ('anadian singcr/xong“ritcr “how currcnt alhum (ii/ililcxluiit' Rumim \hould hc chccl‘cd out h_\ ainonc aching l’or \omcthing Iikc .\cil Young at hix moxt \ulncrahlc. Scc l'calurc.

I Macrocosmica, Degrassi, Mercury Tilt Switch and Fighting Red Adair \ic'c“ii‘SIt';i/}. -l3l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i3“. 0pm. Suprcincl} rocking hill ol haiidx t'roiii (ilaxgou and I)undcc \xho \\ ill conxpii'c to raixc thc rool' ol Slcal} '\ \\ ith thcir rcxpccln c high oclanc i‘aclxctx.

I Snapcase, Time in Malta and Rise 'I'hc ('atliomc. I5 l‘nioii Strcct. 34S (iollo. Spm. £7.51). ()\c|' l~l\ \hoxx. I Fidelio and Grebo (‘cllar liar. Ramada .lar\ ix (Ingram) llotcl. lllll .\lillcr Strcct. 553 35I5. S.3llpm. l'rcc. I The Medicine Room Hit-I. .\Slllttll l.aiic. 3-I3 -l‘)(i(i. S.3l)pm. I'rcc. Improxixational \otlttillt';tcl\\ at thix lllttllllll} iain.


I Acoustic Open Stage ‘l’lic lIall Bar. lot) \Voodlattth Road. 5(i-l I53". ()pm. I’i'cc.


I Alabama 3 Ilillt' liquid Room. 9C \ictoria Sti‘cct. 335 35(i~l 3pm. Ii'\ inc \\'c-l\lii"liiii} Soprano cndorxcd coiiihination ol' dancc cultui'c and haptixt tcxtil} in'.

I DJ Vadim and the Russian Percussion Orchestra I.;i llcllc :\llf_‘t‘lc. llil\llk"\ (.l(l\L‘. 3.3.i _55(t. ".3llpm. El3. Scc Sat 33.

I Edinburgh Acoustic Collective (.ntlttlitlg‘ llUtt\L‘. \\5C\l .\icolxon SII'L‘L‘I. (\h— (tS‘h. ‘Ipm. L3 Ilall hour \ctx l'roin lour ol' ladinhurghK tallcxt \ongu ritcrx. I The Underworld Presents ItanncriuanK. 3l3 ('ougatc. 55(i 335-1. ‘lpni. L3 Scc \Vcd 3H.

I Buddha Crush, Penny Hollow and Pop Threat Bongo (’luh. II .\'c\\ Sti'ccl. 55S "hill. 0pm. [I llaid rockin‘ action hut in a piircl) [NHIHIUtlL‘Ill \i.a_\ li‘oiii llll\ triplc hill.

Thursday 28 ' "


I Gomez and Archive Ilarrou land. 3-l—l (iallougatc. 553 Jolll. 7.3llpin. L'Io \Vorkinanlikc indic hlucx lroni (ioinc/. uith thc odd niorc inxpircd momcnt.

I Alabama 3 ()uccii .\largarct I‘nion. 33 I'ni\cr\it_\ (iai'dcn\. 33‘) ‘VS‘I. “.3llpm. {I I. Scc \Vcd 3".

I The Bays arid Sound Development Agency King ‘l'iii\ \Vah \Vah Ilut. 333a St \inccnt Strcct. 33l 53“). Spm. [h I.ittlc ix loioun ol thc Ha} \‘ \ttlllltl. othci' than it hingcx on gt‘oo\ c. rh} thin and clcctronica and (ilohal (‘omiiiunicatiiinxlink man 'I'oin .\liddlcton ix at thc hcait oI it all. 'l'hc} cloxcd thc (ilaxtonhuri dancc \tagc \‘. itli a thrcc hour \ct lll|\ )cat' \o c\pccl nothing lcw than a \pcctaclc.

I Michael Bruce ‘l’lic l‘t‘l'l'_\. (‘lidc I’lacc. ~13” llllll. .\piii. L'l3. I:\ .\licc (‘oopcr man.

I Fractal Jack, Dionysus, Seth, RPM and King Rob l‘hc ('athouxc. l5 I'nion Strcct. 3-l.\ (ihllh. ".l5pin. L'l..5ll. ()\cr l.l\ \hou. .\lctal night.

I Galchen, Lo Rider, Moody and The Horny Goats .\‘icc‘ii'Slc-a/i. .lll Sauchichall Strch 333 ‘)(i3'. ‘lpm.

I B Movie Sidekicks t lili .\olc (ale. 5” (ill King Strcct. .553 In 3S. Upm.

I Sneak Attack Tigers \\c\l l3lll. l3 Kclx inhaugh Strch 57» 5lllS. Spin. .\ltcrnatn c rock.

I Grain, One Step Off, Seven Stone Lighter and Minus Three Strauhcrr} l'iclilx. 5(i ()\\\ald Slt'ccl. 33l "S‘l. ".3llpm. tj-l. .\lclal.

I Geoff Martyn Ilcanxccnc. 5 ('i'c\\\\c|l l.anc. .3 3-I (i“(i. Spin. l'rcc. SCL‘ llilltll’\ l-l.

I The B Men and Definitive I’ircuatci'. 3-1l Sauchichall Stt'cct. 333 33lt).

I Solarise and The Funji Munks ('cllar liar. Ramada .lar\ ix ilngraiiii lltllL'l. lllll .\lillt'l' Sll'k'k'l. S3llpin. Inc

I The Nimmo Brothers Studio ()llt‘. (il‘iixu‘lliil‘ llttlt‘l. (il‘ti\\t'lliir lcrracc. 3-ll (i5 |(i. ‘lpm. l'rcc. (ilaxgou '\ hluc\ ltt'olhch.

I Belmondo 'lt'lldl ()\ita. l3 ()tago l.anc. 353153-I. Spin.

I The Vagabonds ‘l'lic Scoiia.

ll3 I ll StockucII Sticct. 553 SoSI. 0pm. I't'cc. l’opiilai' co\ci'\.


I Reiser and Calvin llt'l'ltll \Vau l‘niicrxit) l'nioii. lx’iccarton. l5l 5 333. ()pm. l'icc I)oiihlc hill ol iiidic. \ludcntx and thcir gucxtx onl}.

I Full on Nights 'l'lic (anon! ( i;lll. 3 33 (anongatc. 55(i -l-ISI ‘lpm. L3 Scc Ihu II.

I Out of the Bedroom \\;i\cilc_\ liar. I St .\lat‘_\\ Sliccl. 55" lll5ll.

‘lpm midnight. l rcc. Scc lhu I l

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 14


I Dave Milligan Trio ltciin’x .l;l// ('cllar. S .\lorrixon Strch 4m 5300. S.3(lpin. L'5. PIAIIIISI .\lilligan and lli\ trio \uppl} a niclodic iax/ \clcction lroiu old \tandardx to ncucr l'unk} tuncx.

I Infectious Grooves 'l‘lic Bridgc .la// Bar. S3 South Bridgc. -I7S 35l(l. 9pm. I'rcc. .\cu l.atin _l;I// hand with I)aiiicl l)uggan on pcrcuwion la}ing doun thc grooxcx. R}an ()uiglc) on ti'uinpcl. .\Ialcolni .\lacliirlauc on guitar .1]: .Ioliii .\llan on haxx.

Out of the Bedroom \\';i\ci~lc) lull. l SI .\lttl'}‘\ Slt‘L‘L‘l. 5.57 Ills”.

()ltlll midnight. I‘rcc. ()pcn mic \cxxion l'or lxdiiihurgh-haxcd \ingcr/xongxx ritcrx. ()rigiiial lllll\lL‘ onl_\ \\ ith thc chancc to rccord a \ct on tour track iuxt hring a hlank tapc.

I Rumba Caliente lllL' Bcai .la// Baxcmcnt. l (‘hamhcix Sti'cct. 4(i7 353‘). lllpni. £3 £3. \c\\ \i\ piccc hand Icad h} Salxa (‘cltica trunipctcr 'loh} Shippc}. pro\ id:.ig thc l'iiicxt in hot i'atiiicli_\ l.atin \itlllltl\.


I Glasgow Jazz Record Club l‘nitarian (‘hurch (critic. "3 Ilcrkclc} Sti‘cct. 33l 3l5--l. 7.30pm. (3 ii] mcmhcrxi. .Ia// rccord cluh and di\cu\\ion group. \ ixitorx \xclcoiuc. I‘urthcr dctailx l'roni Iirnic Spcirx. (Illl X30 30-“),

I John Barnes and Dave Cliff ‘l'hc l’iping ('cnlrc. 3U 3~l .\Icl’hatcr Sti‘cct. ('oucaddcm. 3S7 55l I. Spin. L") L'lll. .la// .\lainxtrcam prcxcnt thi\ c\ccllciit pairing ol' \a\ophoni\t .lohn Itarncx and guitarist I)a\ c ('Iil’l'. accompanicd h} thc loin I‘inla} 'l'rio.


I Tony King Collective IlL‘lll'} ‘\ .la// (‘cllaix S .\lorrixon Strcct. to“ 530i). .\lidnight. L5 I’rccxtflc l'unlx \\ith \ocal\ lroin Ion} King. l'orincrl} oi' (iroo\c I)igga/.

I Lynne O’Neill Quartet IlL‘lll') \ .la// (‘cllaix S .\lort‘ixott Strcct. to? 53nd. S.3llpm. to. (il;t\go\\ -ha\cd \ocalixt l'rontx thix inno\ati\ c l'ourxonic \\ ith \oiigx ncu and old.

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk Sti‘cct. (ioS 3(Il‘). S.3(Ipm. [Ill £l3.5() (LS L'lll.5lli. 'I'hc S.\'.l() ha\ hccn onc ol' thc \ignil'icant \uccc\\ \toricx ol' thc pa\t dccadc iii Scottixh lia/x. 'l'oniin} Smith \\ iIl \horll} rclcaxc thc hand'x dchut rccording on lli\ o\\n Iahcl. hut l'or thix conccrt thc} \\ill tcam tip \\ith (icrman pianixt and compoxcr I‘lorian Row. including a major nc\\ \xork L'olttlllixxionctl l'oi' thcxc conccrtx. Scc pi‘c\ icu.

I The BackBeat Band ‘t‘lic Itridgc .la// Bar. S3 South Hridgc. ~l7S 35 III. ‘lttltl. l’il'k't'. I'itttll' pit‘L‘L‘ L‘lL‘L‘lt’it‘

ia// night l'caturing l’aul 'I'oundrou on

\a\. l\)tt\\ Hamilton on haxx. Stuart (iorman on guitar and Bill K}Ic oit tll'lllll\.

Saturday 16


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\Icrchaiitx ('orncr. IS

.loliii Strch 553 3Slll. 3.30 5.3(lpm.


azz listings Music

Phil Robson Trio English guitarist Phil Robson has been around for a wee \.-'.'hile now. but the release of his stiperl) //ii;‘)ish CD this year has (IOIIIlt’l‘KXl that he has reached a new level of authority and originality. He IOZtl‘lS up here \‘Jllll a dreain-tea'n rhythm section of James Genus on bass and the legendary Bill". llar: on drums iii/orth the 21(ll‘ll88l0l‘. on their owni. Henry's Ja// Cellar. l.a'inhiirg/i, Thu 2] Nov.

Petter Wettre Trio/Quintet lhis exeiting Norwegian saxophonist is worth (:al<:li:ng in any setting. but his latest visit takes on extra value '.'.’lill the addition of two of the great names in Norx'xegian Jazz. bassist /\i':ld Andersen and {litll‘ll‘lOt' Jon ()lir‘istensmi. Colin Steele and lvlaleo'in lvlael 'arlane complete the (iiiinte‘. part of the shen‘x. Henry's Cellar: [o'uiixi/‘g/i. Fri 9? 5; Sun (SC/t. Glasgow. 8a.r 2’3 Nov.

Jack Emblow and Tony Compton Aeeordion is rare enough in ia// to take on novelty value. but there is nothing lightn'reigh’. about .Jaek I-l‘ll)l()‘.'."S master; of the i'istruiiient. or his inii)rovisational (tl)lliii(}8. lle rs j()lll(3(l here by a seeor‘d hex payer. Ion; Compton. plus bass and ditii‘ts. Piping Centre. (it'isgoai. [ha 28 Nor;

l‘rcc. (‘Iaxxic iax/ tunc\ li'om (icorgc .\Ic( ioixan and Ili\ orchcxtra. pla_\ ing thc lllll\lL‘ ol' Dukc IiIlington. ('ount Baxic. (ilcnn .\IiIIcr and Budd} Rich. I Graeme Wilson Quartet Brcl. 3‘) 43 .-\\hton l.anc. 343 -I‘)o(i. 3 (ipm. l‘rcc. Illi\ l'ourxomc. Irontcd h} talcntcd _\oung \a\ pla} cr \Vilxon. pla_\ hopiin inatcrial uith cthnic inl'lucnccx.

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra RS‘.\.\tt). tut) Rciit'rcu Strcct. 333 5057. Spin. [I I.5ll t [St Scc I‘ri l5.


I Yush Records Showcase Night llciir) \ .Ia// (‘cllaiz S .\Iorrixon Slrcct. lo." 53””. Midnight. L5. Hip hop. l'unk and ragga l'i‘oiii Yuxh .-\II Star\ and Kai.

I Jazz Brunch’l‘lic Bridgc .la/I Bar. S3 South Bridgc. ~I"S 35“). 3.30pm. l’rcc. Rohci‘t l’cttigrcu l)uo add to that ltll} \\L‘L‘I\L‘Iltl l-L‘L'l.

I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club llcni‘) \ .la// (‘cllaix S .\lorrixon Sti'cct. to.“ 52hr). S.3(lpiii. Ui. l’ormcrl} knoxxn \impl) ax thc llot (‘luh. \ iolinixt .v\Ic\ \cllou lccV trio \crx c up xxx ing Ill thc claxxic lx’cinhatdt (irappclli \t}lc.

\J. . .‘ THE LIST 55