Theatre listings

Glasgow Drama continued


100 Rent‘revv Street. 332 5057. III. \\'('. \VAI

Arcadia l'ntil Thu 14 Nov. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). RSAMD'x tinal _vear BA xtudentx pert‘orm Tom Stoppard'x exploration ot' the natttre ot‘ truth. titne and the dit'terencex hetvveen claxxical and romantic temperament.

Red Sky in the Morning Tue 26 Fri 2‘) Nov. 7.30pm (I-‘ri tnat 2.30pm). £6 (£4). RSAMD .xtudentx pertorm tvvo tranxlated (iorkv pla_v.x. Billie/tor and I)n.vlt'gu_ver. xet on the brink ot‘ revolution in Rttxxia. 1‘)l7.


25 Albert Drive. ()845 3303501. I1’.'1”'1‘. \\'(‘. WA]

A Brief History of Time Sat

16 Sat 23 Nov (not Sttn ’I’ue & 'l‘htt). 16 Nov. 6.30pm: 20 Nov. 22 Nov tk 23 Nov. 6.30pm. 7.15pm. 8.45pm ck 9.30pm. £6 £0 (£3 £5). \‘anixhing l’oint'x adaptx Stephen llavvking'x landmark hook on the evoltttion ()1 the univerxe. 1-‘o11ovv a giant rahhit around 'l'ramvva) ’x xpacex to encounter projection and muxic inxtallationx vvhich vvill alter _vour perxpective on time and xpace. See previevv.


63 'I‘rongate. 552 4267.

Stitching litttil Sat 16 .Nov. 7.30pm. £8 £1 1 (£5 £6). .\ tattltlexx couple re- evaluate their relationxhip and paxt xexual hixtoriex in light ot‘ an unexpected pregnancv Brilliant and dixturhing .'\nthon_v Neilxon plav

Glasgow Dance


253 .'\rg_v le Street. two) ()22 0300. I\\’('. \\'.'\|

Lick my Heart l'ntil Thu 14 Nov. 8pm. £6 (£4 ). Sean 'I‘uan .lohn prexentx a a xelection o1 dixtorted characterx. .xtrangc mov ex and live ohxcene phone callx. l’ul‘l o/(i/uvgtrv.

Shear I'ntil Stm 17 Nov. 14 Nov tk 17 .No\. 7pm; 15 Nov & 16 Nov, 8.15pm. £5 (£3). .\ xite-xpecitic piece comhining v ixttal and pert‘ormance elementx trom Brian llartle} (Stillmotion) to evplore the emotional anatom} oi the hod). l’ttrl ufdre/tev I.t've.'

Frenzy Thu 21 Nov. 8pm. £6 (£4). See (ilaxgovv. :\rcltex,


U3 ‘)5 11}ndland Street. 357 3868. III. \\'('. \\'.v\I

Mano Y Tat Kar Hi 22 Nov.

7 8pm. £3 (£2) Iron) 42.3 2204. .\ t'uxion project that hringx together Spanixh t'lamenco and Indian kathak dance.


270 Sauchiehall Street. 331 1854. I\\'(‘. vv'.,\|

Dance School of Scotland Sat to Nov. Noon. liree vvith R(i1e\hihition ticket. l’ttpilx at (ilaxgovv 'x prextigiottx dance xchool pert'orm.


282 Hope Street. 332 001111. [11. \\'('. \\'.-\l

Ballet Boyz llttt 14 Sat it» Nov. 7.15pm. £6 £16. .\licltael Nunn and William 'l‘rev itt comhine ballet and contetttporar) dance to breath-taking et't'ect vv itlt tltix three da} xtint. Launched mid-xumtner 2001 tltexe 1io_\/ have quickl} become one ot the xtnartext. xe.\iext troupex on the Itt'itixlt dance

Edinburgh Drama


l3 2‘) Nicolxon Street. 52‘) 6111111. Ill. \\'('. \VAI

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat t'ntit Sat 16 Nov. Mon 7.30pm; 'l‘ue ’l'hu 2pm ck 7.30pm: 1-‘ri 5pm tk 8pm; Sat 2pm tk 8pm. £13.50 £21.50. 'I'hat coat ot man} colourx ix doing the roundx again ax the Tim Rice-Andrevv l.lo}d \Vehher hihlical epic returnx to Scotland.


Iilm Rovv. l.eith \Valk. 317 303‘). I1’. \\'(’. \\‘.-\|

Fear and Misery of the Third Reich l'ntil Sat 16 Nov. 7.30pm (I'ri & Sat mat 2.30pm). (‘).\11"x Year l\\o Acting (‘ompan_\ prexcntx lireeht‘x popular vvork pot'tt'a} ing the t'earx and xuxpicionx evperienced h} people it) Na/i (ierntanv Directed h} .\1artin Dan/iger.


2 l.ev en Street. 52‘) 6000. Ill. '11. \\‘('. vv'..\|

Girls’ Night Out t'ntit Sat it» Nov. Mon ’l‘hu 8pm; l-‘ri tk Sat 6pm tk ‘lpm. £12 £16.50. l-‘ind ottt vvltat girlx get tip to on a hen night in Dave Simpxon'x hit coined}.

The Gang Show ‘t‘ue 1‘) Sat 23 Nov. Tue Sat 7pm (Sat tnat 2.15pm).

£6.75 £111.\'ariet_\ Slit)“.


43 45 High Street. 556 057‘). |\\'('. \\';\I Our Boys I'ntil Sat 16Nov. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). 'llieatre linigma in Jonathan l.evvix’x nevv plav Set itt 1084. Northern Ireland. the xoldierx are killing time in a militar) lioxpital vvhen a _voung ot'ticer arriv ex to tiper the halance.

The Carlin Moth thin 21 tv Hi 22 Nov. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). 'l'heatre :\1ha prexentx Rohert .\1cl.ellan'x L‘L‘lL‘l‘t'atctl xtor_v o1 imagination and dexire. .\1_vth and tnagic intervveave in a Scottixh theatre o1 drcatttx.

Wed 13 - Frl15

November @ 7.30pm

Pictel International 8t 3::29' 5 Ja :-

,.,,. . AMP, .,.. AF ,-


16 November @ 7pm

Carlo Lev; commemoration


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Friday 22

November @ 7.30pm

The Write Brothers / STG

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Thurs 28 Nov-

Sat 7 Dec @ 7.30pm (not Sun 1 Dec)

Stratncyde Tteatre Group

Death comes to us all. When he came to Mon. he offered him a jot.

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66 THE LIST '-1 .7", 1.3.31,


l5a I’ennyvell ('ourt. 315 2151.

Stick Granny on the Roof-Rack 'l‘hu 14 Nov. 7.30pm. Yearx ot' taunt) tenxion boil over in a comedv that rangex t'rom compaxxion to cataxtrophe courtex} ()1 the .\lx1itx.

Rapunzel Sat It» .Nov. See Kltlx lixtingx.

Monsters in my Wardrobe Sat 23 Nov. See thx lixtittgx.


13 22 (ireenxide l’lace. “371101103424. Ill. \\'('. \\'.r\l

Miss Saigon t'ntil Sat 25 Jan (not Sun). 7.30pm; \Vetl tk Sat 2.30pm tk 7.30pm. £10 £35. 'l'lte \Vext lind xmaxh xct in vvar-torn 70x Saigon. vvhere .v\merican (ilx and har girlx tall in and ottt (it love. vvith tunex including ‘1 Still Believe‘ and ‘.'\merican Dream‘. lt’x a xpectacttlar plttxlt-lt‘St. heautit'ull} xung and moved. even it it ix groxxl} ximplixtic itt political termx.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindla) Street. 248 4848. |1’. 11.1"11 \\'(‘. \VAI

Taming of the Shrew t'ntil Sat It» Nov. 7.45pm (Sat tttat 2.3()pm). £7 £18. 'l'on) (‘ovvnie directx ShakeqwareN novv controverxial pla} about the xupprexxion ()1 the axxertive Kate (Meg I'IRISL‘I'I 1)} the eccentric l’etruccio (limm) ('hixholm). .\ credihle central relationxhip and a xuccexxion o1 grand running gagx help create a highl} enjoythh.‘ evening.


('amhridge Street. 228 1404. Il’. 11.11. \vt‘. vv'..\|

Class Act [-1101 Thu 1-1 Nov. See Kidx lixtingx.

A Little Fantasy Wed 2() Sat 23 Nov. 8pm. £10 (£4 £6). 1‘rom Shakexpeare to the Sopranox. people are taxcinated h) tamiliex the tnore d_\xt‘unctional the hetter. 'l‘old h} an Idiot prexentx itx ovvn innovative xlant on the ‘the litttttll) 3. See prev ievv.

Men in White Suits ltlc 2(» Nov. 7.30pm. £4 (£2). l’ertormed reading. ('all} l’hilip'x pla) looking at the devaxtating et't'ectx o1 toot and tnotttlt on Dumrigg l‘arm in xottth vv ext Scotland. The Joy Society ’t'ttu 2x Sat 3() Nov. 8pm. £10 (£4 £6). Dark Ilorxe and the Brixtol Old Vic prexent thix tunn). rude and highl} ph}xit';t1 piece about the xtthverxion o1 cttlt leader. See prev ievv.

Edinburgh Dance


Lad)“ ell \Va}. .\luxxe|httrglt. 665 2240. II’. 11.11. \\’('. \\'.v\|

Volatile Fri 15 Nov. 7.30pm. £8 (£4.50). .\ nevv production trom avvard- \vinning .\1otionhouxe Dance 'l‘heatre. I‘ive dancerx. a three~dimcnxional xet and muxic moving through rock and claxxical make t'or an electric xhovv.


l3 2‘) Nicolxon Street. 52901100. Ill. \\‘('. \\'.r\l

Paco Pena Flamenco - Voces Y Ecos 'l'lttt 21 Sat 23 Nov. 7.30pm.

£1 1.50 £19.50. .\ paxxionate production \vltich lookx at the ltlxtt)l‘_\. povv er and popularit) ot' llamenco. Directed h} Jude Kell}. the tormer artixtic director oi the “'L‘Slcl‘tt lorkxltlt'e l’la} houxe. tlttx 1\ the compan) 'x tirxt production xince .llttvtt (ii/tutu in 100‘) and comex direct trom 1.ondon’x \Vext Iind. See prev ievv.

Central Drama & Dance


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kildrum. 01236 732887. Il’. 11.3131. \\'(‘. vv'.v\|

Rumpelstiltskin l‘ri 22 Nov Sat 28 Dec. £8 (£6); 1ami|_v ticket £25. Simon Sharke} 'x magical pantomime hringx to lite the popular xtot'v



'l‘a_v Square. 01382 223530. Il’. I1. \\'('. \\'.-\|

The Mill Lawies t'ntit Sat 23 .Nov (not Sun). 7.45pm: 16111 Nov 2.3()pm tk 7.45pm. £5.50 £13.50

(£2.50 £7.50). Dttndce Rep‘x rexident compan} hringx hack thix popular comedic look at lite in the Dundee millx dttring the 1‘)60x.

Telling Tales Sat 23 Nov. See Kittx lixtingx.

East Ktlbrtde


()ld ('oach Road. 01355 261000. II’. 11. we. \v.-\|

Spoonface Steinberg Thu 14 Sat 16 Nov. 8pm. £7 (£4). llall'x criticall_v acclaimed pla} haxed on the lite o1~ a )oung autixtic git‘l‘x hattle

\\ ith cancer ix pertormed 11v Nomad :\rtx.


ADAM SMITH THEATRE Bennochv Road. 01592 412920. ll’. 11. \\'('. \\';\l

The Kingdom of Song ’I‘tttt 14 Nov. 7.30pm. £12.50 (£8 £11.50). Songx t'rom SUIIIL‘ ot‘ the great animated mov iex.

Rapunzel Stttt 17 Nov. See Kidx lixtittgx.

The Love Child Wed 2() Nov. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£4.25 £5.50). Agatha Bodenham vvithdravvx trom lite tollovv ing the death other mother in Red Shitt 'I‘heatre (‘otttpattv 'x adaptation ot' lidith ()liv ier‘x hevvitching novella. llighl} rated earlier on itx Britixh tottr.

Pickwick Mon 25 Sat 30 Nov. 7.15pm; Sat 2.3()pm & 7.15pm. .\Ittxical verxion ()1. III/It’ I’tt‘ktt'it‘k l’upers t'rom Kirk‘cald) Amateur ()peratic Societ}.



llovv del). (11506 433634. Il’. “.(I \\'.'\I The Kinetic System Part 1: Underground Culture Sat 10 Nov. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Spinal (’hord Projech comhinex dance. aerial \k‘lllx and martial artx it) a vixttaI exploration ()1 a m)thica1 underground vvorld. Catch Your Breath Wed 27 tv ‘I’htt 28 NHL See Kltlx lixtittgx.

St Andrews


.v\hhe_v Street. 01334 475000. II’. \\'('. vv..\|

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

l'ntil Sat 23 Nov (not Sun). 7.30pm (Sat tnat 2.30pm). £8.50 £14.50

(£7 £8.50). 'Iennexxee \Villiamx’ pla} itt vvhich an tit-lighting t'atni1_v gather to celebrate Big Dadd_v 'x 65th hirthda). See revievv.

Franny and Zooey l'ntit Sat 10 Nov. 8pm. £7 (£5). .11) Salinger’x dark exploration ot intenxe relationxhipx. Scottish Dance Theatre

Tue 26 Nov. 8pm. £8.50 (£5 £6.50). .-\ douhle hill o1cotttetttporat‘) dance t'rom one ot' Scotland'x leading companiex t’eaturing Revenge qu/te Impmsih/e 'l‘liinev h_v loll) Roden and Pete Shenton :tt‘ttl Utlt/t/t' I'm .VUI lli’l/ h} Jan de Sch_vnkel.

Did you Used to Be RD Laing? Wed 27 Nov. 8pm. £10 (£7.50). The lite and vvork ()1 RI) 1.aing.



l'niverxit} ot' Stirling. 01786 466666. II’. 11. \\'(‘. \\'.-\I

Loulou’s Friends t'ntil Sat in Ni“. See Kidx lixtittgx.

Scottish Dance Theatre Hi 15 Nov. 8pm. £7 (£3.50). See St Andrevvx. 13) re 'l‘lteatre.

A Christmas Carol 'l‘hu 2.x

Ntn Hi 2” Dec. See Kttlx lixliltgx.