
A Kick Up the Tabloids lllc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "3‘3. 0pm. £5 Hedi. Brcaking ncux Iroin around lhc uorld ix trcalcd \\ ilh chcck. irrcwrcncc and hlatant contcmpt in \oitic \idc splitting topical \alirc l'i'oin acting political polcniicixtx l’aul Sncddon. Siixan \lorrimn and John l-‘lint.

Rabbit Warren Comedy Club Nichol l'.tl\\;tl‘d\. \ltltll') .Sll’L‘L'l. llq‘ll “)3 933‘), 0pm. £3 (£3). \Yarrcn rcgularx Stcphcn Barnah} and .lohn Scott join hcad hunn} Sarah \Yilxon in thix \xcckl) comic L‘\L‘;t[i;ltlc.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcm'\. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcu Strcct. (MW) '73" ()"(l‘g 7.30pm. [(i.'lilic1'ip roaring Stcphcn K .’\llltl\ iniroducm thc almighty licaling talcnix ol' thc Rmcrcnd ()hadiah SlL‘l‘lk‘lmollc lll laka B.v\l""l‘.v\ Scotland nominatcd .lim \luiri. \ocl Brntcn and t'ormci' paramcdic Brian lligginx.

0 Queer Quips \lcrcur} l.oungc. H3 Bath l,anc. 348 1”". Spin. £5. (ia_\- li‘icndl} coincd) \xith ihc diminutn c l.uc) l’oi'tci'. plth comic uordxlnith \‘i\ (icc. .'\|an ('halmcrx and compci'c .v\lan :\lltlL‘l'\oll.

The Live Floor Show Blu‘. ()lt Rcccption. ()uccn .\lai‘garcl l)ri\c. 3 S .H‘ll. 8.30pm. l‘i‘cc. hut lickcicd. l.i\c l'L‘L‘ol'tllllg\ ill Bl“. Scotland\ llll L‘UlllL‘tl} and lllll\lL‘ \hou lcaturing ('i‘aig llill. l‘i’ankic Bo} lc. thc chci‘cnd ()hadiah Stcpiwnuollc lll. .\lilc\ limp and Bob l)oolall_\. ll _\ou caught thc laxt \cricx and \ici‘c pcrturhcd h} ihc up cloxc and pci'xonal audicncc approach. thcn it'x pi'ohahl} licxt to gi\ c thc li\ c \tagc a \\ idc hcrth and nail l'or thc hroadcaxt \crxion. N that docxn’t apply grab _\our lronl rou \cat h} phoning “HI 3% HUI oi' appl} onlinc at \\\\\\.hhc.co.uk/h\cl'looixhou The Stand 'l'hc Slalltl. 5.5.5 \tht‘kllilllle Road, us‘u ()(lll (i155, ()pin. (5 til I. (iag guarantor .lohn (iillick top\ a lull \\lllL‘ll includcx .\nicha (‘rou lc}. .lohn Row and lltl\l l);t\ ltl Ktt}.



The Stand ’l'hc .Slttllil. .5 Yolk l’lacc. 553 “3‘3. 0pm. £5 iLVli. (iingci' nultci' .lohn l‘lini. plux John Gordon. l>clia (iallaghcr. (ircg .\lcllugh and hmt Kcai‘a \ltu'nh}.

Snatch Club 'l‘hc l.iquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 35M. lllpm Ram. [35“ iL'3.5lli. Scc ’l‘hu I-l.


Watson’s Wind-Up (il£l\:_'(i\\ t-‘ilm ‘l‘hcati‘c. l3 Row Sll‘L‘cl. 553 M33.

l l.~l5pm. l-‘rcc. Scc l'i‘i l5.

Craic @ the Sac ('u! dc Sac Soullixidc/leic. I I7” l’UllleSlltl\\\ Road. oil) IMO/(34‘) fl? 7.30pm. to. liaxt lind ol'(}laxgo\\ l'unn} lad} .laiic_\ (iodlc_\ takcx timc out l'roni hcr glohc-trotting c\pcdition\ to rcturn honic. Scc prcx ic\\. Nam c \cu York comic Sai ioinx political \illll‘lSI .\likc l.andci\ in \upporl. .r\|an .-\ndcr\on L'Ullltk‘l'c\.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcur\. l'(i(' Building. chl'rc“ Strccl. 0370 7S7 0‘07. 7.30pm. £13. Scc 'l'hu 3|.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 333 \\'oodland\ Road. (LS—I'll 0”” ()055. “pm. 1:7 lUH. ll}pcracli\ c hilai'il} li‘om diminutn c ll'l\lillltttl Bi‘cndan l)cmp\c_\. pllh l'oi'mci' So You Think You'rc l‘unn} l’llllllL‘thlp .loc llccnan and John (iordon. .lanc .\lacka_\ crackx thc \\ hip as coinpcrc.


The Stand 'l'hc .Slalitl. 5 Yolk l’ltlL‘C. 558 "3‘3. 9pm. £7 (UH. Iriin mirthxtcr l)ara ()'Briain. plus .lolm (iillick. .v\mclia (‘rau Ic} and compci'c Siixan .\loi'ri\on.


Craic @ the Sac (‘ul dc Sac .Siltllli\itlL‘/'.r\lllc. l l“) l’ollokxlitmx Rodd. o-l‘) INN/(Ml) J7l'7. ".illpm. [(1. Scc iii

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctu‘x. l‘(i(' Building. chl'i'cu Slrccl. 037” 737 ()7ll7. ".Rllpm. L'l3. Scc 'l'hu 3|.

The Stand lhc Stand. 55.5 \Yoodlgtliih Rlllttl. “370 (allll (i055. ‘lplll. LS. SCL‘ l'll'l 33 but \xith compcrc .Stl\;lll \loi‘i‘ixon. Madcap Comedy Club Statc Bar. l-~l.\‘ llolland Strcct. ‘Mo 03‘). 0.30pm. [5 lil l. ladinhurgh put-donn lll;t\lCl' (iordon Brunton. \iilh l.cc ‘ihc ga) Bci'nai'd .\lanning‘ .\'c\\ and i'cxidcnt llnxl lllll} llotlkcl'x


The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55H "373013111. LN. Scc l'i'i 33 but “ilh compci'c .lanc \lacka}.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l'hc Stand. 333 “mullantlx Ruati (ism (will) 0055. 5.3mm]. [-4 «£3». lhc laconic lrithan introduccx .'\inclia (‘roulcy |)undcc lad Bcn l)arc} and a lioxl ol' \'cl\cl \irginx.

The Comedy Coop ()‘Ncilt‘x. .ll lit-ll Sti‘cct. (WSW) Nollllfl). 8.30pm. £4 iUi. laconic mirth maxlcr .\lichacl Rcdmond \canipci‘\ aci'oxx to“ n to hcad a caxt \\ hich includcx .lohii (iillick. .lamcx (‘aniphcll and coinpcrc Jamic .\lcl\'cn/ic.

Craic @ the Sac (‘ul dc Sac Sotillixidc/s\tlic. l l") l’ollokxhaux Road. (r-l‘) IMO/(w) II". 3.30an [-1. Scc ill


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 “3‘3. lpm. l‘rcc. Scc Sun I".

7.3 Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'hc 'l'ron. ‘) llunlci‘ Squarc. High Strcct. 33o (MRI. Spin. £3 iL'3i. l’L‘l'lUl'lllilllL‘C poctx ol' thc \Hll'ltl conic logcthcr l'or thc launch ol‘ tic“ antholog} .S/iorl I‘IIH‘. liditoi' 'l‘odd Slitllll ol' \lontrcal lollh ;l llo\l llli poctx l'rom .v\mcrica. l‘i'ancc. lingland and Scotland in a lull) intcrnational inccting ol' nundx. Jcin Rollx and .-\nita (iman \‘illllllL'l'L‘.

Sunday Safari lllc Stand. 5 Yan l‘lacc. 55S ~3‘3. Sillpm. [-1 IE3I. .r\llan .\lillcr introduccx Bcat lilo nrcxcnlci‘ l)c\ ('larkc. local \\ idc ho} .lamc\ l‘ci'guxon and thrcc gtlc\l\.

The Rabbit Warren Comedy Club (‘anon'x (iait. 333 (‘anongatc. (WM W3 935‘). Sfillpm. L31 it3i. Scc Sun I".


Offside BB('. .\lain lh‘ccnlion. ()uccn \largarct l)ri\ c. .ill5 (roll), ~pm. l‘rcc. hut tickctcd. SOC .\lon l5.


Red Raw lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 555 "3‘3. 8.30pm. Ll. Stand up ncucomci'x arc put through thcir paccx h} hoxt ('hi‘ix ('oopci' and hcadlincr l-i‘ank ()iunn.

Tuesday 26


BBC Scotland’s Live Floor Show 'l'hc .Slgtlltl. 555 \Yootllallth lx’oad. llhflll (lllll 0055. 5.30pm. l’i'cc. Scc 'l'uc I‘).


Stu and Paul llic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55.\ "3‘3. ‘lpm. L'l iL‘ii. lmprm c\pcrl\ Stu and Paul cmhark on a qucxt into lhc grcat unknonn \Viih \nccial gucxtx li'oin thc circuit popping up in procccdingx. ari}thmg can happcn. and \\ ilh Ihcxc [no at ihc hclm. it prohalil) \xill.

Wednesday 27


Cruikshank and McCabe 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Yoodlanth Road. 0850 (illll (1055. .S.5llplll. Ll iL‘M. 3lllll l’ci‘rici' Ncucoinci‘ \\inncr\ (iarth (‘i'iukdiank and l1ddic .\lc(‘ahc taka llai‘r} .\llt\\\t\l'lll and HM c Strong) prcxcni thcir monthl} \liou chock lull ol \nri‘cal nnxchicl and camp nonxcnxc.


Walkout Wednesday lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "3‘3. ‘lpin. Lll iUi. lnlainoux inonthl} cwloralion ol' all thingx ol'lcnxn c. outi'agcoux and do“ nrighl lillh}. \ol l'or thc nicck ol mind.

Rabbit Warren Comedy Club .\'icho| liduai‘dx. \itldr} Sti'ccl. 030-1 103 033‘). 9pm. L5 llc‘3 l. Scc “ml 31).

Thursday 28


Jongleurs Comedy Club ,longlcui'x. l’(i(' Building. lx’cnlrcu Slrccl. “SH” 55" it‘ll". 3.36pm. U», \Vindxor mlroduccx ihc

Andrew Maxwell !n his ()‘.'./li words: ‘lt's tho *.'.’(3() ones you've got to \.'/at(:n_' Soc- tno not wed Irishman rail against soctarianisin and ii Soptonihor. l‘lroSIrr/rd. Glasgow. Mir 7.1 tho Sta/rd.

[ti/ribirr‘g/i. //'i If) 8a! b l‘Jov. Adam Hills lho gontlo AUSSIO giant who. E18l(l(}il'()l‘l notchrng uoa

second Porrior nomination in August. lot festival gob-rs into the ore-\rouslg. uniamvliar world of ‘slumnng'. [no Stand. G/(ISQOW. Fri lo a Sat ’(5 rho Sta/rd. [Ur/:ourg/f. 8.1!: 7/ Nov.

Rob Deering 1" comedy gold stars ‘.'.'(}!‘(;- a'.'.'ar<:(:~<i for (ElllliUSIE‘lSlll their [)oorii‘g gourd ho tor) of tho (:lass. (Ionirasfing support for tho chipper sonar: (:ornos from (loadpan Gary Delano-1.. Roasamx,‘ Cabarol Bar; {ulnar/gr}. [BO 73) Nov.

Queer Quips llli‘: emerging. but won. loony. l,tl(2‘, Porto-r tincturodr guosts at I'lti first rusta.;rn(:-nt of this ‘.'.’(E()k!j. gag. ll'l(}.'l(lil. org": linprosswo nanros on tut:- g21§.'<:.r’<:trr: aro olannod for afloat should l)(‘: a no roaring iatiglttortion. 5",»,"ortra-I‘i; lounge. (Elgisgo'.'.. In.» 9/

Big Word Performance Poetry lht} Big \-".‘t).':i loam tSl)()ll us ‘.'.’|lli to! another first for Scotland ‘.'.’l‘.(}l‘ llliE‘, Help aanci‘. intornationai no :-lr{. {lliI?l()l()g}\, \ ‘nor't‘ / uso. \"i’att:h out for szxxlrr‘g Canadian oorforinor Azioorra Karas'm an‘ongs! tho intori‘at:onai (:roo [ho fro/7.

I (Jr/intru'gf‘. 5.1:? X-l :vo‘.’

amiahlc lt'c\oi' (rook. torincr \anta .\ndrc \‘inccnt and (icoll' Bo}/. l‘LNl knoun l'or hix \\ ickcd l)c \iro impci'xonalionx. Queer Quips .\lci'cui'} loungc. l-l3 Bath l.anc. 3~l.\' V". Spin. £5. (‘amp ll‘l\ll comic .lamcx llohncx hcadlincx lll|\ gay l'i‘icndl} night. \\ith local comcdiam ('huck Roxx and Kcai'a Murphy

The Live Floor Show BBC. ()Itl Rcccption. ()uccn .\l;ii'gai‘ct l)i'i\ c. 35S 5-llll. 3.5llplti. l'II'L‘C. lilll llL‘kClCtl. .SCL‘ ‘l‘hu 3|.

The Stand 'l-llC Shilltl. 5.55 \Yiiiitllttlltl\ Road. (that) hill) (>055. 0pm. (5 (El). (ioi‘doll Southcrn. \oo York comic Sai. Blair Watt and gucxt compcrc.


The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55.\' "3‘3. ‘lnm. L5 (L34). 'l‘hc hallixtic Ra} mond .\lcarn\ hcadlincx. \\ ilh l‘I'ank Quinn. (irant U'Rourkc and hoxt Donna Ki‘achan.

New and Used Stand-Up Comedy (iildcd Saloon. 333 (‘o\\galc. ~17? 353“. 0pm. U iL'3i. Scc ‘l‘hu l-l. Snatch Club 'l'hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Sli'cct. 335 350-1. lllpni 3am. £3.51) lL3.5lll. Scc ’l'hu l-l.

‘\ .. THE LIST69