Clubs listings

Andy Smith guests at Mish Monster Mash, Sat 16 Nov (also Radio

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Billy’s Assorted Flavours at .\'ico‘x. llpm midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. ('hu'x) llamurx xatixt') all xtudcntx hclot'c the) hcad oll otit into thc xtrangc night.

I Colin Davie at Sp) Bar.

9pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. (‘olin l)a\ ic docx hix thang. dcliwring xomc qualit) hottxc groon and \thatctcr thc hcll hc l-CClS llle'.

I Doctor Salsa at lla\ana. S ltlpm. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. .\ xalxa claxx lor hcginncrx \tith l)octor Salxa. l.ct thc good doctor chcck _\ottr xalxa pulxc at thix popular 'l‘uc claxx.

I Rueda de Casino at (’uha Nitric. 7.30pm midnight. £4. \Vcckl}. ll laxt- mining (‘tihan xtrcct dancing ix _\ottr thing. thcn not onl} arc _\ou an intriguing human hcing. hut _\ou xhould alxo drop in lor thix night. l)ai‘.cc inxtructorx arc l'roin tltc .-\cadcmia dc Salxa. xo _\oti‘rc in xalc. xc\} handx.


Campus at lhc .\lci‘cur} l.ouitgc.

8pm Rant. [3 hcl'orc l lpm; H al‘lcr. \Vccld}. Studcnt night at thix ga_\ \cnuc in thc coinpan} ol‘ liarhara l.a lluxh \xhich protnixcx gamcx and laughtcr. l).l .\lichc|lc \L‘l\ thc tonc ttpxlalt'x.

I Fool’s Gold at .\l.-\S. l lpm 3am. H iL'Zi. \Vccld}. Mod and lunk in thc light room ix complcmcntcd h} indic claxxicx in tlic hack. ('laxxic l‘orinula in nicc xui'roundingx.

I FUN at (’uhc. ll.3t)pm 3am. l‘i'cc. chkly liiinlt} uniquc and HT} naught} packcd \xith plcaxing pop muxic. troin Shaun and (icot'gc‘) Bo}.

I Juicy Tuesdays at tlic \‘clwi Roomx.l lptti 3am. £4 ilrcci. \Vcckl}. Bill} Milligan xpinx xtudcnt claxxicx in thc upxtairx xuitc uhilc Scott .\lc.\lillan p|a_\x Rtkli and hip hop lll thc do“ nxtairx loungc.

Chart & Party

I Klubclass at :\rchaox. I lpm 3am. £3 it'll \VcckI}. Hip hop and Rtin l'oi' thc hurgconing 'l‘ucxda} night xtudcnt xct. .-\rchaox xucccctlx in xtll'\ i\ ing thc gcncral downturn in cluhhing ligurcx.

78 THE LIST 1-1 L7”, N‘w. ,9

Babylon, Edinburgh, Fri 15 Nov)

I Laid at Shack. lltfillpm .‘am. '5 (Bi. \VL‘L‘H}. lltc Shack ix onL‘ (ill lhc lttlxicxl cluhx in lti\\lt right no“. 'l'hix ix a night ol' xiinplc hut pititiant plcaxurc. l’ump tip thc toluinc.

I Shooting Stars at thc (iat'agc.

llpm 3am. L11 iL‘Ri. \Vcckl}. (icrr) and Iain ltccp thc drunk kidx happ} \\llll chart) houxc and pop hitx.

I The Shimmy Club at licnnct‘x. ll..ill[lltt 3am. £3 it'l.5tti. \Vcckl). .\ xtraight-ixh and xttidcnt} night at thc ga} \cnuc. \xith Raynond l):i\i'cn maintaining thc part} atmoxphcrc.

I TIT at ll'dSll. lltfitlpm 3am. Lil iL'Zi. \Vcckl}. (irahamc l’t‘l‘g'llxiill and Scott l‘rcc xpin garagc and houxc iti thc main room. “hilc l).l Rt‘lk‘l'l le‘L‘P\ thc lxlkl\ ctilci'taincd \\llll plcnt} til L'llCL'SL‘ it] l‘oiitlt l\\ti. (ill’l\1 diamantc hooh tuhcx arc a muxt. othcm ixc _\ou could look xlightl} undcr drcxxctl.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Fluid at tlic l’olo l.oungc. lttpni lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l).l \\';i_\nc l)i\on mi\cx up claxxic ltltilx. xotll and dixco \\ illi ti daxlt ol contcmporar) tuncagc. and lhctc arc halt pricc cocktailx to makc xut'c thingx go “ith a xtiing.

I Mark Robb at thc ('til dc Sac.

‘)pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vccltl}. \lark Rolili ol llutl(‘ltih lamc prm idcx tlic rctro ltllllx and xotll groin cx lit thc \\c\l l'illtl ttl;t\\i\ c. I Moda at .\lotla. Spin lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Stnooth and xoull'ul Rtkli \\llll l).l \iall. at onc ol' thc \\\;llllxlt‘\l looking \cnucx in to\\ n.

I Russell’s at Ruxxcll'x. ‘) llpm. l-t'cc. \Vcckl}. 1)] Ya“ hringx hix \xoi'ld muxic c\tra\agan/a to thc )ttppic tnaxxcx.

I Salsa Fuente at llaxana.

Spin midnight. Lll. \Vcckl}. Salxa claxx llllltl“ L'tl l1} \ttlxtt l).l .ltll'llltl llil'otlgll till cloxing timc.

I Samba with Thaissa! at (‘ttlm \ortc. 7pm midnight. £5. \Vcckl}. :\nothcr good altcrnati\ c to thc houxc. lcchno and chccx} nightx that doiniiiatc (ilaxgou ‘x nightlil'c. lcarn xainha cai'ni\al xt) lc ax \\cl| ax chilling otit to xanilia rcggac hcatx. ()i' lltti\ c upxtaii‘x to thc tapax hat and gct a liit anihicnl.

I Tango Bar at Blacki'i-iat-x.

"7.30pm 1 lfitlpm. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Argcntinian intixic and dancc. in thc moxt cclcctic lxixcntcnt in toxin. lltix \\ ill hc a xuhlimc xcxxion.

I TMA at liaccltux. Spin lam. l‘rcc. liaxcmcnt hcatx and clccti‘o troni l).l i'cal (Mad Dog). .\latt th‘L‘p on chpng ()iii and l) cho ili\ c i.


I Bennet’s at ltcnnct'x. l l.3ltpm 3am. £3.50 it; I .Slli. \Vcckl}. Sara takcx control oncc morc in tlic cluh lamoux loi' niadncxx and an. ahcm. lilicral chat tip polic}.

Biva at thc .\lcrcur_\ l.oungc. Spm 3am. £4 hctorc l lpm: £5 altcr. \\'ccl\l_\. l).l .\liclicllc pro\ idcx thc xoundtrack to tliix \tomcn'x night t'caturing drag king pcrltirmanccx.

I Cubala at liamhoo. 5pm 3am. (5 (UL \Vccld}. Scotti li and Junior (‘ampox join thc dotx hcmccn ia//. lunlx. xoul. hip hop. Rtkli and l.alilt to dcli\ci‘ a \\oi'ltll) tnuxical um.

I Elastik at Hartl} itorntcrl) thc Ifith \otc (‘ltihi llpm 3am. E3. \Vcckl}. l).l ()na tillin Amanda li‘oiti liixi and DJ .\lingo go. takc o\ci' thc muxical xclcction litil' lllL‘ liiI'L‘SL‘L‘al‘lL‘ luturc \\ hilc .Slli l;tle‘\ a lircak to concciitratc on othcr thingx. lniccting xonic mttch nccdcd ocxtrogcn into thc \\ot‘ld ol l).ling and pla_\ ing xoinc daiitit tinc clcctro mi\cd into a l‘;llltlt\llll_\ \L‘lcclcd xotiltdxctipc.

I FAB at Haha/a. I lpiti 3am. l‘i'cc hct'orc llpm; H tL‘M altcr. \Vcckl}. l).l Skud hlcndx gat‘agc. lx’tkli and limit} liouxc. pla} ing to a drcxxcd tip crott d \tho hpr to makc tliix onc ol thc l‘tlxlc‘\i ntiducck nightx in (ilaxgott.

I Jungo at :\l'cll;lit\. l lpm 3am. l‘t‘cc 1(3). \Vcclxl}. Studcnt claxxicx. intlic and L‘ltt‘c\L‘ :ll’L‘ lltL‘ tii'tlL'l' til lllc tl;i_\ at llllx \\c‘c'l\l} \Vc‘tl.

I Nina Nastasia and Friends at (ilaxgott School ol .'\rt. Spin ‘am. Nina \axtaxia and .\laxdair Rohcrtx .u'c tlic dudcx rocking \ic‘x liar.

I Joints and Jams at (‘tttitx

llpm 1am. L‘.i it'li. \Vcckl}. ln thc hack room llarr} It and ltrian l pi‘cxcnt loungin'. a xclcction ol tunk} trackx and laid hack tuncx. \\ltllt‘ lll thc main rootii. a rotating roxlcr ol l).lx xttppl} lx’klt. hip hop and \Ulll.

I The Jumpin’ l-lot Rhythm and Blues Club at tlic \cltct lx’ootnx.

0pm lam. £3 tEZi. \Vcckl}. \ctt tiiglit ol li\ c inuxic \\ ith a icxidcnl hand p|a_\ ing Rtkli. xtting. and Itaxicall} aii_\thang “till it g‘l'titn C.

I People Music at .\l.\S. llpm 3am. L71 ifili. \Vcckl}. \cu night ol hip hop and liouxc trom txto ol thc hcttci undci'grotind (‘ilaxgott lio}x. .\lichac| l’cclx and 'l'om Rcc\ c rack tlicni tip and knock lllL‘lll tlti\\ ll. (il‘t‘ul litl’ ;l \Vt‘tl.

I Shackass at Shack.

lllfittpm 3.3(lam. £5 it‘ii. \\ccl\|_\. 'l‘hc. cr. iniinitahlc I).l 'l'oaxl xpinx lhc ttncxt in chart claxxicx. \\ ith a hcalth} xniattcting til L'llt‘k‘St' ;llxti.

I Stud’essential at .longlcurx.

()l‘ln 3am. l‘t'cc. \Vcclxl). l'rcxh xtutlcnt night at thc comcd} club in tlic lug huilding. l'i'cc cult} and a xhitload ol drinkx proinox int-an that thc t't‘o\\ d \‘.lll hc iii linc tcttlc.

Chart & Party

I Fit at .-\rchaox. l lpm .illlll. L'i it: i. \Vcckl}. .\l\xolutcl_\ coloxxal xttidcnt night \\llll .lolui lx’ichardxon and (iux \lichaclx xuppl}ing cliccx} pop. part} anthcinx attd commci'cial liouxc.

I Media at \lcdta. llpm iani. £3. \Vk'k'lxl}. ('hat'tixti'}. kai‘aolxc and a i'alxc ol hoo/c: \that morc could )ott poxxihl} axk liH'.’ l)i‘inl\x proinox arc lhc rcal honux tall drinlxx L'l licloi‘c laini.

I Souped Up at lllL‘ ('.tj.!t‘.

ll). illpltl 3am. Lit it}. i. “ct-kl). You xhould knou thc xcorc lici'c. and ll )0“ don‘t llicn )titi niuxt lia\c liccn icxiding in a cax c loi' tlic laxt Ill _\c.ux. l).ttl pop and xtudcnt) inadncxx al tltc huxicxt chccxclcxl iii llt\\ll.

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Ballistic at (it) (‘al'tx ‘lpm lam. l'rcc. II .\'o\. l-ortnightl}. l)angcrotixl} haxx lica\_\ tunk and xolid tuncx brought to _\ou h} thc Kit Kat llrotlicrx: .\lil\c_\ Magic. liclic\ c and \Vrcckagc (Boogic .\lo‘ lbnannn. plux thc occaxioital gticxt. I Beluga at lit‘lllg‘d liar and (‘antccn chtaurant. Spin latti. l‘t'cc. “cckly l)ccp gi'oo\cx ol thc houxc and garagc \arict} l'i'oin .\nthon} Small and old xktittl ia/x Irom thc inimitahlc liig lical l).lx Stuart licnnct and Simon llodgc.

I Decks in the City at (‘ti_\ (Rut: Spin lam. l’i‘cc. H _\‘o\. \lonthl}. l’rcxh .'\ll' l‘.\l launch tlnx nctt opcn llL'k‘l’\\ night. xo catch all thc latcxt xpinncrx hclorc thc} hit thc hig litnc. .luxt bring along )otu‘ t'cc'iil'tlx til' l‘iitilx ;t \liil l‘llllllt‘ at

\t xxu.l'i'cxhairlnicotilc

I Drop at thc l.i\ing Room. ‘tpm lam. l’rcc. ll \ox. l-ot'tnightl}. l.a_\ing dottn tlic hcxt iii tcclmo ipintx at Ll until llptn a l\onuxi.

I Eccentric at liam lion. ‘lpm lam. I-i'ctn ll .\‘o\. l'ot‘tnightl}. l'.tl;lll .latncx. .\lc\ MM} and .\ltu‘r;t_\ pla) l'S houxc .tl lltlx ()t'it‘ltlal \l_\ lc liat' \t'\xloli.

I Human Be-ln at lluinan Bc lti.

‘lpni lam. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. lict‘tic nn\cx tip hip hop along \\llll hix onn xntooth groo\cx i l-l .\ 2S NM i \ilulc \;ixt} l’ tlt'opx hix unitluc luxion ot' hip hop. tunk and altcrnatn c hcatx ill \o\ i.

I Immersed in Music at l’tto (‘atita ‘lpni Run. l‘i'cc. \\ccl\l.\. 'l’ltc a\\al'd \tinning (‘/cch thcmc har latinchcx a ncxt l).l xchctltilc. lcatuting thc crcain ol local talcnt iand .i |c\\ (ilaxgou ladxi including (‘iaig (icc I ll NM i. tltc \ixitot' ill Now and Sinoltc} and thc liantlit iIS \o\ i.

I In-l-louse at (‘tt_\ ('atc. ‘lpm lam. Inc. H \o\. l-oi'lniglitl}. \ctt tittalit) houxc xhintlig lroin \ltut'a). Stuart Santlcnian and liuait .laincx.

I Juicy at Iguana. Illpni ittltl. l’t'cc. “ccldy 'l’hc trcxhcxl lx’tklt. hip hop and urhan xoul lrom l).| l._\lc) tScratchi and liix palx.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lottngc.

noon ‘tpm. l'rcc. \\ccl\l_\. (ilohal |.t// gromcx and xoul \\llll Holt ('airn \\llll l)a\a illcadxpini taking out lhc \xhcclx ol' xlccl at 5pm.

I Quality Control at thc \lcadoxxx liar. t)ptti l.t|ll. l‘i‘cc. .‘l \o\. ()H kiltci‘ hip hop. ht'cakx and hcatx \\ ith Ihc tn\ cnti\ c lot that run thc ()tialit) (‘ontrol radio xhott on l'i‘cxh .\ll' l'.\l.

I Radio Oxygen at ()\_\gcn liar and (hill. ‘tpnt lam. l’i‘cc. \Vccltl). l'unlxcd up xclcction oi in liouxc l).lx xttppl} lhc cclccttc lX‘dlS.

I Scratch Techno at \l.tgoo\ liaxcincnt. ‘tpni Iaiti. l't'cc. I-l \ti\. .\lonthl_\. .\li\cd tip. xcratchctl tip cutting cdgc ltotixc. lcchno and clcctto lroin lx’ich) Kc} l'cch. \\ollt.t// .tntl Shad} l)a\c.

I Shadowskill at thc l.i\ iitg lx’ooin. ‘tpm lam. l‘i'cc. l-l tk 3S .\o\. l-oitntghtl}. .\li\ ol tip top drum .\ l‘.t\\ action ttom l).l ,\tonuc. Sainnt} l’ccpx .lllll ('hccxci lSlliltltl“ \l\lll l\)\'c‘ttttl\|.

I Yo! Below at \o' ltt'lou. ‘lpni lam. l'icc. “tally 'l'ht' xuxlii xt_\lc hat gctx lunkcd tip lattn |.l// .tntl “l‘lltl inttxic lltilll l).l l L‘l.


0 Blow .ll liongo ('Itih. lltpni iam. [5. .‘l \o\. ltrtiin tk l‘.t\\ night tioin l tlitorx i l’litx ol lticndl} \ihcx and gi'cat nutxtc ln