Clubs listings

Edinburgh Fridays continued

I 60-60 at ('oeteau Lounge tdow nstaii's at ligo). llpm 3am. £(i. 15 .\'o\. Swinging (ills garage tol the roek Variet} sorr) to disappoint an} So Solid w annahes). soul. mod. R&B and slea/_\' listening the righteous 'l'all Paul Rohinson and Angus A (io-(it) remain resident. while Motherltmk's ever reliahle l-‘r_\ er drops in on guest duties. I House Technique at tigo. ltlpm 3am. £6 (£5). 2‘) .\'o\. The Home Teehnique erew present a night ol drix ing house pleasure. I JAM Fridays at lleriot-Watt l'iii\'ersit_\ l'nion. ltlpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekl_\. .\l;lssl\'C student night with the best in part) tunes. hig heats. tranee and ltink. I Manga at La Belle Angele. 10.30pm 3am. £lt) t£S memhers). 2‘) .\'o\. Monthl}. Manga don't lollow the erowd. the} lead ‘em with their irresistihle monster drum & hass sounds. Bad news. lolks. as Bad (‘ompaiw hate a douhle hooking and eannae make it. htit he} e\er) eloud has a sll\ er lining as Matri\ and 'lee-Bee return. All haeked-up h) residents [)1 Kid. (i Mae. Senses and :\J. 5.9 Manga presents: Roni Size at llone}eott)h. ltlpm 3am. £l4 t£l2). l5 .\'o\'. ()ne oll speeial lrom the .\langa erew as the} w eleome the main man and one ol the most thiiaiiiie lorees in the world ol drum & hass Roni Si/e. (‘L‘lL‘lll’illlllg the release ttl. llls llt'sl L‘\L‘l' solo opus lam/mm Dunn. .-\lso joined h} Dynamite M(' and l)-l’roduet. ll sou like drum & hass and son miss this )ott must he lueking mental. I Mischief at the Venue. Monthl} ne\t date the. I Modern Lovers at ligo. Monthh next date () l)ee. I No Strings Attached at the Venue. .\Ionthl_\ ne\t date 27 Dee.

80 THE LIST '-1 1/}: N». I" "

I Nuklear Puppy at ligo.

ltlpm 3am. £8 £l(l tdiseotmts il in p)'j;tlllitsl. 22 .\'o\'. Monthl}. llard house night leaturing residents .lason ('orte/ and Phil York who are pleased to weleome haek Anne Sasage w ho will hopelttll) he indulging in this month’s pyjama party eelehrations.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ‘)pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘unked-up Vocal house and dance elassies lrom Stevie (i. with Je/ llill starting things oll with his ja/z. Rth and garage mix.

I Opium at ()pium. 10.30pm 3am. liree. Weekl). See 'l'hu.

I Perversity at the Venue.

ltlpm 3am. £8 (£6 memhers). 15 NM. l'nderground house and tranee in the main room lron) I)Js Allan Roy and Barr} l'air. l‘tmk} and trihal house downstairs in the eooler. .-\nd seeing that it‘s their seeond hirthda}. now ‘s ahout the right time to dralt in Lee Dagger t.\liss .\lone_\ l’emi} 's/l‘urnmills) and Paul Barnes t(}lam) to up the odds.

I Planet Earth at (‘itrus (‘luh lt)..‘~()pm .‘sam. £5. Weekl}. .\lllle‘ lrom l‘)7(i through to l‘)S‘) or in other words a health} dose ol punk. new \\;i\ e. new romantie and eleetro pop.

7 Pure at Sttidio 24. 10.30pm Ram. 22 .\'o\ onl}. the might) l’ure return to their old stomping grounds ol lidinhurgh tor a one—oll Rotter's (loll (‘ltth speeial. 'l‘he lahel ol ehoiee lor Andrew Weatherall and Radioaetis e .\lan (Keith 'l‘ettltiswootll who w ill hoth he in lull elleet. with a lull lise set lrom R.\l himsell.

I Radio Babylon at La Belle Angele. It).3()pm 3am. £‘). l5 .\'o\ ottl). Radio Balwlon strikes haek. Returning hit another one otl speeial with :\nd_\ Smith tl’ortishead) joining lorees with Seott llendry lor a lour deek mash-up alongside the Merr) l’ranksters. Brainstorm and the di\ ine .\liss l’enn} l’ornstar.

I Roadblock at l’o .\'a Na.

ltlpm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm: £4 £5 alter. Weekl}. .\'ieei l" stops the trallie in had musie when she digs tip the hes! in ltmk. diseo. house and hloek roekin~ heats.

I Salsa . . . Salsita! at lit Barrio. ltlpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekl). Hot and tier} salsa aetiot) lrom the lil Barrio l).I team on rotation.

I Disco ttl \VCL‘ Red Hill. ltl5tlpm 5am. £(i t£4 £5). 15 .\'o\. .\lontl)l_\. l.auneh night ol new lorward thinking musie esperienee with an eeleetie mi\ ol jaekin‘ groo\ es. miero house and ltmk} elee-teeh. Residents Brian d’Sou/a and I)irt_\ are joined h} [)1 Klth lot it sL‘l‘ttlL‘llL‘tl llp L‘lL‘L‘lt't) set. I 800 Delicious at ('ommple\ tlormerl} (’luh Ja\a). ‘)pm 2am. £7 (£5 tltL‘lttliL‘t'sl. 2‘) \t)\. l)eep. tlll'l}. \L‘.\_\ house shin dig. Birthda} Bash so l’ete ()w en is joined h} Brett King t.lo_\ ) to take _\ou on a iourne} through the history ol house. l’ltis all the ttsual sweeties. ehill out and head massages will he on oller lrom ('rew 2(lt)(l. Birthda} goodie hag lor the first 3t) punters.

I Switch-Up! at La Belle Atigele. lt).3()pm—3am. £7. 22 .\'o\'. A new hreakstep tlunked-up hreaks. garage. drum 6: bass and tech-house to the uninitiated) experienee with residents (iigi and the B-Keeper. With speeial guest l-‘elix (ll) Kilo Reeot‘tls). For [his

(lure only 'xl-leI't‘unl Ito/(let's get [I all

door prit'e before midnight.

I The Time Tunnel at \ltissa llot‘ttiet‘l} ('luh .\lereado). ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekl}. 'l‘rend} Wend}. Show hi/ Jase attd Belt} Ford disrupt the spaee- time eontinuum with tunes lron) the ()lls, 70s Lllltl Xlls. ()l' lllil) lk‘ ll‘s ltlsl lllL‘ aleohol.

I Tokyoblu at ligo. llpm 3am. £3. 2‘) .\'o\. l'p-andeoming dotihle aet

pl) ing their trademark hlend ol ltmk) house and elassie grotw es.

I Trouble at the Blue Note at the Beat .la/l Basement. lt)pm 5am. £2 helore midnight; £4 alter. Weekl}. lmpro\ ised Iiax/ jam sponsored h} the legendar} Blue Note Reeot‘ds. 'l‘his lortnight we l)a\ e some rather speeial DJ sets and lix e iains lroni Sidewinder taka Alan lil'}tlt‘ll ol l‘enetik reeords lame)

Manga Presents: Roni Size, Fri 15 Nov

and (i-.\lae thlanga). Both has e roeked 'l‘rouhle . . . helore so e\peet lireworks talso the Bat} s drop h} lot a lull li\ e set on 2‘) Not ).

I Upside Down at Hone} eotnh. lt)..‘\()pm .‘wam. l'ree helore midnight; £4 alter. 2‘) NM. New ltmk} house night with (’hrister. l)a/ l)a\ ies and Alan (‘argill

I UTI presents: A Blue Moon at the Venue. lt)..‘st)pm 3am. £‘) £lt) tU) memhers. reserx ed until lam). 2‘) .\'o\. Monthl). l'ndergrotmd teehno night leaturing resident l)ls Semai. Johnny Oh? and 'l‘ortnod .\lor. Seeing that its third hirthda) time the} we dralted in James Rttskii) ot"l'resor. I)_\namie 'l'ension and Blueprint lame as well as loeal hods Kashah and l)a\ e Brown to help proeeedings go with a hang aeross two lloot's.

I Velvet at ligo. llpm 3am. £(i (£5). 2‘) .\'o\. .\lonthl_\. .\ new women's night lor ga) girlies and their speeiall) in\ ited ho) lriends tmen ean onl_\ gain admission il aeeompanied h) a lad} ). hosted h_\‘ .\liehelle t.lo_\. Wiggle) and to mark launeh night li\ e aet the Angel (‘om-ersation.

Chart & Party

I Cyber Subway at Suhwa} West lind. 7pm—3am. £4 (£1 ). Weekly. An interaetive eluh experienee lor those sad puppies w ho t.\t rather than talk to people. Vote in ad\anee lor the drinks promotions and the musie polie} online or h_\ S.\1S or Use the ‘digital e} her suhwtw polling stations’ in the \enue on the night. Surl to w w w.suhwa) w lor more inlo. I Four Play at Massa tlormerl} ('luh .\lereado). 4 ltlpm. l-‘ree. Weekl}. Mainstream danee aetion and alter olliee anties tw ill) happ} hour lrom 4 Spin ). lt‘s hound to get mess). lree entr} on guest—list. inst e—mail

iltiestlisttn eltthiiiassa.eom or la\ Ulil 226 4224.

I Ibiza Foam Party at Resolution. lllpm 3am. £the. Weekl}. ('ommereial danee. loan). holida} gi\t‘;i\\;i}s t('luh lS-Rtl no less) all night long.

I Office Affair at Suhwa} West limit. 4 ‘)pm. £1 £4. \Veekl}. (’harl tunes. hullet and eheap drinks w hat else do _\oti llt‘t‘tl [0 make ;l litlt‘l ttl )Ulll'st‘ll lll l-l'tllll

ttl _\t)tll' \‘tlllt'ilgllt'Sii